[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Darkangel666 said:
Boss smirked. He popped the seal on his helmet, making a hissing sound and took it off, revealing a handsome but battleworn face with short cut black hair and brown eyes. "Vader is the ultimate general of the Empire, the emperor being emperor palpatine himself, who I've seen twice. The republic was long ago, and its army was grand, working to free the universe of the separatists and their legions of battle droids. I was one of many commando's that fought for the republic, but now barely none are left." He paused to take a short breath and resumed talking. "The Darth Vader of the rebellion would be General Luke Skywalker, one of the few remaining Jedi."
(Ugh, sorry, wasn't getting the notifs)

"Wow, this galaxy has an... Interesting history. What exactly is a Jedi, though? I have yet to hear that term. Is it a species? Or some sort of organization?" The Master said, looking off distractedly, thinking. "Also, what kind of a last name is 'Skywalker'?"
Luka glared at the doctor like a dog staring at a cat in their master's yard. "Sure... now why don't you tell me the truth? have you been spying on us in the past or something??" that would be even creepier. Yuki stood there watching Luka and facepalming. He was always like this, it's not like everyone was out to get him.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
MattieLee said:
Luka glared at the doctor like a dog staring at a cat in their master's yard. "Sure... now why don't you tell me the truth? have you been spying on us in the past or something??" that would be even creepier. Yuki stood there watching Luka and facepalming. He was always like this, it's not like everyone was out to get him.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Arya frowned, she wouldn't let these people talk to the Doctor like that.

"Hey, the Doctor doesn't spy! He never would, he's a proper gentleman! Unlike you, throwing wild accusations like that!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
*Natsu chuckles how the doctor got angry. He looks around and dances a little thinking of a song* Hehehe.

*I groaned a bit, and got up from the wreckage that once was our escape vehicle. My vision was blurry for a bit, I could spot multiple people inside the hanger. It looks like everyone survived the crash, that's a relief. I dusted off my pants, and my green military sweater, which had the XCOM Logo on it. I checked to be sure I still had my headset, and my pistol. Thankfully, I still had them. I walked around in the hanger, trying to regain my strength from the crash.*
Juno Eclipse helped up a few stray ex-prisoners from the burning wreckage, their forms dirtied and tattered, but otherwise, unharmed.



Uh-oh. Standing behind you was a squadron of twelve men, two squadrons to be exact: They weren't 'Star Wars-y' by any means. Hell, they appeared more like United States Marines. Sporting green USMC fatigues, polyethylene fiber combat helmets, and fully-automatic MP5 submachine guns, they trained their iron sights cautiously against you...


“State your name and business!” The squad commander announced, obviously unaware of Juno Eclipse's file-and-rank. Sigh. A hand pressed against his shoulder, “Stand down.”


A man, nattily dressed in a dark green Officer uniform, saluted, “Now, we've talked about this Lieutenant.” He cooed at the squad commander, as if speaking to an infant, “No freaking out the new guys, huh?”

“I, uh... yes sir.”

He stood at attention, their weapons lowered.

Juno Eclipse grinned, saluting her superior, “General O'Neill, always a pleasure.”

“Ah, yes, it is. Isn't it. Soooooo, what do we got here? New meat? And--” He caught Arya, “Dammit Juno, I told you we don't recruit child soldiers! Haven't you read the rules of the Geneva Convention?”


EDI didn't care. She merely turned toward the survivors, “Welcome aboard. The Head Commander of this Republic-Class Vessel is General Jack O'Neill. We'll be heading back to our HQ, The Citadel, within a few moments. Please stand by.”


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Akibahara said:
Juno Eclipse helped up a few stray ex-prisoners from the burning wreckage, their forms dirtied and tattered, but otherwise, unharmed.


Uh-oh. Standing behind you was a squadron of twelve men, two squadrons to be exact: They weren't 'Star Wars-y' by any means. Hell, they appeared more like United States Marines. Sporting green USMC fatigues, polyethylene fiber combat helmets, and fully-automatic MP5 submachine guns, they trained their iron sights cautiously against you...


“State your name and business!” The squad commander announced, obviously unaware of Juno Eclipse's file-and-rank. Sigh. A hand pressed against his shoulder, “Stand down.”


A man, nattily dressed in a dark green Officer uniform, saluted, “Now, we've talked about this Lieutenant.” He cooed at the squad commander, as if speaking to an infant, “No freaking out the new guys, huh?”

“I, uh... yes sir.”

He stood at attention, their weapons lowered.

Juno Eclipse grinned, saluting her superior, “General O'Neill, always a pleasure.”

“Ah, yes, it is. Isn't it. Soooooo, what do we got here? New meat? And--” He caught Arya, “Dammit Juno, I told you we don't recruit child soldiers! Haven't you read the rules of the Geneva Convention?”


EDI didn't care. She merely turned toward the survivors, “Welcome aboard. The Head Commander of this Republic-Class Vessel is General Jack O'Neill. We'll be heading back to our HQ, The Citadel, within a few moments. Please stand by.”

*Natsu cocked his head looking at the men and smiled. He quickly ignited his hands* Ohhh a fight. I'm all fired u- *he was cut off and no fight would ensue* Awww... *The man talked and Natsu listened* Stand by for what?
The Doctor rubbed the back of his head. "To tell you the truth, I thought he was a female upon first glance. He has girlishly nice features," he complimented. "Arya is right though. I don't really spy. Not really." He did watch others at times, but never really spied on one person unless he had a good reason.

He turned his head, however, seeing General O'Neil glance to Arya. "Yes, no child soldiers," he said, slightly defensive.

@MattieLee @JayJay @Akibahara
Akibahara said:
Juno Eclipse helped up a few stray ex-prisoners from the burning wreckage, their forms dirtied and tattered, but otherwise, unharmed.


Uh-oh. Standing behind you was a squadron of twelve men, two squadrons to be exact: They weren't 'Star Wars-y' by any means. Hell, they appeared more like United States Marines. Sporting green USMC fatigues, polyethylene fiber combat helmets, and fully-automatic MP5 submachine guns, they trained their iron sights cautiously against you...


“State your name and business!” The squad commander announced, obviously unaware of Juno Eclipse's file-and-rank. Sigh. A hand pressed against his shoulder, “Stand down.”


A man, nattily dressed in a dark green Officer uniform, saluted, “Now, we've talked about this Lieutenant.” He cooed at the squad commander, as if speaking to an infant, “No freaking out the new guys, huh?”

“I, uh... yes sir.”

He stood at attention, their weapons lowered.

Juno Eclipse grinned, saluting her superior, “General O'Neill, always a pleasure.”

“Ah, yes, it is. Isn't it. Soooooo, what do we got here? New meat? And--” He caught Arya, “Dammit Juno, I told you we don't recruit child soldiers! Haven't you read the rules of the Geneva Convention?”


EDI didn't care. She merely turned toward the survivors, “Welcome aboard. The Head Commander of this Republic-Class Vessel is General Jack O'Neill. We'll be heading back to our HQ, The Citadel, within a few moments. Please stand by.”

(What about cross dresser Gohan?)

Gohan put the dragon balls away, perhaps the General might want them. He then stepped up after the General was done talking

"Hello, pleased to meet you. I am Gohan, of Earth. Half human, half saiyan." Gohan said, sheathing his sword.

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
MrDubWubs said:
Why not? Where i'm from the children fight as good as the men and women. Sometimes better. *natsu looks to the girl* She seems tough to me.
Arya raised her eyebrows and smiled, bowing a little.

"Why, thank you! Although I wouldn't be a great swordfighter without a sword."

She chuckled a little, keeping a proud smile on her face.

// Sorry for the short posts everyone, I think I'm getting a little sick ;-;
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @MrDubWubs

Luka glared then at Natsu, "What are you laughing at?" then the new commando guy walked in, seemed strong enough. "Okay so understand we are in the midst of some war but..." Yuki finished his sentence. "But where is this HQ and when will we be able to go back to where we all came from? Me and my friend have to get home fast, we have our own war to worry about" Luka continued. "If were going to fight than just let me handle things, anything to get Yuki back home safely" Yuki looked at the doctor and wasn't sure if that was a compliment or an insult... Yuki's head then started to pound and a ghostly image of his past self jumped out of hiss body. He passed out again he was having another vision. Luka looked pained and tried to ignore it knowing she was just an illusion.... she was never coming back that Yuki was long gone. There was no way that was her, Elegy fooled him with such an illusion once already he wasn't going to fall for it again. "Luka..." Dammit this always happened it was like he was being haunted.
MrDubWubs said:
Why not? Where i'm from the children fight as good as the men and women. Sometimes better. *natsu looks to the girl* She seems tough to me.
General O'Neill shrugged, "Eh, it's a moral and ethics thingy-ma-bob. Buncha boring stuff. Anyway, yeah, EDI is right. We'll be landing at The Citadel soon- naturally, you can have a nice spa, hook up with a few sexy androids, or alternatively, pick out a few weapons and release all that- how does Vader say it-? Oh right. -ANGER- out on the shooting range." Jokingly, he emphasized the 'anger' part.
MrDubWubs said:
Why not? Where i'm from the children fight as good as the men and women. Sometimes better. *natsu looks to the girl* She seems tough to me.
The Doctor frowned. "Because I don't like my friends placed in the frontline of battle, whether they're capable or not. And she is very capable. But I won't risk her life."

@JayJay @MrDubWubs

After a moment, The Doctor glanced to General O'Neill hearing him speak. "Very well, but what have we to do in the mean time?"

(Last one to explain what is going on, this is Elegy using her illusion on Luka, poor dude)


Akibahara said:
Juno Eclipse helped up a few stray ex-prisoners from the burning wreckage, their forms dirtied and tattered, but otherwise, unharmed.


Uh-oh. Standing behind you was a squadron of twelve men, two squadrons to be exact: They weren't 'Star Wars-y' by any means. Hell, they appeared more like United States Marines. Sporting green USMC fatigues, polyethylene fiber combat helmets, and fully-automatic MP5 submachine guns, they trained their iron sights cautiously against you...


“State your name and business!” The squad commander announced, obviously unaware of Juno Eclipse's file-and-rank. Sigh. A hand pressed against his shoulder, “Stand down.”


A man, nattily dressed in a dark green Officer uniform, saluted, “Now, we've talked about this Lieutenant.” He cooed at the squad commander, as if speaking to an infant, “No freaking out the new guys, huh?”

“I, uh... yes sir.”

He stood at attention, their weapons lowered.

Juno Eclipse grinned, saluting her superior, “General O'Neill, always a pleasure.”

“Ah, yes, it is. Isn't it. Soooooo, what do we got here? New meat? And--” He caught Arya, “Dammit Juno, I told you we don't recruit child soldiers! Haven't you read the rules of the Geneva Convention?”


EDI didn't care. She merely turned toward the survivors, “Welcome aboard. The Head Commander of this Republic-Class Vessel is General Jack O'Neill. We'll be heading back to our HQ, The Citadel, within a few moments. Please stand by.”


*Finally, some people I could trust. Maybe I can find out what in the hell is going on here. I'm not sure if the General is aware of the XCOM Project though, I would have to explain it to him... Not many people are aware of the existence of XCOM. I stayed back a bit, since he was already in a conversation with someone else.*

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Akibahara said:
"I'd just sit back and chill, pal. We're almost there."
(( The next Round/kill will come later on tonight or tomorrow morning at latest! I'm anticipating the Citadel! I've got so many plans! > :o ))
The Doctor folded his arms. "Sit back? Not usually what I'm good at, but if you say so. I just hope we arrive soon." He was already restless. The old time lord was always desperate for something to keep busy.
JustanotherRPer said:
(Ugh, sorry, wasn't getting the notifs)
"Wow, this galaxy has an... Interesting history. What exactly is a Jedi, though? I have yet to hear that term. Is it a species? Or some sort of organization?" The Master said, looking off distractedly, thinking. "Also, what kind of a last name is 'Skywalker'?"
"The Order of the Jedi was a order formed long ago by users of the force that put it to a good use to counter the Sith, force users who used the force for evil." Boss said, clipping his helmet to his utility belt. "The empire took control over the GAR, and issued an order to kill all Jedi. Palpatine did this thanks to that he was disguising himself as the supreme chancellor or the republic, something nobody saw coming. And that" he said as a bunch of armed men came "Is how the republic fell."
Luka ignored the illusion until it was over, Yuki woke up as always remembering hardly anything. His memory was returning extremely slowly because he only remembered a small portion of these visions afterwards. Luka looked at him and then to the guy explaining the jedi and such. Alright then he would help these people and hopefully find his way back home. Yuki spent some time to relax and return to normal. "Well then lets just bring the republic back then, it seems simple enough."
JayJay said:
Arya raised her eyebrows and smiled, bowing a little.
"Why, thank you! Although I wouldn't be a great swordfighter without a sword."

She chuckled a little, keeping a proud smile on her face.

// Sorry for the short posts everyone, I think I'm getting a little sick ;-;
*Natsu smiles* I'm sure you can find your own way to be great with out a weapon. Most people do in my world.
Gohan put on his armor and cape to finish off his clothes.


(This is what he looks like right now, but, older.)

Gohan walked back over to the doctor. "So, do you guess I should try and summon something with the dragon balls?"

(Sorry for little posts, I'm sort of sleep deprived, plus I have ADHD.)

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
Arya chewed her lip and looked at the others.

They were talking about nothing interesting to her, so her eyes drifted off somewhere else.

She looked outside the ship at the stars.

It reminded her of the time the Doctor opened the TARDIS' door, and she saw the night sky from up close for the first time.

"I didn't believe you when you told me you'd take me to see the stars" she spoke softly to the Doctor.

"And I've always dreamed of seeing them from this close. But now that I'm here, among them...

It feels cold... and lonely. Do you think that's how stars feel all the time?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

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