[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

MattieLee said:
(lol, I'm still laughing my arse off)
Yuki crawled over "Coming Master!" Luka didn't want to hit Yuki so backed off "What kind of magic is this?!" he was still pretty disturbed. He shook Yuki again "Snap out of it! Don't you want to end the war?!, come on wake up!" he looked at the yellow rune and thought, there was just no way that this was the cause.
Arya reached up with her tiny little child-arm and slapped Yuki across the cheek.

"Slave! On your knees!"

She forced Yuki on his knees and then whipped his butt again.

Placing one foot on the back of his head, she pushed him down more until he was lying on his belly.

She continued to whip him.

"My bitch fucking loves this. Don't you, bitch? DON'T YOU?"

// Let's just say that breaking the rune will break the enchantment or something, please ;-;
Akibahara said:
She nodded, "I understand you came in with a group of friends, correct?" A pause, "Oh, and I forgot to mention, but the USG Ishumura has implemented a 'force imbued' generator within it's confines-- if you bring any magic or force users with you, they'll be rendered 100% human. I'd also suggest NOT bringing in explosives. Due to the hydraulics, intricate engine detail, it'll work far too effective. Unless, of course, you wanted to become human jelly."
*Should I try and gather some people to come with me? I'm not exactly sure if I can trust anyone here. This May just become a solo mission for me. Just me, my pistol, and my quick reflexes. "That's the thing, I don't exactly trust anyone here. I mean, we just escaped from a prison. I think I may go by myself." I think I can handle this myself, it can't be too hard. Can it? I choose not to bring anyone mainly because I have a chance of picking the traitor, and boy, that would not end well...*

Akibahara said:
Natsu touched the PINK RUNE. He mewled out in ecstasy, whoa, his chest bulged out in excess, forming into tiny A sized breasts, nearly ripping out of his uniform, "Ooooh." He felt his, uh, male genilitia vanish into thin air, replaced with a hairy, untrimmed slit in it's stead. Whelp, this wasn't expected! His- no, -her- voice changed dramatically, becoming far more high-pitched than usual!
...So it wasn't my hair... *Natsu looked down seeing her breasts revealed to the world due to her open shirt. She didn't care. They were just sacks of fat to her. Nothing more. She shrugged happily and patted her belly* This new body needs some food!
Vash screamed as he realized that he had become a goat

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, come on!" he bounded to and fro a few times before he settled down, "At least my coat still fits!" he weapons had fallen to the floor tho. "I'm starving, anybody got anything to eat?" he bounded over to the table and jumped on top of it, "Seriously? i never would of thought that these things could do this! I'm a goat! Please tell me this isn't permanent." he watched as one guy turned into a girl, "What?!? Why didn't I pick that one!" he imagined it in his head for a moment
Jeremiah said:
Her eyes shot open as she slid down the sewers, raising her front hooves up as she cheered. She landed at the bottom with a splash, soon popping her head out of the murky water and shaking her head, sending drops of it flying everywhere. She looked down the dark corridor with a large smile, and went straight back to skipping forward.
"Haha! Isn't this fun little guy?"
The Furon mopped silently to himself, "Wait!" Skreeee! The sewer lit up friggin' fast. A barrage of Furons, all clones, brought their rifles up mid-section. Little sparks of electricity danced about, maliciously jolting as it sizzled violently, "Who the hell are you? And why do you have Crypto with yah? C'mon ya girly furball, speak up!" You heard distant explosions ring in the distance- ah, it appears the Asari sent little scouting parties to fend off the Furon...

My Little Pony in the midst of a war? Lovely.
Gohan walked around the dance floor and twerked. He was loving this. He was screaming. It seemed everybody was looking, but who cared

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
( xD , Yuki says it's not as good as you think he's tried it)

Yuki groaned "Ah! Y-yes!" Luka got even redder hearing that, oh god why?, why now? ah that was too much... He had to run into the other room before he caught himself looking a little too much. He smacked himself in the face, what the hell was wrong with him. He had never found another male attractive before, he guessed since he was with him/her in the past was why but gah! He had to stop looking at him, he ripped off the sleeve of his jacket and used it as a blindfold.
MrDubWubs said:
...So it wasn't my hair... *Natsu looked down seeing her breasts revealed to the world due to her open shirt. She didn't care. They were just sacks of fat to her. Nothing more. She shrugged happily and patted her belly* This new body needs some food!
Vash wasn't sure if his nose was bleeding or not but figured that if he was himself it would've been. "Well boobs...I mean...er...never mind, how bout we go find something to eat...perhaps this is only a temporary thing. Hopefully. Baaaaaaa!" He pranced around the room bounding about and ramming the wall a few times. "On second thought...any chance you wanna be a goat? I'd really prefer not to be a goat, but food does sound really good right about now...Baaaaaaa!"
Apollogy8 said:
The AI was something Loki had been listening to. He had too. He wanted to know just what was going on, which meant he needed to pay attention to everything. His eyes shifted to the girl who had felt been tapping on his shoulders.
"Of course I did." Loki answered the girl, "She's only saying that she's our guide through out this city. Oh, and we have some meeting with a man called Skywalker in a bit; nothing too important." He spoke with a small grin, "Perhaps it's better to pay attention in this sort of situation? You could easily get lost or killed." Not that Loki truly cared what was happening to most of the people, but she was on the same boat he was. Both were distinctively confused about what was happening and what was going to happen. @Apollogy8
Akibahara said:
The Furon mopped silently to himself, "Wait!" Skreeee! The sewer lit up friggin' fast. A barrage of Furons, all clones, brought their rifles up mid-section. Little sparks of electricity danced about, maliciously jolting as it sizzled violently, "Who the hell are you? And why do you have Crypto with yah? C'mon ya girly furball, speak up!" You heard distant explosions ring in the distance- ah, it appears the Asari sent little scouting parties to fend off the Furon...
My Little Pony in the midst of a war? Lovely.
Pinkie jolted to a stop, her muscles frozen as she saw the line of aliens in front of her. She giggled as they asked why "Crypto" was with her. She pointed at him on her back.

"This little guy's name is Crypto? He just jumped on my back and asked for a ride! But these stupid guys in weird armour tried to stop us."

She pouted.

"What a bunch of lousy party-poopers, am I right?"
xxDragonEater95xx said:
Vash wasn't sure if his nose was bleeding or not but figured that if he was himself it would've been. "Well boobs...I mean...er...never mind, how bout we go find something to eat...perhaps this is only a temporary thing. Hopefully. Baaaaaaa!" He pranced around the room bounding about and ramming the wall a few times. "On second thought...any chance you wanna be a goat? I'd really prefer not to be a goat, but food does sound really good right about now...Baaaaaaa!"
*Natsu laughs heartily at the man (Idk if you're still actually Vash or Vash is being Vash but)*You seem like a fun one. Yes food would be nice. Do you know where some is?
Akibahara said:
Shirou touched the LAVENDER RUNE. Boy, he- oooooooh~ he felt sensitive, so sensitive. He began playing with himself, unzipping his pants and literally going to work RIGHT THERE. Whoa! He felt the need to bang the brains outta anything nearby: Man, woman, household lamp, that one random Hutt slithering past him. He couldn't contain himself! I feel sorry for the poor soul who stands beside him and his... excited lower appendage!

Upon seeing this, quite possibly the worst of all the symptoms so far; Saber simply upped and left. She wandered the Citadel; trying to find an area of comparative calm so that she could rest and conserve what mana she had.
MattieLee said:
( xD , Yuki says it's not as good as you think he's tried it)
Yuki groaned "Ah! Y-yes!" Luka got even redder hearing that, oh god why?, why now? ah that was too much... He had to run into the other room before he caught himself looking a little too much. He smacked himself in the face, what the hell was wrong with him. He had never found another male attractive before, he guessed since he was with him/her in the past was why but gah! He had to stop looking at him, he ripped off the sleeve of his jacket and used it as a blindfold.
Arya put the leash on her slave, and started walking toward the nightclub.

Forcing him to stay on his hands and knees like a dog the whole time, of course.

If Yuki went too slowly for her liking, she would whip him.

"Come, bitch. We'll go dance."

She entered the Flux nightclub with Yuki on a leash beside her, still wearing her leather two-piece and holding her whip... and still being thirteen years old.

Arya unhooked Yuki's leash and pulled him up by his hair.

"Go get me wine, bitch."

(I'm Vash the talking goat lol) Vash pounces over to boobs. "Unfortunately I can't say that I can detect food, because honestly I'd eat your clothes right now," he looked around, "not just yours specifically, but I feel like I might just be able and willing to start munching on anything. That can't be normal...well at least my trenchcoat fits my goat body...Baaaa!
SirDerpingtonIV said:
The Predator was curious about the group of blue-skins with the tentacles sitting around the table. They looked rather disgruntled. He approached them, making sure his wrist blades were retracted. ((He has no plasma cannon, cuz that's OP, but he can cloak, and mimick noises)) "Greetings," he said using his voice mimicker. Strangely, he sounded like a british-accented Imperial Officer.
The Asari girls idly looked over at the Predator, "... And what do you want? Private business, pal."
((Gohan is feeling it))

Gohan walked to the Masters Chest again, strutting around. He saw a sexy man against the wall. "Ooh, boy toy," Gohan said. He was looking around.

((I'm desperate to stop))


Sent from... Eh, why bother?
[QUOTE="La Muerte](Guys just give me a brief summary so I can jump in)

// Right now that's not a smart move. //

The Doctor continued dancing like a flippin' retard and began doing the air guitar (badly) in the middle of the dance floor. Dang it. He still had way too much energy. Where did his dance partners go? He needed to dance. Or wait, didn't he need to find someone? Who was it again? Ary-- The music grew louder and cut off his thoughts. He continued dancing. Must...Wiggle...Booty. Have to... burn... energy! Geronimo!

@Anyone? :)
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Upon seeing this, quite possibly the worst of all the symptoms so far; Saber simply upped and left. She wandered the Citadel; trying to find an area of comparative calm so that she could rest and conserve what mana she had.

OOC: No need to conserve mana when the transferring of fluids acts as a good way to replenish magical energy in Fate I mean what
Dallas said:
*Should I try and gather some people to come with me? I'm not exactly sure if I can trust anyone here. This May just become a solo mission for me. Just me, my pistol, and my quick reflexes. "That's the thing, I don't exactly trust anyone here. I mean, we just escaped from a prison. I think I may go by myself." I think I can handle this myself, it can't be too hard. Can it? I choose not to bring anyone mainly because I have a chance of picking the traitor, and boy, that would not end well...*
She shook her head, merely responding, "I'd suggest bringing a few friends."
Akibahara said:
(( Well- Vash the Stampede is a goat, Yuki is Arya Stark's manslave/bitch, an Asari/Furon race war is brewing, Natsu/G- I forgot his name is gender bent, Gohan turned gay, aaaaaand, that's it! ))
(Can you link me to round one too please?)

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