[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Dallas said:
*After trying to contact XCOM, I watched as the door to my cell opened. Before I could even walk out of this room, there was a explosion. I stumbled a bit, but I kept my balance. I walked out of my room, and noticed the hundreds of inmates that had been released. I remember hearing something over a intercom about a armory. Maybe there I can get some equipment. I walked out of my cell, and entered a sea of captive civilians. I have to make my way to the armory.*
Most of the captives or prisoners, lay dead. However, you were paired up with Legion now, since you decided to stay behind, two Stormtroopers followed suite, one totting a blaster rifle, the other totting a flamethrower... they kicked one final corpse, a mere half-second away from spotting you.
JayJay said:
Arya continued throwing lightsaber hilts at the direction of the shot.
"A time lord? Another? I thought you were the last!"

Then, she accidentally pushed a button on the steel thing she was about to throw.

A bright blue light shot out of it, and Arya could feel heat coming from it.

Of course that's whe she realized this thing was a sort of futuristic sword.

But she didn't have time to investigate it right now, knowing that it was useful was enough.

She pushed the button again and held it in her hand while running back to the Doctor and Rose.

"Yes, we should really get away."

The Master stood up slowly. Damn it, why'd I have to get shot? She was hoping to be able to at least wait until they were off this damn place before the Doctor found out who she really was. At least he didn't know who exactly she was, just that she was a Time Lord. "Maybe you should have done the same yourself, Doctor." She said. "I'll explain later. Right now, Arya's right. We need to go." She fired a few shots at stormtroopers as she walked out of the armory. "Are you two coming with me, or would you rather stay here and get blasted to death?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @JayJay
JayJay said:
Arya continued throwing lightsaber hilts at the direction of the shot.
"A time lord? Another? I thought you were the last!"

Then, she accidentally pushed a button on the steel thing she was about to throw.

A bright blue light shot out of it, and Arya could feel heat coming from it.

Of course that's whe she realized this thing was a sort of futuristic sword.

But she didn't have time to investigate it right now, knowing that it was useful was enough.

She pushed the button again and held it in her hand while running back to the Doctor and Rose.

"Yes, we should really get away."

"The last of the time lords. I thought I was," The Doctor replied half to Arya and half to himself in a soft, shocked tone of voice. The last time lord he knew of was The Master, but he hadn't seen him in quite some time. The Doctor assumed he was dead.

He nodded silently to Arya, still shocked for a moment, seeing her discover a light saber. Now that would be a good weapon for her.

He glanced up after a moment, seeing Kit Fisto enter the room. "If by lightsaber you mean glowing sword, then yes," he said, gesturing to the one Arya was holding. He got up intending to follow the other time lord out of the room, but glanced to Kit Fisto again, seeing if he would reply first.

@La Muerte @JustanotherRPer @JayJay
Saber followed the man who seemed to know her by name; she gestured for the man who had been following her to come along with them; she addressed him.

"Just back me up as best you can; if you can; however if the situation proves too dangerous; pull out and let me handle it."


JustanotherRPer said:
Oh hell The Master thought as she saw a bright red dot pointed towards her. She attempted to dodge out of the way, but she wasn't fast enough, and the sniper's aim was true. She felt an intense burning sensation in her right leg, and she collapsed to the ground. She clutched at her leg, when she noticed that it was beginning to glow... The leftover regeneration energy... It's healing the wound... She screamed as she went through even more pain, golden light shooting out of the wound on her right leg.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @JayJay
The Stormtrooper Sniper reared his scope once again, aiming for the -other- leg, "Firing." PEW! A charge tore from the barrel, aiming to hit her other leg, but due to the fact she moved quite a bit... it'd more than likely hit her butt or thigh. Oh, and by the way, fun fact, with the Death Star's power nullifier, you can't heal yourself! :D >_>
SekiryuuteiDxD said:
Sasuke stabbed a storm trooper in the throat with his sword being that part is a chunk in the armor. Sasuke decided to ask the question on most minds, he dashed to where ever Juno is and asked "How do we get out of here?"
The Stormtrooper died instantly.
Akibahara said:
The Stormtrooper Sniper reared his scope once again, aiming for the -other- leg, "Firing." PEW! A charge tore from the barrel, aiming to hit her other leg, but due to the fact she moved quite a bit... it'd more than likely hit her butt or thigh. Oh, and by the way, fun fact, with the Death Star's power nullifier, you can't heal yourself! :D >_>
It wasn't quite a power that she was using on herself, it was energy leftover from her recent regeneration doing that automatically, as a part of her Time Lord biology. But if it does count as a power, am I gonna have to edit my other post?
Kit Fisto shook his head, "Slightly like that but mine are orange." He stated digging around picking up three others, another blue and two greens. "No, no, no. Damn it!" He threw the sabers across the room. He saw a bag that looked like his. "I apologize for the outburst just anger. Where are my manners the name is Kit Fisto." He held out his hand to the group.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
(Sorry. School sucks)

*Natsu was just on a mission to return a rare animal to the zoo with Lucy and Happy. It was going well till a magic thug appeared taking Lucy and Happy then disappearing into a portal.*LUCY! HAPPY! *Natsu immediately filled with rage and, with out thinking at all, jumped through the portal as the color of it changed from purple to black. After he jumped the portal faded to nothingness. Natsu awoke a week later to the loud explosion. When he did awake he felt his power missing but only thought about Lucy and Happy*Where... where am I?
Akibahara said:
Most of the captives or prisoners, lay dead. However, you were paired up with Legion now, since you decided to stay behind, two Stormtroopers followed suite, one totting a blaster rifle, the other totting a flamethrower... they kicked one final corpse, a mere half-second away from spotting you.
*I spotted the two armored soldiers. From what I can tell, they aren't here to help us out. I quickly went back into my cell, and waited for them to pass my cell. If they didn't see me, I could get ahold of one of those troopers, and knock him out. It all comes down to if they saw me or not... If they did spot me, I'll need to make a run for it...*

JustanotherRPer said:
It wasn't quite a power that she was using on herself, it was energy leftover from her recent regeneration doing that automatically, as a part of her Time Lord biology. But if it does count as a power, am I gonna have to edit my other post?
//Shoot. The Doctor found out she was a time lord because of using that energy. If you edit your post. I have to edit my posts and JayJay as well. ^^;
JustanotherRPer said:
It wasn't quite a power that she was using on herself, it was energy leftover from her recent regeneration doing that automatically, as a part of her Time Lord biology. But if it does count as a power, am I gonna have to edit my other post?
(( I'll keep it for now, but it'll be severely weakened. There will be ONE part however, in which we reach the USG Ishimura, in which everyone will be rendered 110% human. Not even special genetics will work. xD ))
"Aww maaaaannnn!"

Peter Quill stood back and took in the sight of his beloved Milano battered and wrecked in the hangar of the Imperial battle station. His fellow Guardians stood back and took in the grim spectacle. Still, they were lucky there was anything left of it (or them) at all. If those other pilots hadn't showed up, they'd be nothing but space junk.

"Bastards." Quill muttered under his breath. As he looked around the docking hanger, it struck him how odd it was that there seemed to be no Stormtroopers anywhere in the immediate vicinity. Apparently the others felt the same way.

"Damn. This place gives me the willies. Where is everyone?" Queried Rocket, the teams heavy weapon specialist and all around smart-aleck.

"I am Groot."

"You can say that again, buddy."

Quill turned to face his friends.

"Something's up here, guys. This place should be crawling with those white guys right now. We should check around and see if there's anyone else here. Rocket, Groot, you guys stay with the Milano. See if you can get a transmission to the Ravagers or the Nova Corps, try and get a hold of Yondu or someone to come give us a hand. Alright?"

"I am Groot."

"Good. Drax, Gamora, you two check out the rest of the hangar."

"What about you, Quill?" The massive, tattooed warrior asked as they turned to follow his instructions.

"I'm gonna check out that maintenance tunnel over there, see what I can find."

He turned, and pulled a cassette tape, and inserted it into his Walkman, then hit the play button. Music began to emit from the headset, and Quill drew his twin quad-blaster element guns, then ducked into the dark hallway.



MrDubWubs said:
(Sorry. School sucks)
*Natsu was just on a mission to return a rare animal to the zoo with Lucy and Happy. It was going well till a magic thug appeared taking Lucy and Happy then disappearing into a portal.*LUCY! HAPPY! *Natsu immediately filled with rage and, with out thinking at all, jumped through the portal as the color of it changed from purple to black. After he jumped the portal faded to nothingness. Natsu awoke a week later to the loud explosion. When he did awake he felt his power missing but only thought about Lucy and Happy*Where... where am I?
Sejuani perked up as she heard another speak, searching about before finding Natsu on the ground. She swiftly pulled him onto his feet, though stayed silent, eventually finding her flail and shield.


(This is based off of Kasumi never meeting Commander Shepard)

Kasumi moved with quickness, her black boats making no sound as she kept her stealth, and crept along the wall. Kasumi's black hair was covered by her large black hood, as was any details of her face, besides her pink lips and violet lipstick. Her violet lipstick looked as if it was applied to just slide across the middle of her lower lip, and a small thick line sat underneath. Kasumi smiled as she neared the corner of a steel wall, a loud click, click, click ringed through the massive hall, like a alarm alerting guards of a intruder. Reaching her hand to her side, Kasumi pulled her small dagger from its black leather holder. The blade was made from Cielie (Sigh-lie), a material thicker and sharper then diamonds and more poisonous then anything known to Humans or Salarians. Kasumi walked slowly around the corner of the wall, exposing her self as she saw three armed guards making there way across the 130 feet hall. They all had blue and black armor covering up to there necks, showing clearly that they where part of the Alliance. There races were different, one was human, while the other two where clearly Turians.


"Don't you dare make a move!"

"Stop right there!"

"Now you see me..." mumbled Kasumi as the guards shouted, it was as if Kasumi was a average theft. Kasumi lifted her hands up, as if she was ready to surrender, her black bladed dagger reflected light as it was cast down from above them. She smiled, and took a quick downwards motion with her arm, throwing the dagger at one of the guards. It tore through his thick armor like a knife through hot butter. The male Turian guard screamed in pain, and took a step back, releasing his two handed grip of his Assault rifle. Kasumi took off in a run, her legs charring her as bullets and plasma flew around her. Kasumi manged to arrive at the previous corner, and take a sharp left turn, running up the wall and sliding into a vent. Kasumi crawled for hours, and hours, until she finally arrived in the room where her target was. Kasumi slide from the vent, and slowly crawled down the wall, her hands and knees holding her firmly against the wall as she moved. As Kasumi neared the small computer screen, she noticed how empty the room truly was, there was a sliver desk, a computer screen sitting atop of it, and one plant in the small office. She pushed away any other thoughts, and touched a small circle on the side of her hood, causing a blue horizontal hacking tool to cover her eyes, exposing backwards words sliding across it.

"Time to find out all your dirty little secrets commander Shepard..." mumbled Kasumi as she touched the computer screen, breaking all firewalls that stood in her hacking tool's way. That was the last thing she remembered, at least before she woke up to the sound of explosions going off, and the rush of people leaving the room she lied face down in. Slowly Kasumi stood, she could feel the rush of hot air hit her, and sweat sliding down her skin. Her violet bangs hung freely in front of her brown eyes, and the rest of her black hair sat halfway down her exposed tan back. Kasumi looked down, her boobs where about a D cup, and covered by a pink bikini as was her lower area.

"Where is my suit? More importantly, where am I?" asked Kasumi as she walked from the cell and into the hallway.

"Well I guess I should find out." mumbled Kasumi as she smiled and moved further down the hallway, hoping to find where her suit was, and any friendly prisoners.


[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Saber repeated the same procedure; calmly deflecting the laser discharges aside; she raised her head to gaze up at the soldier who had fired them.
She raised her voice so that she would be clearly audible.

"You're far too slow; and cowardly on top of that; shooting at me from the shadows; you will never defeat me this way."

The Stormtrooper could barely hear you, he paused, smirking as he stood motionless, anticipating a wrong stance, posture, or movement- giving him a clear shot.

Akibahara said:
The Stormtrooper Sniper reared his scope once again, aiming for the -other- leg, "Firing." PEW! A charge tore from the barrel, aiming to hit her other leg, but due to the fact she moved quite a bit... it'd more than likely hit her butt or thigh. Oh, and by the way, fun fact, with the Death Star's power nullifier, you can't heal yourself! :D >_>
She looked back toward the sniper, then attempted to jump out of the way when she saw him aiming her way again. She failed to get out of the way, again, and was hit in the right thigh. Come on! Why the hell is this guy aiming for me?! She fell to the ground again, but this time it didn't heal. Gah, That last healing must have used up the leftover regeneration energy. She stood up slowly, still holding the blaster. She limped out of the armory, gesturing for Arya and the Doctor to follow.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @JayJay
Dallas said:
*I spotted the two armored soldiers. From what I can tell, they aren't here to help us out. I quickly went back into my cell, and waited for them to pass my cell. If they didn't see me, I could get ahold of one of those troopers, and knock him out. It all comes down to if they saw me or not... If they did spot me, I'll need to make a run for it...*


The Stormtroopers failed to spot you, however, they did make a note of Legion, "Freeze!" They reared their weapons forward, "Under the orders of the Emperor, you're under arrest. Failure to comply results in your immediate execution."
Cade woke Up on his ship Th Mynock, hearing the distress beacon call, or maybe just deathstick withdrawal. looking around, he heard some message on the phone. "Hey..." He answered on the phone. "Who's that?" Jariah Said. "Nothing..." Cade answered back. "Just a distress beacon..."
Reaper Jack]Saber followed the man who seemed to know her by name; she gestured for the man who had been following her to come along with them; she addressed him. [COLOR=#0000b3]"Just back me up as best you can; if you can; however if the situation proves too dangerous; pull out and let me handle it."[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7497-verite/ said:
He grunted deeply, gritting his teeth as he tried his best to help the female through the ship. Whatever the cost, he needed to make sure that no innocents die. He had to stick to his ideals no matter what! He had to save at least one person! Just like how Kiritsugu saved him on that day... ten years ago!
@La Muerte[/URL]
JustanotherRPer said:
She looked back toward the sniper, then attempted to jump out of the way when she saw him aiming her way again. She failed to get out of the way, again, and was hit in the right thigh. Come on! Why the hell is this guy aiming for me?! She fell to the ground again, but this time it didn't heal. Gah, That last healing must have used up the leftover regeneration energy. She stood up slowly, still holding the blaster. She limped out of the armory, gesturing for Arya and the Doctor to follow.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @JayJay
Arya nodded again, watching Kit looking through the steel tubes.

She chewed her lip, obviously not used to the man's... appearance.

She also realized that the "lightsabers" he was looking for might have been the ones she threw away.

"... Alright, yes. Let's leave then."

She started running after the limping Rose, staying close to the Doctor while inspecting her new 'toy'.


"Especially when they are useless and complain!"

Aladeen looked at Billy. Everything was becoming inaudible.. his lips were moving now. His eyes were beaming as his lips parted somewhat. He heard him talk in slow motion and nothing mattered now.

He was falling in love.

Indeed; Aladeen was falling in love with this Billy. He kept talking about watermelons, nîggers. He was perfect for Aladeen. He kept his gaze set on him without moving his eyes away as he spoke. Nothing mattered now. Everything was inaudible, all he heard was his heartbeat and his exhales.

He craved Billy.

But he shortly then phased into reality.

"What? Of course. We will get you a lady. I have got many, I just throw them after I use them."


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Akibahara said:

The Stormtroopers failed to spot you, however, they did make a note of Legion, "Freeze!" They reared their weapons forward, "Under the orders of the Emperor, you're under arrest. Failure to comply results in your immediate execution."
"Just a bit closer..." *I whispered. If they moved towards the odd robot, which seemed to be offline. I could try and knock out one of the soldiers and get ahold of their weapon, and take out the other soldier. It's not exactly one of the best plans I've come up with, but I don't have a whole lot of options.*


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