[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]The Doctor cringed, his neck and shoulders tensing at Arya's joke. He moved his head from side to side to loosen up his muscles, before rolling his eyes as he thought of her comment again.
"Please! I would not-- I could not-- Been there done that. Fell in lo--had feelings of attachment for one before and it won't be happen again."

By that he meant he had loved a person named Rose before. Not The Master. But by the way he spoke, however, it was probably difficult to understand what he meant. But he wished he could stop thinking about Rose. He wished he could stop being reminded...

He walked along, a slightly sadder expression on his face now. He glanced around, trying to figure out where the woman who spoke to them over the speaker could be.


Her smile slowly faded when she saw the Doctor's reaction.

Apparently she struck a sensitive subject, and she felt guilty for it.

Arya cleared her throat and took a breath a couple seconds after the Doctor finished.

"... I'm sorry, I... didn't mean to bring things up that you're not... comfortable with being... brought up..."

She looked to the Doctor once, and then back to the floor, chewing her lip.

// @JustanotherRPer
@The Gil[/URL]


James and Sly Cooper finally woke up- the Cell Block was filled to the brink with Imperial and prisoner corpses, killed in some wild firefight between the two factions. Your fellow prison buddies were long gone, except for Legion, Kasumi, and Bradford, who eliminated two Stormtroopers--you were safe, for now--if you so desired, you could either A.) Pick up a blaster rifle to defend yourself or B.) Head into the armory and pick out an assortment of weapons the Empire locked up, which contain your personal belongings, too.
xxDragonEater95xx said:
"You can count on me!" he said as he surveyed their current predicament, "Oh yeah! Cover-fire!" Vash said as he eyed their target that had been sniping at them.
His left hand opening and turning into a hand held machine-gun, he opened fire at their aggressor to relieve the pressure off of the girl and help her close the gap on their assailant.
@Reaper Jack

The Imperial Sniper groaned, one of Vash's bullets caught his shoulder, the rest spraying across the metal grating covering him, "Blasted!" He cursed, his rifle dropping with a 'clack'! He obviously wasn't dead, but he wasn't going to snipe with a bullet in his shoulder! You could see him in the distance run off, groaning in pain as he vanished deep into some long corridor--it appears he's going to call for reinforcements...
Akibahara said:
@The Gil

James and Sly Cooper finally woke up- the Cell Block was filled to the brink with Imperial and prisoner corpses, killed in some wild firefight between the two factions. Your fellow prison buddies were long gone, except for Legion, Kasumi, and Bradford, who eliminated two Stormtroopers--you were safe, for now--if you so desired, you could either A.) Pick up a blaster rifle to defend yourself or B.) Head into the armory and pick out an assortment of weapons the Empire locked up, which contain your personal belongings, too.
James looked around once again. Going out from a cell near his, he saw a sort of humanoid raccoon. Things were surely going weird. Maybe this was only a dream, maybe it wasn't. He wouldn't be risking to find out anytime soon, because if it was true, then he would just be wasting time. Weird shit was the sort of stuff he always dealt with all day. On the ground there were a lot of corpses, but James didn't cared, he was used to it. The thing that he wished the most was a place to hide, and maybe the nearby armory would be the perfect place for it (B) . He looked to the raccoon man on his side and wondered if he would understand english. "Hey... You alright?".

SekiryuuteiDxD said:
"Guess you're right. It would be a different story if I could mold chakra." Sasuke said. He placed his kusanagi sword in it's sheath.
@Flaming Centurion
He looks over at the guy with the machine-gun hand using primitive technology to kill in a world of lazers. Then he notices the Sniper that is calling for reinforcements.

"Idiot…" Grievous mutters under his breath. "Sasuke, we have incoming…"
Darkangel666 said:
Boss woke up on a bunk with an extreme headache. He knew this area far too well: The Death Star's Holding Cells. He couldn't remember the number of people he had put in here or executed, but it was in the double digits.
He could barely remember what had happened. The commandos had grown tired of Vader's orders, of killing Jedi against their will, they had grown sick of Vader when Bry died, then Ennen committed suicide. They had made the commando's into ruthless monsters, and they had grown tired of it.

They had retaliated, planning to highjack an imperial shuttle with hyperdrive and to go back to Mandalore, but their plan to highjack the advanced shuttle was bashed and Boss sacrificed himself so that the rest could leave. And now, he was here. He was still in his imperial Katarn armor, with his helmet and backpack.

He jumped down from the bunk bed and punched the door, making the vibroblade eject and leaving a dent on the metal. In the room were two other men it seemed. One had a really large and deformed head. "Wait a minute... Are you... General Kit Fisto?!" The commando said, almost yelling. He didn't understand. How was he still alive? How had Vader not sent him to end his life? How had he even survived order 66? Boss had many questions in his mind.
At the sound of his name Kit turned around. "I am, who asks?" He held his sabers to his sides, ready to deflect laser bolts. That's when he noticed Boss. "Are you surprised to see me clone? Surprised I'm one of the few Jedi remaining?" He asked mover closer turning a saber off. "My question that really needs to be answered it this?" He slammed boss against the wall holding the tip of his saber against his armor near the heart. "Should I kill you, or are you not as dark as the rest?"
JayJay said:
Her smile slowly faded when she saw the Doctor's reaction.
Apparently she struck a sensitive subject, and she felt guilty for it.

Arya cleared her throat and took a breath a couple seconds after the Doctor finished.

"... I'm sorry, I... didn't mean to bring things up that you're not... comfortable with being... brought up..."

She looked to the Doctor once, and then back to the floor, chewing her lip.

// @JustanotherRPer
"No, I'm sorry. Being as old as I am, you'd think I would have thicker skin with certain... topics... but I suppose not."

He stopped walking and glanced to Arya. "Love is a difficult thing for a man who never dies and outlives everyone." He smiled. "One could spend the rest of their life with me, but I cannot spend the rest of my life with someone. But, ah, problems, problems, everyone has them. I don't have a right to complain when many have it worse. I have you for the time being. Come along, Arya!"

He kept the smile on his face and grabbed Arya's hand, tugging her along with him. "Does this woman, our savior, intend to hide herself from us? I haven't the faintest clue where she could be. Perhaps we should locate a security camera for me to hack and use that to search for her," he mused, unsure.

[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]
"No, I'm sorry. Being as old as I am, you'd think I would have thicker skin with certain... topics... but I suppose not."
He stopped walking and glanced to Arya. "Love is a difficult thing for a man who never dies and outlives everyone." He smiled. "One could spend the rest of their life with me, but I cannot spend the rest of my life with someone. But, ah, problems, problems, everyone has them. I don't have a right to complain when many have it worse. I have you for the time being. Come along, Arya!"

He kept the smile on his face and grabbed Arya's hand, tugging her along with him. "Does this woman, our savior, intend to hide herself from us? I haven't the faintest clue where she could be. Perhaps we should locate a security camera for me to hack and use that to search for her," he mused, unsure.


Arya took the Doctor's hand and held him close as they continued.

He said many had it worse, but she couldn't imagine how horrible it must be to not be with someone you love for a long enough period of time.

"Yes... You have me... And I'm not planning to die for a very long time."

// I'm just gonna wait to meet Juno & the rebels now, unless you have anything planned ^^

((Righto, and no. He hasnt gone to get his gear yet. I've waited till the last minute to do so))

"Please sir" Boss groaned as the Jedi smashed him against a wall "I am from the republic, I served the Jedi and I always will, sir!" He could not believe what he was saying. Yes, he believed it, but that did not change the fact that he had killed Jedi, and it didnt matter if he was forced to do so by Vader: He still did it. "Sir, I turned against him, Vader that is. Sacrificed my mates to get them to Mandalore, our foster home planet, sir. P-please... dont kill me. I am not like them."

(( @La Muerte ))
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SekiryuuteiDxD said:
"Guess you're right. It would be a different story if I could mold chakra." Sasuke said. He placed his kusanagi sword in it's sheath.
@Flaming Centurion
"Take out as many as possible and as quickly as you can, don't let them overwhelm you."

Grievous turns on his two main sabers and starts to spin them, his two smaller arms at the ready.

The comm-link buzzed again, the female's voice appeared:

“Hello? This is Juno Eclipse, do you read me?”

The Empire was nowhere to be seen: All of them were dead or wounded, incapable of further combat, which left nothing more except your equipment and your compatriots. The armory was relatively small, but was filled with holograms, displaying planets, maps, various ships within the Death Star, and the types of weapons procured from the prisoners.


“Listen, if you can hear me, stay put, we're intercepting a signal from the Empire and jamming their communications. My associate and I will be with you shortly-- we're taking heavy losses out there, you better be worth it...”
Akibahara said:
The comm-link buzzed again, the female's voice appeared:

“Hello? This is Juno Eclipse, do you read me?”

The Empire was nowhere to be seen: All of them were dead or wounded, incapable of further combat, which left nothing more except your equipment and your compatriots. The armory was relatively small, but was filled with holograms, displaying planets, maps, various ships within the Death Star, and the types of weapons procured from the prisoners.


“Listen, if you can hear me, stay put, we're intercepting a signal from the Empire and jamming their communications. My associate and I will be with you shortly-- we're taking heavy losses out there, you better be worth it...”
All the holograms Shirou saw went over his head. All these planets, all these spaceships. It was like he was in some sort of cheap B science fiction movie. But it was probably more accurate to say that he was trapped in some sort of galaxy far, far away. He had no need for the weapons, as he was sure his magecraft abilities would do the trick on their own, though Shirou was oblivious to the fact that the Death Star seemed to nullify his abilities.

Glancing at the female he had been dragging about, he glanced around in case there were any other hostile forces intending to hurt her. "Come on, just hang in there. We'll make it out, I promise..."
Akibahara said:
The comm-link buzzed again, the female's voice appeared:

“Hello? This is Juno Eclipse, do you read me?”

The Empire was nowhere to be seen: All of them were dead or wounded, incapable of further combat, which left nothing more except your equipment and your compatriots. The armory was relatively small, but was filled with holograms, displaying planets, maps, various ships within the Death Star, and the types of weapons procured from the prisoners.


“Listen, if you can hear me, stay put, we're intercepting a signal from the Empire and jamming their communications. My associate and I will be with you shortly-- we're taking heavy losses out there, you better be worth it...”
JayJay said:
Arya took the Doctor's hand and held him close as they continued.
He said many had it worse, but she couldn't imagine how horrible it must be to not be with someone you love for a long enough period of time.

"Yes... You have me... And I'm not planning to die for a very long time."

// I'm just gonna wait to meet Juno & the rebels now, unless you have anything planned ^^

"Yes... You have me... And I'm not planning to die for a very long time," Arya said to him.

They all say that, the time lord thought. They all say that before they go away and leave me alone again...

The Doctor nodded at her again, still smiling. "Yes, I have you."

He continued walking, stopping when the com-link played another message. After the message ended, The Doctor glanced to Arya.

"Well you heard the lady, we need to stay put. Let's find a janitor's closet to hide in, or something."

They shouldn't move anymore. They needed to wait.

//You don't have to reply again. I was just tempted to reply again seeing another message from Juno. xD

@JayJay @JustanotherRPer
Darkangel666 said:
((Righto, and no. He hasnt gone to get his gear yet. I've waited till the last minute to do so))
"Please sir" Boss groaned as the Jedi smashed him against a wall "I am from the republic, I served the Jedi and I always will, sir!" He could not believe what he was saying. Yes, he believed it, but that did not change the fact that he had killed Jedi, and it didnt matter if he was forced to do so by Vader: He still did it. "Sir, I turned against him, Vader that is. Sacrificed my mates to get them to Mandalore, our foster home planet, sir. P-please... dont kill me. I am not like them."

(( @La Muerte ))
"Your lucky," he clicked his saber off and dropped Boss, "I still hold a few of my Jedi morals." He turned away looking behind him, "Follow me and stay close." Fisto headed to the armory.
Sly stretched his legs and his arms up into the sky, then looked at the man who was currently talking to him. Huh. He was more so used to this man not talking at all when they got their tiny bit of a look outdoors during lunch. And now, here he was. Talking. He wasn't sure if he had even heard words coming out of his mouth. "Yeah. I'm doing good. Uh, you?" He quickly asked, then looked over towards the armory. That would likely be the place his cane would be. Good old (B.) He began walking that way, hoping that the man with the scar would follow.
*I finally reached the armory. It looked at the amount of people in the armory, it seemed I wasn't the only one looking to get their equipment back. I began to search for my equipment, until I came across my handgun, and a few extra magazines for it. I loaded the handgun, and holstered it. I looked around in the armory once more, and keeping an eye on most of people here in this room. I have to remember that most of us are, well, were prisoners. So who knows when one of these guys could snap, and try and kill us.*

<-- His handgun...

(( Bradford is open to interact with... ))
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SuperChocoMilk said:
Sly stretched his legs and his arms up into the sky, then looked at the man who was currently talking to him. Huh. He was more so used to this man not talking at all when they got their tiny bit of a look outdoors during lunch. And now, here he was. Talking. He wasn't sure if he had even heard words coming out of his mouth. "Yeah. I'm doing good. Uh, you?" He quickly asked, then looked over towards the armory. That would likely be the place his cane would be. Good old (B.) He began walking that way, hoping that the man with the scar would follow.
"Yeah, I'm doing good". He looked back to the armory again. Right now, he just needed to chill. The raccoon man also had the same idea that he had. Perhaps that armory was being the safe place for many people right now. He wouldn't mind chatting with more people. Actually, he was really starting to feel lonely in that cell. It would be best to probably follow the little raccoon man. James placed the hands on his neck and turned it to the right and then to left. It was hurting ever since they sent to the past for the first time. Maybe he just needed somebody specialized in massages. That was a space station, they could have one of those. In a space station with a bunch of weird folks crawling around, what couldn't be? He walked inside the armory along with the raccoon, looking around to everyone. More people than he expected. James turned his eyes back to the raccoon. "I guess it's high season".
"Yessir!" Boss said, running behind Kit Fisto. He was happy that somebody survived order 66. Even poor Kad's mom had been killed during that day.

They reached the armory, Boss still catching up to Kit. He entered and rummaged through boxes. "Bralov!" He yelled happily in mado'a. From a crate, he pulled out his Deecee, the refurbished one the empire had let him keep. He turned to face Kit Fisto and tried his VibroBlade. It still worked, perfect.

"General, I'm ready. What are your orders?"
Akibahara said:
The comm-link buzzed again, the female's voice appeared:

“Hello? This is Juno Eclipse, do you read me?”

The Empire was nowhere to be seen: All of them were dead or wounded, incapable of further combat, which left nothing more except your equipment and your compatriots. The armory was relatively small, but was filled with holograms, displaying planets, maps, various ships within the Death Star, and the types of weapons procured from the prisoners.


“Listen, if you can hear me, stay put, we're intercepting a signal from the Empire and jamming their communications. My associate and I will be with you shortly-- we're taking heavy losses out there, you better be worth it...”
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1409017762.198592.jpg.3bd52675d3a979456f053884106f77c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1409017762.198592.jpg.3bd52675d3a979456f053884106f77c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Benny was asleep.

How, you might ask, a person was able to remain asleep in such chaos, Benny wouldn't even be able to answer you himself. He only woke up when the intercom went off. He slowly blinked awake, vision blurry.

He heard the shooting and screaming off in a distance, but instead of doing anything about it, he took his time making a long, over exaggerated yawn.

Benny was not a morning person.

His tired eyes searched the room around where he was laying, and saw he was in some sort of prison cell. He knew he had flown way too far away from home even before the galactic empire had blown up his spaceship.


Benny groaned, vibrating his lips like a horse and shaking his head from side to side. He had to use a lot of effort to keep his hand from twitching. A nervous tick. That word was not something he should be thinking of right now. His bright blue spacesuit that he had been wearing was good enough. Right?


Benny stood up, his helmet bumping against the bunk above him. He did a little dance ad grinned, ready to take on whatever was screaming outside or whatever. Probably the President Business of the Galactic Empire's doing. The cell bars had seemingly been bent away, so Benny skipped forward, ducking underneath a metal bar. And emerging out of the cell. He walked past a hallway and turned.

"Heyo!" He shouted, a grin split across his face as he walked forward, his bright blue spacesuit gleaming in the fluorescent light.

There was absolutely no way anybody would see the six foot lunatic, right?



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Darkangel666 said:
"Yessir!" Boss said, running behind Kit Fisto. He was happy that somebody survived order 66. Even poor Kad's mom had been killed during that day.
They reached the armory, Boss still catching up to Kit. He entered and rummaged through boxes. "Bralov!" He yelled happily in mado'a. From a crate, he pulled out his Deecee, the refurbished one the empire had let him keep. He turned to face Kit Fisto and tried his VibroBlade. It still worked, perfect.

"General, I'm ready. What are your orders?"
"We wait." Kit leaned against the wall. He missed Aayla, a female Jedi who he was a really close with. He went out with her a few weeks before Order 66, and though Jedi weren't supposed to love he loved her. He remembered the day he caught word only he, Yoda, and master Ben were the only survived. He felt the hate that a Jedi was never allowed to feel.

"Clone do you remember Jedi Master Aayla?" He asked Boss awaiting his reaction.

TheColourlessRainbow said:
(May I please be updated on what is happening?)
((Not much since the start, except that [in case you missed] we were offered a choice between "taking a gun from a dead corpse" or "heading for the armory to take cover"))

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