[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Akibahara said:
Arya Stark passed by a HOLY SHIT, IT'S DARTH VADER! Oh wait, nope. More like 'Jew Vader.' A Jewish looking individual, sporting nerdy ass glasses, an oversized helmet, and Vader's outfit... with a black tie, cocked a brow at Arya Stark, "Jeez louise, what is this place? Friggin' Star Sluts of the Galaxy 8?"
Aladeen scowled at that man. "Your nose is big."
Akibahara said:
Arya Stark passed by a HOLY SHIT, IT'S DARTH VADER! Oh wait, nope. More like 'Jew Vader.' A Jewish looking individual, sporting nerdy ass glasses, an oversized helmet, and Vader's outfit... with a black tie, cocked a brow at Arya Stark, "Jeez louise, what is this place? Friggin' Star Sluts of the Galaxy 8?"
Arya ignored the I'm unculturedgit.

// Fuck you Aki I'm not doing anything for you.

MattieLee said:
Yuki yelped at the whipping and got his master the wine while Luka regained his composure and was now alone and blindfolded. He followed some sounds towards the nightclub.
She had no idea what the noise was that was booming through the entire building.

It had some sort of rhythm, but it couldn't possibly be music.

Arya took her drink from her slave, rewarding him with another whipping.

"There's a good fucking boy."

It didn't take her long to realize she didn't like wine.

She tried it before because it was the drink all grown-ups drank, but it tasted very bad.

Instead of drinking it, she threw the liquid into Yuki's face.

"You smell of wine. I don't like the smell."

Arya whipped Yuki, harder than before.

Then, she tied his leash around a chair and looked around.

When she noticed the Doctor being... idunno, she laughed.

"I'm not sure that's something one can call dancing, Doctor!" she called out.

// please be able to brainwash people or something, I don't like this ;-;

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Akibahara said:
Crypto re-aligned himself, "Right. Chill it guys, she's... a 'friend.' Anywho, how many of 'em are incoming?" One of the Furons shrugged, "I anticipate, I dunno, 10-20. It's like those damned Asari want to die!"
"Yay! We're friends now!~"

She slung Crypto off her back and into her 'arms', as she stood up on her hind legs. She hugged the alien tightly before raising an eye-brow at the aliens in front of her.

"What's an Asari?"
(Sorry everyone! I got stuck in traffic.-. And almost got in a wreck....)

Simona blinked and realized most people had left the store. "Dammit to hell." she said, but it came out as a cute feminine sound rather than an angry male. She stamped her foot, without thinking about her action, and caused her massive breast to jiggle and sway. She blushed and covered them immediately. "I-I-I need better fitting clothes...." she said as she began to 'walk' her way out of the Master Chest.

As she walked, she heard many guys, and even a few girls whistle and call at her. It made her blush even more! She wasn't used to this.... Hell she wasn't supposed to ever get used to this! She walked around, looking for help anyway she could.

@Anyone who wants to interact~

(Holy crap I missed a good bit....but then reading back I suddenly see Master and Slave things and was like O.o Whatttt)
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Boss walked out of the armory with the brand new armor. He was at the very least 2'30 meters tall (7 feet or more) now, a force to be reckoned with. He tried running and jumping to get used to the enormous hunk of metal and motors. He looked all around him, getting data on everyone he saw on the streets of the citadel until he accidentally collided, yes collided is what happened, into a woman he recognized as one of the prisoners from the Death Star. "Sorry ma'am he said, I wasn't paying attention." He looked down on the woman and stretched out his hand for a handshake. "RC-1138, at your service." He said, still with his british accent, but more gravely from years of combat and training. After all, that was the accent all the clones of Jango Fett had. "You must be one of the prisoners from the Death Star?"

@Reaper Jack
JayJay said:
Arya ignored the I'm unculturedgit.
// Fuck you Aki I'm not doing anything for you.

She had no idea what the noise was that was booming through the entire building.

It had some sort of rhythm, but it couldn't possibly be music.

Arya took her drink from her slave, rewarding him with another whipping.

"There's a good fucking boy."

It didn't take her long to realize she didn't like wine.

She tried it before because it was the drink all grown-ups drank, but it tasted very bad.

Instead of drinking it, she threw the liquid into Yuki's face.

"You smell of wine. I don't like the smell."

Arya whipped Yuki, harder than before.

Then, she tied his leash around a chair and looked around.

When she noticed the Doctor being... idunno, she laughed.

"I'm not sure that's something one can call dancing, Doctor!" she called out.

// please be able to brainwash people or something, I don't like this ;-;

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
//Well The Doctor can make mental links and it is possible he could set her in her right mind. As long as @Akibahara is okay with it though. xD
Klutzy Ninja Kitty]//Well The Doctor can make mental links and it is possible he could set her in her right mind. As long as [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7527-akibahara/ said:
@Akibahara[/URL] is okay with it though. xD
Klutzy Ninja Kitty]//Well The Doctor can make mental links and it is possible he could set her in her right mind. As long as [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7527-akibahara/ said:
@Akibahara[/URL] is okay with it though. xD
(( Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine~ though we need to discover a 'hidden' yellow rune. The hilarity is through the roof! ))
Luka ran into Jew vader and then unblended himself "Eww..." then he heard a whip. Yuki squealed "Ah!" Luka got to the doctor and then pointed to Yuki and his master "we gotta stop that shit!"
(( To everyone behind: I'd suggest heading to the dance club. Most of the people seem there, BUT there are 2-3 runes left. ))
((@InzaneKilla I actually think I might drop out of this. I'm not gonna be able to keep up with these guys's posting pace. My email was dinging like every five minutes today. That ain't my kind of pace as it turns out.))

JayJay said:
Arya ignored the I'm unculturedgit.
// Fuck you Aki I'm not doing anything for you.

She had no idea what the noise was that was booming through the entire building.

It had some sort of rhythm, but it couldn't possibly be music.

Arya took her drink from her slave, rewarding him with another whipping.

"There's a good fucking boy."

It didn't take her long to realize she didn't like wine.

She tried it before because it was the drink all grown-ups drank, but it tasted very bad.

Instead of drinking it, she threw the liquid into Yuki's face.

"You smell of wine. I don't like the smell."

Arya whipped Yuki, harder than before.

Then, she tied his leash around a chair and looked around.

When she noticed the Doctor being... idunno, she laughed.

"I'm not sure that's something one can call dancing, Doctor!" she called out.

// please be able to brainwash people or something, I don't like this ;-;

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Dancing his sexy booty off, he was cut off hearing Arya call out to him. He frowned.


"You don't like my moves?"

He sighed and kept dancing, but stopped himself, finally remembering what he forgot.

"Oh! I wanted to find Arya! There she is!"

He rushed over to Arya in a flash, so fast he couldn't be seen running. He picked her up and whirled her around with a hug and twirl.

"Found you! I'd been looking for you, well, sorta," he said with a sheepish grin. "Where have you been?"

He didn't realize anything was wrong with her just yet.

JayJay said:
(Wait he was banned? O.o For what???)

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