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Fantasy (。◕‿◕。)The Lunar Lotus Inn(。◕︵◕。) [All Are Welcome~]

Fear lit a cigarette and took a long drag before responding with "Well good, glad to hear that." He smiled at the childlike girl, he looked back at the firewood and sighed. He got up and picked up the axe. He put a log on the stump, brought the axe above his head and brought it down making nice neat cuts, repeat. On the third log he took off his vest leaving his white button up t-shirt.

Takara Hiroji


While the navy haired male had began to go through the menu in search of whatever he had wished to have as his own food to go with his drink. The first to actually speak up beforehand was none other then the small child once more; Henry, stating that he had wished for bacon, Takara would immediately nod his head with his usual smile before moments after the small child stated that one of his maids was about to return soon. None other then Fera herself had stepped through the door to approach the bar counter with a rather freshly picked ingredient basket of things he could use for dinner and for quite a while actually. "O-oh. Thank you Fera. Uhm, I mean. If you are not too busy. Could you please tend to helping out the guests for a bit. I will be tending to preparing some food and the feast for the guests in the kitchen." Just as he had stated this, he would carry the basket over towards the exit of the bar before noticing as to how yet another bartender by the name of Nef. Watching as to how he had cleaned the glasses rather intently, Takara couldn't help himself at the sight of how the dark haired male had just gone off to begin dancing with the music playing once his fellow bartender had left for a moment to have a smoke. "Ahah. Nef. I know you're having fun and your enthusiasm is always such a great addition to the inn. Could you share some of it with our current guests, if you wouldn't mind?" Speaking through his bits of laughter as he had slowly made his way to the leave bar and head straight through the double doors on the opposite side of the bar counter.

The young white haired male had exhaled a deep sigh before dropping the basket upon the counter that Fera had handed to him. Keeping the mental note that Henry had wished for some bacon while the navy haired male had wished for the human meal of what was considered a BLT.
"Alright. Time to get started." As he spoke to himself in his own usual cheerful and kind tone of voice; the very first thing he would slip on would be his usual white apron before he would begin to rush around the kitchen from one spot to the next. Preparing one ingredient after another for both the dishes of bacon and the BLT; while prepping the meals for the feast for later once all the guests were settled and rested for it.
Hisan said:
Fear lit a cigarette and took a long drag before responding with "Well good, glad to hear that." He smiled at the childlike girl, he looked back at the firewood and sighed. He got up and picked up the axe. He put a log on the stump, brought the axe above his head and brought it down making nice neat cuts, repeat. On the third log he took off his vest leaving his white button up t-shirt.
"Want me to do that for ya?" Kynnye asked with a smirk, her eyes glinting brightly for a moment with magic. She hated seeing people do things that they really didn't want to.

"I can cut that all up real easy for you"
Henry got off of his stool and walked over to the blue haired man. "What is a BLT" Henry asked curiously. He studied the Blue hair man for a bit before waiting for a response. He stood waiting for the answer like a dog waiting for a treat.
He looked at the man and adjusted his top hat. He was being 'Energetic', right? He looked in the mirror and tried to think of what could bring more energy. He smiled a semi-creepy looking smile. Did this work? after a while of looking, he decided that it was not. He wondered if anyone had ordered a drink. His face always looked so neutral and bland that it scared people away on occasion. He needed to find it. The perfect smile...but how? He brought out his magic book and started to read.
Silvercat said:
"Want me to do that for ya?" Kynnye asked with a smirk, her eyes glinting brightly for a moment with magic. She hated seeing people do things that they really didn't want to.
"I can cut that all up real easy for you"
"No thanks. A nickel earned is worth 13 given." Fear said prideful. He never had much to be proud of, but he knew he had one thing to be proud of. His hardwork, he grew up learning that anything at all is possible through hardwork and persistence. And besides he was almost done anyhow so it doesn't matter.

When he finished he walked in changed his shirt for a clean vest and button up t-shirt. He then walked up to his cat who was near Ms. Fera. "Ms. Fera?" He said.
Hisan said:
"No thanks. A nickel earned is worth 13 given." Fear said prideful. He never had much to be proud of, but he knew he had one thing to be proud of. His hardwork, he grew up learning that anything at all is possible through hardwork and persistence. And besides he was almost done anyhow so it doesn't matter.
When he finished he walked in changed his shirt for a clean vest and button up t-shirt. He then walked up to his cat who was near Ms. Fera. "Ms. Fera?" He said.
Kynnye Chuckled at Fear's response and followed him in carrying a stray peice of wood he missed, and then hoisting her self up onto one of the bar stools and looking around curiously. This was the first time she had ever actually been in the inn it's self, normally she hung around the door way but tonight she felt it was time for a change.
Fera turned around at the call of her name. She smiled and waved. Writing on her notepad she said 'Hello Fear'.


Takara Hiroji


Spending mostly the first few minutes within the large kitchen as he had prepared one dish after another; by the time that the plate of bacon had been completed upon a plate with a two pieces of napkins folded on the plate just to suck up the excess amount of grease and oil and yet another plate with a large BLT sandwich completed on it; there had been several other employees stepping into the kitchen from the door upon the opposite end of the kitchen from where Takara had stepped in from. These employees were each also chefs of their own who had known how to cook but listened to the innkeeper whenever he required something. "Someone bring that out to the guest with the blue hair please! Also, the plate of bacon goes to little Henry! Make sure you're polite!" As he had shouted through the loud sounds of the fans taking most of the heat out the kitchen as possible along with the sounds of frying and such going on. One of the male chefs that weren't drenched in sweat and was clearly well dressed enough to step out of the kitchen had brought the two plates over straight towards the bar counter where he had gently laid the plate of bacon before Henry while the BLT before the navy blue haired guest. "Mister Takara had instructed these dishes to be for Henry and you sir? Do please enjoy." Just as the employee had spoken, he would immediately bow towards the two out of respects before making his way back into the kitchen where he would immediately return to his duties to assist the others to prepare the large feast that was to be made for the guests later on.

Fear replied in sign language 'How are you today?' He asked. Ms. Fera in his opinion was a very nice person. And Henry was like his little buddy of sorts. If anyone hurt anyone else in the bar he'd let them handle it, however if someone hurt Henry he would help kick the holy hell out of them.
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Meanwhile, in the forest, Kavli wandered around, whistling to himself as he walked with his stubby legs. He was very jubilant, as he hadn't been this far into the forest before. But as he wandered through, deeper and deeper, he began to hear the clamor of the tavern. Quietly, as his voice was, he said to himself, "Maybe I could get some food... I am quite... hungry..." He walked over to the door, and knocked quietly and gently. He smirked as he heard noises, and he opened the door slowly, making a loud creaking noise. He assumed it made everyone surprised to see a mushroom folksman, as it was unusual for them to go to social areas, such as this one.

Moderately quiet, he said, "Hallo. I'm Kavli."
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Joselyn sat there playing with the cat as it claimed her lap for the time being. She raises a hand to stroke it's back. The purr deepening against her lap as she looked down at the feline. Careful not to get hair upon her clothing as she she looked up. The gentleman had placed her glass on the table long ago. The commotion within the place was slowly picking up.

After the glass had been given the cat scampered off to its rightful owner. Lightly dusting off her skirt whether it was needed is beyond anyone. A hand cloth was amongst the table so she used that to wipe her hands. Violets raised to gaze around at the people within. Trying to gather a feeling from the place still. Glass in hand as she didn't bother to take a sip. Just the smell there alone tickled her nose.

There were other smells going on within the place. A chosen cooked meal, bacon for the child she noticed earlier. A few other patrons amongst the workers about in the place. Some notes of music drifting to be ears. Alright so far the place doesn't seem so bad. For now she will sit pretending to drink her wine that never empties.
† Caliban Maleth

After thanking the man for the wine Caliban sat back and enjoyed the quickly livening atmosphere. Any fears of spending a comfortable but dull evening diminishing as more new faces entered the room with every passing minute. Oddly enough his table remained largely undisturbed, something that just would not do.

Usually the scent of cooking meat wafting from the bar would have influenced his snap decision, but the short, green capped man entering commanded his immediate attention. Almost gliding out of his seat and toward the mushroom folksman Cali returned the greeting, “A friend once told me short legs make for long journeys and long journeys make for good stories. I've always wondered about the truth behind that claim, would you care to indulge my curiosity?”

Catching a glimpse of Jocelyn out of the the corner of his eyes the rogue grinned and added, “Besides the lady looks like she could use a tale to brighten the eve and I fear my own seldom displays the heroics and charm required to do so.” Inviting Kavli to follow the white haired man approached Jocelyn's table. “Good evening, I couldn't help but notice a young lady in lack of company. I hope t'is by by poor luck and not design?”
KosmischeTed160 said:
Meanwhile, in the forest, Kavli wandered around, whistling to himself as he walked with his stubby legs. He was very jubilant, as he hadn't been this far into the forest before. But as he wandered through, deeper and deeper, he began to hear the clamor of the tavern. Quietly, as his voice was, he said to himself, "Maybe I could get some food... I am quite... hungry..." He walked over to the door, and knocked quietly and gently. He smirked as he heard noises, and he opened the door slowly, making a loud creaking noise. He assumed it made everyone surprised to see a mushroom folksman, as it was unusual for them to go to social areas, such as this one.
Moderately quiet, he said, "Hallo. I'm Kavli."
KosmischeTed160 said:
Meanwhile, in the forest, Kavli wandered around, whistling to himself as he walked with his stubby legs. He was very jubilant, as he hadn't been this far into the forest before. But as he wandered through, deeper and deeper, he began to hear the clamor of the tavern. Quietly, as his voice was, he said to himself, "Maybe I could get some food... I am quite... hungry..." He walked over to the door, and knocked quietly and gently. He smirked as he heard noises, and he opened the door slowly, making a loud creaking noise. He assumed it made everyone surprised to see a mushroom folksman, as it was unusual for them to go to social areas, such as this one.
Moderately quiet, he said, "Hallo. I'm Kavli."
Still sitting on one of the bar stools Kynnye looked over and smiled at the sight of the mushroom person that had just walked in. She waved to him.

"Hello there"

Looked at everyone that could be within sight. She did notice the man who went about behind the bar only to leave once more. She had seen him earlier too. She took it that he was another work like a cook or something. Reaching for the glass and raising it to her lips. It's contents never touching anything. Just the aroma right there close to her face. In the duration of having the wine she had done this process before.

Lowering the glass and then slightly pushing it away with the tips of her fingers. Joselyn felt the warmth of the glass as it no longer held the coldness from earlier. Reaching over to grasp the same cloth just as she was approached. It was one of the men who were at the bar. Plus a smaller gentleman with a queer looking hat. Smiling as she wiped her hands and lowered the cloth to her lap. A hand raised to show the seat across from her. "Hello, it is merely by design. Come you may join me I'm in a good mood as it so happens. I wouldn't mind a little company.."
<p>Nervously, Kavli sat in a seat and began silently peering at the people around him. He wasn't usually one for socializing, as were very little of the Mushroom Folk. He spotted several people carrying weapons, and several nymphs. He watched as several of them drank and laughed, and smirked. He felt a little easier inside. He grabbed a small cup and began moving it with his telekinesis, practicing new techniques.</p>
Takara Hiroji


Spending most of his time within the large kitchen as he had ran from one location of the room to the next to check on the different dishes of whether or not they were perfectly prepared or whatever they had missed just in case. From time to time as he had checked as to how his other employees had prepared the food, some of which were perfect others requiring small fixes in their dishes to make them better. Even if the amount of guests that had arrived currently wasn't the largest at the moment; Takara had always preferred to make a free feast for each of the guests just so that they could feel a bit more welcomed and special that he had enjoyed their company of even bothering to enter such an establishment in the middle of a strange forest like this. As the minutes had continued to go on by constantly, it was soon that the white haired young male would begin informing each of the employee chefs to begin carrying out the dishes one after another to the large dining room and begin shutting off the stoves that weren't still heating up the extra food if the ones at the feast at the dining hall was finished and required to be refilled. Just as they had each nodded their heads in understanding; one after another of the chefs from both males and females as well as some being humans by others being mythical beings had begin carrying the dishes out straight onto the large double doors on right side of the kitchen room. Laying out one plate, tray and pots of different food groups onto the tables along with the clean plates and utensils; Takara on the other hand had slowly removed his own apron due to how dirty it was from the cooking before he would begin stepping out to the main lobby where the sight of even a few more guests had arrived during his time within the kitchen. Whatever the case was, he would greet them all soon enough; for now, it was nearing the time for the feast for the guests and whether they wished for some food or not was completely up to them.

"Excuse. Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention please? Let me please be the first to say that Welcome to the Lunar Lotus Inn. My name is Takara Hiroji. My deepest apologies for making you all wait; both my employees and guests. Although, there is a large feast prepared for you all in the dining hall. The door will be straight to your left down that very hallway. They are the large double wooden doors. Do please enjoy the food and if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask myself or one of the employees here. If you would like a room, you may ask any of us as well. Thank you." As he had informed everyone that may had been in the lobby where the bar had also resided. Even though Takara had been professional enough in his words, he had hoped that his words were enough for the time being to at least cover up for his horrid exterior of his sweat, messy hair and slightly dirtied clothing from the cooking he had gone through.
Alaric would begin to pack his books and other items back into his bag before getting up and walking over to Takara. Alaric would wave his hand in a small act of magic clean Takara up. "Thank you for your gracious hosting." Alaric would than walk over into the dining hall to find himself a suitable seat. Alaric had began to sense the magic and the fact that most of the guests were not human, or at least humans of his caliber. Although he couldn't pin point what exactly any of them were.
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"Mr. Takara, is there anything at all that I could do to help?" Fear offered, he always felt useless when he wasn't working or training.


The cat yawned and started to fall asleep in your arms. It's soft furry body trying to sink into your stomach to use for cushion.

"Meal, oh I timed coming in here just right" Kynnye said cheerfully as she hopped off the bar stool. she walked over to Fear and tugged on his vest a bit looking up at him.

"Hey anything I can do???"
Hisan said:
"I don't know. Sorta asking the same thing myself." Smoke said in a smart ass tone as he stuck his tongue out at you.
Kynnye stuck her tongue out in reply and returned back to her bar stool and watched everyone in the inn and started to hum to herself.
Tiri frowns as he hair puffs up from the small ribbon in his hair. How he hated never being able to tame his hair. The bar sounded like it was starting to get lively and that was his signal to get out the and sing. He grins, straighten down his dress and fluffying up his hair. If he could tame it them he would just roll with it.

He steps out with a smile laugh. Looking around he bows. He knew those watching thought him a pretty girl but that only made his act funnier. He begins to dances, twisting and twirling all over the small stage. Before settling by the front. He opens his mouth and starts to sing. His voice is light and fair filling the air. But one could tell it was a young male’s voice even if it was pretty.
Kynnye watched the act attentively but tilted her head a bit confused when the young man started to sing.
Fear looked at the man on stage and started to chuckle. He found it somewhat funny how the man was trying to pass for a woman without bothering to try and manipulate his voice. "Do you know this clown?" Fear asked the smaller girl besides him.

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