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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

" Sounds like a plain " she said hurried behind him with her tail in her hands so it won't be wagging about, she carried her three bags and sighed " Do you think you can help me how to use it..?
"Sure but first,let me get the bags"He grabbed the bags from her hands and took out the phone.He then set up her account and got closer so she could see the screen too."Well basically you touch the dial button to call people and if you call a person like so"He then called himself and added himself to her contacts.He continued to explain it to her tell they got to near the gaming store."You wanna go and check that store out?,there's a tournament going on,unless your not into that stuff"
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" Okay " she said as she watched him teach her how to use the phone . Her face light up when he pointed to the game store " Yes, let's go! " she said grabbing his hand with her tail and moved into the store " This is so awesome! " she said not having been in a game store in years " What do you wanna do first? " she asked with her tail still wrapped around him.
"Oh,first let me beat you in Street Fighter"Abu said seeing an arcade version of Street Fighter.He then grabbed he hand and brought her to it.He then booted it up and chose his character."Good luck getting defeated"he commented while chucking
" Psst whatever " she giggled back grabbing the controller picking her character and smiled at him thr looked at the screen ready to play once he picked the setting of the game.
"Uh, hi." Ari said. She looked at the new person in front of her. She had long brown hair at brown cat ears. She waved at her, seeing as there was a boy clinging to her legs.
Aurora saw the little boy she had never seen before. He looked scared and couldn't have been older than 12. "What's your name?" she asked as she got down on one knee and looked at him.
He then smiled back and picked the map and started the game.He then decided to be nice to Victoria and let her beat him in the game when they started."Don't underestimate my power!" As he failed and she KO'd him quickly
" Don't go easy on me " she said jokingly as she provided to beat his but in the game giggling every time she made a combo move "Take that! " she said as she messed with him pushing him playfully
He laughed and pushed her back."I sweeaaaar i'm not" Abu said very sarcastically.He then made his character act stupid by jumping up and down.
Victoria starts giggling at him " Abu get serious before kick your butt in this game " she said making her character spin around in circles. " This is so much fun " she said looking at him.
"Yea it really is" He replied smiling at her."I haven't had this much fun since forever" He then looked back at the screen and ran up to her and initiated his finisher which made an instant KO."That's is my power when i'm serious"He said but secretly he was just building it up from her hitting him so much.
" Okay you won Abu. " she said putting her control we down she shakes her hair giggling . " Black Ops let's play! " she takes his hand went over to the game and started it. " I'm so gonna beat your but in multi player " she said smiling at him.
"But..But i'm not that good at fps then of course your gonna beat me"he remarked while laughing.

He then grabbed the controller and clicked multiplayer.

While it was putting them in a lobby he did a quick glance at Victoria and noticed all the things that Kiy said.

The way her hair bounced when she laughed the way her lips moved when she smiled.Wait what am i thinking,i cant do that Kiy his my best friend.He looked back and they were in already in a match.
She chewed her lip as she began to play the game " Don't worry I'll go easy on you " she said winking her soft green eyes at him she killed each player after another " Just aim and shoot " she said flipping her hair out her eyes. She glanced at Abu taking him in she gasps seeing how cute he was she looked away quickly letting her tail wagging slightly
Soroshi looked up at the girl and completely freaked out. He began to scream, then ran back down to the basement and hid in his spot, away from all of the people.
Abu followed her advice and killed two people before getting killed himself.He then watched he screen as she was massacring other players."How did you get so good!" Abu said while his tail whipped around rubbing on her ever so slightly
" It's a secret " she winks at him as she interlocks her tail with his. She manged to kill five more before getting shoot down " Damn it! " she said putting her controller down " I wanna go home now.. " she said as she yawned
"Yea it is getting pretty late"He then got her contagious yawn and yawned himself revealing his fangs."We should go find Kiy since hes our only ride home." He then walked with her out of the store without him noticing there tails being interlocked.
" I'm wonder where he is.." she said looking around with her bags in hand " I knew I should be toke my motorcycle..." she whispered to herself before looking at him smiling her ears twitching.
Aurora quickly followed behind the little boy and froze seeing the scared look on his face. "What's wrong?" she asked as she laid her ears flat against her head and gave her tail a twitch.
"We could just call a my family's taxi if you want" Abu replied while taking out his phone to call his personal family taxi.Then walked her outside while making the phone call.
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He finished the phone call and black limo pulled up."I told you not to bring this one you idiot"He then opened the door to the limo and waited for Victoria to come in."Ladies first,Madam Victoria"he said jokingly
" Why thank you Sir Abu " she said giggling as she went and sat in the car shivering a bit " Another long car ride.." she said to herself holding her tail tightly

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