[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

JayJay said:
Arya nodded again, sniffing once.
She gave the doctor a bright smile, thankful he was with her.

"I suppose I only need some... rest. You can wake me when we arrive."

After another quick hug, she turned and walked to a nearby... place where she could sit or lie down, then closed her eyes.

// There's not much to do until we arrive at the place I guess xD Plus I'm feeling sick so I'm just gonna finish watching what I'm watching and then go to bed
@JayJay //All right! Goodnight! Hope you feel better!

The Doctor nodded. "Most certainly. Get some rest, and I will wake you when we arrive if you aren't already up before then. Pleasant dreams, Arya," he told her before watching her go to a resting place. The Doctor, however, didn't intend to rest. He leaned against the wall, keeping his eyes wide open. Having seen so many terrible things in his long life, he couldn't get to sleep often. So he stood in one place, watching the others and loosing himself in thought.

@Anyone who needs someone to talk to The Doctah is in~ (I might go to bed in an hour or less though. But I'm here for the moment. ^^ )
((Traveling tomorrow just saying guys and gals.))

Billy went wide eyed for a second and gave her an angry childish frown.

"SILLY!? Why I dun didilly doo derr uuh- what was I saying?"

"I would usually back hand such err lovely caucasian lady such as ye self for being so disrespectful, then ask for your hand in marriage under JESUS and whip some slaves together! But i'll be mean this time!"

He crossed his arms and then looked at her sword and said




“The Citadel”

You nearly fell asleep.

The soft hum of the Republic Star Cruiser soaring past eons of stars, their celestial forms winking out in trails of vibrant white, was tranquil. Far better than the Death Star-- which honestly, resembled more of a busy work zone than an ultra-freakish-sphere-of-death and all that jazz. It kept your mind at rest.

“ETA 5 minutes until we reach the Citadel.”

EDI, stoic as ever, was busy supervising multiple Alliance programs in the Command Deck. She was smart, even for an AI, her slender humanoid fingers configured maps, encrypted codes, and passwords leading toward The Citadel. The interior of the Command Deck was dark, lit only by the banks of servers and holograms running essential Flagship controls. Key personnel were scattered abroad, interconnected between the Alliance Fleet under the watchful eye of General Jack O'Neill.

“Thank you, EDI.” The General said, standing at attention.

Juno Eclipse smiled, finally, she thought, peace at last. Well,not so much.

She lifted a finger, about to speak, “General O'Neill, may I--” Boom. Juno's body spontaneously combusted into so much meat confetti. Her stomach blew out, spraying visceral gore onto a stray onlooker, his eyes wide in fright. Her head flew into the air, half-blown apart, wet chunks of flesh flopped aimlessly, shortly before plopping in a sickish splatter of brain, sinew, and bone into Officer Bradford's arms- her eyes were milky white, rolled into the back of her head.

The once proud, valued member of the intergalactic community was rendered into liquified paste within the span of a second.

… But who would do such a thing? Who could wield such power?! Only now you realize, deep in your subconscious, there's a traitor amongst you. An Imperial spy perhaps? Who knows.


What the hell just happened?

An envoy of Rebel soldiers, yes the one you're familiar with, fitted in white-and-red jumpsuits and blaster rifles, searched the Alliance Flagship head-to-toe, checking the recently deceased Juno Eclipse. Damn, it appears she died by a micro-bomb- planted within her pocket- the spy was a crafty little bastard. No less, you were free to go.

… To your new home:


The Citadel.​

An artificial sun, coupled with a blue, blue sky graced your skin. The air was soft, breezy, temperature perfectly set in the mid-70s. Various alien races walked to and fro, idly chatting about politics, their social life, the fate of the galaxy-- ah, it was wonderful, wasn't it? You walked upon polished marble flooring, stepping out of the Alliance Flagship only to be met by this:


Evening, or should I say, good afternoon. My name is Cortana, an advanced USNC AI system scheduled to guide you throughout The Citadel. However, I must note, Commander Skywalker has requested a meeting with you at 1500 sharp. Please comply.” She smiled gracefully, “Now let's examine some key areas of interest.

- “First, we have The Master's Chest: Interested in force magic and ancient runes? This is the place for you! Ran by an old Jedi Knight, The Master's Chest is a delight for any and all individuals interested in the mysterious and unknown. I warn you though: Most of the relics haven't been touched yet by mortal hands, so if you're adventurous enough, work with the Jedi Knight and you can experiment!”

- “Our governmental branch in The Presidium: Politics hurts our galaxy, and inarguably, hurts our war against the Galactic Empire. Think you can convince a few old politicians to dispatch some manpower for the Rebel Alliance? Or perhaps, you could work your way to the top- and pick up a few jobs in exchange for manpower.”

- “I'm certain you'd benefit from our Requisitions & Armory. Interested in picking up power armor or a blaster rifle or two? Get one today! Due to your unique status in The Citadel, all purchases are covered by the Rebel Alliance!”

- “Careful about this one, but rumor has it, the Asari and the Furons have been causing trouble in the Flux Nightclub. It's very popular. However, I detect a 86.2% chance a race war will occur if strife between the Furons and Asari does not cease. I'd steer clear if I were you.”

Cortana smiles, vanishing into thin air...

Welcome to The Citadel.

You can now start posting in-game! This is an "RPG Town" type map, so explore, stock up, have fun! During the mid-round update, you will vote for your Captain and be given a ship! So have a Sci-Fi character in mind! Oh, and the first NPC kill has been posted, vote who you think the traitor is! This round will end @ Wednesday or Thursday.

Empire's Most Wanted:

JayJay as Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)

Bombielonia as "Supreme Commander" Aladeen (The Dictator)

MattieLee as Yuki and Luka (Betrayal Knows my Name)

GreenSea as Phoenix (Ace Attorney)

The Gil as James Cole (12 Monkeys)

Klutzy Ninja Kitty as The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Verite as Shirou Emiya (Fate/Stay Night)

Reaper Jack as Saber (Fate/Stay Night)

MrWubDubs as Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

Jeremiah as Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)

R4-C9 as HK-50 (Star Wars)

xxDragonEater95xx as Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

Cressy as Billy the Kid (Nonfictional person)

La Muerte as Kit Fisto (custom) (Star Wars)

Flaming Centurion as General Grievous (Star Wars)

Delayinder as Sev or Mael Radec (Killzone)

Hellkite as Legion (Mass Effect)

ChanpuruDragon as Commander Wolfe (Star Wars)

Lunar Eclipse as Nui Harime (Kill la Kill)

Atarf as Alice Liddel (American McGee's Alice)

JustanotherRPer as The Master (Doctor Who)

Dear Inspector as Khan (Star Trek)

Cyan as Elizabeth (BioShock: Infinite)

Darkens as Gohan (DMZ)

InzaneKilla as Krieg (Borderlands 2)

Beowulf as... Beowulf! (Norse Mythology)

Raggamuffinz as Arthas Menethil (WoW)

Darkangel666 as IC-1138 or "Boss" (Star Wars)

Dallas as Central Officer Bradford (XCOM)

Gilmoregirl12 as Elena Michaels (Bitten)

gogojojo331 as Cade Skywalker (Star Wars)

Apollogy8 as Loki (The Avengers)

oOKanraOo as Sebastian Michaelis (Kuroshitsuj)

Uncle ShortyB as Tychus Findlay (Starcraft)

Elergy as Kotomine Kirei (Fate/Stay Night)

TheColourlessRainbow as Kasumi Goto (Mass Effect)

Battleworn as Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy VII)

Xibilation as Benny (Lego Movie)

Ryu Keiko as Simon (Gurren Laggan)

Beautifulheart3x as Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The Predator (self-titles series)

Pochiko as Jenna (Spectrobes)


Juno Eclipse- BLOWN UP! - INNOCENT.

War Assets:

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Akibahara said:


“The Citadel”

You nearly fell asleep.

The soft hum of the Republic Star Cruiser soaring past eons of stars, their celestial forms winking out in trails of vibrant white, was tranquil. Far better than the Death Star-- which honestly, resembled more of a busy work zone than an ultra-freakish-sphere-of-death and all that jazz. It kept your mind at rest.

“ETA 5 minutes until we reach the Citadel.”

EDI, stoic as ever, was busy supervising multiple Alliance programs in the Command Deck. She was smart, even for an AI, her slender humanoid fingers configured maps, encrypted codes, and passwords leading toward The Citadel. The interior of the Command Deck was dark, lit only by the banks of servers and holograms running essential Flagship controls. Key personnel were scattered abroad, interconnected between the Alliance Fleet under the watchful eye of General Jack O'Neill.

“Thank you, EDI.” The General said, standing at attention.

Juno Eclipse smiled, finally, she thought, peace at last. Well,not so much.

She lifted a finger, about to speak, “General O'Neill, may I--” Boom. Juno's body spontaneously combusted into so much meat confetti. Her stomach blew out, spraying visceral gore onto a stray onlooker, his eyes wide in fright. Her head flew into the air, half-blown apart, wet chunks of flesh flopped aimlessly, shortly before plopping in a sickish splatter of brain, sinew, and bone into Officer Bradford's arms- her eyes were milky white, rolled into the back of her head.

The once proud, valued member of the intergalactic community was rendered into liquified paste within the span of a second.

… But who would do such a thing? Who could wield such power?! Only now you realize, deep in your subconscious, there's a traitor amongst you. An Imperial spy perhaps? Who knows.


What the hell just happened?

An envoy of Rebel soldiers, yes the one you're familiar with, fitted in white-and-red jumpsuits and blaster rifles, searched the Alliance Flagship head-to-toe, checking the recently deceased Juno Eclipse. Damn, it appears she died by a micro-bomb- planted within her pocket- the spy was a crafty little bastard. No less, you were free to go.

… To your new home:


The Citadel.​

An artificial sun, coupled with a blue, blue sky graced your skin. The air was soft, breezy, temperature perfectly set in the mid-70s. Various alien races walked to and fro, idly chatting about politics, their social life, the fate of the galaxy-- ah, it was wonderful, wasn't it? You walked upon polished marble flooring, stepping out of the Alliance Flagship only to be met by this:


Evening, or should I say, good afternoon. My name is Cortana, an advanced USNC AI system scheduled to guide you throughout The Citadel. However, I must note, Commander Skywalker has requested a meeting with you at 1500 sharp. Please comply.” She smiled gracefully, “Now let's examine some key areas of interest.

- “First, we have The Master's Chest: Interested in force magic and ancient runes? This is the place for you! Ran by an old Jedi Knight, The Master's Chest is a delight for any and all individuals interested in the mysterious and unknown. I warn you though: Most of the relics haven't been touched yet by mortal hands, so if you're adventurous enough, work with the Jedi Knight and you can experiment!”

- “Our governmental branch in The Presidium: Politics hurts our galaxy, and inarguably, hurts our war against the Galactic Empire. Think you can convince a few old politicians to dispatch some manpower for the Rebel Alliance? Or perhaps, you could work your way to the top- and pick up a few jobs in exchange for manpower.”

- “I'm certain you'd benefit from our Requisitions & Armory. Interested in picking up power armor or a blaster rifle or two? Get one today! Due to your unique status in The Citadel, all purchases are covered by the Rebel Alliance!”

- “Careful about this one, but rumor has it, the Asari and the Furons have been causing trouble in the Flux Nightclub. It's very popular. However, I detect a 86.2% chance a race war will occur if strife between the Furons and Asari does not cease. I'd steer clear if I were you.”

Cortana smiles, vanishing into thin air...

Welcome to The Citadel.

You can now start posting in-game! This is an "RPG Town" type map, so explore, stock up, have fun! During the mid-round update, you will vote for your Captain and be given a ship! So have a Sci-Fi character in mind! Oh, and the first NPC kill has been posted, vote who you think the traitor is! This round will end @ Wednesday or Thursday.
*After the horrific scene of Juno being blast to bits, by an unknown assailant, I chose to head to the The Presidium. I suppose I could encourage this "council" to provide more troops and equipment for the Rebel Alliance, seeing as how this group doesn't stand a chance against this enemy known as the Empire. Maybe because of my rank, and my skills I gained in the military, it may help persuade this council to help us out.*

(HA! I didn't fall asleep!)

Luka couldn't believe this him and Yuki were now in some new home on this place? Yuki missed everyone already... "Kanata..."


He just couldn't stop thinking about it... why did he betray his trust? and now he would probably never see him again... he sighed and looked down sadly making Luka feel concerned "You okay?, I told you he's not the man you knew... he's Reiga not Kanata anymore"

Then Yuki had a vision of Kanata when he revealed himself as the half Duras Reiga... he was snapped out of his tears however by the AI in which they both replied in unison "Master's Chest"


Elizabeth wasn't exactly sure what had transpired having been shoved in the back of the crowd and hearing a sudden explosion. She broke through the crowd just in time to see the blood and gore splattered across the ground and several on lookers. A silent gasp escaped her lips at the gruesome sight as she quickly turned away. Her eyes seemed to swim with nausea as she rushed out of the ship, taking deep and shallow breaths. It wasn't until her heart rate had finally slowed down did she notice that some type of...blue lady was talking then abruptly disappeared. 'Wait...what had she been saying?'

Elizabeth looked around with slightly wide eyes as everyone began to move into the city in different directions, unsure of who or where to go. So she randomly singled out one person from the crowd and quickly ran over before lightly tapping on their shoulder.

"Excuse me...but did you hear what...the lady had been saying?" She asked, a bit hesitant and slightly embarrassed for even needing to ask.
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Saber had been quiet for some time after listening to both Shirou's and Kirei's explanations of their pasts; so Ilya, and presumably Irisviel, were all dead too; the fact upset Shirou to the point where he would openly despair over it, the same went for herself; though she was a little better at hiding the fact; by contrast, these things almost seemed to please Kirei; he was a sick bastard that's for sure; Saber leant towards him being an enemy naturally, but he wouldn't have been able to use explosives on Juno; that wasn't his field of expertise. The woman who had been with her when she was helping the Doctor on the other hand, had seemed more than suspicious. Vote is for The Master.

She thought about it some more before heading to The Master's Chest, she wished to learn more about the strange power that Vader had used to defeat her in the first place.
*It seemed that the council at the moment was unavailable. I sat down on a near by bench, and waited for my turn to speak with them. I watched as all types of different people walked by. To think, I was sending soldiers to fight aliens, and now I'm practically siding with them... This will take some time of getting used to. I leaned back on the bench, and exhaled. I wonder what's happening back at HQ...and who killed Juno. Someone must have had something against her, it seemed it was almost as though she practically exploded from an IED. I didn't hear a gunshot of any kind, so it must have been a explosive. Odd how it had enough power to literally cause her to explode, yet there was a very small blast radius... Someone is after us, and they may even be among us right now. That Master person seemed pretty suspicious... I think The Master could have been responsible for the death of Juno. I sighed, why would people be turning on each other now? Or maybe they could be an operative of some sort...who knows.*

Boss's vibroblade ejected because of pure reflex as Juno blew up in a thousand pieces. He had seen more terrifying things on Quiilura and Geonosis, even on the crowded city of Coruscant; but this was cruel. He immediately placed his helmet on his head and sealed it. He observed the people around him and, although he may have not wanted to admit it, he thought that the Master seemed suspicious. Vote for the Master.

He decided that he would go to the armory and see what kind of weapons they had available. He looked at the blue hologram woman called Cortana. "Cortana" He started "Are there any barracks or military bases around here? I'd like to see how the soldiers of the New Republic are being trained. Maybe I could help them."

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Akibahara said:


“The Citadel”

You nearly fell asleep.

The soft hum of the Republic Star Cruiser soaring past eons of stars, their celestial forms winking out in trails of vibrant white, was tranquil. Far better than the Death Star-- which honestly, resembled more of a busy work zone than an ultra-freakish-sphere-of-death and all that jazz. It kept your mind at rest.

“ETA 5 minutes until we reach the Citadel.”

EDI, stoic as ever, was busy supervising multiple Alliance programs in the Command Deck. She was smart, even for an AI, her slender humanoid fingers configured maps, encrypted codes, and passwords leading toward The Citadel. The interior of the Command Deck was dark, lit only by the banks of servers and holograms running essential Flagship controls. Key personnel were scattered abroad, interconnected between the Alliance Fleet under the watchful eye of General Jack O'Neill.

“Thank you, EDI.” The General said, standing at attention.

Juno Eclipse smiled, finally, she thought, peace at last. Well,not so much.

She lifted a finger, about to speak, “General O'Neill, may I--” Boom. Juno's body spontaneously combusted into so much meat confetti. Her stomach blew out, spraying visceral gore onto a stray onlooker, his eyes wide in fright. Her head flew into the air, half-blown apart, wet chunks of flesh flopped aimlessly, shortly before plopping in a sickish splatter of brain, sinew, and bone into Officer Bradford's arms- her eyes were milky white, rolled into the back of her head.

The once proud, valued member of the intergalactic community was rendered into liquified paste within the span of a second.

… But who would do such a thing? Who could wield such power?! Only now you realize, deep in your subconscious, there's a traitor amongst you. An Imperial spy perhaps? Who knows.


What the hell just happened?

An envoy of Rebel soldiers, yes the one you're familiar with, fitted in white-and-red jumpsuits and blaster rifles, searched the Alliance Flagship head-to-toe, checking the recently deceased Juno Eclipse. Damn, it appears she died by a micro-bomb- planted within her pocket- the spy was a crafty little bastard. No less, you were free to go.

… To your new home:


The Citadel.​

An artificial sun, coupled with a blue, blue sky graced your skin. The air was soft, breezy, temperature perfectly set in the mid-70s. Various alien races walked to and fro, idly chatting about politics, their social life, the fate of the galaxy-- ah, it was wonderful, wasn't it? You walked upon polished marble flooring, stepping out of the Alliance Flagship only to be met by this:


Evening, or should I say, good afternoon. My name is Cortana, an advanced USNC AI system scheduled to guide you throughout The Citadel. However, I must note, Commander Skywalker has requested a meeting with you at 1500 sharp. Please comply.” She smiled gracefully, “Now let's examine some key areas of interest.

- “First, we have The Master's Chest: Interested in force magic and ancient runes? This is the place for you! Ran by an old Jedi Knight, The Master's Chest is a delight for any and all individuals interested in the mysterious and unknown. I warn you though: Most of the relics haven't been touched yet by mortal hands, so if you're adventurous enough, work with the Jedi Knight and you can experiment!”

- “Our governmental branch in The Presidium: Politics hurts our galaxy, and inarguably, hurts our war against the Galactic Empire. Think you can convince a few old politicians to dispatch some manpower for the Rebel Alliance? Or perhaps, you could work your way to the top- and pick up a few jobs in exchange for manpower.”

- “I'm certain you'd benefit from our Requisitions & Armory. Interested in picking up power armor or a blaster rifle or two? Get one today! Due to your unique status in The Citadel, all purchases are covered by the Rebel Alliance!”

- “Careful about this one, but rumor has it, the Asari and the Furons have been causing trouble in the Flux Nightclub. It's very popular. However, I detect a 86.2% chance a race war will occur if strife between the Furons and Asari does not cease. I'd steer clear if I were you.”

Cortana smiles, vanishing into thin air...

Welcome to The Citadel.

You can now start posting in-game! This is an "RPG Town" type map, so explore, stock up, have fun! During the mid-round update, you will vote for your Captain and be given a ship! So have a Sci-Fi character in mind! Oh, and the first NPC kill has been posted, vote who you think the traitor is! This round will end @ Wednesday or Thursday.

Empire's Most Wanted:

JayJay as Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)

Bombielonia as "Supreme Commander" Aladeen (The Dictator)

MattieLee as Yuki and Luka (Betrayal Knows my Name)

GreenSea as Phoenix (Ace Attorney)

The Gil as James Cole (12 Monkeys)

SekiryuuteiDxD as Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)

Klutzy Ninja Kitty as The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Verite as Shirou Emiya (Fate/Stay Night)

Reaper Jack as Saber (Fate/Stay Night)

MrWubDubs as Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

Jeremiah as Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)

R4-C9 as HK-50 (Star Wars)

xxDragonEater95xx as Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

Cressy as Billy the Kid (Nonfictional person)

La Muerte as Kit Fisto (custom) (Star Wars)

Flaming Centurion as General Grievous (Star Wars)

Delayinder as Sev or Mael Radec (Killzone)

Hellkite as Legion (Mass Effect)

ChanpuruDragon as Commander Wolfe (Star Wars)

Lunar Eclipse as Nui Harime (Kill la Kill)

Atarf as Alice Liddel (American McGee's Alice)

JustanotherRPer as The Master (Doctor Who)

Dear Inspector as Khan (Star Trek)

Cyan as Elizabeth (BioShock: Infinite)

Darkens as Gohan (DMZ)

InzaneKilla as Krieg (Borderlands 2)

Beowulf as... Beowulf! (Norse Mythology)

Raggamuffinz as Arthas Menethil (WoW)

Darkangel666 as IC-1138 or "Boss" (Star Wars)

Dallas as Central Officer Bradford (XCOM)

Willow Blackthorn as Safyia (Neverwinter Nights 2)

Gilmoregirl12 as Elena Michaels (Bitten)

gogojojo331 as Cade Skywalker (Star Wars)

Apollogy8 as Loki (The Avengers)

oOKanraOo as Sebastian Michaelis (Kuroshitsuj)

Uncle ShortyB as Tychus Findlay (Starcraft)

Elergy as Kotomine Kirei (Fate/Stay Night)

TheColourlessRainbow as Kasumi Goto (Mass Effect)

Battleworn as Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy VII)

Xibilation as Benny (Lego Movie)

Ryu Keiko as Simon (Gurren Laggan)

Beautifulheart3x as Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The Predator (self-titles series)


Juno Eclipse- BLOWN UP! - INNOCENT.

War Assets:

*Natsu was horrifed by the way Juno died. He never had seen some one killed. It made him throw up on the spot. He recovered once Cortana spoke* OH oh! I choose the masters chest. I want to see if those runes make me stronger! *he awaits on directions to the area for them*

Apart from the whole "piece of the ship blowing up" thing, Cole thought most of the journey was amusing. He chatted around with a few interesting folks and was starting to build a friendship with the raccoon fellow, Sly. By the time they've reached the Citadel, James was almost happy. Actually, he was happier than he was during all of his life. Seeing the things from this world and the amazing things he had to offer apart from the war. It was an amazing new world to James and he was liking it. Until he saw the woman who guided them all the way here being blown up to pieces. Juno was dead, burning, and there was nothing that anybody could do. Whoever it was, it had exploded the woman. James looked to the Master. The man looked quite suspicious to him, but looked to much human to control fire, as human as himself.

But the folk with the pink hair, the one who could blow fire and had weird teeth could wield fire, although James couldn't remember exactly where he had seen it, perhaps on the spaceship they were on the start, perhaps on the old TV? No, he couldn't say. After all, she hadn't actually "burned", she just blew up. A bomb. That really widened the view over the prisoners with him, and now that meant that it actually be The Master, but he didn't wanted to take a vote loosely based on the appearance of someone. In that case, he should by the Doctor as well, since he was very clever and weird too. Both of them could have slipped the bomb in the pocket in the traitor, but one question stayed on the mind of James: Who got close enough to Juno to slip a bomb into her pocket? He tried and tried, but couldn't remember. His head was just a mess. Maybe it would be best to just pick up a location and head there. His blaster rifle was working perfectly, so there was no need to replace it in the armory. All that he could think of was in having a drink, and so he went to the Flux Nightclub.

(Saving my vote for later on the round, still don't know who to vote)

It was a somewhat quiet, uneventful evening. The Doctor grew more bored just standing around, eventually falling asleep where he stood up against the wall. It was a much needed catnap, but was interrupted by the sound of an explosion. The Doctor found out that it had been Juno. Someone had killed her. Apparently, it had been a "crafty little bastard." There was one person on the ship who seemed that way to The Doctor.

"It's most certainly The Master. I've known her for my entire life and she's an insane murderer. There is no more fitting traitor than her."

Relief washed over him when they arrived at the citadel, however, and he went to Arya to wake her up. She seemed to still be sleeping peacefully, however, so he left her a note telling her to meet him at The Master's Chest. Ancient runes fascinated him, and he wanted to learn more about them. Always enjoying learning about new things, The Doctor made his way over to the chest.

(hehe this time I'm having stuff happen to my character. Elsa was too cautious to let anything happen to her with potions, but whimsical Doctor says... Let's go play with runes!! xD )

@JayJay @Akibahara
Vash had been standing with the guys he had talked to and drifted off into thoughts about food and ghosts and blondes, but was shaken back to reality by an explosion. He thought that they were possibly under attack again but soon found out that Juno was the one who exploded! How could this have happened? Clearly something had gone wrong, had one of many prisoners been behind this? Did something malfunction! He was saddened by the death of anybody and even sadder because he hadn't paid attention enough to have a clue as to who seemed like a viable suspect for the crime.

When the had arrived at the place called the Citadel he lingered a bit behind the blond phantom, wondering exactly what powers a ghost had. The more he pondered on it the more he considered that those guys were playing a joke on him. If she was a ghost she was a bad one because everyone could see her and he had seen her deflect shots so that ruled out things being able to pass through her without consequence. He was intrigued by his cellmate, aside from her demeanor and beauty, and it was probably because she was something different...like he was, a humanoid plant and also 150+ years old. He laughed as he thought about it.

He noticed that Saber had headed into The Master's Chest as did the one referred to as The. Doctor, so he followed catching up to The Doctor first, wanting to see if he had any insight into what exactly Saber was and to possibly see if he knew about what he was...since he seemed to have a pretty good head about him. "Excuse me, Doc. I was hoping you could help me with something...I was wondering if you knew anything about ghosts and grails," he looked ahead of them at Saber's back, "I guess more to the point, do you have an easier explanation as to what exactly Saber is." He grinned innocently feeling a bit embarrassed that he didn't quite understand the explanation that was given to him earlier. She clearly had to be a living thing just as he was a living thing, though perhaps not human like his friends back on Gunsmoke or like Rem. "How is that you seem to know so much about everything?" he inquired, hoping that he wasn't prying too much.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
(Okay now that I have some damn time. Here is my post. Excuse me if its a bet...weird or outta place lol)

A blue hairs boy walked around sighing gently. He was bored and had nothing to do, AND to top it off he had no I idea where his fiancee, Nia, was. He just remembered cleaning his Lagann when all this happened. He wondered what he should do in this town when suddenly had stomach growled..... "Guess that settles it." He chuckles to himself as he goes off to find some grub.


(In case no one knew.... This is Simon lol the girl is Nia)
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Akibahara said:
Juno Eclipse helped up a few stray ex-prisoners from the burning wreckage, their forms dirtied and tattered, but otherwise, unharmed.


Uh-oh. Standing behind you was a squadron of twelve men, two squadrons to be exact: They weren't 'Star Wars-y' by any means. Hell, they appeared more like United States Marines. Sporting green USMC fatigues, polyethylene fiber combat helmets, and fully-automatic MP5 submachine guns, they trained their iron sights cautiously against you...


“State your name and business!” The squad commander announced, obviously unaware of Juno Eclipse's file-and-rank. Sigh. A hand pressed against his shoulder, “Stand down.”


A man, nattily dressed in a dark green Officer uniform, saluted, “Now, we've talked about this Lieutenant.” He cooed at the squad commander, as if speaking to an infant, “No freaking out the new guys, huh?”

“I, uh... yes sir.”

He stood at attention, their weapons lowered.

Juno Eclipse grinned, saluting her superior, “General O'Neill, always a pleasure.”

“Ah, yes, it is. Isn't it. Soooooo, what do we got here? New meat? And--” He caught Arya, “Dammit Juno, I told you we don't recruit child soldiers! Haven't you read the rules of the Geneva Convention?”


EDI didn't care. She merely turned toward the survivors, “Welcome aboard. The Head Commander of this Republic-Class Vessel is General Jack O'Neill. We'll be heading back to our HQ, The Citadel, within a few moments. Please stand by.”


Aladeen out of habit put his hands up high. "I SWEAR BIN LADIN MAD-. Oh. Ohh, okay. Hello Captain..- What the fuck are you?" He looked at the blue 'creature'. "I am into some Lattex if you want to Aladeen my Laladeen, deendeen." He gave this.. not so subtle wink before taking a deep breath, somehow this event reminded him of another.. Not related event.

Months ago...

Aladeeen was putting on his uniform as he looked at Natalie Dormer leave the room. "I told you not to spoiler or I would NOT give you my Aladeen But you didn't listen, did you?" He frowned and threw her a small 'coin' purse. "There you go. ..- Queen.. Yo.. Ngh. Fuck you for spoilering..-"

She replied.. "I did /not/ mean to spoiler..- You were Fu-.. Aladeening me.. rather.. Goood." He scoffed. "You literally moaned out a spoiler. I did not even watch the-.. Ugh. One day, i'll be talking to Arya Stark about you. And I will make the Stark, SPARK for my heart, baby."

Soon a woman walked in the room holding a camera, a guard so to say. He wrapped an arm around Natalie's waist and smiled to the camera.

Tch-tchk! A bright flash and the picture was taken.

The said picture was given to Aladeen and he hung it on the wall, along with many, many others.


A sigh escaped his tender lips.

He then turned to leave his chamber, onto the corridors he eventually found himself in another, stinky room. Dim light, not even cleaned. But on the bed, was a sight for sore eyes..


"WHAT THE FUCK, Bin Ladin! I told you it is over..- Stop seducing me and put something on you idiot!"

Aladeen just walked away forgetting what he even wanted to tell Bin Ladin. Probably that it is time for him to leave his palace because sheesh, he's a lot of work.


He then began heading outside, to the main balcony as it was time to give his people a speech. A speech which they will never forget. A speech to give them false hope. Opening the double doors to the balcony,


People cheered as he came to view. The all great dictator. The champion of Wadiya. The heavy weight champion. Marathon champion. Record breaker. the unbreakable. MMA champion. The all great.

He raised his finger and lifted his chin as he spoke. His peasants were nothing to him. The people were meaningless things working for him.

"People of Wadiya." He said, loudly. "We will crush the west. We will compare our Aladeens to their tiny small chunks of meat. We are brown, so, we are even bigger. Thank you good bye."

They didn't even hear him but they cheered anyway. Perhaps no one told him about how he should've gotten a microphone or something so people would even hear him.

Oh well.
Evening, or should I say, good afternoon. My name is Cortana, an advanced USNC AI system scheduled to guide you throughout The Citadel. However, I must note, Commander Skywalker has requested a meeting with you at 1500 sharp. Please comply.” She smiled gracefully, “Now let's examine some key areas of interest.

"Yes, yes, of course. I will Aladeen that Skydiver later." He returend the smile. "What the fuuk is what? Uh..- Jedi? I produced Starwars." "I will just go to the nightclub thank you good bye." Where else would the honourable, great leader go if not the nightclub?
By the time Arya opened her eyes again, it was almost noon.

She found the note the Doctor left her.

"Master's... chest...?"

After rubbing her eyes, she looked around.

Apparently they had landed, and were now in a huge, fancy city.

Her priorities were still getting a weapon and getting new clothes, but she wanted to find the Doctor before heading to the armory.

She chose to walk around the citadel, asking around for directions to the Master's Chest.
Gohan prepared to go to the masters chest, when he spotted Arya. "Hey, Arya, come over here!" Gohan shouted to her. It looked like she was lost. Plus, she needed new clothes and a weapon. He could give her some of Bulma's old robes, or maybe Videl's.

In Gohan's usual attire, he was wearing Piccolo's outfit. He remembered the first time they met. Piccolo was mean, but he grew nicer by the years. On Gohan's tenth birthday, Piccolo gave him his robes. All that was a blur.


Sent from... Eh, why bother?
QUOTE="Akibahara, post: 1872171, member: 18106"]


“The Citadel”

You nearly fell asleep.

The soft hum of the Republic Star Cruiser soaring past eons of stars, their celestial forms winking out in trails of vibrant white, was tranquil. Far better than the Death Star-- which honestly, resembled more of a busy work zone than an ultra-freakish-sphere-of-death and all that jazz. It kept your mind at rest.

“ETA 5 minutes until we reach the Citadel.”

EDI, stoic as ever, was busy supervising multiple Alliance programs in the Command Deck. She was smart, even for an AI, her slender humanoid fingers configured maps, encrypted codes, and passwords leading toward The Citadel. The interior of the Command Deck was dark, lit only by the banks of servers and holograms running essential Flagship controls. Key personnel were scattered abroad, interconnected between the Alliance Fleet under the watchful eye of General Jack O'Neill.

“Thank you, EDI.” The General said, standing at attention.

Juno Eclipse smiled, finally, she thought, peace at last. Well,not so much.

She lifted a finger, about to speak, “General O'Neill, may I--” Boom. Juno's body spontaneously combusted into so much meat confetti. Her stomach blew out, spraying visceral gore onto a stray onlooker, his eyes wide in fright. Her head flew into the air, half-blown apart, wet chunks of flesh flopped aimlessly, shortly before plopping in a sickish splatter of brain, sinew, and bone into Officer Bradford's arms- her eyes were milky white, rolled into the back of her head.

The once proud, valued member of the intergalactic community was rendered into liquified paste within the span of a second.

… But who would do such a thing? Who could wield such power?! Only now you realize, deep in your subconscious, there's a traitor amongst you. An Imperial spy perhaps? Who knows.


What the hell just happened?

An envoy of Rebel soldiers, yes the one you're familiar with, fitted in white-and-red jumpsuits and blaster rifles, searched the Alliance Flagship head-to-toe, checking the recently deceased Juno Eclipse. Damn, it appears she died by a micro-bomb- planted within her pocket- the spy was a crafty little bastard. No less, you were free to go.

… To your new home:


The Citadel.​

An artificial sun, coupled with a blue, blue sky graced your skin. The air was soft, breezy, temperature perfectly set in the mid-70s. Various alien races walked to and fro, idly chatting about politics, their social life, the fate of the galaxy-- ah, it was wonderful, wasn't it? You walked upon polished marble flooring, stepping out of the Alliance Flagship only to be met by this:


Evening, or should I say, good afternoon. My name is Cortana, an advanced USNC AI system scheduled to guide you throughout The Citadel. However, I must note, Commander Skywalker has requested a meeting with you at 1500 sharp. Please comply.” She smiled gracefully, “Now let's examine some key areas of interest.

- “First, we have The Master's Chest: Interested in force magic and ancient runes? This is the place for you! Ran by an old Jedi Knight, The Master's Chest is a delight for any and all individuals interested in the mysterious and unknown. I warn you though: Most of the relics haven't been touched yet by mortal hands, so if you're adventurous enough, work with the Jedi Knight and you can experiment!”

- “Our governmental branch in The Presidium: Politics hurts our galaxy, and inarguably, hurts our war against the Galactic Empire. Think you can convince a few old politicians to dispatch some manpower for the Rebel Alliance? Or perhaps, you could work your way to the top- and pick up a few jobs in exchange for manpower.”

- “I'm certain you'd benefit from our Requisitions & Armory. Interested in picking up power armor or a blaster rifle or two? Get one today! Due to your unique status in The Citadel, all purchases are covered by the Rebel Alliance!”

- “Careful about this one, but rumor has it, the Asari and the Furons have been causing trouble in the Flux Nightclub. It's very popular. However, I detect a 86.2% chance a race war will occur if strife between the Furons and Asari does not cease. I'd steer clear if I were you.”

Cortana smiles, vanishing into thin air...

Welcome to The Citadel.

You can now start posting in-game! This is an "RPG Town" type map, so explore, stock up, have fun! During the mid-round update, you will vote for your Captain and be given a ship! So have a Sci-Fi character in mind! Oh, and the first NPC kill has been posted, vote who you think the traitor is! This round will end @ Wednesday or Thursday.

Empire's Most Wanted:

JayJay as Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)

Bombielonia as "Supreme Commander" Aladeen (The Dictator)

MattieLee as Yuki and Luka (Betrayal Knows my Name)

GreenSea as Phoenix (Ace Attorney)

The Gil as James Cole (12 Monkeys)

SekiryuuteiDxD as Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)

Klutzy Ninja Kitty as The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Verite as Shirou Emiya (Fate/Stay Night)

Reaper Jack as Saber (Fate/Stay Night)

MrWubDubs as Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

Jeremiah as Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)

R4-C9 as HK-50 (Star Wars)

xxDragonEater95xx as Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

Cressy as Billy the Kid (Nonfictional person)

La Muerte as Kit Fisto (custom) (Star Wars)

Flaming Centurion as General Grievous (Star Wars)

Delayinder as Sev or Mael Radec (Killzone)

Hellkite as Legion (Mass Effect)

ChanpuruDragon as Commander Wolfe (Star Wars)

Lunar Eclipse as Nui Harime (Kill la Kill)

Atarf as Alice Liddel (American McGee's Alice)

JustanotherRPer as The Master (Doctor Who)

Dear Inspector as Khan (Star Trek)

Cyan as Elizabeth (BioShock: Infinite)

Darkens as Gohan (DMZ)

InzaneKilla as Krieg (Borderlands 2)

Beowulf as... Beowulf! (Norse Mythology)

Raggamuffinz as Arthas Menethil (WoW)

Darkangel666 as IC-1138 or "Boss" (Star Wars)

Dallas as Central Officer Bradford (XCOM)

Willow Blackthorn as Safyia (Neverwinter Nights 2)

Gilmoregirl12 as Elena Michaels (Bitten)

gogojojo331 as Cade Skywalker (Star Wars)

Apollogy8 as Loki (The Avengers)

oOKanraOo as Sebastian Michaelis (Kuroshitsuj)

Uncle ShortyB as Tychus Findlay (Starcraft)

Elergy as Kotomine Kirei (Fate/Stay Night)

TheColourlessRainbow as Kasumi Goto (Mass Effect)

Battleworn as Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy VII)

Xibilation as Benny (Lego Movie)

Ryu Keiko as Simon (Gurren Laggan)

Beautifulheart3x as Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The Predator (self-titles series)


Juno Eclipse- BLOWN UP! -

War Assets:


"what's with all of the madness?" Phoenix was thrown away into a large city, "blasted! I was with everyone and now?" Phoenix touched the soil but it felt different from usual, "I'm really being abducted am I?" he began to explored the place which called citadel by the machine he seen.

((2 hours ago))

"ATGHH!" phoenix finally breeched to the security as he got of his cell, he disguised himself as a storm trooper and went out to the main cabin, there's a big holographic screen saying the citadel.
Safyia walked the streets and spotted a little shop call The Masters' Chest. She entered the shop quietly. She was drawn to a shelf of runes that looked like some she had seen at home in her temple. "Ah, These remind me of home." She smiled and looked around some more, entranced by the fact that the place seethed with magic.

(My vote is....

"Supreme Commander" Aladeen


Sebastian Michaelis (cause he's one hell of a butler) )
Last edited by a moderator:
(I think the traitor is Lunar Eclipse's Nui. Captain Flaming Centurion's Grievous. Also I'm going to the Presidium.)

Sasuke said "I'm going to the Preidium, i'll get us some troopz and resources." Such people have never dealt with the likes of chakra this would things alot easier. Sasuke would seem to vanish at how fast he was moving to enter the Presidium but he would stop outside.

@Akibahara @Dallas @Flaming Centurion
Dallas said:
*After the horrific scene of Juno being blast to bits, by an unknown assailant, I chose to head to the The Presidium. I suppose I could encourage this "council" to provide more troops and equipment for the Rebel Alliance, seeing as how this group doesn't stand a chance against this enemy known as the Empire. Maybe because of my rank, and my skills I gained in the military, it may help persuade this council to help us out.*
Akibahara said:


“The Citadel”

You nearly fell asleep.

The soft hum of the Republic Star Cruiser soaring past eons of stars, their celestial forms winking out in trails of vibrant white, was tranquil. Far better than the Death Star-- which honestly, resembled more of a busy work zone than an ultra-freakish-sphere-of-death and all that jazz. It kept your mind at rest.

“ETA 5 minutes until we reach the Citadel.”

EDI, stoic as ever, was busy supervising multiple Alliance programs in the Command Deck. She was smart, even for an AI, her slender humanoid fingers configured maps, encrypted codes, and passwords leading toward The Citadel. The interior of the Command Deck was dark, lit only by the banks of servers and holograms running essential Flagship controls. Key personnel were scattered abroad, interconnected between the Alliance Fleet under the watchful eye of General Jack O'Neill.

“Thank you, EDI.” The General said, standing at attention.

Juno Eclipse smiled, finally, she thought, peace at last. Well,not so much.

She lifted a finger, about to speak, “General O'Neill, may I--” Boom. Juno's body spontaneously combusted into so much meat confetti. Her stomach blew out, spraying visceral gore onto a stray onlooker, his eyes wide in fright. Her head flew into the air, half-blown apart, wet chunks of flesh flopped aimlessly, shortly before plopping in a sickish splatter of brain, sinew, and bone into Officer Bradford's arms- her eyes were milky white, rolled into the back of her head.

The once proud, valued member of the intergalactic community was rendered into liquified paste within the span of a second.

… But who would do such a thing? Who could wield such power?! Only now you realize, deep in your subconscious, there's a traitor amongst you. An Imperial spy perhaps? Who knows.


What the hell just happened?

An envoy of Rebel soldiers, yes the one you're familiar with, fitted in white-and-red jumpsuits and blaster rifles, searched the Alliance Flagship head-to-toe, checking the recently deceased Juno Eclipse. Damn, it appears she died by a micro-bomb- planted within her pocket- the spy was a crafty little bastard. No less, you were free to go.

… To your new home:


The Citadel.​

An artificial sun, coupled with a blue, blue sky graced your skin. The air was soft, breezy, temperature perfectly set in the mid-70s. Various alien races walked to and fro, idly chatting about politics, their social life, the fate of the galaxy-- ah, it was wonderful, wasn't it? You walked upon polished marble flooring, stepping out of the Alliance Flagship only to be met by this:


Evening, or should I say, good afternoon. My name is Cortana, an advanced USNC AI system scheduled to guide you throughout The Citadel. However, I must note, Commander Skywalker has requested a meeting with you at 1500 sharp. Please comply.” She smiled gracefully, “Now let's examine some key areas of interest.

- “First, we have The Master's Chest: Interested in force magic and ancient runes? This is the place for you! Ran by an old Jedi Knight, The Master's Chest is a delight for any and all individuals interested in the mysterious and unknown. I warn you though: Most of the relics haven't been touched yet by mortal hands, so if you're adventurous enough, work with the Jedi Knight and you can experiment!”

- “Our governmental branch in The Presidium: Politics hurts our galaxy, and inarguably, hurts our war against the Galactic Empire. Think you can convince a few old politicians to dispatch some manpower for the Rebel Alliance? Or perhaps, you could work your way to the top- and pick up a few jobs in exchange for manpower.”

- “I'm certain you'd benefit from our Requisitions & Armory. Interested in picking up power armor or a blaster rifle or two? Get one today! Due to your unique status in The Citadel, all purchases are covered by the Rebel Alliance!”

- “Careful about this one, but rumor has it, the Asari and the Furons have been causing trouble in the Flux Nightclub. It's very popular. However, I detect a 86.2% chance a race war will occur if strife between the Furons and Asari does not cease. I'd steer clear if I were you.”

Cortana smiles, vanishing into thin air...

Welcome to The Citadel.

You can now start posting in-game! This is an "RPG Town" type map, so explore, stock up, have fun! During the mid-round update, you will vote for your Captain and be given a ship! So have a Sci-Fi character in mind! Oh, and the first NPC kill has been posted, vote who you think the traitor is! This round will end @ Wednesday or Thursday.

Empire's Most Wanted:

JayJay as Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)

Bombielonia as "Supreme Commander" Aladeen (The Dictator)

MattieLee as Yuki and Luka (Betrayal Knows my Name)

GreenSea as Phoenix (Ace Attorney)

The Gil as James Cole (12 Monkeys)

SekiryuuteiDxD as Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)

Klutzy Ninja Kitty as The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Verite as Shirou Emiya (Fate/Stay Night)

Reaper Jack as Saber (Fate/Stay Night)

MrWubDubs as Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

Jeremiah as Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)

R4-C9 as HK-50 (Star Wars)

xxDragonEater95xx as Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

Cressy as Billy the Kid (Nonfictional person)

La Muerte as Kit Fisto (custom) (Star Wars)

Flaming Centurion as General Grievous (Star Wars)

Delayinder as Sev or Mael Radec (Killzone)

Hellkite as Legion (Mass Effect)

ChanpuruDragon as Commander Wolfe (Star Wars)

Lunar Eclipse as Nui Harime (Kill la Kill)

Atarf as Alice Liddel (American McGee's Alice)

JustanotherRPer as The Master (Doctor Who)

Dear Inspector as Khan (Star Trek)

Cyan as Elizabeth (BioShock: Infinite)

Darkens as Gohan (DMZ)

InzaneKilla as Krieg (Borderlands 2)

Beowulf as... Beowulf! (Norse Mythology)

Raggamuffinz as Arthas Menethil (WoW)

Darkangel666 as IC-1138 or "Boss" (Star Wars)

Dallas as Central Officer Bradford (XCOM)

Willow Blackthorn as Safyia (Neverwinter Nights 2)

Gilmoregirl12 as Elena Michaels (Bitten)

gogojojo331 as Cade Skywalker (Star Wars)

Apollogy8 as Loki (The Avengers)

oOKanraOo as Sebastian Michaelis (Kuroshitsuj)

Uncle ShortyB as Tychus Findlay (Starcraft)

Elergy as Kotomine Kirei (Fate/Stay Night)

TheColourlessRainbow as Kasumi Goto (Mass Effect)

Battleworn as Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy VII)

Xibilation as Benny (Lego Movie)

Ryu Keiko as Simon (Gurren Laggan)

Beautifulheart3x as Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The Predator (self-titles series)


Juno Eclipse- BLOWN UP! - INNOCENT.

War Assets:

Hmm.... Who could the traitor be? She hadn't really met many of these people, but of all the ones she had met, none of them seemed like likely candidates. The girl, something Stark, wouldn't have the capability; She knew the Doctor well enough to know it wasn't him; and the soldier was too loyal to the Rebel Alliance to be the traitor.

A race war, huh?
The Master thought to herself. Sounds like fun. Guess I'm going to the Flux club. The Master smiled with excitement. Wars of all sorts were fun. She made her way to said Club, admiring the craftsmanship of this place. An artificial world was quite impressive, no matter how many she'd seen in her long life.
Cyan said:
Elizabeth wasn't exactly sure what had transpired having been shoved in the back of the crowd and hearing a sudden explosion. She broke through the crowd just in time to see the blood and gore splattered across the ground and several on lookers. A silent gasp escaped her lips at the gruesome sight as she quickly turned away. Her eyes seemed to swim with nausea as she rushed out of the ship, taking deep and shallow breaths. It wasn't until her heart rate had finally slowed down did she notice that some type of...blue lady was talking then abruptly disappeared. 'Wait...what had she been saying?'

Elizabeth looked around with slightly wide eyes as everyone began to move into the city in different directions, unsure of who or where to go. So she randomly singled out one person from the crowd and quickly ran over before lightly tapping on their shoulder.

"Excuse me...but did you hear what...the lady had been saying?" She asked, a bit hesitant and slightly embarrassed for even needing to ask.
The AI was something Loki had been listening to. He had too. He wanted to know just what was going on, which meant he needed to pay attention to everything. His eyes shifted to the girl who had felt been tapping on his shoulders.

"Of course I did." Loki answered the girl, "She's only saying that she's our guide through out this city. Oh, and we have some meeting with a man called Skywalker in a bit; nothing too important." He spoke with a small grin, "Perhaps it's better to pay attention in this sort of situation? You could easily get lost or killed." Not that Loki truly cared what was happening to most of the people, but she was on the same boat he was. Both were distinctively confused about what was happening and what was going to happen. @Cyan

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