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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

" M-me to Abut.." she told him as she nuzzled into him letting her tail wrap with his " Please don't look away.." she told him softly in his ear.
He turned and looked at her."I guess were a couple now huh?" he said changing the his mood as quick as ever.
"Well"he said while yawning."Im feeling really tired so good night" he hugged her closely then falling asleep
Genovia walked into the mansion,she looked around as she did,she was going to be nervous and worried but just first the first few days.
Peter had eventually arrived at the neko mansion and was astonished because of how big it was. "Man this place sure is big" he walked inside and took a big whiff "lots of cats must be hear. Now I need to find my room." He saw Genovia and walked over to her. "Excuse me but could you help me?"
He heard Ari and saw that she was waving at him. He walked over to her and began sniffing her before introducing himself. "Hello there, my name is Peter. " he smiled then bowed "it is an honor to meet you."
Akahana trotted around throwing her head up and sniffing the air. The cool temperature was perfect for laying in the sunlight today. She had been up a while and it wasn't as if she always wanted to stay in her basement room but it wasn't as if she hated her room. She'd already woken, took a shower, and read at least three fourths of a book she'd been dying to start. All in all a pretty eventful day.

Akahana turned her head just as a long green flash came racing to her. "Ahhhh!" She hollered in a squeaky voice. It was too late though. A large green and dark black fox had tackled her to the ground pinning her down. It licked her and jumped off lashing it's long tail back and forth. Akahana closed her deep green eyes and lay on the ground for only a moment with her ears squared. In a split second she was off down the quart yard racing down through the garden.

"Hey that's not fair!" Hollered the green fox taking after the tortoiseshell coloured angora. Both whizzed down the gardens like they had known them for ages instead of only a few days. Akahana was bound and determined to get away from the green fox all she could. She stooped by a high wall that had vines growing down it. She stopped jumping up it almost underestimating the height as so to nearly fall. Trying her hardest to catch her balance, she knew that if she got up there it would be over for the fox. He jumped at her almost grabbing her tail sending enough adrenalin through her body to hoist herself firmly up the wall. The fox below quickly looked at the wall and looked up sitting down.

He panted.

"Good chase Anna!" He huffed licking his brownish chops. "Made me thirsty," he continued flicking the end of his tail up and down just slightly.

"Maybe you should go.... Go get water, yeah that sounds great," said Akahana in a terrified half breathed voice. She knew she had started this chase but it was starting to get kind of scary for her. Especially since she had been loosing.

"I know your game," said the fox in return making Akahana irritated enough to full on hiss at him. He made the mistake of jumping at her jokingly which ended up with Akahana's sharp claws digging deep into his nose.

"Aghhhhh!" He hollered dropping down and grabbing his nose with his paw. A small trail of blood slithered down his nose and went straight for his mouth making him cough and spit it up.

"Oh my gods, Aoi, I'm so sorry!" Said Akahana staying up on the wall for save measures.

"I uh. I hum, I'm okanay" he said moving his paw off his nose. He sighed and say once more looking up. Akahana saw the damage she had caused. Four deep cuts starting at the right side of his cheek down to his muzzle in a curved fashion.

"I think were done with this game, you should go make sure your nose is okay." Said Akahana rising but not jumping down from the wall. Aoi turned his head and nodded before taking off back towards the mansion. His nose started to drop blood as he entered the mansion and he whimpered slightly with the pain in his nose. It was embarrassing to turn into a human and so he remained the same form he had been playing with Akahana in. His summertime fox form was dark green with brownish black fur that slowly ombred to black down his paws.

"Ah can someone help me...? I've been hurt," he called through the corridor making it echo. The almost clear white ground made his blood look like it was a whole lot worse than it was. He sighed again and started second thinking his playing with cats.

Akahana waited on the wall for a few moments her eyes closed enjoying the sunbath. She didn't want to move and decided that instead of moving she would just take refuge up here possibly cat-nap until she was needed.
Ari perked at the call for help. She immediately dashed towards the sound. "Are you ok?" She called when she got there.
Aoi blinked his huge eyes and whimpered again when he turned to the girl coming for him. "Ah, uh miss, it seems my friend accidentally clipped my nose but it's pretty deep- and it hurts," he confessed flicking his tail over his blood in an attempt to wash it up. It did not work and his tail just got bloody. He sneered at his worst mistake as he took pride over the cleanliness of his coat.
Ari took a look at his nose. Her tails were flowing out at all sides, all nine of them. "We need to get you cleaned up." She said. She held out her hand. "But first, nice to meet you. I'm Ari, the nine tailed fox!"
"Oh hi Ari, my mum was a nine failed fox, I unfortunately have one. And I'm Aoi. It's a fine pleasure to know you." Incapable of becoming human and kissing her hand as he normally would have done he put his paw under hers and licked it softly with his tiny tongue. He did not notice that he had accidentally transmitted his blood to her hand.
Ari looked at her hand. She ignored it and walked to the bathroom, motioning for him to follow. She walked in and grabbed some paper towels and a Band-Aid. 'This would be easier if you were a human." She said.
"Ah... Okay," said the fox and looked around nervously before taking his human form. In it the cuts trailed over his nose and curled his lip looking worse then he had imagined. He turned bright red and looked down to avoid Ari. "This is embarrassing," he mumbled lowly.
Ari laughed. "Not to embarrassing." She laughed. She got the paper towels wet and started dabbing his nose to dry the blood. She had seen worse, but it probably wouldn't help to say that.
He frowned at Ari. "This is embarrassing. I'm a fox were not supposed to get hurt," he pointed out and then squared his own green ears. He for a fox in summer had a dark tan coloured skin that was clothed lightly in a loose mainly white but also red T-shirt and a pair of black jeans. He also wore a pair of dark red high top converse. All but his face looked perfect where still a dark tone of blush furrowed under his cut face.
Miki finished cleaning his nose and had moved on to the ones closer to his lip. "I am always getting hurt, mostly because I talk on an on and on about useless things like pancakes and food and sliding and" Ari paused to take in a large breath. "Maybe I do it a bit to much." She said.
Aoi let out a soft laugh and smiled with his blush getting deeper red. "Aww, you be just who you are, nothing else. If people are dumb and want to hurt you for that than maybe they should get hurt." Said Aoi. He was not a violent person hated conflict and avoided it wherever possible. He was never one of the types to just beat the crap out of siblings or anyone for that matter. He just hated violence even when his siblings attacked him he would just attack long enough to stop them and get them off of her.
Ari smiled. "I don't get hurt. I beat the crap out of them first. But mostly the cases that that happens is because they hurt my friends." Ari said. She finished cleaning the wounds and pulled out the bandages.
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(Uhhhh Miki?)

Aoi dropped his ears but flicked them back up once more. "I'm that way too but I only have one friend. She and I virtually grew up in the same place so... She's like a younger sister to me. I don't know if I would do that to other people. Might just pull a prank on them I'm sly enough to do it..." He trailed off suddenly thinking of his past.
Ari looked at him. "You don't have to tell me about your past if you don't want to." She said. She began to cover his wounds.

(Uhhh, yes?)
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(I thought I was talking to Ari...)

Aoi shrugged slightly closing his eyes. His green hair flicked a second when his ears twitched after getting help from the girl. It hurt ever so slightly still and even as he was not a wuss. It hurt. He smiled next and thought for a moment that it would be cool to unite Akahana with her, if she liked cats.

"What's your view on cats?"

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