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Fantasy The Monster Within(IC)

Nerrezza: She stops in her tracks very suddenly and whips around to face the man that went after her. She was becoming more frustrated and panicked. She thought that one of the benefits of being a vampire was her speed, but if others were just as fast as her or even faster, then what was the point? Apparently everyone could already tell she was a vampire, so why bother hiding? She should just go out there and reveal herself. She was discovering that there were only drawbacks to being a vampire and thought that this was unfair. "Leave me alone," she shouts at him, angry and upset she pushes the man hard, making him fall to the ground. Nerrezza turns around and begins to run some more, she keeps running until she reaches the woods. NeonLiger9999 NeonLiger9999

Erebus: His face falls slightly as he becomes more serious. He pulls Dellra into another hug, wanting to comfort and reassure her. "Dellra, I would never want to enslave you. I was only kidding, of course you can have a ride on my back," he releases her once more and looks at the necklace she had been hiding. It did look really nice, but he would never take the necklace unless Dellra asked him too. "Listen, if you want me to hold onto your necklace I can, but only if you think it's best with me. I won't wish for anything. You can trust me," he tries his best to reassure her. It made him feel uncomfortable the thought of enslaving Dellra, but he would do it if she asked him too. Dellra's response would have to wait because he feels his phone vibrating. He takes it out of his pocket, a bit confused. Then he saw Charnette calling, and he felt a bit nervous. This could be an emergency. He gives Dellra an apologetic look and answers the phone. He never even got to say hello as Charnette frantically explains what happens. SRUNewman SRUNewman
Derek:he sighs he had wanted to calm her down though it seems he only made matters worse. he heads back to the cafe picking the girls up before heading home for the night.

Lucifer:"agreed" he mutters eyeing arctic wearily. "she scares me like this"
Ben: Let's just head back and Forest so she can turn into a wolf and Chase whatever she feels like" been side absolutely done which is overly hyper sister
Dellra: She was about to ask Erebus to take her necklace when he got a call. She wasn't sure who was on the phone but they were getting Erebus worried. Hopefully, nothing happened to his parents. "Is everything okay Erebus? Did something happen." She was getting worried.

Zen: He perked at her question. "The thing is I acknowledge your brother. Most people I just ignore but your brother has peaked my interested. His intelligence is close to mine and I want to see how far he can go."
The moment it was safe arctic changed and bolted head first off in to the woods "my gods that's creepy lets never speak of this again" ben sighed
Lucifer:he nods leaning on ben slightly. "agreed" he mumbles. "School starts tomorrow........" he says almost sounding scared.
Lucifer:"I spent the last 2 months of Middleschool homeschooled because of bullies.......the thought of going back to school scares me even if I've got you, Arctic, Lunabella and Abby" he says with a frown. "I'm worried even though I know the 4 of you will protect me" he mumbles.
Ben : he hugs lucifer. " it's okay.... trust me i understand your fear but you'll be fine i mean you've got 4 people watching your back in the heavens knows the Abby's probably going to have her friends keeping an eye out for you" he stated
Lucifer:"true..... Abby's friends would kick anyone's ass if they went after me to" he mumbles. he sighs "I know I'm worried over nothing......"
Star frowned adn tilted her head. That didn't sound like a rivalry, but she wasn't sure what else it would be. "It doesn't seem like you actually have a rivalry, you both just seem to respect one another, and don't know how else to act towards one another but fight. If you two actually got to know one another I bet this would stop, and you two could actually work together to make a robot that would crush everyone else." She blushed a little, glancing away. She never spoke this much before, why is it now that she did? Is it because she feels for this guy? No. NO way. It had to be because she respects her brother. "...It's...just a thought. You don't have...to take what I say to heart, y-ya know..." She rubs the back of her neck awkwardly. She didn't think he would take what she said to heart, but at least she said it.
Enzo Acardi: Enzo loved the night, whether it be from his demonic nature of prowling during the dreams of his meals, or the simple fact that it calmed his senses. He sat on the only tree trunk available, he sighed. Starting another school after so long without having gone to one, it was daunting. Thoughts were racing in his head "What if they dont like you?" "What if you cant control yourself?" "Will you run away again?" the voice was like a cool towel against his heated face. He shook his head, standing up and rubbing his face with his hands. "Eight thirty...less than twelve hours from the first day of school and this is what happens..." he sighed again. "Why do I always do this?" He kept his face covered with his hands, that is until something slammed into his chest, crashing into the ground, the air whooshing out of his body
Erebus: He was barely able to get any words out besides that he would come and help. Erebus was going to meet Charnette outside of the tea shop and he knew if she ran there, it wouldn't really take her that long to get there. He hangs up the phone and looks at Dellra solemnly. "It's hard to explain, but I'm not sure if everything is okay or not. A friend is in trouble, or she might be the trouble. I have to get going though," he wasn't really sure what else to explain to her. He could only give so much away. Erebus felt bad though because she had trusted him with her biggest secret and now he was leaving her. But it could be disastrous if he didn't find Nerrezza. SRUNewman SRUNewman

Nerrezza: She kept running, now she was far into the woods. She passes by the two boys and the one girl that she noticed in the cafe. She doubt that they could even see her, but they could feel the wind that she created. She kept going though. How many people knew who she was? How many people were different? She didn't know, but she wanted to run away from it all. She wanted to run away until the edge of the earth. For a brief moment, Nerrezza thought that she reached the edge as she fell down. Only to discover she fell on top of someone. She tenses up, this person smelled some of the others, but it was slightly different. It was sweeter too and a bit calming. She looks at the person, their lips were almost touching. Nerrezza blinks at him, a bit frozen, her thoughts finally slowing down. Mentions: NeonLiger9999 NeonLiger9999 Arcticwolfpaws Arcticwolfpaws Interactions: HoneyAsylum HoneyAsylum
Enzo: His eyes went wide as he was suddenly face to face with a girl, their noses inches away from touching. He was holding her up firmly by the waist, he was small but fairly strong. He breathed in deeply, the air returning to his lungs. "W-Who are you?" "Really, that is all you ask? Are you fucking dumb?" the voice quips Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear
Dellra: She was wondering who was in trouble. "Any chance I could help you." She makes her hands glow. "I can be handy in a pinch." Dellra wanted to help Erebus but she was worried he was keeping a secret from her still which means he might not want her help. "If not I understand. I can wait here if need be." She says a little quietly.

Zen: "I would still consider it a rivalry." He thinks a bit. "I don't actually think we could make a robot together. We work differently and would most likely butt heads the entire time." He steps back and leans on the wall. "More than likely get into another fight on how and what to make."

Maestro: He was in his backyard practicing violin with his powers of course. He couldn't get the tempo just right on this particular song. It was increasingly frustrating cause he couldn't get it perfect. "Stupid! Fucking! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!" He throws his violin but it disappeared as soon as it left his hand. He goes inside and flops on the couch. His head hits the pillow "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He yells muffled by the pillow. He hates it when he cant figures a song out quite fast. Its the only time anyone can see him show some emotion but it always is anger.
Nerrezza: She blinks at him slowly, surprised that she had run into him. But all the panic that was in her mind was gone. She wasn't sure why. Was it him or was it simply the action of running into him? She couldn't really be sure of what it was, maybe it was both. It took her a second to realize that he had asked her question. The question was simple but she was still laying on top of him. "Uhh, could you let go of me so I can get off?" His arms were touching her waist and she wasn't sure how to feel about it. Nerrezza didn't want to admit she had an instant attraction to him but she didn't feel comfortable talking to him until she was free from his grasp. Though she was sure she could push him off, she didn't want to hurt him or make a scene. It was just a lot easier if Nerrezza asked him to let her go. HoneyAsylum HoneyAsylum

Erebus: He hesitates, not sure how to answer her question. He couldn't really reveal why Nerrezza would be at danger, but that didn't mean he couldn't utilize Dellra's help. "Well another friend is probably already at the tea shop. Any chance you could teleport us there or something? It's really urgent and walking simply isn't fast enough," he says rather anxiously. He knew he was wasting more time by talking to Dellra, but if she could help in any way, it would be a lot better. He didn't want to risk changing into a dragon unless he absolutely had to. SRUNewman SRUNewman
Enzo: He stared into her eyes, noting how pretty they were. So when she requested to be let go of, it went unheard, so he ended up muttering a "Huh...?" until he suddenly released her hips out of embarrassment "S-Sorry!" a blush was creeping up into his cheeks Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear

Novella: Novella sat in a chair sketching lightly, her brother letting out this vicious scream. She chuckles lightly as the drawing of Maestro mocks the real Maestro, of course in a cuter fashion. "Couldnt get it, huh?" She adds a small balloon to the mini Maestro, tying it around his wrist.
SRUNewman SRUNewman
Dellra: She thinks about it. "That's the problem. You need to take my necklace for me to do that. On my own I know very basic magic but if I have a Master or... Owner my power is increased by 100x." She takes the necklace off and puts it in front of Erebus. "I was hoping you could take this. You won't have to use your wishes and honestly, id rather for the time being you don't." She shakes it in front of him. "You would be helping the two of us. I could help you find your friend and you could make it so I don't become someone else's slave."

Maestro: "This song is impossible on violin." He gets up and sits up on the couch. He forms a Violin in his hand and begins to play. "The song is so much faster than the others." He stops and begins to play the piano. "But with piano, it's not hard to hit all the keys." He changes to a trumpet and plays the song correctly. "Even on trumpet, I can get it but not the fucking violin.
Nerrezza: As soon as he releases her, she puts both hands on the ground and pushes herself off of him before standing up. "Sorry for knocking you over, are you hurt?" She says softly, feeling embarrassed that she ran into the guy in the first place. Nerrezza leans down some and offers her hand to help him up. It was the least she could do since she was the one to knock him down. Nerrezza felt bad since she didn't tell him her name yet but there were other things to worry about. After all, would he ask how she knocked him down and where she came about? Would he also know she was a vampire? There was a lot of questions she wanted to ask and couldn't. But she was at risk of exposure if he saw anything or perhaps not seeing anything was the problem. Nerrezza was hoping he simply didn't think too much into it to ask questions. HoneyAsylum HoneyAsylum

Erebus: When Dellra explained that she couldn't teleport unless he had the necklace, he felt crushed. He couldn't do that to her, he didn't want to enslave her. Even though he wouldn't ever make any wishes and he wouldn't tell her what, she will still be her slave, technically. Dellra was right about one thing, if he took the necklace, it would prevent anyone else from taking it. They could use her for malicious intent and that is something he did not want to happen. Slowly and hesitantly he takes the necklace away from her and puts it around his neck. There was a pained look on his face though. "The tea shop please," he asks softly and grabs a hold of her arm so that she could teleport there. SRUNewman SRUNewman
Novella: "Easy there tiger. I'm sure you'll get it eventually." She drew a small violin for her mini Maestro "Just relax Mae, it'll happen and that's when everything will just fall into place." She smiled and watched happily as the mini Maestro danced and played his tiny violin. Though no sound could be heard from it, he looked happy to play SRUNewman SRUNewman
Dellra: Dellra was a little worried about what will happen to her when Erebus takes the necklace. She wasn't going to tell him what happens when he takes it so he doesn't say no. Once he takes the necklace from her, her eyes light up in a yellow glow and so does he mouth. This was extremely painful it felt like her insides were on fire. Then her forehead began to hurt more and more. Slowly the word "EREBUS" was magically scratched on her forehand then it slowly disappeared. She went back to normal but she was actually a little scared about what had happened. When Erebus asked to be teleported and grabbed her arm. She smiled a bit. 'At least he has it and I know he won't do anything wrong to me.' She thinks with a sigh of relief. She hears his request and gets a strong feeling she could not say no. "Okay." She teleports them to the alleyway of the tea shop. "Got to make sure no one sees us."

Maestro: His hair was a bit of a mess from the fast pace change from playing all of the music he just did. He brushes his hair back with his hands and puts it back to normal. "Do you care if I play a little piano. I need to calm down." and without waiting for a response he starts hitting keys and starts playing Winter Wind Lento He plays it expertly which is very hard to come by. He hits every stroke of the key with perfect precision. He doesn't falter are screw up. He plays to the end and he fixes his hair once again. He looks at his sister deadpan "So how was that? Chopin isn't always my strongest artist but I figured id see how I've improved."
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Enzo: As soon as her lilth body was off of his, he was on his feet. Nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other, he rubbed the back of his head gently. "N-Nah, I'm fine. A little bruise won't kill me" "No. But not eating will, and damn wouldn't you like a taste of her?" "Stop that..." he whispered to the voice. It was always whispering things into his ear. "Have you considered joining the track team? Is there even a track team...?" He was getting nervous now, a pretty girl in front of him and he was making a fool of himself. Not. Good. He looked into her eyes now, he could clearly see that she was in no mood for questions, so he would let the subject of her speed and strength drop...for now. Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear

Novella: Mini Maestro applauded from his spot, "That was much better than the last time" She chuckled remembering how many times he had stopped and started @sru
Erebus: He watches Dellra anxiously, having no idea what was going on. Her eyes and mouth glow and it really freaked him out. But she seemed to be in pain and he was afraid of touching her in case it made it worse. He was so scared too, he wanted to comfort her, but really couldn't. He gulps when his name was glowing on her forehead. I wish you didn't have to go through that, he thought to himself, careful not to say it out loud. Erebus didn't know if she knew this was going to happen and he gulps. There was tension and apprehension in his stomach and not because of Nerrezza gone missing. What have I done? He regretted taking her necklace as soon as he grabbed it. Erebus felt a strange sensation when Dellra teleport them. It made him lose his balance for a few moments, realizing he had never done that before. He nods his head and lets go of her arm before heading out of the alleyway. SRUNewman SRUNewman

Charnette: She was glad that Erebus had picked up the phone when he did, she was beginning to panic, realizing she couldn't do this on her own. Charnette was waiting by the tea shop, getting her in seconds across town, when Erebus appears from the alleyway. She was surprised that he had come that way, and was wondering where he was before then. But he got here surprisingly fast for her taste, which she was happy about. Charnette doesn't wait for Erebus to spot her, she goes right up to him. Charnette pulled him in a hug, she only needed a moment with him to calm down.

Nerrezza: She takes a step back whenever he gets up, refusing her hand to help. Not that she really cared about it anyway. She was a bit relieved when he said that he wasn't hurt, besides maybe a bruise. She knew that she wasn't injured, since he softened her fall. Besides that, any minor injuries, would have already healed or else would be healed in a few hours. She really wasn't sure what to say to him until he whispered, 'stop that,' does she tense up again. Nerrezza looks around and takes a few deep breaths, but realizes that there was nothing else around them. She was a bit confused, wondering what she did or who else he could be talking to. Suddenly, he seemed to perk up, and ask her a question about track. Strange, the more she thought about it, the more it seemed like his previous comment wasn't towards her. "Yes, there is a track team, but I hate sports, so no," she doesn't add the fact that she would have an unfair advantage but didn't want to explain anymore than she had too. "Nerrezza," she states, finally answering his first question after an awkward pause. HoneyAsylum HoneyAsylum

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