[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Akibahara said:
The Stormtroopers didn't notice Juno's voice in the intercom, many were scattered around, too busy trying to fight off fires.


… A royal Imperial guard came in, decked out in a royal red robe, idly swinging a dual-bladed red lightsaber. His eyes scanned the prison cells, ensuring NO ONE escaped...




All the prison gates swung open, all 100,000 cells, holding political and war-time prisoners, were finally free of the Empire's grasp! Or dead, very dead. Your cell door creeked open as well, the royal Imperial guard sprung into action. A lone former Rebel Admiral, freed from his cell, tried to tackle him – only to get a nice swing toward the neck, his head falling slack from his shoulders, cauterized thanks to the super-heated lightsaber.

Oh shit, he was looking at you.

Worse, you have no weapons!


An explosion discharged nearby, an electronically wired pipe line blew up in a hiss of smoke and fire, killing off four Stormtroopers, and temporarily blinding the Royal Guard. Damn it, you need to run, now!

Juno's voice buzzed in, “You need to head toward the armory. It's merely a few corridors down! Be careful. Click the buzzer once you're there and I'll respond!”

You had your goal: Head to the armory, get your crap, and go.

Lucky for you, a massive riot was in play...
*After trying to contact XCOM, I watched as the door to my cell opened. Before I could even walk out of this room, there was a explosion. I stumbled a bit, but I kept my balance. I walked out of my room, and noticed the hundreds of inmates that had been released. I remember hearing something over a intercom about a armory. Maybe there I can get some equipment. I walked out of my cell, and entered a sea of captive civilians. I have to make my way to the armory.*

Volibear roared and ran rushed forward, while Sejuani leaned down against him and gripped tightly onto

Akibahara said:
Success! Since everyone, including your fellow compatriots, were all too busy fighting or dying, you and your pet bear found yourself in the midst of the armory in no time! :3
Volibear roared, his voice striking fear into the minds of the Stormtroopers he passed. Who could blame them, he was a fucking energized polar bear with sentience. Volibear hopped into the armoury, not looking back at the hordes of troops flooding the halls. Sejuani vaulted off of his back, while Volibear stood back up straight. The both of them began their search in no time.
Akibahara said:
Your lightsabers were firmly kept at the armory- a few of the survivors made it there already- however, they had to dispose of the Stormtroopers before they could make any... sudden movements toward their weapons. Kit Fisto, however, was a dangerous Jedi. Many of the Stormtroopers knew this, but alas, many were occupied by the sudden onslaught of incredibly pissed off political prisoners!
Kit Fisto force jumped over the group of stormtroopers, force blasting them to the ground, let the prisoners have some fun. He rushed down halls looking for the armory. He followed the path of dead troopers and smiled, 'Finally someone wants them dead too good.' He thought.

He found the armory and saw some others.

The Doctor eventually made close to the armory with Arya and Rose, stopping as he watched some of the troopers taken down by some of the other prisoners. He waited for them all to be taken down before he sneaked around and entered.

"Yes, I agree, Rose, let's make this quick. Arya, see if you can find needle in here. I'm going to look for my screwdriver and anything else I may be able to use."

He began hunting through the weapons picking up various ones.

Too dangerous. Too violent. Too explodey. Too mangling.

Eventually, he found his screwdriver, a stun gun, flash grenades, and smoke bombs. They would have to do. The Doctor certainly wasn't going to kill anyone. He had done enough killing for one lifetime long ago...

After he had collected some things, he glanced to Arya. "Found my screwdriver!" He kissed the little machine and grinned. "Have you found needle yet?"

JustanotherRPer said:
The Master reached the armory, the Doctor and Arya close behind her. She smiled when she saw the armory. So many weapons. So little time. She looked through the armory for something she could use. She grabbed something that she assumed was a type of blaster gun, a few things she recognized as being some sort of grenade, and... Wow! For whatever reason, they had her laser screwdriver! I'll just take that back. She grabbed it and hid it in her coat pocket quickly, not wanting the Doctor to suspect her true identity just yet. "Take what you need and let's go," She said to Arya and The Doctor. "It's only a matter of time before the guards come here."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @JayJay
Arya quickly looked around, trying to find her sword.

But she couldn't find it, she only saw strange steel things with buttons on them.

"No... She's not here!" she answered the Doctor.

Akibahara said:
The Master saw a dim red laser sight in the far distance, another Imperial sniper. He trained his scope against her legs, grinning beneath his helmet as he pulled the trigger. PEW! A large, super-heated, super-charged, and super-- well, powerful, shot soared in the sky, a burning heat trailing it's movements, and if successful, The Master would feel an intense burning sensation erupt from her right leg, the blaster rifle hitting it's mark...
Desperately looking around for any other weapon she was familiar with, she suddenly heard a shot.

Arya had no idea if it hit its target or not yet, but she knew she had to react quickly.

Grabbing a lightsaber hilt, she threw it in the direction of where the shot came from.

She had no idea what it was, but she hoped it would explode.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Oh hell The Master thought as she saw a bright red dot pointed towards her. She attempted to dodge out of the way, but she wasn't fast enough, and the sniper's aim was true. She felt an intense burning sensation in her right leg, and she collapsed to the ground. She clutched at her leg, when she noticed that it was beginning to glow... The leftover regeneration energy... It's healing the wound... She screamed as she went through even more pain, golden light shooting out of the wound on her right leg.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @JayJay
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Cressy said:

Billy the Kid

"Why damn Sir ya got some moves like me! You sure are one sophisticated sirreee! Not like those nÏggas, makin all dem drum noises with they mouth and singin' wit' dey tounges!"

Billy looked left and right like a crazy heroin addict, as the man with the big ol' chin-doo gave him his revolver he was panting like a dog from happiness.

"WOOOOWWIIEEE now I dun' get to kill all em' nÏggas properly!"

He looked at the man's gold revolver and sniffed it

"Eyy is that some real gold Mr. Chindoo!? Also what's ya name Mr?"

"Mine's Billy, have you been calling your wiener Aladeen, and me wiener!? I call mah wiener Abraham! Because when ever the ladies ride me like mah horse BILLY, they receive a presidential inauguration. WOOOH Let's go kill some wild nÏggas Mister!"

Billy continued to gangnam style all hyped up on shooting I'm uncultured down and getting Aladeen some new slaves so they can do all the harvesting for oranges and

"I wanna get me a wild lady monkey! So she can make me some fine cotton suits!"
If Billy looked in his locker box, within the armory, he'd find the most POWERFUL weapons against the forces of niggerdry: A noose, a whip, a job application, a police baton... oh, and of course, probably a revolver or some shit.
o0Kanra0o said:
Sebastian didn't hesitate to take off to the armory as well. perhaps he could find something useful to wield, yes, he would need to have something to defend himself with; not that he needed anything. He was a demon, however, for some reason, since he wasn't on Earth anymore, his powers were weakened. This was probably due to the fact that he was separated from his Contract Owner.
Sebastian discovered it wasn't too hard to elude the intense chaos erupting from within the Cell Blocks! Dum de dum duuuuum~ he walked and walked, piles of corpses, shot and burned, lay strewn across the ground. Beep! Hm? Our demon friend looked down, and wow! What do you know? He accidentally stepped on a body, a low red hue illuminated from the bottom of the corpse, oh, it's a landmine!
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Saber took note of a young Japanese man attempting to help an injured woman; being a knight; she could not ignore the situation and rushed over to him; standing over the pair; fully intending to protect them both from incoming fire; she knew her new lightsaber was capable of deflecting the superheated laser rounds the Imperial Trooper's guns discharged. She spoke to the man as she ran over.
"Do what you can for her; I'll cover you."

Shirou blinked as he heard the familiar voice. The familiar voice of that blonde young woman. Looking up, he saw Saber. But... that couldn't be! The Holy Grail War was over! She should be gone from this world now! And yet... at the same time, he wanted to believe that this really was the valiant knight standing before him.

"...Saber?" He could only whisper in awe, looking at her with wide eyes in awe.
Sasuke stabbed a storm trooper in the throat with his sword being that part is a chunk in the armor. Sasuke decided to ask the question on most minds, he dashed to where ever Juno is and asked "How do we get out of here?"

InzaneKilla said:
As Kriegs continues laying down he hears an explosion and that's when it happens. He starts screaming in pain as a stormtrooper comes to see whats happening Krieg rushes the door with his left arm and breaks the door down on top of the stormtrooper. He screams "TIME TO PLAY." Another stormtrooper trys to contain Krieg but Krieg grabs the troopers head and crushes the troopers head in with his helmet on. As the storm trooper dreams with his last breath Kriegs sane self is able to take back over as he tells the his crazy side "if you kill one more innocent soul I will end it for both of us" his crazy side responds aloud, " GET OUT GET OUT" and kriegs sane self knows that means ok and then he continues towards the explosion not running into any more people. Then he hears a voice with directions to help him so he follows them he was told the first person he might meet up with was a "man with power armor" Krieg thought to himself " Great hopefully not the dueches Hyperion who took my wife and daughter from me and made me the monster I am. I also need to find my weapon they took"
((Waiting to interact with my partner know))

Anyway, Krieg pwned face. It was ungodly. The Stormtroopers fell down in droves as death and, uh, shit occured while he was around.
"Oh, would you look at that? How silly of me, it's a landmine." Sebastian smirked just before running past the landmine, avoiding the explosion...semi avoiding it. He did, however get his right arm burned by the attack. "Oh, and I had just had this cleaned." He sighed with a sad expression.
Vash had been laying on the top of his bunk staring at the ceiling for some time now, he had eyed the blonde beauty beneath him earlier, peering over the edge of his bed smiling, before retreating and getting back to his thoughts. He wasn't sure how he landed in this predicament. He recalled playing as a bodyguard for some other blond girl with a over-sized bust, which brought a red hue to his face just thinking about it, and she was supposed to be some high profile guy's daughter. He later found out that the father was actually trying to kidnap his daughter that way he could keep all of his wealth to himself, but the daughter was also out to kill her father so that she could have all the money to herself. He had successfully fended off both parties of baddies that had been sent after one another on different occasions, but the last encounter came to a showdown between the two. He had decided to try to resolve their conflict with words, explaining to them how much better things would go if they would just understand the doctrine of Love & Peace
and a few seconds later his world had gone dark. Awakening in the cell above a bombshell wasn't that bad but he needed to device a plan of how to get out of the cell, and that's when the commotion he heard bustling outside the cell got even more erratic. He heard what sounded like explosions and people running to and fro, and as the cell doors opened and the young lady beneath him left he hopped down.

"Don't leave without me!" he called after her as he staggered after her.

As she came upon a man clad in red armor with some type of he screamed and held his hands up in surrender, but then after watching his cellmate dispatch of the individual he screamed even louder. "
What the heck was that!?!" he exclaimed as he watched the person get flung backwards.

He followed after her hoping that she had some idea as to where they were going and after patting himself down hoping that wherever they go would possibly lead back to where his weapons had been taken.
"Any chance you know where we are? I'm kind of at a loss here," he said as he jogged behind her taking a look at his surroundings and trying to assess the situation for himself.

@Reaper Jack
The Doctor's eyes shot to Rose just in time to see the blast hitting it's mark.

"Rose!" He cried, rushing to her side. He knelt down just in time to see a flash of regeneration energy healing her wounds. "Y-You... you're not human! You're a time lord!"

He glared at her intensely. Why didn't he realize this sooner? Oh yeah, he had been too busy escaping.

"We're in danger here. You're going to tell me who you really are later, "Rose", but for now we must move. We're sitting ducks being attacked." He glanced to Arya.

"We'll have to look for needle elsewhere. I don't think your sword is here."

He quickly tried to help Rose to her feet so they could run to escape the room. He knew she could be okay with the regeneration energy she still had to heal her wounds.

@JustanotherRPer @JayJay
Verite said:
Shirou blinked as he heard the familiar voice. The familiar voice of that blonde young woman. Looking up, he saw Saber. But... that couldn't be! The Holy Grail War was over! She should be gone from this world now! And yet... at the same time, he wanted to believe that this really was the valiant knight standing before him.
"...Saber?" He could only whisper in awe, looking at her with wide eyes in awe.

He knew her? And by her class name? Yet she hadn't seen him before. Did that mean...he was a participant in a future Grail War? One that she was a part of? She would have to ask him about it later; they had more pressing concerns right now.
Hellkite said:
Perhaps this unit is damaged?

Legion turned away from the machine.

We cannot afford to wait- there is a high probability that the armoury has already been breached in the riot. Legion must secure his weaponry and omni-tool before they are taken by organics.

Legion emerged from his cell and briefly paused, watching the ebb and flow of battle, before selecting the path which seemed to offer least resistance. The unit broke into a run, swerving around or ducking between organics as they fought, following the intercom's instructions on reaching the armoury.

It was after clearing the main fight that Legion first met resistance- two stormtroopers and another organic dressed in red, lurking in the empty corridor. Legion rushed at them, calculating that he'd hold the advantage in such confined quarters.
The Stormtroopers were busy kicking the corpses of a couple dozen, possibly 60 or so, dead Rebel prisoners. It was clear the Empire would win this day. Most of the prisoners were apprehended or killed, the Stormtroopers idly examined the corpses nearby, it wasn't long before they'd hit Legion, "Sector clear. Moving out." One of them was armed with a blaster rifle, and the other, clearly unseen in most Stormtrooper units, sported an Imperial-Grade Flamethrower, it seemed intense, powerful, and capable of scorching through metallic objects.
Verite said:
"Bastards...!" Shirou gritted his teeth angrily as he saw the female get hit in her spinal cord. Innocent people like her don't deserve to be dragged in this hellhole! Sacrificing his chance to safely make his way to the armory with relative ease, he did his best to avoid the laser sights on him as he approached the female. "Are you alright?! I got you! You'll be alright, I promise!" He said, hoping she was still alive.
PEW! The female was dead, her spinal cord severed in two, a super-heated blast ensured that. PEW PEW! Two further shots rang out in the distance, soared toward Shirou once again, this time, they aimed for his legs...
xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash had been laying on the top of his bunk staring at the ceiling for some time now, he had eyed the blonde beauty beneath him earlier, peering over the edge of his bed smiling, before retreating and getting back to his thoughts. He wasn't sure how he landed in this predicament. He recalled playing as a bodyguard for some other blond girl with a over-sized bust, which brought a red hue to his face just thinking about it, and she was supposed to be some high profile guy's daughter. He later found out that the father was actually trying to kidnap his daughter that way he could keep all of his wealth to himself, but the daughter was also out to kill her father so that she could have all the money to herself. He had successfully fended off both parties of baddies that had been sent after one another on different occasions, but the last encounter came to a showdown between the two. He had decided to try to resolve their conflict with words, explaining to them how much better things would go if they would just understand the doctrine of Love & Peace
and a few seconds later his world had gone dark. Awakening in the cell above a bombshell wasn't that bad but he needed to device a plan of how to get out of the cell, and that's when the commotion he heard bustling outside the cell got even more erratic. He heard what sounded like explosions and people running to and fro, and as the cell doors opened and the young lady beneath him left he hopped down.
"Don't leave without me!" he called after her as he staggered after her.

As she came upon a man clad in red armor with some type of he screamed and held his hands up in surrender, but then after watching his cellmate dispatch of the individual he screamed even louder. "
What the heck was that!?!" he exclaimed as he watched the person get flung backwards.

He followed after her hoping that she had some idea as to where they were going and after patting himself down hoping that wherever they go would possibly lead back to where his weapons had been taken.
"Any chance you know where we are? I'm kind of at a loss here," he said as he jogged behind her taking a look at his surroundings and trying to assess the situation for himself.

@Reaper Jack
Saber turned her head towards the man who had been bunking above her in the cell.

"From what I understand; we appear to be aboard a vessel that floats on; or rather in; Space. Difficult to believe I know; I was surprised when I found out."

She resumed her vigil over the ginger-haired man and the injured woman.
Akibahara said:
If Billy looked in his locker box, within the armory, he'd find the most POWERFUL weapons against the forces of niggerdry: A noose, a whip, a job application, a police baton... oh, and of course, probably a revolver or some shit.

Billy looked at the goodies and equiped all his powerful weapons, yes he could be the best candidate for even the KKK, Or even better! ZOO KEEPING!

"WOOOOWWIIIEE Ima be a zoo keeper for all dem wild NÏggas!"

He went out and started busting all dem wild disguised I'm uncultured's with revolver bullets and waving the application around

"Who ere' wishes to be a productive member of SOCIETURR!?"

It seemed kind of effective, but he ran back to Aladeen taking cover

"We gun have ta move!"
Arya continued throwing lightsaber hilts at the direction of the shot.

"A time lord? Another? I thought you were the last!"

Then, she accidentally pushed a button on the steel thing she was about to throw.

A bright blue light shot out of it, and Arya could feel heat coming from it.

Of course that's whe she realized this thing was a sort of futuristic sword.

But she didn't have time to investigate it right now, knowing that it was useful was enough.

She pushed the button again and held it in her hand while running back to the Doctor and Rose.

"Yes, we should really get away."

Akibahara said:
PEW! The female was dead, her spinal cord severed in two, a super-heated blast ensured that. PEW PEW! Two further shots rang out in the distance, soared toward Shirou once again, this time, they aimed for his legs...
Saber flexed her fingers; manipulating the lightsaber's ends to the exact points of where the shots passed her body; these guns were powerful; but slow; she had used her own weaponry to deflect conventional bullets before; this was child's play by comparison.

The blasts bounced off the lightsaber and impacted until the walls on both sides; leaving smouldering holes where they had finished travelling.
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Saber took note of a young Japanese man attempting to help an injured woman; being a knight; she could not ignore the situation and rushed over to him; standing over the pair; fully intending to protect them both from incoming fire; she knew her new lightsaber was capable of deflecting the superheated laser rounds the Imperial Trooper's guns discharged. She spoke to the man as she ran over.
"Do what you can for her; I'll cover you."

The Imperial Sniper was far, far away, even if she swung her lightsaber at full force, "Target sighted..." He fired a burst of laser cannon fire from his rifle, three super-heated charges burst out, a bright red hue exploding in exuberant force, aiming to hit Saber at her chest, abdomen, or her hip.
Kit Fisto looked a the people in the room, and pulled his face mask off. "Have any of you seen my lightsabers?" The party in front of him was odd, but so was this past month. He just shook his head


@JustanotherRPer @JayJay
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]
He knew her? And by her class name? Yet she hadn't seen him before. Did that mean...he was a participant in a future Grail War? One that she was a part of? She would have to ask him about it later; they had more pressing concerns right now.

"Saber! It's me! I--" He began to say, before he was interrupted.

Akibahara said:
PEW! The female was dead, her spinal cord severed in two, a super-heated blast ensured that. PEW PEW! Two further shots rang out in the distance, soared toward Shirou once again, this time, they aimed for his legs...
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Saber flexed her fingers; manipulating the lightsaber's ends to the exact points of where the shots passed her body; these guns were powerful; but slow; she had used her own weaponry to deflect conventional bullets before; this was child's play by comparison.
The blasts bounced off the lightsaber and impacted until the walls on both sides; leaving smouldering holes where they had finished travelling.

"Come on, Saber! We need to get to safety!" Shirou said, attempting to regain his senses. He could make sense of this later, but for now, he needed to make sure everyone was alright.
Akibahara said:
The Imperial Sniper was far, far away, even if she swung her lightsaber at full force, "Target sighted..." He fired a burst of laser cannon fire from his rifle, three super-heated charges burst out, a bright red hue exploding in exuberant force, aiming to hit Saber at her chest, abdomen, or her hip.
Saber repeated the same procedure; calmly deflecting the laser discharges aside; she raised her head to gaze up at the soldier who had fired them.

She raised her voice so that she would be clearly audible.

"You're far too slow; and cowardly on top of that; shooting at me from the shadows; you will never defeat me this way."

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