[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Darkens said:
Gohan bitched about the Master's Chest, and then picked up the gold rune. "Hopefully this gives me something awesome, maybe, my tail back or something," Gohan muttered. The power on the rune was unique.
(( Shout out to a Murder: The Ties that Bind potion! ))

Gohan touched the GOLD RUNE. He felt unusually flamboyant, totally unlike his old self! Actually, he was much, -much- more cheerful too, a strong tinge of emotion following his every sentence. And if he had any romantic interest in a female—he didn't anymore! But, ooooh sexy, Wolfe was lookin' hunky today! Oooh, that old pervy Jedi is such a bitch guuuuurl! Mm, and- oh God yes, Doctor Who is such a boy toy! Eeee~ Gohan was fruitier than fruit loops, gayer than Elton John, he was...


Sexually liberated.​
[QUOTE="Ryu Keiko]Simona squealed as the old man touched her and dry-humped her, one...because...well the obvious. And two, because she wasn't accustom to any of the feelings, or sensitivity of this body. She balled her fist and throw a hard punch towards his face. "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" she shouted in rage.
(I'm...I'm scared.....lol)

The old perv want unconscious.
Akibahara said:
(( LOL ))

The Asari female skeletalized almost immediately- it appears the Furon sported a de-molecularization rifle- her smokin' hot body, quite literally, sizzled in Aladeen's grip, "Damn him!" The Asari moaned, shaking their heads, holstering their blasters, "That's the sixth time this week! We've seriously gotta do something..." One of the Asari females, let's assume, their leader, piped up. They walked back toward their table, cursing silently to themselves..

Well, I suppose you can either A.) Follow the Asari and listen in to their conversation. B.) Look for the Furon. C.) Continue drinking.

The Master grumbled. One little disintegration, and everyone loses their minds.

She cleared her throat, then said "Excuse me, but is anyone going to get me a drink? Or am I going to have to get myself one?" She sighed. What kind of business panics after just one person dies? I wonder how they'll react when I'm through with these people, because if there is a fight, I am definitely joining in.

Akibahara said:
(( Shout out to a Murder: The Ties that Bind potion! ))
Gohan touched the GOLD RUNE. He felt unusually flamboyant, totally unlike his old self! Actually, he was much, -much- more cheerful too, a strong tinge of emotion following his every sentence. And if he had any romantic interest in a female—he didn't anymore! But, ooooh sexy, Wolfe was lookin' hunky today! Oooh, that old pervy Jedi is such a bitch guuuuurl! Mm, and- oh God yes, Doctor Who is such a boy toy! Eeee~ Gohan was fruitier than fruit loops, gayer than Elton John, he was...


Sexually liberated.​
Gohan walked over to Arya. "Mhmm, girlfriend, those runes are as fucked up as Frieza," Gohan said to her, while walking towards the Jedi. "Ohh, old man, you are an old, dirty, bastard, mhmmmm." Gohan was strutting around, making remarks. He then took off his shirt and was walking around shirtless, muscles bulging.

(This is how I act in real life with my friends, and how long does this last. Also, we gonna have fun!)

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
Akibahara said:
The blue furry thing nodded, totally understanding every word you said, “Stitch listen.” A giant-ass tongue licked your face, slobber dribbling down your chin. Ew. It giggled wildly. Man, it reminded you of a dog or a baby, but at least it understood you! Huh, what do you know? You gained your first War Asset points!
*I guess his name is Stitch, odd name, but at least he listened to me. I set him down on the ground, and then wiped off the slobber that was on my face. It smelled horrible...almost as worse than a sectoid smells like when they start to decompose, and that smells horrible! I ran a hand through my hair, and thought about what to do next. Maybe I should just tell Ellie that I'm ready to help her out, I'm not groin to be able to get any of these peoples attention. They are so concentrated on their own world that they don't even know about the impending doom that is coming if we don't stop the Empire. I decided to head back to Ellie, I'll come back here later and see if things will calm down a bit. I approached Ellie, and said, "We'll, that was a waste of time... When are we heading out to this, 'Ishimora?'*

(I'm not entirely back yet, but screw it, I'm posting. Mom is taking too long in the store. :P )

The very hyper Doctor ran around endlessly, speeding along like a freaking high leprechaun looking for his lucky charms. The speed at which he could now run thanks to the rune gave him enough adrenaline to keep him fueled and running--which is probably what he had been doing--for hours. He left the Master's chest and zoomed around the citadel, forgetting his task of looking for Arya for a while.

Eventually, the thought snapped into his head and he came to a halt. "Oh right! I was supposed to be looking for Arya. I'd better get on that."

He took off running again, trying to think of where he could go to find Arya. He could check back at the Master's Chest, but there was a chance she had already left the place to go looking for him. With that thought in mind, he left to search elsewhere. But where would be a good place? Perhaps Flux Night Club, he thought. He could look for Arya and dance his brains out to try and burn off some of his energy. Sounded like a good plan. He sped off toward the night club without another thought in mind.

@Akibahara @JayJay @Anyone else in the night club area who needs a partner to talk to. :)
Simona blushed and held her hands in front of her mouth cutesy like. "C-Crap...." she said nervously. She looked around and looked around. Maybe someone could her out through this....whatever it was.

(Are @Willow Blackthorn and @JayJay still in the shop?? O.o I don't know who else to interact with lol)
I guess I'll vote for The Master since everyone else is. Go peer pressure!

Being the kind of person he was, Shirou was naturally quite horrified by the sight of that blonde young woman, Juno Eclipse or whoever, blowing right up in front of him. The terrible sight practically paralyzed him for quite a while as he had to process the fact that someone was violently murdered in front of him, and there was nothing he could have done about it. He had promised himself that he would not regret his actions or inactions in the future, because he knew he wouldn't be able to save everyone. But even so, this didn't prevent him from feeling anguished over the likelihood that someone in this very band of former prisoners was responsible for the death of their new comrade. Was there a spy in the group? A traitor? He instantly suspected Kotomine, but even if he knew little about Kotomine's magical capabilities, he was sure that the priest had no means of completely blowing up a person like that. So if it wasn't him... who could it have been?

Free to explore wherever he wanted in the so-called Citadel, Shirou walked around aimlessly for a brief time. He could have sworn he heard one store record a male saying "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel," but the young boy paid it no mind. He sat down, thinking over the places where he could go. Though he'd like to go to the Presidium, he felt hesitant about it since he believed he wasn't exactly great at politics, though it did sound good to get a job or so to get his mind off the grisly death of Juno. Shirou didn't need anything from the Requisitions & Armory. He was sure he'd do fine with just his magecraft. And he'd rather not go to a place like the Flux Nightclub. A minor like him probably wouldn't be allowed in anyway.

After much consideration, Shirou, with a tired sigh, made his way over to the Master's Chest. He had heard the keyword "magic" used, which sparked his interest naturally, even if he was a novice magus. Walking into the place, he scanned the area carefully, looking at the people inside. He raised an eyebrow, but Shirou had seen stranger after all, right? Still, he looked over to see which runes were still active, while also wondering if they were the cause of the strange happenings to the people inside.
The Doctor sped into the night club area, fast as light, not paying any attention to where he was going. He ran right into Predator, not hard enough to knock him over, but hard enough to probably irritate him. He lifted his arms and danced a bit, before remembering he was supposed to look for Arya! Right!

He rushed off again, eventually spotting The Master. Oh heck, how about a little more fun? He ran over to her, bowing gracefully. "You look bored. I know! Oh! Oh! You can dance with me!" He said to her.

@JustanotherRPer @SirDerpingtonIV

The Nightclub

Before the aliens had even attacked.


"And then I said," Snort giggle scoff "OPEN SESAME AND..- SHE.." Aladeen laughed out loud, interrupting himself. He was enjoying the company of two slaves.


He had each arm around them as he was sat on the sofa, the music in the back ground? Boom boom chica paw-waw


"Would you like some wi-.." A waitress offered a drink, on which Aladeen frowned. "That is haram. Get out of my way, wait-ress! Impatient waitress!.. Get it? Ha-.. Hahahahahaha...-" He laughed hysterically at his own joke his he moved his legs up on the chair.

He somehow had already made a lot of the local currency; obviously known. Perhaps one of his tricks for being..- Well, rich? As they say, the rich stay rich. Or get richer.


"My latest wife was jewish. What a mis-fortune." He randomly brought up a subject, "In Wadiya women only cook and produce children. While men do everything. How horrible, right? We don't even let them drive and they complain like wom-.. Jew!" Aladeen sighed, shaking his head before looking at the slave within his grasp. "Do not tell my Saudi wife, though. She has a history of murdering five men with a butcher knife. BECAUSE they did not like her hummus. I know, right?"
Ugh, now he's being annoying. The Master had half a mind to shoot the Doctor right then and there, but she knew that it wouldn't do any good except make him regenerate again. She had decided to get something to drink herself, and had drank several glasses of liqour. She was quite clearly drunk now.

"What makes you think I'd want to dance with you, Doctor? Has anything I've done so far even given off the slightest hint that I would want to do that?" But ugh, she was bored. And she didn't think killing anyone was an option right now, so dancing would have to do. "Fine, I'll dance. But under no circumstances will it be with you." She stood up, and began to attempt dancing, quite horribly, in fact. She had never claimed to be an amazing dancer.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
The Predator stumbled back, startled, as the Doctor ran into him. He turned, making a rather offensive human gesture he had learned in captivity from the Imperial Officer, whom he had spared during his escape, as his large wrist blades extended. He retracted them, as he turned, approaching the counter. He still had his mask on, and he would keep it on. He was unaware of how this place worked, as he sat on a stool, and clicked his mandibles curiously under his mask, as he looked around.


JayJay said:
We're wherever the runes are, about to do the yellow ones with Yuki (i think)

Simona saw the fairy and the other female that she originally saw here and walked towards them. Maybe they could help. "H-hey...do you two think you can...umm help me?" she asked. She was surprisingly bashful and shy now....something her bro Kamina would have never instilled in her.
MattieLee said:
The two went to help Arya with the yellow runes, Yuki walked over and touched it "Ooo what does this do?" ( xD )
Yuki and Arya touched the YELLOW STONE. Heh, heh, heh. An ominous yellow hue tore into The Master's Chest. Whatever it was. It was powerful. Magnificent. The smoke clears just as we SEE- Arya Stark: She was sporting a two-piece leather outfit, black lipstick, and a whip in one hand, a chain in the other. Never in her life did she feel hatred, anger, DOMINATION over her new bitch slave- YUKI, “GET ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES BITCH.” Whoa! Yuki yelped, totally uncaring of his former friend, Luka. Fuck him. Fuck him forever. Arya was Queen. Arya was a GODDESS. His Mistress.

“Y-yes Mistress.”

He bent down on all fours, a leash and collar over his neck, like the bottom bitch he is.

“Open your fucking mouth, fuck hole!”

Holy shit, Arya was... weird.

Yuki cried and begged, his ass pistoned in the air, “Stick it in my ass, Mistress! PLEASE.”

“What did you say, bitch? SAY PLEASE AGAIN.”


Arya spit in his mouth. He cried, bending and bowing at his Mistress. She responding by nearly choking him out, pulling his leash until his face turned red like a tomato.


Arya grinned and slapped her whip into Yuki's bottom.

"Get up! Get your lazy fucking arse up!"

She took him by the collar and pulled him up, smacking him again.

"Now you'll be a good bitch or I'll fuck you with my sword once I find it, got that, bitch?"

Arya jumped onto Yuki's back and starts whipping his butt again.

"Forward, slave! Run! To the nightclub! And hurry the fuck up!"


// *sigh* I hate you Aki. Someone please help me
Gohan walked around, and went into the nightclub. He found a pole and started pole dancing. Then he stripped, an started pole dancing again.

"Werk, Werk, werk," Gohan was muttering. Videl would have loved this. All of the sane in Gohan was lost.

(All my posts will be this now.)

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
Luka's eyes widened... what, the hell? okay this was just too disturbing. What the hell was wrong with those two? "Yuki?... " then Arya started to choke him and smack his behind. Ugghh.... Yeah now he was pretty fucking mentally scarred. Yuki what the hell happened to you?? He grabbed his sword "I have absolutely no clue what just happened but let him go now or else" Luka was trying to keep it together but seeing Yuki like that well... uh yeah he was a little red in the face too.

JustanotherRPer said:
Ugh, now he's being annoying. The Master had half a mind to shoot the Doctor right then and there, but she knew that it wouldn't do any good except make him regenerate again. She had decided to get something to drink herself, and had drank several glasses of liqour. She was quite clearly drunk now.
"What makes you think I'd want to dance with you, Doctor? Has anything I've done so far even given off the slightest hint that I would want to do that?" But ugh, she was bored. And she didn't think killing anyone was an option right now, so dancing would have to do. "Fine, I'll dance. But under no circumstances will it be with you." She stood up, and began to attempt dancing, quite horribly, in fact. She had never claimed to be an amazing dancer.

@JustanotherRPer (Sorry for being slow. I'm back home so I'll be faster now. ^^ )
Jeremiah said:
The pony giggled as she heard the little alien man puke on her back, and she didn't stop bouncing. This little high-pitched cartoonish sound even played every time she did. She still had her eyes shut ignorantly, so she continued hopping towards the sewer entrance without a care.
"Weeeee! I'm a roller coaster!"

The mess that was now her back didn't phase her, as she had gotten worse messes in the past.





I ain't implying anything. >.>
The Furon groaned, bouncing up and down on My Little Sadist Pony, “OH GOD STOP.” Nope. Weeeee~ aaaaaand, all the way down you slid, Pinkie Pie and the Furon slid down a curved sewer entrance, their forms vanishing deep within the black abyss which smelled of old gym socks, farts, and piss, “Ugh, I can't get used to the smell.” You finally hit rock bottom. It was pitch black, smelly, and that stupid little Furon clung onto Pinkie Pie for sweet life.

MattieLee said:
Luka's eyes widened... what, the hell? okay this was just too disturbing. What the hell was wrong with those two? "Yuki?... " then Arya started to choke him and smack his behind. Ugghh.... Yeah now he was pretty fucking mentally scarred. Yuki what the hell happened to you?? He grabbed his sword "I have absolutely no clue what just happened but let him go now or else" Luka was trying to keep it together but seeing Yuki like that well... uh yeah he was a little red in the face too.
Arya slashed her whip at Luka's sword.

"SLAVE! Your friend is annoying me! Slap him next time he threatens me! Run along now, to the nightclub!"

She grabbed Yuki's ear with one hand, while using her other to keep whipping at his badonkadonk.
[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]
"Aw but that's no fun!" The Doctor cried. "Dance with me." He wiggled his eyebrows. "You know you want to."

The Doctor suddenly grabbed onto The Master's hand and began to dance a mix of the waltz, funky chicken, and any freaking dance he could think of. He then spun his reluctant dance partner like a top with his speed abilities, making her spin so fast she hit a wall.

"Again!" He cried, still hyper.

@JustanotherRPer (Sorry for being slow. I'm back home so I'll be faster now. ^^ )




"Time lord!" A thick, Arabian accent called out.

"Let's dance."



The Dictator began dancing along with the others.

Seriously nice booty for someone like him.

JustanotherRPer said:
The Master grumbled. One little disintegration, and everyone loses their minds.
She cleared her throat, then said "Excuse me, but is anyone going to get me a drink? Or am I going to have to get myself one?" She sighed. What kind of business panics after just one person dies? I wonder how they'll react when I'm through with these people, because if there is a fight, I am definitely joining in.

An Asari fake smiled at The Master, "Oh sure, we'll get you a drink. Just ask the charred skeleton over there."
Shirou was not sure if he wanted to stay in the Master's Chest.

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