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Fantasy The Marysue Fest (Always Accepting!)

[QUOTE="P r i n c e s s]Lilliane mumbled an ice spell on the idiot before hearing a familiar, soothing british voice. She turned around to see her twin brother and sweetheart, Pyrosanical and she jumped into his arms, giving him a small kiss on her head. "You were supposed to be sleeping still!" she pouted.

Pyrosanical rubbed Lilliane's head with his large, foxy paws before gently letting her out of his hand, "Sorry sis, that stale malteser woke me up with his world domination or whatever. Probably going to have to save da earth or something. Need to feed my minions with their memes. He looked at his loving sister for a moment before looking back at the Cringe God

Birdsie said:
The God-Emperor decided to create more powerful minions. He duplicated himself 500 times, but all of the clones were of one united and perfect mind. The clones flought through the world, beginning global domination.
Using his power, Calling of the Memes, Pyro called upon ever single possible memes to defend the earth from the cringe attack, Stomedy, Mhmm Dad, Tin Foil Man, LeafyisQueer, NFKRZ, Killer Memestar and of course, The Dinkster and many more, were summoned and fought off the cringe god's clones. Only Jacob Sartorius died in the fight, his singing killed many of the clones though. He was a good m8, even if his song, sweatshop is awful.
[QUOTE="The Dinkster]Pyrosanical rubbed Lilliane's head with his large, foxy paws before gently letting her out of his hand, "Sorry sis, that stale malteser woke me up with his world domination or whatever. Probably going to have to save da earth or something. Need to feed my minions with their memes. He looked at his loving sister for a moment before looking back at the Cringe God
Using his power, Calling of the Memes, Pyro called upon ever single possible memes to defend the earth from the cringe attack, Stomedy, Mhmm Dad, Tin Foil Man, LeafyisQueer, NFKRZ, Killer Memestar and of course, The Dinkster and many more, were summoned and fought off the cringe god's clones. Only Jacob Sartorius died in the fight, his singing killed many of the clones though. He was a good m8, even if his song, sweatshop is awful.

Unfortunately, the God-Emperor of Mankind had the power of Omnilock, and badassery. Each of the Emperor clones used their mighty claws to impale the memes and kill them. Leafy was killed with extreme brutality, that stood out. "U disgust me." The God-Emperor said. "U should kill yourself. Or at least consider it." he added afterwards.
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Birdsie said:
Unfortunately, the God-Emperor of Mankind had the power of Omnilock, and badassery. Each of the Emperor clones used their mighty claws to impale the memes and kill them. Leafy was killed with extreme brutality, that stood out. "U disgust me." The God-Emperor said. "U should kill yourself. Or at least consider it." he added afterwards.
Pyro looked at all the memes dying, shedding a tear for but a moment as they were all reanimated, "Memes can't die as long as they aren't stale, that and I created them all so I can just recreate them m8. Tho I will let Leafy die. He disgusts me 2." Pyro summoned even more memes, Filthy Frank, iDubbz, Ethan and Moe Bradberry, the owl god; Fouseytube. And lastly, the Kazoo Kid, one of the most powerful memes ever born. The memes continued to fight the cringe clones in a battle that would probably never end due to both Pyro and the Cringe God being so OP it made OP throw up due to cringe.
[QUOTE="The Dinkster]Pyro looked at all the memes dying, shedding a tear for but a moment as they were all reanimated, "Memes can't die as long as they aren't stale, that and I created them all so I can just recreate them m8. Tho I will let Leafy die. He disgusts me 2." Pyro summoned even more memes, Filthy Frank, iDubbz, Ethan and Moe Bradberry, the owl god; Fouseytube. And lastly, the Kazoo Kid, one of the most powerful memes ever born. The memes continued to fight the cringe clones in a battle that would probably never end due to both Pyro and the Cringe God being so OP it made OP throw up due to cringe.

The Clones kept fighting, and impaling the memes with their mighty swords and stabbing them with their klaws. The God-Emperor used this as a distraction and used his Omnipotent power to shut down the internet, hoping it would take away the memes' life sources and destroy them permamently.
Infinite the Beyond vomited in all directions. It grew to be infinite feet and filled every desu's shoes with green and brown slush. It entered peoples milkshakes and wine glasses making a delicate and delicous cocktail of mysterious flavor. The slushiness ruined news broadcasts and flooded the Saturday Night Live show, angering filthy people in the process.
Raven silently sits in the corner, uh, cutting herself with her blade of ultimate edginess, eyes burning with ennui more intense than the conflagration of all of the universe's stars put together. That's what goffs do, right? The cutting thing, not the conflagration thing.

She looks up at the... whatever is going on, because I didn't read anything else before posting.

"Whatever. Like I care."

With this supremely powerful acknowledgement of her apathy, Raven robs everybody's will to fight, and they die or something.
Teacher-sama walked in liked she owned the place bcuz she did and spanked everyone with a ruler and sent them to their class

"ok everyone wahts 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2?????" she asked with a kawaii smile

kawaii-chan raised her hand forgetting wat had hapend b4 siens shes a god studnt n answrs "2!!!!!!"

Teacher-sama then sends her flying to the moon and back and then sends her to detention and the principals offiece just becuz she can and then kawaii-chan gets very very very very very very very very very very very mad

"anyone else hav an ansr??" teacher-sama says angrily 4 sum rezon

@The Dinkster @ChronosCoded @Mugiwara @P r i n c e s s @Impocractes @Gabriel97
Seijiki said:
Teacher-sama walked in liked she owned the place bcuz she did and spanked everyone with a ruler and sent them to their class
"ok everyone wahts 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2?????" she asked with a kawaii smile

kawaii-chan raised her hand forgetting wat had hapend b4 siens shes a god studnt n answrs "2!!!!!!"

Teacher-sama then sends her flying to the moon and back and then sends her to detention and the principals offiece just becuz she can and then kawaii-chan gets very very very very very very very very very very very mad

"anyone else hav an ansr??" teacher-sama says angrily 4 sum rezon

@The Dinkster @ChronosCoded @Mugiwara @P r i n c e s s @Impocractes @Gabriel97
The God-Emperor used his powers and bent logic, making 2 the correct answer, and making everyone aware of it. "U fool! 2 iz da corruct answr!"
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Teacher-sama's eyes changed to a crimson red in her anger as she knew that her student, so called "God-Emperor" had used his holy powers. She reverses time and then smacks him on the head a ruler.

"wRONG!" she screeches, hisses like a cat and then suddenly farts before giggling. "2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2..." she says as she writes it down on the board. She waited a minute before nya-ing. "It equals something." She claps in happiness as her eyes return to their normal golden hue before her pupils somehow turn into slits as she glares angrily at her students.

"Teacher-sama do not loik that you use powers," she growls somehow like a wolf dying with a whale. "And if u do it agian..."



eden wok up "les see do i wana gota skool tadoy? hm sure cuz then i can wer my new bootiful sparklee skarf!!!!!" she put on her skarf "hm do i wana fly or telport" she terned in2 a peggy pone an floo 2 skool "weeeeeeeee!" she was prolly late 4 skool but it woodnt mater bcuz she waz prfct an coodnt do anythim wrong
It didn't matter if people, or ponies like Eden were late to school anymore.

Because time had stopped. All the clocks were just randomly spinning.

"As promised, I have stolen time! Here's your receipt!" the policeman in the station read out in awe. Up on the roof, a white-haired boy with red eyes smirked and jumped towards another building, then to the next, all the way towards the school.
Raven can't answer the problem, because it brings back one of her most depressing memories...

[Cue dramatic flashback]

Raven had just finished destroying an universe at the requests of the Goddess of Death. The Goddess of Death was so pleased, she let Raven stay at her multidimensional dwelling. However! It was a trap! The Goddess of Death was actualy jealous of Raven's awesome ability, and wanted to take revenge!

In fact, once Raven entered the Goddess's home, the doors shut behind her with a finality as final as the end of the universe

And then the Goddess of Death proceeded to horribly torture Raven.

So depressing!

So edgy!

So pity-evoking!

You see, the Goddess of Death had no wifi!!! The agony! The atrocity! The pure, undiluted despair Raven faced...

Raven recalls this memory because the sheer agony raven faced was like the agony faced.... when adding numbers.... or something?

Anyways, Raven collapses crying on her desk, but not in a manner that's too undignified, tears streaming down her face like comets fallign from the sky, so everybody can pity her and admire her backstory.

AN: Anybody that doesn't immediately bow down in deference of my, I mean Raven's terrible life is a hater and flamer.
"Eeryone her is a bunch of bloody idiots, mate." Pyrosanical said as he looked around the class. Truth was he had already graduated but the Teacher always made him come back, he believed she had a thing for his TV head.

"Teacher, the second question u give is diff from tha first one m8. The 1st ones answer is 32, while da second won es 30." Pyro answered as he sighed from the amount of cringe and depression going on in this RP, he would need to buy a lot of bleach tonight.

Pyro looked at Raven as she collapsed and began crying like Keemstar when he gets exposed by everyone. Sighing he shrugged, "Get yo life in check m8. No one cares aboot ur guilt trip m9." Pyro looked at the teacher once more, "Teach may I kms rn? The amount of depression es dat god tier cringe. Even the Cringe god would be impressed m8."

@Seijiki @Birdsie @Hydreinoid
eden finly arived at skool "uh ma fujin gash wich rminds meh" she made herslf smel lyke fuj "im prolly lyke way layte" she found her clasromm an went in "haiiiiiiiiiiiiii evryon i made it! whas the kweschun?"

she sat down an sa som1 criing "whas the mattr can i help?"

"Go away! Like, can't you see I'm depressed and antisocial and cool and stuff?" Raven snarks, voice as sharp as an épée, her limpid eyes black like a starless sky.

She then faces Pyrosanical. "OMG, like, go away you flamer. You're just jealous of my awesome backstory."

Raven sobs again, tears gushing out liek Niagara falls, and they dissolve Pyrosanical like acid because she's just that edgy.

Yes, I used a thesaurus. That's because fancy words and awkward metaphors make me a good writer.

@The Dinkster
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Pyrosanical yawns as Raven lashes out at both himself and the person that was late, sighing, he watched the cringe worthy girl cry. Her tears tried to melt him but sadly they didn't work due to his meme powers, "Ew m8, get ur salty tears off meh. They be gros m8." He wiped the tears off of his hoodie and sighed once more, leaning back in his chair, "Also m8 ur backstery sucks m8. Learn to tell gud stories" He shook his head before focusing his attention else where. The literal cringe and depression of this rp was getting to the poor meme god, he really wanted some bleach

"Teeeeeach. Can I please leave to kill my self? or can u liek giv me sum bleach m8?" Pyro asked the teacher, slowly dying of cringe.

Eden was shocked that someone would be so rude to her. "If you didn't need my help, you coulda said so." Then she made a glass of milk appear on Raven's desk just so she could knock it over.

"but lyke o mah gash I am redy 4 dis leson whas teh kweschin"
Raven is so horribly traumatized by all this, her evil side takes over!

You can tell it's her evil side because the eyes are even more dark. Like... black holes or something. Except they're also bloodred, because that's a cool color. I can't think of a unwieldy simile right now. It's like I have writer's block, but instead of being able to write good things, I'm out of bad things to write.


She then instantly kills everybody with a blink of an eye! Because her backstory is depressing! And most definitely not cringey.

Raven also makes the milk disappear before it gets onto her clothes. Now that would truly be horrible.

@The Dinkster
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"Well boo hoo hoo." Eden, who hadn't died because she's immortal and stuff, froze Raven. She was annoying and most definitely getting on her nerves. Then, because she didn't want to ruin her image, unfroze her. With fire.


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Dio fly from another universe before randomly crashing into a class checking his watch before removing his head doing a cool back flip with it as he throw it into the Teacher desk "I want to be your students.Otherwise i will pulverize this planet!"


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