[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Dallas said:
*Now's my chance to strike. I grabbed the soldiers arm, and pulled him into my cell. My fist connected with his face. Well, helmet actually... He fell to the ground, grunting. I placed my hands over his neck, and began to choke him. If successful, the stormtrooper should become knocked out. I then can take his pistol, which I can use to take down the next stormtrooper. Who seems to be in his own little world.*
The Stormtrooper struggled for air, his circulation cut off as he momentarily passed out... you'd have 10 minutes before he woke up again, "Nnngh..." He moaned incoherently, the last Stormtrooper gasped, dropping his rifle, "I... I surrender!"
Kasumi smiled, and took a step towards the storm trooper, "Now you see me..." mumbled Kasumi as she would do a kick high enough to impact the mans helmet, and hopefully knock him off his feet.

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xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash was impressed by the woman's ability to keep a level head under the current cirumstances, and decided to follow her lead as he kept a watchful eye of his surroundings. For some reason all the women he ever ran into seemed to be very capable...and very hot! He chuckled as the thought came into his head, and at the same time he wondered how all the others were fairing. He wondered if they all had as colorful a past as he did since they seemed to all have been held in cells. The scope of the situation wasn't quite in his grasp although he understood that the people shooting at them were bad guy, and speaking of which...he really needed to get his hands on a firearm.
"Hey, I'm Vash. What's your name?" He grinned widely as he looked to the other guy in they were now accompanying.
"Eh?" The young man blinked as he maintained his breath in an attempt to help the woman to the armory, "I'm Shirou. Shirou Emiya," he introduced himself, loud enough for even Saber to hear, "Come on, we need to help this poor woman! I'm not sure how long she'll last!"

@Reaper Jack

So Mr. Cole, I presume you got it.

Yeah, guess I did.

Did you really?

I said I fucking did.

So what will you do again?

...Ahmmm... Erm... That thing, you know, changing the past and then... Stuff... You know, helping the future.

God, you're awful at this.

So why the hell do you guys always send me? Ohhh, I mean, no, I'm great.

...Right. Bon voyage Mr. Cole.

Try to send me to the right place this time. If you send me to another World War I swear to god I'm coming back for your asses. Do you get it?

Goodbye Mr. Cole.

James Cole heard the buzz of the time traveling machine once again. He was getting tired of that and he just wanted it to end. As he already expected, the machine was flawed and he was sent to the wrong place once again, finding himself on the open nothing of space, holding his breath. A second and a half later, the machine found him sending him to another place, hopefully, the right time. Wrong, again, but this time, they couldn't find him. They searched all over the time and space but he was nowhere, nowhere to be found. James Cole woke up in a cell on a foreign location. It looked further into the future, not in the past where he expected to be. He stayed on that cell for a weak, trying to make sense of that situation, looking at all the spaceman around, hearing the conversations. Apparently there was some kind of a conflict, an empire and rebels. Why was he always sent to war places? He couldn't say. Then, it happened. There were a lot of lights, sounds and awful noises of all kinds. The cell opened and a voice was heard. It was time to escape. James Cole looked around.

"Lucky me".
JustanotherRPer said:
"You seem to be forgetting that I saved the your life, not to mention the entire universe, from the Time Lords, last time we saw each other." The Master said. Then she grumbled "You'd think something like that would improve someone's opinion a bit." She clenched her fists in anger when he taunted her about her newest incarnation. Calm down, She thought to herself. Killing him won't do any good. I need him. "I wouldn't know. Why don't you tell me?" She taunted with a smile on her face.
"Saved my life? Heh. Still have your sense of humor, I see. Last I checked, you wanted to take over the earth and rid it of the human race. Not exactly my cup of tea. My opinion of you will never change unless you renounce your old ways." But The Doctor couldn't picture that happening.

"And you know as well as I do, Master, that I have never once regenerated into a female." He wrinkled his nose. And he didn't plan to. Nothing against them--he liked women--he just didn't want to be one. "But apparently you have become one now, and a bloody attractive one at that," he teased with a smirk.


Almost, floating, as it felt.

That's what it was like, falling straight through fifty straights lines of lasers that would electrocute you until your eyeballs exploded. Floating. It was peaceful, despite the constant death surrounding Sly Cooper.

"Who designs buildings like this?" The raccoon mumbled to himself, holding on to his hat as he fell straight down, his came strapped to his back. He landed on the ground with quite grace, then quickly turned his head around to look down the hallway. He touched a hand to his ear. "Bentley, I'm in."

A voice popped up in his left eardrum, echoing through his brain. It was a slightly dorky voice, as it were, but that was Bentley. A dork, pretty much. "Good, good. The hallway to your right, head down it. You'll come to a locked door, but I'll open it. Then, there'll be a flashlight guard. If he sees you, you're..."

"Dead, I get it Bentley. Guns kill people."

He flicked his radio off, then went straight down the hallway. The door in front of him opened up, and he stepped through. Good old Bentley. His eyes were now gazing upon the bright yellow that if he stepped in would be soon replaced by the flash of a gun. "How do I get through this?" He murmered to himself. Thank God they were basically deaf and blind, these flashlight guards. He pulled a smoke bomb out, through it into the light then ran in, breaking the guards neck with his cane. And now, was what he had come for.

That beautiful safe. The glimmering, beautiful, safe. "Hello there." He said to no one in particular, then waited for the combination to sound out on his headset, as Bentley's voice popped in.







The safe popped open, and Sly Cooper beamed as he saw what was inside...

Hold on, what the hell?

A hat with a tad bit of blood on it, and a bright blue D on it's surface. The blue suited raccoon picked it up, puzzled by why this was in here, and why the hell it had replaced the diamond the safe previously held.


A feminine and Latino voice resounded across the walls behind Sly, and he flipped around to come face to face with Carmelita Fox herself. "Do you like my new gun?" She asked, holding up what appeared to be a rocket launcher. "What happened to the stun gun? I preferred it. A lot."

Carmelita smiled. "Well, this time my phasers are set to kill." She fired a rocket off, colliding at Sly's feet, as everything seemed to go in slow motion.

He was floating.

And then he was falling.


He didn't know how long it had been, since had had appeared on the desert planet of Tattooine and met those weird hairless things called humans, but he was willing to live with it. He had mostly just hung out with some weird flying thing called a Geonosion that owned a shop, but he was kind of a dick, in all honesty. It was good money though. Unfortunately, one day Cooper stole the wrong thing, and the Empire came and took him away.

He had really just been twiddling his thumbs and the like in his prison cell, and of course looking at that infernal hat. He had managed to hide it when the Empire caught him, but his cane was taken away.

And then the doors opened. Sly Cooper stepped out of his cell, and looked around. "Right."



(If you talk to me, I should respond at around 10:00 PM EST.)
Akibahara said:
The Stormtrooper struggled for air, his circulation cut off as he momentarily passed out... you'd have 10 minutes before he woke up again, "Nnngh..." He moaned incoherently, the last Stormtrooper gasped, dropping his rifle, "I... I surrender!"
*I let go of the soldiers neck, seeing as how he passed out. I grab his pistol, and notice that the rookie surrendered. I didn't even have to do anything... That is, until a women took the weapon from the soldiers hands, and kicked him in the face. Damn...*


Verite said:
"Eh?" The young man blinked as he maintained his breath in an attempt to help the woman to the armory, "I'm Shirou. Shirou Emiya," he introduced himself, loud enough for even Saber to hear, "Come on, we need to help this poor woman! I'm not sure how long she'll last!"
@Reaper Jack

"You can count on me!" he said as he surveyed their current predicament, "Oh yeah! Cover-fire!" Vash said as he eyed their target that had been sniping at them.
His left hand opening and turning into a hand held machine-gun, he opened fire at their aggressor to relieve the pressure off of the girl and help her close the gap on their assailant.

@Reaper Jack

[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]
"Saved my life? Heh. Still have your sense of humor, I see. Last I checked, you wanted to take over the earth and rid it of the human race. Not exactly my cup of tea. My opinion of you will never change unless you renounce your old ways." But The Doctor couldn't picture that happening.
"And you know as well as I do, Master, that I have never once regenerated into a female." He wrinkled his nose. And he didn't plan to. Nothing against them--he liked women--he just didn't want to be one. "But apparently you have become one now, and a bloody attractive one at that," he teased with a smirk.


Arya only stood by and watche the two argue.

She had no idea who the woman was, but it looked like the Doctor did.

And he told her she shouldn't trust Rose, so Arya decided it would be best not to.

Dallas said:
*I let go of the soldiers neck, seeing as how he passed out. I grab his pistol, and notice that the rookie surrendered. I didn't even have to do anything... That is, until a women took the weapon from the soldiers hands, and kicked him in the face. Damn...*

Kasumi smiled and turned to face the man, and her voice holding a tone of cheerfulness.

"Hey, names Rose." said Kasumi, only she didn't stand around to long, as quick as she introduced her self, she was gone, running down the hall in search of her suit.

(I gotta go till around 10 or so. @SuperChocoMilk I really want Kasumi to meet Sly.)
JustanotherRPer said:
"Doctor, you know perfectly well that that is not going to happen. I am set in my ways, and you yours. We're both too stubborn to change." The Master chuckled. "That's one of the things we have in common, Doctor. We're more alike than you know." She smiled at him.
"A bloody attractive one at that." The Master laughed at his description of her new body. She hadn't actually seen her new body yet. I am definitely going to use that to my advantage later...

[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]
"Indeed. If there's one thing we can agree on, it most certainly is that. We're both stubborn old goats, eh?" The Doctor replied, not once looking at The Master as they walked. If felt strange to be working with her and he had a feeling it wasn't going to last long.
He heard The Master laugh when he called her attractive. "You didn't think I was serious, did you? Rule 1: The Doctor lies. Your nose is all funny and your hair is all weird. Finding you attractive would be impossible for me."

But then again, The Doctor did just admit he lies. Maybe he was lying about not finding her attractive... or maybe he wasn't. He was a difficult man to read with things like that, just the way he liked it.

"We're getting farther along, we need to see if there's a way we can find that woman who spoke to us earlier and escape of course." He glanced to Arya who was still fiddling with her lightsaber. "Careful with that," he warned, trying to look out for her. "It's a bit different from your ordinary sword."


Arya sighed and ignored the argument going on between the two.

The metal tube seemed to be much easier to handle than she originally thought.

Pressing a button on it would make the light come out with a buzzing sound, and pressing it again retracted it.

It was also lighter than her already very light Needle, which was perfect for her young arms.

"I'm being careful" she nodded.

"You be careful you don't fall in love with Rose."

She gave a small grin at the Doctor, thinking her joke was pretty funny.

Of course she had no idea the two were eachother's worst rivals.

TheColourlessRainbow said:
Kasumi smiled and turned to face the man, and her voice holding a tone of cheerfulness.
"Hey, names Rose." said Kasumi, only she didn't stand around to long, as quick as she introduced her self, she was gone, running down the hall in search of her suit.

(I gotta go till around 10 or so. @SuperChocoMilk I really want Kasumi to meet Sly.)
"It's a pleasure to-" *Before I could even finish my sentence, she was gone. Rose huh? Well, I might as well head to the armory and get my equipment back. Before I left, I looked back at the fallen troops. They were both out cold. I walked down the hallway, towards the armory.*
Akibahara said:
(( So, so, so much win. ))

That same sophisticated British accent rang from the Death Star's speaker systems: "All units, there is an intruder in Hanger Bay 5. Dispatch reinforcements!" Quill found his ship immediately cornered by what appeared to be... dozens? No, no, no, hundreds of Stormtroopers examining his junker, "Uhhh, does it work?" One of the Stormtroopers asked a mechanic, who appeared too busy tinkering with some of the strangest tech he's ever seen... if he could scratch the back of his head, he would, "I... dunno. Let's see here."

Click. Click.

He tried to flip what appeared to be an 'On' switch. No avail.

"Doesn't appear so."

Quill and the Guardians of the Galaxy were lucky to escape The Milano, watching in horror as two technical monstrosities, well, more like robotic chickens with legs, haul off his ship, bound by two wires, onto the back.


OUTSIDE- the battle still raged, and lucky for you, Star-Lord, you were merely a block away from the armory...
"My ship! They just gotta add insult to injury!"

On the bright side, it seemed that Rocket and Groot had escaped detection. He'd meet up with them and the others as soon as he could. In the mean time, he's explore a bit further.

Quill rounded a corner and found a set of blast doors ajar, leading to what looked to be an armory of some sort.

"Well well, what do we have here?"

((OOC: I'm not going to be able to be super active, probably only 2 or so posts a day. Just thought I'd let you all know.))

@Anyone that happens to be in the armory at the moment.
"These are cloned troops? Well anyway a plan is always nice to have. I also have my sword, now do you have a way out of here?" Sasuke said calmy. Sasuke silently acknowledged Grievous ruthlessness, Sasuke would've done the same thing. It's good to have partner that won't hesistate to kill unlike Naruto who pestered him about Amateratsu when he used it on Obito while the beast were inside him and the other time during the fight with Kaguya when Sakura and Kakashi were dangling from a ledge. At least for a while he won't have to hear Naruto messed up priorities.

@Flaming Centurion
xxDragonEater95xx said:
"You can count on me!" he said as he surveyed their current predicament, "Oh yeah! Cover-fire!" Vash said as he eyed their target that had been sniping at them.
His left hand opening and turning into a hand held machine-gun, he opened fire at their aggressor to relieve the pressure off of the girl and help her close the gap on their assailant.
He eyed Vash's hand turning into what looked like a machine gun as he managed to make it to the armory with the girl. Shirou certainly found the blonde man eccentric and strange, but now wasn't the time for that. This whole place was weird anyway! What happens now? That female voice had instructed him to go to the armory. Could he reach the exit from here or what? How exactly did he even intend to exit? Were those Rebels or whoever going to help?
TheColourlessRainbow said:
Kasumi smiled, and took a step towards the storm trooper, "Now you see me..." mumbled Kasumi as she would do a kick high enough to impact the mans helmet, and hopefully knock him off his feet.
The Stormtrooper went unconscious.

Boss woke up on a bunk with an extreme headache. He knew this area far too well: The Death Star's Holding Cells. He couldn't remember the number of people he had put in here or executed, but it was in the double digits.

He could barely remember what had happened. The commandos had grown tired of Vader's orders, of killing Jedi against their will, they had grown sick of Vader when Bry died, then Ennen committed suicide. They had made the commando's into ruthless monsters, and they had grown tired of it.

They had retaliated, planning to highjack an imperial shuttle with hyperdrive and to go back to Mandalore, but their plan to highjack the advanced shuttle was bashed and Boss sacrificed himself so that the rest could leave. And now, he was here. He was still in his imperial Katarn armor, with his helmet and backpack.

He jumped down from the bunk bed and punched the door, making the vibroblade eject and leaving a dent on the metal. In the room were two other men it seemed. One had a really large and deformed head. "Wait a minute... Are you... General Kit Fisto?!" The commando said, almost yelling. He didn't understand. How was he still alive? How had Vader not sent him to end his life? How had he even survived order 66? Boss had many questions in his mind.
JayJay said:
Arya sighed and ignored the argument going on between the two.
The metal tube seemed to be much easier to handle than she originally thought.

Pressing a button on it would make the light come out with a buzzing sound, and pressing it again retracted it.

It was also lighter than her already very light Needle, which was perfect for her young arms.

"I'm being careful" she nodded.

"You be careful you don't fall in love with Rose."

She gave a small grin at the Doctor, thinking her joke was pretty funny.

Of course she had no idea the two were eachother's worst rivals.

The Doctor cringed, his neck and shoulders tensing at Arya's joke. He moved his head from side to side to loosen up his muscles, before rolling his eyes as he thought of her comment again.

"Please! I would not-- I could not-- Been there done that. Fell in lo--had feelings of attachment for one before and it won't be happen again."

By that he meant he had loved a person named Rose before. Not The Master. But by the way he spoke, however, it was probably difficult to understand what he meant. But he wished he could stop thinking about Rose. He wished he could stop being reminded...

He walked along, a slightly sadder expression on his face now. He glanced around, trying to figure out where the woman who spoke to them over the speaker could be.

@JayJay @JustanotherRPer
SekiryuuteiDxD said:
"These are cloned troops? Well anyway a plan is always nice to have. I also have my sword, now do you have a way out of here?" Sasuke said calmy. Sasuke silently acknowledged Grievous ruthlessness, Sasuke would've done the same thing. It's good to have partner that won't hesistate to kill unlike Naruto who pestered him about Amateratsu when he used it on Obito while the beast were inside him and the other time during the fight with Kaguya when Sakura and Kakashi were dangling from a ledge. At least for a while he won't have to hear Naruto messed up priorities.
@Flaming Centurion
Grievous nods at Sasuke, admiring how eager he is on the task at hand.

"All of their army are clones, useless. I used to command them. If there is something different then

It is dangerous."
Grievous told Sasuke, he wouldn't want his help to die stupidly because he underestimated someone. "I would know a way out, but that is the hangar which is most likely under attack right now and the majority of the forces on this station are most likely there. And if the attackers see me down there then they'll most likely shoot me because they'll think I'm still with Vader. If they're going to rescue us, it's best we wait here and let them come to us Sasuke."

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