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Fantasy The Monster Within(IC)

Lunabella laughs at her brothers threat as she climbs into the front seat. Lucifer grins and climbs into the middle seat it the car setting muffin on Ben's lap and Violet in Arctic's once they're in the car to.
Arctic: imeadetly starts to gently snuggle the kitten seeming to forget that abby was there

Ben: He stayed mostly quite and leaned his head on lucifer's shoulder.

Raven: abby should i meet you there? Or what?" She asked tilting her head
Abby nods, "yeah there's not exactly room and didn't you drive to school?" she questions Raven.

Lucifer smiles leaning his head against Ben's head. he reaches out to pet muffin softly.
Raven: not exactly... I was flown in by Little birdie if you know what I mean." Raven stated hinting at the fact that she'd flown there. "But no worrys i bet I'll beat you guys!" She stats and walks off

Ben: "you've gotten so big muffin." He mumbled more to himself then anything
Ari was kind of put off by Jace's attitude she was going to just walk away. She was almost gone but she smelled something. Like a cat but much more dangerous than a cat. "Do you own a cat or like 1,000 cats cause you totally smell like only cats. Oooorrrrr..." she gives a very mischievous grin at Jace "... Maybe your something odd." Dellra was glad to be hanging out with Charnette. Though she was frustrated she never got an answer yet. "You never said yes or no on whether you were a vampire i sort of know the answer but i still need you to say it. Sooo..."
He smiled, she wasn't going to end his life. She took his hand, dragging him away from the car, and being well, himself, he stumbled and tripped along the way. "I-im sorry, Nerrezza" he said, remorse filled his voice. "I don't know what is wrong with me" he tried to explain how he was not like himself. He told her about how for a long while his mind was floating in water but his body was alive and moving. "Where are we going?"

Still under somewhat of a "trance" she still was hearing that voice whisper to her, 'Tell him--' Suddenly she snapped out of the trance when he turned to her "I don't know how I knew that..." she laughs quietly, her laugh sounding oddly like a bell. "My name is Sevena." She pulled her hair back, her red fluffy curls bouncing lightly.

When she reached the library she was disappointed to find out that it was closed. She pouted a bit, but decided to head to the town's public library instead. Besides, there would be more people there to observe anyway.

Blood was pounding in his ears, loud screaming was reverberating inside his mind. Another being entered the room, and he had enough of this. He shook his head and weakly cried out "D-don't hurt m-me...please..." his glasses were fogged up from his tears, his knees pulled up close to his chest

She could hear a sweet melody coming from the auditorium and knew exactly who it was. "Maestro..." She smiled and made her way to the concert hall. She giggled as a life size painting followed her, she bounced in childlike joy as she entered the hall. "MAE!"

Interactions: Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear SRUNewman SRUNewman

  • Location: In town[/FONT]

    She turns around abruptly and puts a finger to Enzo's mouth. "Shh, never apologize. Enzo, I'm going to be blunt with you. I like you and I don't like anybody," she says suddenly, even surprising herself when she says this. Nerrezza wouldn't say she liked him enough to date him, but she liked him enough to be around him. He was a hidden gem in this awful place in this awful life. He was her's, well not yet, but he will be. "And don't think too much into that," she says sharply, indicating that she didn't want him to think that she liked him enough to date or whatever, especially since they just met yesterday. "But we can go anywhere, really. Maybe back to the forest, where it's private and dark," she said the last part with a sigh. Nerrezza always liked the cold and the winter months better, but now that she was a vampire, she liked it even more. She couldn't wait for it it to dark and for the hot summer to be over. She continues to walk, hand in hand with Enzo, and starts going to the woods though could go somewhere else if Enzo wanted too.

    Code by Beauty_Belle

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Castiel leans against his car as his siblings and cousin approach. "you guys are going to have to take the bus I have work tonight" he says.

Ares nods his arm wrapping tightly around Angel who's face is bruise. "I take it I'll have to figure something out for dinner then" he says to which Castiel nods.

Percy pokes Ares and the side before pulling out a wallet. "Take out, I mowed the neighbors yard yesterday I've got $50" he says happily.

Castiel smiles at Percy's eagerness to treat his family to dinner. "if you want to order take out that's fine I've got tomorrow off and I get paid tomorrow so we can either go shopping tomorrow and get whatever you want to cook or we can go out for dinner" he says.

Hercules's eyes widen "HOMEMADE PIZZA!" he shouts excitedly then slaps a hand over his mouth. he hadn't talked all day and the teachers had assumed he was mute with the amount of sign language he and Percy used.

Percy laughs at his twins explosion. "I'm with Herc there homemade pizza sounds amazing". he says with a grin. "but tonight, chinese food!" he says then looks to Angel "I've got a menu in my backpack you can look at on the bus" he says the group splits heading for the bus.

Castiel gets into his car attempting to start it and frowns as it sputters but refuses to turn over. he hits the dash repeatedly trying again to start it. "GODDAMNIT CAR I CANT AFFORD THIS RIGHT NOW!" he shouts as the car still won't start.

Location: Outside, near Entrance

Before Sevena was given adequate time to answer, Erebus had an itch, and casually checked his phone. He didn't want to be rude, since he was in a conversation but merely did so to check the time. His eyes slightly goes wide when sees the time and notices that Charnette and Nerrezza both messaged him. He was going to check it, but an urgency came upon him against his own will. He almost bolted, but was given the opportunity to say goodbye. "I'm sorry to cut things short, but some friends are waiting for a ride," he hesitates, wanting to trust her and tell her the truth that he couldn't keep vampires waiting, but he didn't say anything. "I hope to see you around," he says with a smile before being forced to run off to his car. He wanted to stay longer and talk, thinking that he had time, but another force seemed to be too impatient. Erebus makes it to his car and slows down, not seeing anyone near the car. Erebus huffs, knowing this was a bad idea, and finally checks his messages. Too bad he was a dumbass and didn't check the messages before. Both messages from the girls were saying not to wait up. Erebus felt foolish but that didn't stop him from wanting to go back. Not until he heard a yell of frustration. Someone needed help. There was a dilemma, to talk to a pretty girl he just met yet felt familiar, or help out a friend? Erebus wanted to go back talking to the pretty girl, to get to know her more, but it looked like fate wasn't on his side. "Oh come on," he mutters to himself as his legs carried him over to the distressed Castiel. He didn't want to be here, he wanted to talk to the cute girl. "What's up Cas? Do you need help with something?" He asks Castiel with a small smile, not sure why he gave him a nickname. Sure they knew each other, but they weren't best of friends. Was he doing that thing again? He had to snap out of this. He also had to stop being a little fucking bitch and be grateful to help out a friend instead of thinking of that cute girl.

Code by Beauty_Belle

Doran was really shocked at the sight in front of him he didn't really know what to do for the kid so he just sat next to him and patted his hair. "Geez. What a first day." He just sits next to him waiting for him to relax and start talking to him. Ari was irritated by Jace and went to her house to calm down. Maestro was startled by his sister's appearance and what he first thought was a random chick hanging with her he got really startled and accidentally changed the appearance of his clone an ability he didn't know he had. The clones look like a very plain girl. "Nova what the fuck... Whos that?" Dellra was a little freaked out by Charna's fangs. "So I know you have some questions lets hear them."
Castiel looks up at Erebus surprised by the nickname but not upset by it. "my car won't start and I've gotta get to work" he says he smacks the dash and tries to start it again only to fail. his head falls forward into the steering wheel making him jump when the horn goes off.

  • Location: Outside, near Entrance

    Everything suddenly snapped back into place and once again, Erebus was feeling normal. He was confused that he called Castiel 'Cas' but the guy didn't seem to complain. What a strange first day, Erebus was thinking to himself. He could see the frustration in Castiel's face, if it wasn't obvious by his actions. Erebus goes to the back of his car and opens up his trunk, taking out some jumper cables. Erebus takes the jumper cables and opens the hood of his car, putting the hooks in the right place. "Hitting things won't help," he says with a small chuckle before taking the cables over to Castiel's car. "Let's see if I can get this going. What time do you work?" He hoped that Castiel had enough time to try this out before work. Once the hood of Castiel's car was open, he puts the other clamps on the right place, before going over to his car to turn it on. He hoped this worked, not wanting the kid to have to pay for it to be towed.

    Code by Beauty_Belle

NeonLiger9999 NeonLiger9999 SRUNewman SRUNewman
Dellra giggled at Charnette forgetting what she wanted to ask. She was thinking of places they could go. "Maybe we could go to the park or maybe a diner but I doubt she would like either of those. Its really sunny out and I don't think she will enjoy much that is in the diner." She looks at Charna that is obviously uncomfortable in the sun and an idea strikes. "Hey I have an idea but it will take a little time to set in but should help you." Dellra waves her hand slightly and a darkish cloud forms in her hand. "I'll make it a little less sunny for ya and we could hang out at the park and talk." She throws her hand up and the cloud flies into the air and disappears. clouds begin very slowly to form in the sky.
Castiel looks at the time and groans. "I have 15 minutes to get there change and clock in" he says.

Abby rolls her eyes and pulls into the driveway "I'm going out tonight so, you know where the menus are and you have dad's credit card, order something if you don't want to cook I'm gonna go get ready." she says before running into the house and up to her room to get ready.

Lunabella grins at the thought of take out. "Pizza, Sandwich shop, Chinese or Japanese" she asks the 3 in the back seat .

Lucifer smiles "we haven't done Chinese in a while, what about you guys?" he asks Arctic and Ben.
Arctic: I've never had chinese...." she mumbles
Ben: same so lets try it!" He chirps

Veronica: she sees the bus leave without her and chucks her binder having it catch fire mid flight
Lucifer grins and pulls them inside and towards the menus. "This place has the BEST Mongolian beef and Bella likes the Orange chicken" he says.

Hercules looks up as a flaming binder falls to the ground next to him, he'd opted for walking rather then taking the bus. "having issues there?" he says eyeing the still burning book.
Suddenly a man plopped into the room he was in. He screamed again, cowering in fear from the being who was here to hurt him again. "P-Please...don't hurt me...". The man in his mind stalked forward, a look in his eye like he was out for blood. The man then dodged Novus and sat next to him, raising a hand. He flinched on reflex, when the hand plopped on his head, ruffling his locks. He heard for the first time, a clear single voice, say "Geeze, What a first day". Novus let out a shaky laugh, tears brimmed his eyes. He nodded in agreement when he spoke quietly "Yeah. You can say that again" SRUNewman SRUNewman

"Mae!! You'll never believe that I painted you..." she paused for effect "as a girl!" She presented the female. She was to say the least, stunning. Novella had captured every bit of handsomeness that Maestro was in this female painting. Her curls fell just over her shoulders, her slim figure nice and fit. Novella went to touch the shoulder of her painting when it suddenly exploded in a burst of color and light. "Ah! Now that's what I call a color pop!!" She exclaimed, paint decorated her face "Mae! A clone is a girl!!"

Enzo was a bit lost for words, he had never had a girl who was enamoured with him as Nerrezza was. And he liked it, he liked her, she was the ray of light in his full life. He may forget to text her back, and may disappear often sometimes for days or weeks on end, but he would always return. "The forest sounds like a dream" he smiled and sighed happily, almost in a dream like state. Whatever Nerrezza would suggest, Enzo was certain to agree too. Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear
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  • Location: In Car

    He waits for Castiel to get inside of the car before he slowly starts to drive off. He had to be careful since there was still decent traffic coming in and out, not until they left the school grounds, then he could probably speed. Since he was driving slow, he takes out his phone and calls the towing place. He describes Castiel's car to the guy on the phone as well as the exact location of where the car was. He knew that the towing company would take awhile to get there which is why he called them now so by the time he got back, they should be there. When Erebus hangs up, he turns to Castiel slightly and asks, "where do you need to go?" He was pretty much out of the school grounds and he needed to know where he was turning to try to get there as fast as possible.

    Code by Beauty_Belle

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Veronica "no everything's just peachy that's why my binders on fire." She huffs before sighing "i hate new schools..."

Arctic: " I'll trust your judgement.."
Ben: just thinking about it makes me hungry" he mumbles
Castiel nods "at this point i'd take any help i can get...mechanic shops are expensive and I've got 4 other mouths to feed..... im lucky enough Derek lives next door and helps out when somthing happenes and we cant afford groceries..."
Hercules just shakes his head trying not to chuckle at her sarcasm he pulls a gallon jug of water out of his bag and douses the fire enough that it wont soak her things completely but she'll be able to pick it up. "new schools do tend to suck, even if you knew what to expect because a sibling goes there" he says

lucifer smiles "lets go then" he says pulling the 2 of them inside and towards the menu. he pulls the menu out ot the drawer and goes to sit at the table with it and his eyes find a person at the table, his face lights up and he let's out a happy sqreech "DAD!" He says before launching himself at Miles and hugging him. "i didnt know you where coming home" he says.

Miles hust smiles hugging lucifer tight "I didnt either untill this morning, i had a client here who wanted to meet in person rather then over skype so i flew up and since my schedule is clear for the next few days meeting wise ill be working from home." he says then pulls lunabella into the hug to. "where's your sister at?" he asks them.

Abby having heard her brother shreek had come down stairs before getting ready. she look at Miles and her eyes widen "DADDY!" She sata before running across the room and hugging him. "you'll be here a few days wont you? i dont want to miss out if youre only uwre tonight but I'm supposed to meet Nick for dinner.... " she says.

Miles hugs all 2 of them tightly. "Dont worry princess im here for about a week this time my schedule is clear enough to work from home this week" he says before looking over to Ben and Arctic. "Hey guys, whats your names?" he asks them.
Arctic: the ice queen" she huffs knowing her nickname at school on the other hand ben tried to hid behind her in order to not answer.

Veronica: she sighed i spent most of the day lost and the other half in the wrong class sge sighed
Dellra blushed a bit when Charnette asked to go to her house. She didn't really know what to say but ends up saying. "Sure I wouldn't mind hanging there it's pretty messy though. Doran chuckled at the kid. I could say it a thousand times but honestly, this day won't stop getting weirder. His im Doran. Maestro looked at his clone and noticed it didn't look like him. "Holy shit I can't believe I've done this.

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