[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

"Tohsaka? She is now approaching her seventh year. Perhaps you have acquainted yourself with her in future. A remarkable student that learns fast, though a pity her father died young" said Kirei with the same flat and dead voice he always used. He almost smiled at the last part of his sentence as he vividly remembered plunging the Azoth dagger into Tokiomi's back to kill him. The pleasant irony of giving the dagger to his daughter Rin in memory of her father was also not lost on Kirei. Kirei's mind once again focused on the more pressing matters around him and noting his environment, he said to Shiro, "In any case, I shall attempt to arm myself and ascertain the situations of the other prisoners". And with that Kirei jogged away from Shiro and towards the long row of armored suits that looked far too bulky for Kirei.

((Gone for a while))
Elegy said:
"Tohsaka? She is now approaching her seventh year. Perhaps you have acquainted yourself with her in future. A remarkable student that learns fast, though a pity her father died young" said Kirei with the same flat and dead voice he always used. He almost smiled at the last part of his sentence as he vividly remembered plunging the Azoth dagger into Tokiomi's back to kill him. The pleasant irony of giving the dagger to his daughter Rin in memory of her father was also not lost on Kirei. Kirei's mind once again focused on the more pressing matters around him and noting his environment, he said to Shiro, "In any case, I shall attempt to arm myself and ascertain the situations of the other prisoners". And with that Kirei jogged away from Shiro and towards the long row of armored suits that looked far too bulky for Kirei.
((Gone for a while))
"Wait, you--!" Shirou began to say, before stopping himself once again. How could that man stay so calm in a bizarre situation like this? Granted, Shirou was not used to strange occurrences like this, considering his life was relatively normal before the Holy Grail War went ahead and turned his life upside down, but still. Then again, for now, perhaps it couldn't be helped. Trying to make sense out of not a lot of clues in a place like this was not a good idea. But at least now, assuming Kotomine was telling the truth, he could speculate further that the Saber and Kotomine that he was encountering were likely the ones that existed before the Fifth Holy Grail War. Sighing, he did his best to tend to the female that he had been carrying about, hoping that no further hostile reinforcements would approach soon.

Still... a seven year old Tohsaka, huh? I'd like to see that...
*Natsu growled as looked at the options. He saw two red ones and he decided to pick the one that resembled fire. He quickly downed with a burp. It tasted like his own fire that is for sure. He tossed the vial shattering it. What a stupid magic... being able to steal others. These guys are gonna pay! Natsu's face filled with rage as he clenched his fingers into a fist and ignited them with a kid in the toy shop smile.* I'm all fired up! *He was ready to beat something senseless*


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Yuki had seen Luka venture off and looked down softly. Why couldn't he remember anything about his past? And why wasn't Luka telling him? this still bothered him. Usually by now Sodom would be nuzzling him and telling him how his matrreally felt. At least Luka's familiar never kept secrets from him. He missed that drgon/wolf/neko Duras. How come Luka had lost his powers? Well at lehe still had that cross for protection.Now tha he was alone healing Benny he started thinking... his expression suddenly went sad. He was thinking about Kanata again... He was the reincarnation ofte half Duras Reiga the whole time... and Kanqta was like a brother as why did he betray him? Reiga waned to eliminate all humans and that mean't extnguishing god's precious light he had to kill Yuki and mae surethat he is never reincarnated agan destroying that special soul of her/his. He missed Kanata so much... he loved him, he was the knly familhe had at the orhanage and he wasn't suppsed to meet Reiga in childhood some said i was a sign the war was going to finally end.
"Ugh, fine. I'll wait around with you two." The Master said reluctantly. She really didn't want to stand around waiting for this Juno woman, and whoever her associate was. But she did it anyway, because she didn't have any other choice. I bet when we're off this damn thing, we'll be at each other's throats. Or rather, I'll be at a bunch of other people's throats, and the Doctor will be trying to stop me. That's how it usually goes. She fired off her blaster a couple times, trying to relieve her boredom of waiting.
*I walked around in the armory, and looked at the massive amount weapons and equipment. It seemed that the rifles that the soldiers were using, are like our laser weapons back at the XCOM facility. Doctor Shen would love to see these weapons. But then again, who knows what is going on back there...hopefully everyone is alright. I need to find a way to get back to them, but for now, I guess I'm stuck here...*

(( Bradford is open to interact with. ))
Luka stayed by the armory for now until Yuki was done. He looked at the mn grabbing a weapon and remainex silent observing as he usually did. He could tell he was on some sort of ship but h had to esfape somehow. Those Zweilts all loved Yuki, he was their life source through all the centuries she now he has been caring mother goose, he wasn't in the Giou clan but his situation was complicated even though some of Yuki's family still didn't trust him he was accepted by most but was forbidden from the main hoise as Duras. He sighed deeply, he didn't want Yuki to heal him andsee his emotional scrs, if that happened he might remember the pain from his past life and obviously he wated to forget. She became him for a reason, the Duras finally spoke up after a few minutes ofsilence. "This place, and these people. Wht do you think is going on here?" he asked him. @Dallas
MattieLee said:
Luka stayed by the armory for now until Yuki was done. He looked at the mn grabbing a weapon and remainex silent observing as he usually did. He could tell he was on some sort of ship but h had to esfape somehow. Those Zweilts all loved Yuki, he was their life source through all the centuries she now he has been caring mother goose, he wasn't in the Giou clan but his situation was complicated even though some of Yuki's family still didn't trust him he was accepted by most but was forbidden from the main hoise as Duras. He sighed deeply, he didn't want Yuki to heal him andsee his emotional scrs, if that happened he might remember the pain from his past life and obviously he wated to forget. She became him for a reason, the Duras finally spoke up after a few minutes ofsilence. "This place, and these people. Wht do you think is going on here?" he asked him. @Dallas
*I heard a voice to my left, I looked over at them and said, "I'm not sure... Judging by all of this technology and weaponry, I think we just got ourselves into a whole lot of trouble." I replied. I think we are in more than just trouble though... I think we just stepped into a all out war. I continued to look at the weaponry on the wall, that's when I forgot to introduce myself. "Oh, I am Central Officer Bradford, but you can call me Bradford if you want." I said, while holding out a hand, ready for a handshake.*

Bombielonia said:



Aladeen found himself looking around him. He found himself having this.. sudden emotional moment as he looked.

Will those be my new friends, or enemies? He asked as she took out some kebab and chewed on it.

Looking over, he saw this young girl-boy whom would be a perfect guard in the future, Arrya Spark. @SekiryuuteiDxD.

Ahh, the doctor. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty . "I will need your weapon to travel back in time later on, Doctor...- I watched your seires, khhh."

He looked at @Verite and @Reaper Jack, yet again question marks formed over his head.

He squinted his eyes at @Jeremiah (Volibear) "You fucking..- You take the middle..- But you.. NOOB!" That was some personal rage there, mostly.

@R4-C9 "What the fuck are you? Aladeen droid? For aladeenual pleasures?"

Aladeen's pupils turned into hearts as he briefly eyed @Cressy Billy, the kid. Aladeen's kid, indeed.

@Flaming Centurion "You need to gain some weight.. Or metal."

(I'm Sasuke)
Luk looked at the man and refused to shake his hand but replied. "My nme is Zess" that was Luka's brand onhis shoulder, proof he was of the sinful betrayer clan. To anyone but Yuki that wa his name. He trusted very few with his real name. "I don't knowwhat you think but aI know a war when I see one" He spent his whole life figting against his own kind in the never ending war between the Giou clan and the Duras. He knew war too well.
MattieLee said:
Luk looked at the man and refused to shake his hand but replied. "My nme is Zess" that was Luka's brand onhis shoulder, proof he was of the sinful betrayer clan. To anyone but Yuki that wa his name. He trusted very few with his real name. "I don't knowwhat you think but aI know a war when I see one" He spent his whole life figting against his own kind in the never ending war between the Giou clan and the Duras. He knew war too well.
*I was a bit disappointed when Zess didn't accept the handshake, but I don't blame him. Seems a bit obvious not to trust anyone at this time, especially since none of us know each other. Or the fact that we just escaped from a prison... "Well then... It's a pleasure to meet you Zess." I said. This fellow didn't seem too friendly, I may need to keep an eye on him. "So you have seen the horrors of war I'm guessing? I have too... Sorry if I'm asking a personal question." I said. I wouldn't mind if he didn't respond. I've met soldiers who have went from hell and back, and sometimes they would never talk...other times they become mentally scarred...*
Luka nodded softly. "I'm involved in a never ending war, a holy war against my own kind. I take it youhave never heard of the Duras? well to put it bluntly were demons and the world has been at war since the beginning of time... You may not believe me but..." then Yuki ran in after healing Benny with some minor scratches and such, he was more worried about wha he absorbed emotionally. Eventually Yuki's powers would return fully and he might end up ending this damn war. Only gods light can do that. Funny how someone so weak and fraile eally held such power. "Huh?" he was just surprised Luka was talking to someone...
MattieLee said:
Luka nodded softly. "I'm involved in a never ending war, a holy war against my own kind. I take it youhave never heard of the Duras? well to put it bluntly were demons and the world has been at war since the beginning of time... You may not believe me but..." then Yuki ran in after healing Benny with some minor scratches and such, he was more worried about wha he absorbed emotionally. Eventually Yuki's powers would return fully and he might end up ending this damn war. Only gods light can do that. Funny how someone so weak and fraile eally held such power. "Huh?" he was just surprised Luka was talking to someone...
*I raised an eyebrow, I had no idea what he was talking about. But I should just go with it, and say I believe him. After all, I've been combating a alien threat, so anything is possible really. "I believe you, I am in a war myself. Well...was in a war, before I ended up here." I replied. I then saw someone else approach us, apparently they were surprised by something. I have no idea what though...*
Luka could tel they were confused... sad humans had no idea what was going on around them... God was up there somewhere laughing at him he was sure... Yuki looked at them "Umm... I just wanted you to know I had another one of type weid dreams I can't rmember afterwards... Luka sighed at this rate his memories would come back, he couldn't keep it a secret forever. "You passed out again didn't you?... how man times do I hav to tellyouto take it easy?" Yuki nodded embarassed. He couldn't even handle healing a few souls without fainting... he was patheitically useless. Nobody wanted himwhy was he even alive? Toko and Luka said he had some special purpos but he found that hard to believe... his own mother abandoned him and lft himan orphan. Luka was the only peson who hadn't left him yet.
Mid-Round Update:

“Coming through!”

It wasn't long until a loud 'PEW PEW!' erupted behind twin double doors, giving way to a wounded Stormtrooper, his body toppling over, side-to-side, “Uuuugh...” He moaned pitifully, struggling to crawl away until- PEW!- a final super-heated charge tore a gaping black hole into his white-plated armor. He fell over, dead.


A soft 'tap' 'tap' 'tap' clicked alongside the Cell deck, revealing a slender female, ironically sporting a professional two-piece darkish gray Imperial uniform, flipping her blaster elegantly into it's holster, “A pleasure to finally meet you.” Her blue hues scanned the vicinity: Tons of dead Stormtroopers, prisoners, hmm. Not bad. Idly regarding the survivors, she nodded, “... I see why Commander Skywalker wants t- I, my apologies, I'm Juno Eclipse. In the flesh. I believe we have a shuttle anticipating our departure. Let's hurry, shall we?”


A curvy fembot followed suite, idly typing a few keypads on a brilliant orange hologram illuminating from her right arm as she stepped over the deceased Stormtrooper. For a machine, she was unusually attractive. Her physique was lined in a grayish blue poly-alloy metal, a pair of visors adorned such exotic alien eyes, and her “hair” curved just below the earline. It's as if her creators wanted to make her as humanistic as possible...

“I don't wish to disappoint you, Captain Eclipse, but our window of opportunity is closing. I estimate approximately 9 minutes, 32 seconds until Imperial operatives render our signal jammer useless.”

Juno nodded, “Right. Thanks EDI. C'mon, let's move!”



You never saw it before, but now you have- a massive space skirmish raged violently outside: Huge swaths of TIE and X-Wing Fighters flashed brightly in the darkness. Ion cannons hailing from Rebel Battleships fired their payload, catching an Imperial Star Destroyer mid-section. It blew up in a vivid display of orange and red, it's hull tore in half, drifting away into the vast expanse of outer space.


A red laser beam narrowly ziplined past your transport vessel...

This was intense. Too intense.


You sat nervously aboard a modified version of The Rogue Shadow, now equipped to handle over 50 passengers, “Come on...” Juno Eclipse twirled her ship elegantly in space, it honestly made you a little nauseous, watching powerful death-dealing laser beams shoot past you- and worse, knowing that ONE little mistake can end your existence in a lovely flash.


“Dammit! EDI, status?”

A trail of loose wires sparked wildly on the left wing, sending plumes of thick smoke into your windshield. PEW! PEW! PEW! A barrage of TIE Fighters fixed right on Juno's ass, ripping apart the flimsy transport vessel's wing off like a wet noodle, you spun around aimlessly into space, charging headfirst into the Rebel Command Vessel...

“We have sustained 40% damage. May I suggest you 'wing it' and land into the hanger bay?”

“That's what I'm trying to do!” Juno yelled.

I'd suggest trying to help. Oh, and the air thinned dramatically, it appears a nice little hole discovered it's way into The Rogue Shadow, de-atmosphering the insides at an incredible rate!

Have fun.
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Suddenly, the air shimmered a meter or two behind Juno and her machine. The Predator Youngblood uncloaked, blood coating his claws, and splattered across his armor in several places. If one had wanted to know where the blood had come from, they might just notice a dozen Storm Troopers lying dismembered in the cargo bay, their skulls ripped out, and impaled on their own guns in a display of the Youngblood's victory.

In captivity, an imperial officer had noted that he could electronically mimic any sound he heard, to lure prey into traps. Said officer had attempted teaching the Predator English. It had partially worked, as the Youngblood, who's name sounded like Haazan, was now able to loosely speak the English language, but he sounded like the imperial officer when he did so.

"What is problem?" he now asked, the accented voice sounding strange with the simple speech. He had learned that the fellow prisoners were fighting the Empire aswell, meaning they were his allies..... for now.


(I have to get to bed guys.)

Yuki wassitting down with Luka hppy that they were escaping but when they sustained damges he began to pray. Gd would surely answer his prayers right? Luka watched him and then heard the electronic voice. The Duras motioned for Yuki to stay wher he was and he moved on to see if he could find an exit. Or someone with the knoledge to either land or repair this ship they were onSomewhere deep down he wondered if it was possible this could be some sort of new spell of Reiga's what was. his issue anyways? thnk hed give up by now... oh well. If it washim hed die later.
Saber's attention had been diverted by the situation developing around her and she had maintained some distance between herself and the two-then three, men who were with her; scouting the areas ahead of them and so not being able to hear their conversation; she did however; pick up some key words.

"Shirou...Emiya? Kotomine Kirei!?"

They knew her.

She knew Kirei.

This was bad. Kirei was one of the most dangerous men in existence; according to Irisviel; he was the only man capable of defeating Kiritsugu for the Holy Grail; and she knew for a fact that Kiritsugu himself backed that up. She also knew that Kirei had almost killed Irisviel for no better reason that that she was in his way at the time. He was cold and heartless; and not to be trusted.

She rushed back over to them and spoke in clear tones; attempting to discern the exact nature of the situation.

"Stop what you're doing, both of you." She turned to the man who claimed he was Shirou Emiya "you said you were Emiya correct? Are you a relation of Kiritsugu's? If so; how do you know me?"

She paused while waiting for an answer; but looked at Kirei from the corner of her vision; her gaze edged "if you really are Kotomine Kirei; you shall stay exactly where you are or face death; you remain an enemy master to me at this point."



// @Akibahara I'll deal with your shit once I get my bearings again. //
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Akibahara said:
Mid-Round Update:

“Coming through!”

It wasn't long until a loud 'PEW PEW!' erupted behind twin double doors, giving way to a wounded Stormtrooper, his body toppling over, side-to-side, “Uuuugh...” He moaned pitifully, struggling to crawl away until- PEW!- a final super-heated charge tore a gaping black hole into his white-plated armor. He fell over, dead.


A soft 'tap' 'tap' 'tap' clicked alongside the Cell deck, revealing a slender female, ironically sporting a professional two-piece darkish gray Imperial uniform, flipping her blaster elegantly into it's holster, “A pleasure to finally meet you.” Her blue hues scanned the vicinity: Tons of dead Stormtroopers, prisoners, hmm. Not bad. Idly regarding the survivors, she nodded, “... I see why Commander Skywalker wants t- I, my apologies, I'm Juno Eclipse. In the flesh. I believe we have a shuttle anticipating our departure. Let's hurry, shall we?”


A curvy fembot followed suite, idly typing a few keypads on a brilliant orange hologram illuminating from her right arm as she stepped over the deceased Stormtrooper. For a machine, she was unusually attractive. Her physique was lined in a grayish blue poly-alloy metal, a pair of visors adorned such exotic alien eyes, and her “hair” curved just below the earline. It's as if her creators wanted to make her as humanistic as possible...

“I don't wish to disappoint you, Captain Eclipse, but our window of opportunity is closing. I estimate approximately 9 minutes, 32 seconds until Imperial operatives render our signal jammer useless.”

Juno nodded, “Right. Thanks EDI. C'mon, let's move!”



You never saw it before, but now you have- a massive space skirmish raged violently outside: Huge swaths of TIE and X-Wing Fighters flashed brightly in the darkness. Ion cannons hailing from Rebel Battleships fired their payload, catching an Imperial Star Destroyer mid-section. It blew up in a vivid display of orange and red, it's hull tore in half, drifting away into the vast expanse of outer space.


A red laser beam narrowly ziplined past your transport vessel...

This was intense. Too intense.


You sat nervously aboard a modified version of The Rogue Shadow, now equipped to handle over 50 passengers, “Come on...” Juno Eclipse twirled her ship elegantly in space, it honestly made you a little nauseous, watching powerful death-dealing laser beams shoot past you- and worse, knowing that ONE little mistake can end your existence in a lovely flash.


“Dammit! EDI, status?”

A trail of loose wires sparked wildly on the left wing, sending plumes of thick smoke into your windshield. PEW! PEW! PEW! A barrage of TIE Fighters fixed right on Juno's ass, ripping apart the flimsy transport vessel's wing off like a wet noodle, you spun around aimlessly into space, charging headfirst into the Rebel Command Vessel...

“We have sustained 40% damage. May I suggest you 'wing it' and land into the hanger bay?”

“That's what I'm trying to do!” Juno yelled.

I'd suggest trying to help. Oh, and the air thinned dramatically, it appears a nice little hole discovered it's way into The Rogue Shadow, de-atmosphering the insides at an incredible rate!

Have fun.
Benny sat down, a grin on his face and a spacesuit plastered on his skin. "Heyo, guys! When are we headed to Cloudland? What's that out there? Should we like run or something? Do you want me to build a -spaceship? Urg, um, um," Benny couldn't ask any more questions after the s word was uttered. He noticed a bunch of people were staring at him so he smiled again. In his hand, what had once been a pencil that he'd fiddled with was now a small, wood sculpture. Ah, master builders.

The people were still staring at him. Benny didn't understand. His grin was wider, but he hardly meant it. "Sp-space-spaceship?"
(( I just woke up, and now I can't sleep. Screw it, I'm posting anyway. ))

*I was relived when we left the large station. That is, until a explosion ripped a hole in the ship. It wasn't a large hole, but we were losing oxygen fast. We need to either land, or find a way to close up that hole before we all end up dead. Smoke filled the air where I was, I coughed a bit, and stayed low to the floor so I can avoid the smoke. I made my way to the cockpit of the ship, only to see a two meter tall being right behind the women named Juno. My first thought, was that it was hostile. But from the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be doing much. if it was hostile, it could have attacked her, or one of us by now. I hid around the corner, out of sight of the two meter tall alien.*

[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse](When do I have to have my first post by? Just to be sure.)

(( You should at least have your prologue done by today, if you choose to have one that is. Otherwise, get some character interaction going! :) ))
Arya had no idea what to do in this situation.

She knew absolutely nothing about spaceships, and was still trying to process what was going on here.

It looked like a massive war in space, how was that even possible?

Not wanting to get too involved with the war or the repairs of the spaceship, she kept to her old plan of sticking close to the Doctor

He gave her a nice feeling of safety, like he wouldn't let her get hurt.

But something obviously needed to be done, or they would all be dead.

Looking up at the Doctor with worried eyes, she asked:

"Do you think there is anything we could do to help?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

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