[The Murder Game Series] Murder III: Into the Stars!

Gohan now had his sword, and ran out of the armory. His instincts took over and he ran through the halls. He spotted a man in a suit and walked behind him. His steps were loud, and Gohans were silent. A few times he made a sound, but he just kept walking. He had a firm grip on the blaster he took from the trooper.

"I'll just follow them. Looks like they're leaving," Gohan muttered.

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
Jeremiah said:
Sejuani perked up as she heard another speak, searching about before finding Natsu on the ground. She swiftly pulled him onto his feet, though stayed silent, eventually finding her flail and shield.
W-wha *he shifted a bit weak from the week of sleep. He stood still gathering his bearings*
CrimsonAvenger77 said:
He turned, and pulled a cassette tape, and inserted it into his Walkman, then hit the play button. Music began to emit from the headset, and Quill drew his twin quad-blaster element guns, then ducked into the dark hallway.


(( So, so, so much win. ))


That same sophisticated British accent rang from the Death Star's speaker systems: "All units, there is an intruder in Hanger Bay 5. Dispatch reinforcements!" Quill found his ship immediately cornered by what appeared to be... dozens? No, no, no, hundreds of Stormtroopers examining his junker, "Uhhh, does it work?" One of the Stormtroopers asked a mechanic, who appeared too busy tinkering with some of the strangest tech he's ever seen... if he could scratch the back of his head, he would, "I... dunno. Let's see here."

Click. Click.

He tried to flip what appeared to be an 'On' switch. No avail.

"Doesn't appear so."

Quill and the Guardians of the Galaxy were lucky to escape The Milano, watching in horror as two technical monstrosities, well, more like robotic chickens with legs, haul off his ship, bound by two wires, onto the back.


OUTSIDE- the battle still raged, and lucky for you, Star-Lord, you were merely a block away from the armory...
JayJay said:
Arya nodded again, watching Kit looking through the steel tubes.
She chewed her lip, obviously not used to the man's... appearance.

She also realized that the "lightsabers" he was looking for might have been the ones she threw away.

"... Alright, yes. Let's leave then."

She started running after the limping Rose, staying close to the Doctor while inspecting her new 'toy'.
The Doctor walked along slower than he could have. He was busy scanning the troopers and the area looking for his other missing item...

"You don't think they took my fez, do you?" he asked with a frown and big sad eyes. He could just picture--and he was probably the only one--a stormtrooper strolling about the place, a bright red fez atop his head. The idea made him unhappy. That was his style! He didn't want it stolen.

He continued to walk along, not really paying attention to where they were going. The others would probably have to remind him of their plans before he mentioned them again.

Alice's eyes flicker open, adjusting to the gloom of her cell.. Red lights illuminating the darkness momentarily. Her hands scramble frantically, grasping the stuffed toy resembling a white rabbit which sat besides her. It's scruffy ears, poked out from under a perfectly sized top hat, he was dressed in appropriate evening wear for a Victorian gentlemen. Once she seized the toy, she let out a sigh of relief..

"Daddy, says I'm dreaming.. But.."

She looks down towards the button eyes of the toy.

"This seems real enough.."

Her eyes catch an open doorway, Alice is still lying on the cold corrugated metal her hair lying across her pale face. If you where to look upon Alice Liddle, you would notice that her skin was pale her eyes wide and her mouth small, her lips tightly pressed together. Alice wasn't ugly, her bust was well formed and she had a womanly figure, although shorter.

As she quickly sits up, clutching the toy close to her breasts she freezes.. Peering into the hallway - into the darkness..

Come along Alice.. We mustn't be late..

She would stand, taking a few steps towards exit, she pushes back the hair from over her eyes. Confidently Alice walks into the darkness, taking long and powerful strides. Around her chaos unfolds, flames leap up towards the ceiling, fragments of debris carpet the floor. Wires, lights and bodies lie uselessly in amongst the rubble.

Whilst she walks, Alice would hum a comforting and bitter sweet tune, which had haunted her childhood.

♫ Ring-a-ring o' roses,

A pocket full of posies,

A-tishoo! A-tishoo!

We all fall down ♫

"Come along White Rabbit, we mustn't be late.."

Her lips twist into a smirk, her eyes fixed forwards..

She disappears into the thick darkness.

MrDubWubs said:
W-wha *he shifted a bit weak from the week of sleep. He stood still gathering his bearings*
She furrowed her brows at the boy and pat him roughly with her shield.

"Stop stuttering, we're in a warzone here."

She stepped up beside Volibear, who was rummaging through a row of strange vials. He found one that caught his eye, a murky light-blue liquid that sparked and swirled about in the vial. He grunted at the strange concoction before drinking it down, almost instantly feeling his abilities return. His metal armour and claws sparked constantly now. He scoffed.

"Fiends...they stored my power inside of this vile fluid."

He spit into the now empty vial, before flinging it over his shoulder and hearing it shatter on the ground.
TheColourlessRainbow said:
"Well I guess I should find out." mumbled Kasumi as she smiled and moved further down the hallway, hoping to find where her suit was, and any friendly prisoners.


She was in the midst of two Stormtroopers, Kasumi found herself stuck with Dallas and Legion. Yeah, that Legion. The Trooper with the blaster rifle oogled the half-naked oriental girl, "WHOA!" I swear, if you could see him right now, little pink hearts danced above his head, "I, uh, freeze!" He drooled a little bit inside his helmet: Those were honestly some of the biggest melons he's ever come across... KASUMI HAS USED [bOOB POWER]. IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE.
Jeremiah said:
She furrowed her brows at the boy and pat him roughly with her shield.
"Stop stuttering, we're in a warzone here."

She stepped up beside Volibear, who was rummaging through a row of strange vials. He found one that caught his eye, a murky light-blue liquid that sparked and swirled about in the vial. He grunted at the strange concoction before drinking it down, almost instantly feeling his abilities return. His metal armour and claws sparked constantly now. He scoffed.

"Fiends...they stored my power inside of this vile fluid."

He spit into the now empty vial, before flinging it over his shoulder and hearing it shatter on the ground.
Huh? What? *Natsu tries to ignite his hands but it fails. He starts to panic* m-my powers! Where is it!
Bombielonia said:


"Especially when they are useless and complain!"

Aladeen looked at Billy. Everything was becoming inaudible.. his lips were moving now. His eyes were beaming as his lips parted somewhat. He heard him talk in slow motion and nothing mattered now.

He was falling in love.

Indeed; Aladeen was falling in love with this Billy. He kept talking about watermelons, I'm uncultured. He was perfect for Aladeen. He kept his gaze set on him without moving his eyes away as he spoke. Nothing mattered now. Everything was inaudible, all he heard was his heartbeat and his exhales.

He craved Billy.

But he shortly then phased into reality.

"What? Of course. We will get you a lady. I have got many, I just throw them after I use them."


(( LOOOOOOOOOOOL Post of the day! Love the song, too. xD ))
Dallas said:
"Just a bit closer..." *I whispered. If they moved towards the odd robot, which seemed to be offline. I could try and knock out one of the soldiers and get ahold of their weapon, and take out the other soldier. It's not exactly one of the best plans I've come up with, but I don't have a whole lot of options.*

The Flamethrower Stormtrooper rolled his eyes, approaching Kasumi, he was literally next to the prison cell...
MrDubWubs said:
Huh? What? *Natsu tries to ignite his hands but it fails. He starts to panic* m-my powers! Where is it!
Sejuani directed Natsu over to where the vials were being held.

"Look around those potions, one of them has to be your powers."
JustanotherRPer said:
"I don't think they cared enough about your fez to do anything with it besides throw it in the trash compactor, Doctor.I know I wouldn't." The Master sighed. "You know Doctor, that wasn't the only fez in the entire galaxy. There are others. Right now, there are much more important matters to get around to. For example, getting off this damned space station." She was pointing her blaster ahead of her, wary of any soldiers coming her way.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @JayJay
"To be fair, it was a really nice fez..."

But of course there were in fact more important things to worry about.

Arya followed the two, still inspecting the metal tube she was holding.

She already knew there was a button that made a warm light come out, and she assumed it was a weapon since it was in the armory.

A futuristic sword was indeed her best bet.

She smiled a little, glad she had found a weapon she (sort of) knew how to use.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Atarf said:
Alice's eyes flicker open, adjusting to the gloom of her cell.. Red lights illuminating the darkness momentarily. Her hands scramble frantically, grasping the stuffed toy resembling a white rabbit which sat besides her. It's scruffy ears, poked out from under a perfectly sized top hat, he was dressed in appropriate evening wear for a Victorian gentlemen. Once she seized the toy, she let out a sigh of relief..
"Daddy, says I'm dreaming.. But.."

She looks down towards the button eyes of the toy.

"This seems real enough.."

Her eyes catch an open doorway, Alice is still lying on the cold corrugated metal her hair lying across her pale face. If you where to look upon Alice Liddle, you would notice that her skin was pale her eyes wide and her mouth small, her lips tightly pressed together. Alice wasn't ugly, her bust was well formed and she had a womanly figure, although shorter.

As she quickly sits up, clutching the toy close to her breasts she freezes.. Peering into the hallway - into the darkness..

Come along Alice.. We mustn't be late..

She would stand, taking a few steps towards exit, she pushes back the hair from over her eyes. Confidently Alice walks into the darkness, taking long and powerful strides. Around her chaos unfolds, flames leap up towards the ceiling, fragments of debris carpet the floor. Wires, lights and bodies lie uselessly in amongst the rubble.

Whilst she walks, Alice would hum a comforting and bitter sweet tune, which had haunted her childhood.

? Ring-a-ring o' roses,

A pocket full of posies,

A-tishoo! A-tishoo!

We all fall down ?

"Come along White Rabbit, we mustn't be late.."

Her lips twist into a smirk, her eyes fixed forwards..

She disappears into the thick darkness.

((The loli level in this one is over 9000. Holy shit. ))

Alice Liddel found herself in the midst of death- corpses of Stormtroopers and prisoners lay strewn across the atmosphere. Fire, smoke, and death accompanied her every step- it wasn't long before she reached the armory: Her compatriots would note a Victorian-era child, her complexion sinister, yet so sweet. She also had a locker, surprisingly enough: A simple knife, stained with crimson blood, was discovered, it appeared to have little runes and designs on it:

"Hell, you should put that away," Gohan spoke up to the lady who had the light saber. He pulled out his sword and got ready, wondering if friend or foe.

"Friend or foe?" Gohan asked them. He inched closer.

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
JustanotherRPer said:
"I don't think they cared enough about your fez to do anything with it besides throw it in the trash compactor, Doctor.I know I wouldn't." The Master sighed. "You know Doctor, that wasn't the only fez in the entire galaxy. There are others. Right now, there are much more important matters to get around to. For example, getting off this damned space station." She was pointing her blaster ahead of her, wary of any soldiers coming her way.
@JustanotherRPer @JayJay
Jeremiah said:
Sejuani directed Natsu over to where the vials were being held.
"Look around those potions, one of them has to be your powers."
*Natsu looks around for a rediner potion that resembles the color of fire*Uhhh

MrDubWubs said:
Huh? What? *Natsu tries to ignite his hands but it fails. He starts to panic* m-my powers! Where is it!
I'm afraid your abilities are nullified by the Death Star!
Akibahara said:
The Flamethrower Stormtrooper rolled his eyes, approaching Kasumi, he was literally next to the prison cell...
*Now's my chance to strike. I grabbed the soldiers arm, and pulled him into my cell. My fist connected with his face. Well, helmet actually... He fell to the ground, grunting. I placed my hands over his neck, and began to choke him. If successful, the stormtrooper should become knocked out. I then can take his pistol, which I can use to take down the next stormtrooper. Who seems to be in his own little world.*

Verite said:
He grunted deeply, gritting his teeth as he tried his best to help the female through the ship. Whatever the cost, he needed to make sure that no innocents die. He had to stick to his ideals no matter what! He had to save at least one person! Just like how Kiritsugu saved him on that day... ten years ago!
Vash was impressed by the woman's ability to keep a level head under the current cirumstances, and decided to follow her lead as he kept a watchful eye of his surroundings. For some reason all the women he ever ran into seemed to be very capable...and very hot! He chuckled as the thought came into his head, and at the same time he wondered how all the others were fairing. He wondered if they all had as colorful a past as he did since they seemed to all have been held in cells. The scope of the situation wasn't quite in his grasp although he understood that the people shooting at them were bad guy, and speaking of which...he really needed to get his hands on a firearm.

"Hey, I'm Vash. What's your name?" He grinned widely as he looked to the other guy in they were now accompanying.

@Reaper Jack

Jeremiah said:
Sejuani directed Natsu over to where the vials were being held.
"Look around those potions, one of them has to be your powers."
There are no potions, unfortunately, the nullifier built into the Death Star is disabling all abilities.
(Oh dear, I don't know what is happening. Awkward intro, away!)

Beowulf didn't know how he got there, one second he was ruling his kingdom, the next he was here. Then there was this loud boom, like a dragon blowing only a puff of a fire ball, and he saw his chance to escape, along with this girl he hardly knew and he left.
"You seem to be forgetting that I saved the your life, not to mention the entire universe, from the Time Lords, last time we saw each other." The Master said. Then she grumbled "You'd think something like that would improve someone's opinion a bit." She clenched her fists in anger when he taunted her about her newest incarnation. Calm down, She thought to herself. Killing him won't do any good. I need him. "I wouldn't know. Why don't you tell me?" She taunted with a smile on her face.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @JayJay
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