[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

@Akibahara[/URL] )
The Ancient Droid touched the CYAN RUNE. Almost immediately, he felt his legs liquify into nothingness- as if a lightsaber chopped 'em right off! SCHLIIIICK! Whoa. His lower torso grew fleshy appendages, purple in color, thick, as if he was half-octopus, the Ancient Droid now slithered around, his legs replaced by tentacles, half-octopus, half-android.

"Are you sure, I can choose another if you'd like this one." She spoke kindly and quickly. She saw the other woman step back and she nodded. She took up the green rune and glanced over it. "How do I activate it good sir?" She questioned the older man.

Kirei diverted his attention to his new woman who had replaced Saber in attempting to use the green rune. He observed her closely, looking for any deviant events to suddenly happen. Even if there were no obvious physical effects, Kirei could use his magecraft of the sacraments to inspect whether anything spiritually was wrong or whether the woman's mental and physical energy were aberrant.

There was also the fact that Saber was here, another member from his world. It was apparent that she did not know him as Kirei had not directly appeared before her at any time during the war. However, Kirei still had his ten command spells, and if Saber were to focus her attention on him, she would be able to discern that he was a master. As of now though, Saber had not suspected anything and had been oblivious to him. Kirei had heard much about Saber through Gilgamesh after the war, but other than that his information was also limited about her, although Assassin's spying did grant him some good general knowledge. Kirei could tell that she was a rather bland being though. The standard knight of old that upheld chivalry and heroic ideals. Kirei had been attempting to suppress any prana usage so that he would not be detected, and it seemed that only the Emiya boy had recognized him through directly knowing his face.​
Akibahara said:
The Ancient Droid touched the CYAN RUNE. Almost immediately, he felt his legs liquify into nothingness- as if a lightsaber chopped 'em right off! SCHLIIIICK! Whoa. His lower torso grew fleshy appendages, purple in color, thick, as if he was half-octopus, the Ancient Droid now slithered around, his legs replaced by tentacles, half-octopus, half-android.
For some reason he liked this. Although it would've been better turning into a full octopus , this was good enough. Better then his klunky old rust bucket of a body. However , this would require , as the meatbags put it , some 'getting used to' and also , he still would've rather been one of the fabled 'great white sharks' he now used hands as feet. This new legs would serve him better once he got used to them , as there were many of them. He now entered the weapons room and decided he needed a rifle to be operated by his new legs. Of course along with one for his hands. "Do you have any weapons with large triggers or trigger guards? The ancient one needs such a weapon." At least he won't have to worry about his legs falling apart again.
The Doctor touched the BLUE RUNE. He felt strange, as if he snorted a mountain of cocaine all in one go: His mind sped up, but most importantly, his speed was immense. He flashed out in a blurr each time he stepped. If he wanted to walk one step, he rammed into the other side of The Master's Chest, exploding a few shelves into twisted metal.

“Hey, you stop right there!” The old Jedi Knight yelled.

Simon blinked and picked the stone up examining it and smiling. It was pretty and he was certain that Nia would like it. It sparkled when he held it and it smelled lovely.

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Bombielonia said:


Aladeen be rockin' dem hips!


Aladeen sung along in his Arabic accent. Thick and filled with Khh.

You got me so wild,

"So, so so wild. Baby, baby oooh!"

How can I ever deny,

"No one will ever deny!"

You got me so high,

"I'll catch you when you fall down!"

So high I cannot feel the fire.




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Dallas said:
*I thought about her offer for a moment, I can either help her with her problem, or I can go ahead and talk with the council... Though he idea of having a weapon that could take out this, "Death Star", with a single blast sounds a bit more useful than dealing with politics. "I am Central Officer Eugene Bradford. I'd be happy to help." I said, then accepting her handshake.*

Ellie grinned, nodding, "Good, good. I'm glad you're here to help!" With that, Ellie sighed, looking outside once again, her slender body pressed against a metal railing. What will you do? Try to talk with other politicians or try and associate with your compatriots back at The Master's Chest?

SIDE QUEST GAINED: Into the Darkness...
Akibahara said:

The Flux Nightclub was boomin'! The song Promises by Nero rang out as party-goers danced, hooked up, making out in some random corner, strobelights filling the air in vibrant hues of the rainbow, “Hey there, can I help you?” An Asari female, early 20s, cutely pressed her upper body over a bar counter – she was a waitress – her ample double-D sized breasts hung lustfully in surprise.


It... actually didn't seem chaotic. Well, in a “war-like” sense.




A three-foot, gray alien, bearing razor sharp teeth grinned, hefting a large orange hued rifle at the Asari- now nothing more than a charred out skeleton, “The Furons send their regards, bitch!” Surpsingly enough, the little alien sounded like a pissed off Jack Nicholson, his rifle whirring angrily as he flew away in a tiny jetpack, narrowly avoiding three Asari patrons, their Predator blasters firing aimlessly at the flying creature.


One of them cursed, looking at you...

“What the hell happened?!”
A fluff of pink snaked around, between and past all the various patrons. She had her nose stuck to the ground, and her ears perked up in search. But in search of what?

>Boom! Blam! Pew pew!<

Well, didn't matter now. Her tail shot up, and the rest of her body soon followed, bouncing onto all her four hooves. Her eyes shot to the little alien man floating about, as the others fired at him with their bright lasers. If this small pink creature was calm before, she wasn't now.


She bounced about rapidly, and extremely excitedly. Her hot pink mane and tail flopped about wildly, only to be stopped by one of the patrons asking her: "What the Hell happened?!"

She giggled.

"Who cares?! That light show was amazing! Maybe even..."

She gasped.


A.) Follow the Asari and listen in to their conversation.

"I know you are hot..- But you do not have to show off and be THAT hot. Sheesh, blue woman." Aladeen stood up rubbing whatever blue he got on himself off. Whatever that meant. He walked over to the Asari, following her and of course, his eyes weren't on her but on her backside.

Aladeen went all..

He leaned and placed his elbows on the table, fixing his hair and stroking his beard.

Darkangel666 said:
"Of course, thank you Cortana. Do you think you could guide me to the Armory? They may have some attachments I need for my Deecee." Boss said. He hoped this General Skywalker was a understanding man. He didn't want to be executed on sight by a Jedi. Hopefully in the Armory they might have some old RC-class Katarn armor, not this cheap imperial garbage. Hopefully he'd be able to restore the name of the Republic Commando's some day and, along with his brothers, fight to defend the New Republic.
Cortana smiled, "Sure." Instantly, a holographic map displayed itself, showing the exact location of The Armory, "I'm afraid we're out of RC-class Katarn armor, but I do have a little surprise for you! Head over to the Armory ASAP- I've informed the tailor your size and shape. Thank you!" Aaaand with that, she vanished once again.
Akibahara said:
Ellie grinned, nodding, "Good, good. I'm glad you're here to help!" With that, Ellie sighed, looking outside once again, her slender body pressed against a metal railing. What will you do? Try to talk with other politicians or try and associate with your compatriots back at The Master's Chest?
SIDE QUEST GAINED: Into the Darkness...
*Now that I'm going to be helping Ellie, it seems I have a bit of time to talk with the politicians. I looked over at Ellie, and said, "I'll be right back, I'm going to try and convince the politicians to help support the Alliance." I can at least try and get them to help support us... I then approached a large doorway that would lead to the politicians.*

[QUOTE="Willow Blackthorn]"Are you sure, I can choose another if you'd like this one." She spoke kindly and quickly. She saw the other woman step back and she nodded. She took up the green rune and glanced over it. "How do I activate it good sir?" She questioned the older man.

You activate it by touching it!

Safiya touched the GREEN RUNE. She felt sick, as if her muscles, sinew, and bone were downsizing. Fast. “UUUUGHGGH!” Oh God, it was painful. Her bones snapped and crackled as a pair of 'fly wings' tore from her spine, fluttering in the air as-- HOLY CRAP! She looked up at everyone, they were gigantic! And... and she was so tiny! If you measured yourself, you were five inches, six centimeters tall, flying on two cute little wings that sprung from your back.



Safyia glanced around and noticed the old man looking at her. "Any chance I can get reverted to my normal size? I don't like being so small." She flew around nervously.
[QUOTE="R4 C9]For some reason he liked this. Although it would've been better turning into a full octopus , this was good enough. Better then his klunky old rust bucket of a body. However , this would require , as the meatbags put it , some 'getting used to' and also , he still would've rather been one of the fabled 'great white sharks' he now used hands as feet. This new legs would serve him better once he got used to them , as there were many of them. He now entered the weapons room and decided he needed a rifle to be operated by his new legs. Of course along with one for his hands. "Do you have any weapons with large triggers or trigger guards? The ancient one needs such a weapon." At least he won't have to worry about his legs falling apart again.

The Armory was decked out with firearms, laser cannons, power armor, the whole nine yards. Instantly, you found a few cannons that may possibly interest you...


Six plasma cannons, glowing a bright green, each capable of pulverizing your target into liquified waste.​
Akibahara said:
The Doctor touched the BLUE RUNE. He felt strange, as if he snorted a mountain of cocaine all in one go: His mind sped up, but most importantly, his speed was immense. He flashed out in a blurr each time he stepped. If he wanted to walk one step, he rammed into the other side of The Master's Chest, exploding a few shelves into twisted metal.
“Hey, you stop right there!” The old Jedi Knight yelled.

The already semi-hyper and energetic 11th Doctor got just the rune he probably didn't need. His mind sped up, and he felt insanely fast. Like, so fast that he just wanted to talk and talk and talk about quantum physics, mathematics, the meaning of life, and sock puppets. Talking wasn't the only thing he began to do either. He began to run around the room like a charging buffalo.

"Woooohooo! Geronimoooooo! I love super speed! Look at me go! I'm even more awesome now than I was before!"

Just wait until Arya and The Master saw him now!

He ran around in circles flapping his lips at super human speed, knocking over the black table, running into Saber, and crashing into various others in the room. Geronimo!

@Reaper Jack @Akibahara @Other peoples~
Akibahara said:
@Everyone wanting to go to The Master's Chest. Ya crazy bastards.

The sleek, futuristic double doors leading to The Master's Chest opened up: It smelt of incense, filled to the brink with glowing runes, magical statues, the whole nine yards. The interior was dim, lit only candles and illuminating runes, sparking with ancient Sith and Jedi energy. It was like you stepped into a witch's cove or something! Weird...


“Oh, hello there!”​

An old man, approximately 78 years old, walked in, a cane pushing his decrepit body up, groaning in pain thanks to a three year old case of arthritis. He was far too old for some Jedi shit, “My apologies, I should introduce myself: The name's Master Baelock Haryn, welcome to my humble abode! If you don't mind, I'd... like you to try out a few runes. They're free of charge, so lucky for you, and any abilities you gain- you keep. So, what do ya say?”

There was an assortment of brightly colored runes, encircled perfectly on an ominous black table:

- A blue rune dimly glew, it had no inscription, and appeared more like a rock.

- Two yellow runes, it appears to work for two people ONLY, it was shaped like a crudely made blaster.

- A pink rune, it smelled of roses. Lovely, intoxicating, will you touch it?

- A green rune, it had little branches grow and expand, as if a miniature forest grew within it.

- A purple rune, little wisps of smoke trailed from it.

- A beige rune, it smelled like a farm, but emaciated powerfully as it boomed in deep hues of brown.

- A lavender rune, there wasn't any special characteristics about it.

- An orange rune, little sparks of fire sizzled from it.

- A cyan rune, no special characteristics either.

- A gold rune, ahhhh yes, this one seemed unique! A little female symbol illuminated brightly in solid gold...

The Jedi Knight shrugged, “So, which will you use?”

Vash was in aww as they entered and watched as others picked as he inspected the runes.

"Can't turn down the offer, I suppose." He said as he looked them over. They were all different color and different characteristics, and Vash found himself standing before the beige on. "Can I have this one?" He asked the old man as he picked it up.

@Akibahara ((let me know if it was already chosen))
Ryu Keiko]Simon blinked and picked the stone up examining it and smiling. It was pretty and he was certain that Nia would like it. It sparkled when he held it and it smelled lovely. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7527-akibahara/ said:
Uh-oh! Simon picked up the stone, only to watch it snap in two! It's power didn't activate yet, but will you try and grab it still?
Akibahara said:
The Armory was decked out with firearms, laser cannons, power armor, the whole nine yards. Instantly, you found a few cannons that may possibly interest you...


Six plasma cannons, glowing a bright green, each capable of pulverizing your target into liquified waste.​
He picked one of them up , deciding instantly that he needed all 6. After all , he had 8 legs. That still left two to walk with. He wanted to test it but didn't. He then picked out two Arkanian blaster pistols for his arms. He spoke to the teller "how much will all this be? The ancient one requires these. Also , any chance you have droid parts? I require a few repairs." The crash really got to his (or what was left of his) metal form. Once again he thought about being too old for these kinds of things. He wanted to look for that red colored droid and the Jedi that he crashed with , but first he needed the repairs and weapons.
Saber observed the changes in the others around her; especially the one who was now a tiny flying...pixie of some sort; knowing she herself had escaped that already, she wasn't massively interested in seeing what the rest of these runes were capable of doing; she decided to head over to the Jedi Master instead, and began questioning him about the force ability Vader had used. On the way the Doctor crashed into her; she had just enough time to brace herself first; and no damage was done; she smiled at him and went on her way.

"As far as I'm aware; Jedi and Sith, as you're known; have an ability known as the force yes? Like a noble phantasm of sorts. Darth Vader used this to imprison me before; is there anything you can tell me that will allow me to prevent that from happening again? Is there any way I can be resistant to it's effects?"

Akibahara said:
Uh-oh! Simon picked up the stone, only to watch it snap in two! It's power didn't activate yet, but will you try and grab it still?
Simon sighed and looked at the stone. "M-Maybe.....I can fix it? Yeah! And Leron and Yoko can help!" He said trying to stay hopeful as reached down and picked up the stone again.

Boss was confused, but he muttered a thanks as the blue hologram dissipated. He opened the HUD map in his helmet display. Following the waypoint he just set. A few minutes later he arrived at the Armory. He entered and looked for someone to ask. There was a man in a Rebel uniform. He walked up to him in his Imperial Katarn armor. "Excuse me. Cortana told me to give you measurements for a surprise or something." He said, hoping not to frighten the man.
Jeremiah said:
A fluff of pink snaked around, between and past all the various patrons. She had her nose stuck to the ground, and her ears perked up in search. But in search of what?
>Boom! Blam! Pew pew!<

Well, didn't matter now. Her tail shot up, and the rest of her body soon followed, bouncing onto all her four hooves. Her eyes shot to the little alien man floating about, as the others fired at him with their bright lasers. If this small pink creature was calm before, she wasn't now.

She bounced about rapidly, and extremely excitedly. Her hot pink mane and tail flopped about wildly, only to be stopped by one of the patrons asking her: "What the Hell happened?!"

She giggled.

"Who cares?! That light show was amazing! Maybe even..."

She gasped.

Oh shit, there he is!


The little furon leapt onto Pinkie Pie's back, his cute little boots firmly pressed against her sides, “C'mon, my valiant stallion, let's get the eff outta here!” He bucked foreword, hoping his self-aware horse girl... thing... got the hint. The Asari, fortunately, were totally unaware of his presence, as were a few partygoers, most high or drunk off their ass to even care- heh, “I swear to Arkvoodle, if you don't move I'll--

“You're under arrest!”

Two Rebel Alliance guards approached him, a sense of purpose in their eyes...

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