[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]
"Possibly, probably, maybe true," The Doctor replied, scanning Arya's size before glancing to Gohan again. "But never be cocky. It's impossible to judge an opponent by just looking at them. Take The Master, for instance. If I judged her by the outside I never would have known it was her."
He shrugged and took out his sonic screwdriver, starting to take it apart just for something to keep his hands busy. He began to babble to himself in mechanical terms which were hardly understandable. If there was one thing he liked more than keeping busy, it was talking and sounding clever--even if nobody could understand what the heck he was saying.


Arya sighed and looked around again.

There must have been a lot of people working desperately to fix the ship.

But it was pretty quiet where she was, she only heard distant explosions and blasts from outside.

"Doctor? Do you think we'll... make it? Will they repair the ship and take us somewhere safe?"

She frowned a little and chewed her lip, worrying about what could happen.
Dallas said:
(( I just woke up, and now I can't sleep. Screw it, I'm posting anyway. ))
*I was relived when we left the large station. That is, until a explosion ripped a hole in the ship. It wasn't a large hole, but we were losing oxygen fast. We need to either land, or find a way to close up that hole before we all end up dead. Smoke filled the air where I was, I coughed a bit, and stayed low to the floor so I can avoid the smoke. I made my way to the cockpit of the ship, only to see a two meter tall being right behind the women named Juno. My first thought, was that it was hostile. But from the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be doing much. if it was hostile, it could have attacked her, or one of us by now. I hid around the corner, out of sight of the two meter tall alien.*


Another super-heated ion cannon detonated adjacent to The Rogue Shadow, knocking the ship to the side, it spun end-over-end, Juno Eclipse groaned, shaking her head, "Dammit... the air... it's... thinning..." She huffed for precious oxygen, but it was depleting far too fast! If you looked ahead, you'd discover the Rebel Command Vessel was growing closer and closer, it's hanger bay slid open...
[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]

"There could be something we can do, but let's wait for Juno to tell us what that something is."


Juno Eclipse huffed, nearly sliding off The Rogue Shadow's wheel, "We need... oxygen..." If you breathed or required air, you'd notice the effects, too. Everything felt a bit blurry, dots of black lined your vision, and the hole suctioned air out with a loud 'SKREEEEEEEE!!!', like a vacuum cleaner. Clearly, there's GOT to be something to patch the whole up, correct? Cr-cr-cr-cr, your seats rattled under the force of the vacuum, one of Arya's deadbolts tore from it's hinges, sending the poor girl on her side, sloooooowly pushing toward the little hole...
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(( Update for everyone who isn't aware: We aren't on the Death Star anymore, right now, we're all flying on a transport vessel known as The Rogue Shadow, it has a gaping hole on the left wing, which is causing it to spin outta control. Not only that, but there's a little hole on it's left side, causing oxygen to escape. ))
JayJay said:
Arya sighed and looked around again.
There must have been a lot of people working desperately to fix the ship.

But it was pretty quiet where she was, she only heard distant explosions and blasts from outside.

"Doctor? Do you think we'll... make it? Will they repair the ship and take us somewhere safe?"

She frowned a little and chewed her lip, worrying about what could happen.
The Doctor glanced to Arya, seeing she was a bit nervous about their situation. "We'll make it," he said, trying to reassure her. As if to prove him wrong, the air began to thin further. It wasn't a problem for The Doctor, because the air was very thin on his home planet, and it would be easy for him to breath. But for Arya, it could have been a problem. He glanced to her with worry. "Oxygen masks! Let's see if we can find oxygen masks! If someone doesn't arrive to rescue us soon, we'll be in need of them." He quickly rushed into the other room, seeing Juno.

Juno Eclipse huffed, nearly sliding off The Rogue Shadow's wheel, "We need... oxygen..." If you breathed or required air, you'd notice the effects, too. Everything felt a bit blurry, dots of black lined your vision, and the whole suctioned air out with a loud 'SKREEEEEEEE!!!', like a vacuum cleaner. Clearly, there's GOT to be something to patch the whole up, correct? Cr-cr-cr-cr, your seats rattled under the force of the vacuum, one of Arya's deadbolts tore from it's hinges, sending the poor girl on her side, sloooooowly pushing toward the little hole...

"Arya!" The Doctor shouted, rushing over to her. He could feel the hole sucking on him so he stopped, eyes wide. "Find something to hang onto. I need to figure out a way to close the hole." If the hole couldn't get patched, they were going to need oxygen masks. Especially Juno.

@JayJay @Akibahara (What's around that we could use to patch the hole with? ^^ )
Akibahara said:
Juno Eclipse huffed, nearly sliding off The Rogue Shadow's wheel, "We need... oxygen..." If you breathed or required air, you'd notice the effects, too. Everything felt a bit blurry, dots of black lined your vision, and the whole suctioned air out with a loud 'SKREEEEEEEE!!!', like a vacuum cleaner. Clearly, there's GOT to be something to patch the whole up, correct? Cr-cr-cr-cr, your seats rattled under the force of the vacuum, one of Arya's deadbolts tore from it's hinges, sending the poor girl on her side, sloooooowly pushing toward the little hole...
Arya had only just asked the Doctor if they would be safe when all that happened.

She suddenly got pushed off her chair and landed on the floor, getting pulled away.

Panic hit and she screamed for a while, her hands desperately looking for something to hang on to.

Eventually her fingers stopped her, holding on to a... something that you can... find in a spaceship idunno help me pls.

She was safe for now, but it was even more difficult to breathe now, and she was already slipping.

Arya brought her second hand up as well, holding on as well as she could.

She tried to call out to someone, but couldn't get enough air in her lungs to waste in doing so.

[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse](Where is everyone? I have nothing to do.)

// Aki just posted xD

Akibahara said:
(( Update for everyone who isn't aware: We aren't on the Death Star anymore, right now, we're all flying on a transport vessel known as The Rogue Shadow, it has a gaping hole on the left wing, which is causing it to spin outta control. Not only that, but there's a little hole on it's left side, causing oxygen to escape. ))
@JayJay[/URL] @Akibahara (What's around that we could use to patch the hole with? ^^ )
Believe it or not, there's duct tape on a shelf nearby Juno's Captain cockpit- accompanied by a pair of, well, more like a wardrobe of 50+ space helmets. It wouldn't protect the body from the void of space, hell, it'd most likely end up very, -very- frigid if you fell outside--but at least you'd have oxygen! I believe you may need it, too...

An adjacent TIE Fighter blew up in a spray of shrapnel and flame, it's husk plowed violently into The Rogue Shadow, causing massive tears into the transport vessel. Oxygen escaped wholesale now, your body, free from the confines of gravity, floated aimlessly as equipment scattered abroad- you now had absolutely no oxygen left. The temperature dropped dramatically, hitting below zero in the span of a half-second, and you were choking... the helmets were still around, however.

Akibahara said:
Believe it or not, there's duct tape on a shelf nearby Juno's Captain cockpit- accompanied by that is a pair, well, more like a wardrobe of 50+ space helmets. It wouldn't protect the body from the void of space, hell, it'd most likely end up very, -very- frigid if you fell outside--but at least you'd have oxygen! I believe you may need it, too...
An adjacent TIE Fighter blew up in a spray of shrapnel and flame, it's husk plowed violently into The Rogue Shadow, causing massive tears into the transport vessel. Oxygen escaped wholesale now, your body, free from the confines of gravity, floated aimlessly as equipment scattered abroad- you now had absolutely no oxygen left. The temperature dropped dramatically, hitting below zero in the span of a half-second, and you were choking... the helmets were still around, however.

The Doctor began to desperately search for anything he could use to fix the hole, eventually finding duct tape. "Oh humans! I love them for inventing this stuff!" he grinned, the smile on his face quickly frowning when he heard Arya screaming in the background. "Don't scream! Every breath of air is precious! Hold your breath!" he called to her, rushing over to the space helmets next.

Before he could make it to the helmets, however, the gravity on the ship stopped working. He floated through the air, pushing himself along. The gravity device had broken a couple times in his own ship, so he knew how to move along without the help of gravity. He quickly collected three space helmets, putting one on himself, before making his way over to Juno and placing the other on her own head. He then went over to Arya, putting last helmet over her own head. He smiled at her.

"Now you can breathe, Arya. And the gravity isn't working. Move your body over to where Juno is. Just pretend you're swimming. I'll be back in a moment." He kissed the top of her space helmet and moved over toward the hole, struggling to stay inside it so he could begin to patch it up with the duct tape. It wasn't the best way for a repair job to be done--not to mention he could die if he was sucked outside the ship--but he had to do something so that everyone on the ship wouldn't suffocate.

@JayJay @Akibahara
Saber floated above a man addressing a young child; he was fixing one of the helmets to her, ensuring her safety; Saber technically did not require oxygen; but going without meant spending more mana; so she collected a helmet for herself as well; using a small amount of mana to ensure her safety as she *swam* to the helmets; picking one up and affixing it to her head. She looked around to see if any others needed helmets; the man and girl she was with seemed okay; but she gave them a thumbs up to check all the same.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


"Hang on; In-bred cowboy..Boy! We are currently in a blackman's invention, believe it or not."

Aladeen said as he grabbed onto something within the ship, spinning ship rather, to keep himself steady.
Arya quickly took deep breaths when the helmet was on her.

The feeling she was experiencing now was unlike anything she ever felt before.

It was like she had no weight at all, now floating.

She looked at the Doctor and nodded.

"Thank you..." she said, then hugging him quickly before he left.

After that, she tried to get used to the lack of gravity, pushing herself from walls and whatever she could.

She slowly made her way to Juno, nodding to Saber and giving her a thumbs up in return.

@Reaper Jack
Saber nodded in return; so they were safe at least; she was still floating by the helmets; so she picked several up and held them up for all to see; when she spoke, her voice came through mechanically due to the helmet's speaker; it reminded her of the man in black armour; Vader, whom she had fought and lost against before; the idea of that alone annoyed her.

"Quickly! Put these on or else you will be unable to breathe."

@anyone without a helmet
The Doctor have Saber a thumbs up as well, turning back to the opening in the ship to continue fixing it with duct tape. He had about half of the hole patched up when...

The ship jarred!

The Doctor was flung out of the hole, gripping onto the sides of it so he wouldn't fly out into space.

"Someone! I could use some assistance!" he cried, struggling to hang on.

@Reaper Jack @JayJay
@Reaper Jack[/URL] @JayJay
Saber used the side wall of the vessel to propel herself forward towards the man; she landed to one side of the gap in the hull and flattened herself against it; her torso; head and arms were outside the hole with the man; and she summarily stretched one hand out towards him while keeping the other firmly gripped on the edge of the hole; a being of her capabilities was having no trouble remaining anchored in place.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
(Crap, I wasn't getting notifications for this. Sorry!)

The Master stayed silent on board this new ship. She ignored the battle that raged around the ship. That was, until the ship began running out of oxygen. My first day back into the universe, and everything is already going wrong for me. First I'm imprisoned on some space station in an unknown universe, and now I'm probably going to suffocate on this damn ship, just as I was about to escape. Then the gravity stopped working. How could this possibly get any worse?! "Does anyone have a helmet I could use? I don't feel like suffocating today. I want to wait at least one day before I die again." She said, her vision already starting to darken. She began to feel lightheaded, as well.

@Well... Everyone, pretty much.
JustanotherRPer said:
(Crap, I wasn't getting notifications for this. Sorry!)
The Master stayed silent on board this new ship. She ignored the battle that raged around the ship. That was, until the ship began running out of oxygen. My first day back into the universe, and everything is already going wrong for me. First I'm imprisoned on some space station in an unknown universe, and now I'm probably going to suffocate on this damn ship, just as I was about to escape. Then the gravity stopped working. How could this possibly get any worse?! "Does anyone have a helmet I could use? I don't feel like suffocating today. I want to wait at least one day before I die again." She said, her vision already starting to darken. She began to feel lightheaded, as well.

@Well... Everyone, pretty much.
Saber took the space of half a second to grab one of the helmets she'd just dropped and threw it in the direction of the woman; with any luck, she'd catch it rather than have the lack of gravity prevent it from stopping and cracking into her skull.
Reaper Jack]Saber used the side wall of the vessel to propel herself forward towards the man; she landed to one side of the gap in the hull and flattened herself against it; her torso; head and arms were outside the hole with the man; and she summarily stretched one hand out towards him while keeping the other firmly gripped on the edge of the hole; a being of her capabilities was having no trouble remaining anchored in place. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5640-klutzy-ninja-kitty/ said:
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty[/URL]
The Doctor began to loose his grip, part of his hand slipping. Before he knew it, he was not hanging onto the ship by a couple fingers. Just when his grip was about to give way he saw Saber come to his rescue, reaching out his free hand to grab onto hers.

"Thanks!" he cried, pulling himself back inside the ship. "Can you hold into me so I don't fly out of the ship? I need to finish patching up this hole so our oxygen problem will be fixed." The Doctor unrolled a bit more of duct tape and continued to patch up the hole.

@Reaper Jack
@Reaper Jack[/URL]
The Master caught the helmet, then put it on, making sure it was airtight, before speaking. "Thank you!" She looked over to where the Doctor was repairing the hole in the ship.

"Would you like any assistance with that, Doctor? Or do you think you can handle that on your own? Is this something you can finally do without any help from your companions?" Ah, it was nice to be back. She quite enjoyed taunting the Doctor, knowing that he wouldn't retaliate, being the foolish pacifist he was.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Reaper Jack
JustanotherRPer said:
The Master caught the helmet, then put it on, making sure it was airtight, before speaking. "Thank you!" She looked over to where the Doctor was repairing the hole in the ship.
"Would you like any assistance with that, Doctor? Or do you think you can handle that on your own? Is this something you can finally do without any help from your companions?" Ah, it was nice to be back. She quite enjoyed taunting the Doctor, knowing that he wouldn't retaliate, being the foolish pacifist he was.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Reaper Jack
"Shut up!" The Doctor called back to The Master, annoyed that she was picking on him. "You've had companions yourself, or did you forget the time you married a human?" he shot back.

"But if you want to help, just hang onto me so I don't fall out! I can patch up the ship mysel."
Saber continued to hold on to the man the woman was referring to as the 'Doctor'. She took idle note of their chatter; seeing if she could figure anything out from it; it was obvious they knew each other; though they appeared to be opponents or rivals of some sort; Saber hoped they wouldn't allow that to get in the way of future co-operation between all the people here.

The thought of co-operation among a group reminded her of her time as a King; she had once led Britannia as the legendary King Arthur; despite being female in reality; she had hidden this fact with a little help from the magus Merlin; a quirky character whom she often argued with; but they had got along well all the same. It was due to his magicks that she was able to produce an heir as a male; Mordred. Although Mordred's story was perhaps even sadder than her own. Still; she had wanted the opportunity to redo her time as King; to not make the same mistakes she had; she did not desire the people she led to fall under despair due to her justice, and above all, her mercy. She had been the greatest of all Kings as well as the most glorious; but all at the sacrifice of her own life; and in the end; it had all come to naught; she was no more than a legend now; a heroic spirit doomed to wander the space between life and death; doomed to be a servant of magi for the remainder of her existence. If perhaps she could gain some meaning to her current existence by leading these people; by being their King; she could be content with her choices at last...
Before Kasumi could even get a answer from the humanoid animal, she spotted her suit, and rushed to get it. Grabbing the black fabric, She smiled as she unfolded it, and quickly clothed her self, as if she was a infinite that longed for milk. Shortly after, a women rushed the group to a passenger ship, at least that's what Kasumi assumed it was. Only, as she sat in silence with her black hood covering her head, she noticed the slight swift in the ship, and that's when she knew a hole had been put into it. Kasumi stood just in time for the gravity in the ship to disappear, and cause her and everyone else to float. Kasumi looked from left to right, desperately looking for a oxygen mask as she held her breath, thrusting her hand forward, she manged to grab a hold of a mask, and pull it back and place it on her face. Taking slow deep breaths, Kasumi's lungs filled with air.

(I won't be back till around eight or nine, After today, I shouldn't be busy for the next week or so.)
@JustanotherRPer @Reaper Jack

"Well could you not love it so much right now? We're kind if in a life or death situation right now! And I'm no hypocrite! I care to save the humans from dying due to oxygen deprecation--unlike you--and worry for their lives. At least one of us is doing what's right."

The Doctor wasn't sure why The Master was helping. He wasn't getting anything out of it as far as The Doctor knew. He must have had a secret motive...

After a moment, the old time lord finished patching the hole and began to pull back.

"All right, Saber, Master, the two of you may let me go now. We should be fine. I won't float out now, and hopefully the oxygen will now be contained."

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