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Realistic or Modern The Mansion [Accepting]



"I-I can come in! I'm a big girl now!" Dawn protested, jumping into the car, hiding a piece of chocolate in her pocket. 

"she'l be fine don't worry." Drake said to shiina as he helped dawn buckle up then looked to her knowing she probably had some chocolate on her. "Now if you have chocolate don't get it all over my jeep alright." He said as he ruffled her hair again then closed dawns door and got in the driver seat and started it up


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"Yay!" She'd buckle herself in her car seat, eat her chocolate, and wait for the car to start. 
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Matthew walked out to the garage dressed in his motocross gear as everyone was getting ready to leave he walked over to his bike starting it up he had a big meet in a couple of days so he was practicing constantly "have fun you guys he said putting his healmet on 
Lucas half walked, half fell down the stairs as he was still half asleep. "Something smells good!" He said walking into the kitchen and grabbing a pancake, "Morning Sheng." He continued on to the refrigerator and grabbed some orange juice, then to the cupboard and grabbed some cereal., the to the couch where he sat and began to eat. He wasn't the biggest fan of the morning which for him was within an hour after he woke up. 

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When they arrived at the art exibit a man approched shiina saying she was wanted on the stage. Shiina nodded following him. on the walls were pictures of amazing but horrifing art and sculptiors. One painting hand a ribbon on it in the corner was shiinas signiture.


@Daniel reaving



Chasity sat in the corner of her bed, with her legs brought up against her chest. With her earphones in, she couldn't hear a thing. And she liked it that way. Just her and the music blasting in her ears. She could here everyone downstairs but she didn't want to join them. She didn't feel like talking or socializing with people in anyway today. Well thats how it was everyday. She didn't like talking or being next to her. It just gave her anxiety for some reason. But she became hungry. "Good thing I had brought some chips in here..."she mumbled to herself and grabbed the potato chips from under the bed. Opening them and eating them, she sighed. 

Suzume exited her bedroom with her oboe in her right hand. She started to make her way downstairs. Suzume wore a red hoodie and black sweatpants. She yawned, cupping her mouth with her left hand.

"Good morning!" She greeted quite cheerfully.

Suzume entered the first floor and started to make her way to the back of the mansion where it was beautiful in nature. Suzume always played her oboe in the backyard so she wouldn't disturb her fellow room mates. 
Sheng smiled at everyone coming down, "Good morning Frankie, Suzume, Chasity. Chasity would you like me to fix you something? It would be best if you are something besides just chips." Sheng offered as he waved to the group who left for the art gallery. Sheng would head back to his room to complete his meditation.
Suzume lifted an eyebrow, but smiled and nodded. "Sure. Can you make me a salad?" She asked. Suzume placed her oboe on the ground, 
No thank you! *she kinda shouts over the thoughts spinning in her own mind as she mixes a bowl of who knows what frantically*
Sheng smiled and said, " Of course it would be my pleasure." The monk began making the salad while also making some rice for himself. This would take a few minutes but Sheng didn't mind in the least. It made him happy that he was able to help his roommates.
*Frankie puts the weird mix, containing eggs, flour, milk, chocolate powder, chocolate chips and a few other odd and unhealthy ingredients, in the microwave and puts it on for a few minutes*
Suzume returned the smile. She sat down at the kitchen table. "Thank you, ......" Her sentence trailed off, her mind in search of his name.



Chasity looked at Sheng and shook her head. "No thank you. Im just fine eating these potato chips.." she mumbled and mustered up a smile. Chasity didn't like talking to people, but she knew her manners and she wasn't going to let them go. After eating a few more potato chips, Chasity smelled something quite disgusting. She wrinkled her nose and dropped the bag of potato chips. None of the spilled though. "What is that awful smell.." she said. Her eyes began to water as she was becoming nauseous. She couldn't take that smell anymore. Grabbing the bag of chips, she quickly walked up the stairs. 

*Frankie watches the mix rise intently, pulling it out just before the ping with gloved hands, then plops herself on a stool and tastes the contents* not quite...*she watches Chasity leave, not noticing the smell* what's up with her? 
As the rest of the house came alive Matthew took his bike out and began riding on the track they had in the back yard he had a national qualifying meet in a few days and didn't want to take a chance at messing up as he road the area filled with the sound and smells of his bike  as he hit the jumps hard and fast slamming into the dirt on the other side he saw suzume on her way out before stoping and going back into the kitchen. Matthew was thirsty once again so he pulled his bike up to the back door and headed inside to grab a Gatorade from the fridge "morning everyone" he said loudly smiling at those he had not yet greeted he pulled out his phone and began texting again it seemed like he was always on his phone but he didn't care 
As Frankie's.... culinary creation was finishes so was Sheng's rice. With a smile he served the salad as well as took a seat. He lamented that he couldn't get Chasity to eat something more healthy, but she was of the age where she would do what was best for herself so he didn't worry too much. " Any plans for the day guys?" He asked as he dug in.

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