[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Klutzy Ninja Kitty]@JustanotherRPer [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7543-reaper-jack/ said:
@Reaper Jack[/URL]
"Well could you not love it so much right now? We're kind if in a life or death situation right now! And I'm no hypocrite! I care to save the humans from dying due to oxygen deprecation--unlike you--and worry for their lives. At least one of us is doing what's right."

The Doctor wasn't sure why The Master was helping. He wasn't getting anything out of it as far as The Doctor knew. He must have had a secret motive...

After a moment, the old time lord finished patching the hole and began to pull back.

"All right, Saber, Master, the two of you may let me go now. We should be fine. I won't float out now, and hopefully the oxygen will now be contained."
Saber drifted back a little; she was still deep in thought so offered no verbal response.
Klutzy Ninja Kitty]@JustanotherRPer [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7543-reaper-jack/ said:
@Reaper Jack[/URL]
"Well could you not love it so much right now? We're kind if in a life or death situation right now! And I'm no hypocrite! I care to save the humans from dying due to oxygen deprecation--unlike you--and worry for their lives. At least one of us is doing what's right."

The Doctor wasn't sure why The Master was helping. He wasn't getting anything out of it as far as The Doctor knew. He must have had a secret motive...

After a moment, the old time lord finished patching the hole and began to pull back.

"All right, Saber, Master, the two of you may let me go now. We should be fine. I won't float out now, and hopefully the oxygen will now be contained."
The Master chuckled as the Doctor replied to her teasing. She let go of his legs, and drifted about in the ship "Oh, you may wish to save the humans. But with all this talk of compassion, and saving lives, how many Daleks have you killed, directly or not? Cybermen? Our entire race? Face it, Doctor. You've killed. You're a murderer, no matter how much you talk about the sanctity of life." The Master laughed.

"Doctor, right and wrong is all subjective. The Daleks believe it is right to kill everything in the universe, but is that true? No. You are no more qualified to say what's right and wrong than any of us are."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Gohan, had the urge to pray. Instead he tried to meditate. It was hard since he could barely breath. Gohan gasped, and put on a helmet.

"Not my style," Gohan muttered. Gohan pulled out his last three sensu beans. Guess he has to ask Korin again. "Here, eat these," Gohan ordered them. "Doctor, since your an alien, you don't need to." Gohan swallowed his bean and felt the breath return to his body. "That felt as if Cell just punched me in the stomach." Little did everyone know, Gohan had the dragon balls. One wish, and he already knew.

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
JustanotherRPer said:
The Master chuckled as the Doctor replied to her teasing. She let go of his legs, and drifted about in the ship "Oh, you may wish to save the humans. But with all this talk of compassion, and saving lives, how many Daleks have you killed, directly or not? Cybermen? Our entire race? Face it, Doctor. You've killed. You're a murderer, no matter how much you talk about the sanctity of life." The Master laughed.
"Doctor, right and wrong is all subjective. The Daleks believe it is right to kill everything in the universe, but is that true? No. You are no more qualified to say what's right and wrong than any of us are."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty[/URL]
Arya randomly floated by, flailing her arms and legs about.

It looked like she was trying to push herself ahead, but if it was propelling her forward, it wasn't by much at all.

"Doctor! Did you fix the hole?"

She pushed her feet off the ceiling and flipped over, landing with her feet on the floor.

Then she looked over at the woman she still knew as Rose.

"... Oh, it's you. I'm sorry, I didn't know you two were talking."
[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]The Doctor floated back away from the hole in the ship scowling at The Master's words. "All the death of the past is just that: in the past. I don't claim to be the most righteous of men, but I have always done what is right in my eyes. The lives that ended helped many more to be saved." He wrinkled his nose. "Especially the daleks. They're cruel, tainted existences. Death is probably welcoming to them."
"I don't claim to be qualified in anything, but I know I'm more qualified than you. You've ended lives just to end them. I've ended lives to help other lives."

The Doctor gripped onto a seat in the ship to pull himself down a bit. He took his helmet off for a moment and could feel the oxygen in the room was starting to get thicker from patching up the hole.


Saber also removed her helmet. She took a moment to look at the Doctor; she smiled. This was a man she could understand; what he said was evidently just as true for him as it was for her. She spoke to him.

"Yes I agree; there are times when you must take the life of one to save the lives of many; it is regrettable; but there are times when you have no choice; as a King, I was forced to make such decisions often; I still stand by many of those decisions; though there are some I regret."
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JayJay said:
Arya randomly floated by, flailing her arms and legs about.
It looked like she was trying to push herself ahead, but if it was propelling her forward, it wasn't by much at all.

"Doctor! Did you fix the hole?"

She pushed her feet off the ceiling and flipped over, landing with her feet on the floor.

Then she looked over at the woman she still knew as Rose.

"... Oh, it's you. I'm sorry, I didn't know you two were talking."
The Doctor nodded at Arya, settling himself in a seat. "I did indeed. You should be able to breathe without use of the helmet now. All we have left to do is wait out the rest of our flight. Fingers crossed we won't have any more trouble to deal with. Are you all right?" he asked her.


@Reaper Jack[/URL]
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@Reaper Jack[/URL]
The Rogue Shadow's hull was secured thanks to rolls upon rolls of duct tape and the bravery of the 11th Doctor! However, the vehicle was still spinning- as Juno Eclipse breathed in steadily, idly controlling the ship, "We're coming in!" The Rebel Assault vessel came into full-view: It was massive, lined in red and white, your classical Republic-era Cruiser. The 100 ton, possibly more, reinforced bay gates slid open, a blue force-field protecting it's inhabitants within...



The Rogue Shadow fireballed...

"... Steady ..."

Almost there...

" ... Steady! ..."

The Rogue Shadow tore through the flimsy forcefield barrier protecting the Republic Command Ship, it rolled over in a flurry of molten steel and fire, end-over-end, your body smashed against the Shadow's interior like a ragdoll. You groaned, closing your eyes shut, the transport vessel smoked and hissed- yet, you couldn't help but offer the brightest of smiles. Safe at last.

EDI's sleek, metallic foot smashed through the passenger seat canopy, idly stepping out from the burning ruin formerly known as The Rogue Shadow. Oooh, it'd be in tow for a long, long time...

At least you were safe?

[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Saber's attention had been diverted by the situation developing around her and she had maintained some distance between herself and the two-then three, men who were with her; scouting the areas ahead of them and so not being able to hear their conversation; she did however; pick up some key words.
"Shirou...Emiya? Kotomine Kirei!?"

They knew her.

She knew Kirei.

This was bad. Kirei was one of the most dangerous men in existence; according to Irisviel; he was the only man capable of defeating Kiritsugu for the Holy Grail; and she knew for a fact that Kiritsugu himself backed that up. She also knew that Kirei had almost killed Irisviel for no better reason that that she was in his way at the time. He was cold and heartless; and not to be trusted.

She rushed back over to them and spoke in clear tones; attempting to discern the exact nature of the situation.

"Stop what you're doing, both of you." She turned to the man who claimed he was Shirou Emiya "you said you were Emiya correct? Are you a relation of Kiritsugu's? If so; how do you know me?"

OOC: Sorry, I was doin' stuff but I'm back now.

After going through the ordeals that everyone else had, he took off his helmet once it became unnecessary, breathing again. "Phew... That was close. I hope we're out of the woods," he murmured to himself, before facing Saber, "Sorry I couldn't answer you since we were in that hazy situation, but now that we're in the clear, I think, we should be fine," he said. Though he was glad to see Saber again, the fact that she didn't know who he was saddened him. Since Kotomine's deduction about the time conundrum had a high chance of being correct, he had to deal with the fact that it wasn't that she didn't remember him; it was more that she just hadn't met him yet.

Shirou carefully thought over what he could and couldn't say. From what he could guess, Kiritsugu had yet to force her to destroy the Grail, since her very existence in this world proved that the War, from where she came from, was still on-going. Even so, he decided to tread carefully. When he had started the Fifth Holy Grail War, both she and Kotomine had described Kiritsugu as a heartless killing machine, which was in direct contrast to the image of a peaceful father that Shirou imagined him as.

"I... Well, it's complicated," Shirou began to say to Saber, "Kiritsugu is... my father. Well, err... as you can see, we don't really resemble each other. He saved me from a big fire when I was little, and adopted me. He raised me like his own son..." Shirou explained. As revealed to him early into the Fifth Holy Grail War, the fire was caused by the destruction of the Holy Grail in the previous War. But if Saber didn't know about that... how would she react to knowing how the fire came to be? He mused on how Saber and Kotomine had knowledge on the past and all the background info that allowed Shirou to know what he currently knew, but now that he was meeting them before they knew these things, the roles had been reversed. Shirou did not like having this burden of knowing, but not being able to act. Time paradoxes were likely a nasty matter, but he didn't want Saber to grow to hate Kiritsugu...
Akibahara said:
The Rogue Shadow's hull was secured thanks to rolls upon rolls of duct tape and the bravery of the 11th Doctor! However, the vehicle was still spinning- as Juno Eclipse breathed in steadily, idly controlling the ship, "We're coming in!" The Rebel Assault vessel came into full-view: It was massive, lined in red and white, your classical Republic-era Cruiser. The 100 ton, possibly more, reinforced bay gates slid open, a blue force-field protecting it's inhabitants within...


The Rogue Shadow fireballed...

"... Steady ..."

Almost there...

" ... Steady! ..."

The Rogue Shadow tore through the flimsy forcefield barrier protecting the Republic Command Ship, it rolled over in a flurry of molten steel and fire, end-over-end, your body smashed against the Shadow's interior like a ragdoll. You groaned, closing your eyes shut, the transport vessel smoked and hissed- yet, you couldn't help but offer the brightest of smiles. Safe at last.

EDI's sleek, metallic foot smashed through the passenger seat canopy, idly stepping out from the burning ruin formerly known as The Rogue Shadow. Oooh, it'd be in tow for a long, long time...

At least you were safe?

Nui shrugged off the destruction of the ship she got herself on. Wasn't her's was it? She skipped around and headed towards the exit of the ship. She wondered if it was alright to get off so she could continue her search.

(I'm desperate for interactions so...yeah)
Billy groaned as he got out of his seat

"Damn watermelon hoggin' monkeys! Making this deathtrap! Ey aladeen if we get any of em neegs try and rape us, I'll go all zoo keeper and whip out my trusty banker job application and a whip! I'll bait em out with some chicken!"

Billy looked around and saw Nui

"Fine Caucasian Miss! You uh, shouldn' be walkin' arouun' wit all dem wild neegs roaming dah premosis! Come over so we can form a anti nig field! I suggest you grab yo self a piece of watermelon have em trade their libeurrty for it!"
Sasuke opened his eyes, and saw they were safe. He realized he was wearing the helmet to complete the armor set. Sasuke said "This was just like that time I fought the Raikage." He noticed there were flames around and quickly cast Amateratsu to burn then away, once the flames were gone he stood up and hopped out the wreckage. He landed more or less fine. His EMS glowing beneath his helmet.

@Akibahara @Flaming Centurion
Boss got in guard, deecee at the ready. Juno Eclipse. He had heard rumors of her from imperial officers. She was with the rebellion, great. "Sir, lets go" He said, gesturing to Kit Fisto. He boarded the ship and directly went to the cockpit, where he indeed found Juno. He stood there, and sealed his helmet as the atmospheric pressure started to drop at tremendous speeds. Then a shot, and then a crash and spinning. Boss grabbed the nearest thing he could reach at the time as his boots magnetized onto the spaceships floor.

When everything stopped, Boss got up with little effort. He remembered being in crashes far more worse than this. He stepped out from the destroyed Rogue Shadow. He looked at it with his hands on his hips. This ship had brought fear upon many an imperial pilot, which he knew because they'd talk about it plenty. He looked around and found Juno. She was the commander of that now destroyed ship. "Vader thinks your dead." He said plainly to her "He's gonna be one mighty angry man when he finds out you're not and that you're with the rebellion." He paused for a second. "No, the new Republic. He sighed and looked back around the interior of the Venator-class star destroyer. Memories from another time flooded his mind. "You don't know me, but I know you. I used to be a Republic Commando."

Darkangel666 said:
When everything stopped, Boss got up with little effort. He remembered being in crashes far more worse than this. He stepped out from the destroyed Rogue Shadow. He looked at it with his hands on his hips. This ship had brought fear upon many an imperial pilot, which he knew because they'd talk about it plenty. He looked around and found Juno. She was the commander of that now destroyed ship. "Vader thinks your dead." He said plainly to her "He's gonna be one mighty angry man when he finds out you're not and that you're with the rebellion." He paused for a second. "No, the new Republic. He sighed and looked back around the interior of the Venator-class star destroyer. Memories from another time flooded his mind. "You don't know me, but I know you. I used to be a Republic Commando."

Juno Eclipse stepped out, her arms crossed as she sighed in disbelief, "Blasted ship..." She idly glanced back, "Right, well then, the Empire is in for a surprise. Vader and his damned 'Multiverse' device brought upon hundreds of new races into the fold- ready to pounce and destroy Palpatine's precious Empire with the flick of the wrist. I'll show you around once we get the chance- but first, let's ensure we're all safe and secure."
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Arya pushed herself up again, once again having to get used to the gravity.

She took some careful steps forward, looking around.

This ship was obviously a lot larger, and the previous one was already big.

Then she realized her hands were empty, she had lost the lightsaber and was once again unarmed.

Looking down at her dress, she knew she would have to change into new clothes soon.

This thing was obviously only made to make girls look pretty, and she didn't care about that, unlike her sister.

Arya needed something more comfortable and practical.

"Alright... Priorities... New weapon... New clothing... Find Doctor."

She looked around to see where the man was.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"If I'm right and this is a Venator-Class Star Destroyer, you wont need to be doing much showing around for me." He said, smiling, as he looked around the very familiar Hangar Bay. "Who knows how many LAAT/i gunships I've boarded in one of these beasts. I know everything about these, from the lower deck to the command deck up above." He was happy to be on a familiar ship, finally. He remembered his days with his men from Delta and Omega and all Etain and Bardan and... and Kal. He especially remembered Kal.

Vash had managed to swim over and grab a helmet and was breathing just fine, and then wthe ship began to turn end over end. When he finally opened his eyes he was in a corner on top of his head, and slowly rising he saw a girl heading for an exit. "Hey! I think you should wait till we figure out what's going on, it's not safe to go wandering off." he trotted over to the little girl a bit out of breath. He looked back at where his cell mate was and motioned the girl to him as he walked over to see who she had met. He wasn't really sure about what was going on, but since they all seemed to be rather in the same boat he decided that there was an obvious advantage in numbers. Noticing the other little girl he smiled. "Hi there, and who might you be?"

@Lunar-Eclipse @JayJay
"Well, I guess there's no point arguing, is there? Like I said, we're both set in our ways." The Master said, pulling herself down to one of the seats as well. The Rogue Shadow finally reached its destination. "Finally. I don't want to spend one more second on that damn think. That thing was pretty much falling apart." She stepped onto whatever this new ship was. According to someone next to her, who seemed like a soldier, it was a "Venator-Class Star Destroyer". That sounded like some sort of warship. They were talking about a rebellion... Ooh, this was a war, wasn't it? This was going to be fun, then. Wars always were. She suspected that The Doctor would disagree.

"I assume you're a soldier, then?" She asked the man who had identified the craft. "Only someone who has served on one of these would know it so well."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Darkangel666
xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash had managed to swim over and grab a helmet and was breathing just fine, and then wthe ship began to turn end over end. When he finally opened his eyes he was in a corner on top of his head, and slowly rising he saw a girl heading for an exit. "Hey! I think you should wait till we figure out what's going on, it's not safe to go wandering off." he trotted over to the little girl a bit out of breath. He looked back at where his cell mate was and motioned the girl to him as he walked over to see who she had met. He wasn't really sure about what was going on, but since they all seemed to be rather in the same boat he decided that there was an obvious advantage in numbers. Noticing the other little girl he smiled. "Hi there, and who might you be?"
@Lunar-Eclipse @JayJay
Arya looked over at the man, and immediately one thought jumped into her mind.

What is up with all these people's hair?

"You ask me my name, yet I don't know yours." she responded.
Boss turned to face a young woman (Im guessing) "I- Yeah, I served in many of these before order 66, and even afterwards I got to visit a few. It brings many a memory, especially of those who are my foster family. They aren't here though, they are on another planet." He observed the woman through the helmets blue glowing visor. He found himself still holding his Deecee as if it were a life-preserver. "Sorry" he said, placing in on his back until he heard a click and the laser blaster magnetized to the side of his backpack "I've held onto it for so long that I dont even notice when I have it out."

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