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Fantasy (。◕‿◕。)The Lunar Lotus Inn(。◕︵◕。) [All Are Welcome~! ]

Srry i was at a sleepovah.) @Cold Coffee

Sasha picked up a stack of plates, walking out into the dining room and placing them on the table. He went back into the kitchen, listening for another command.
Ethan looked down at the new face that arrived in the kitchen. He frowned and nodded at the boy, "Go on, we're taking a break for the next little while. Come back in a hour." Seeing he paper, Ethan sat down and began flipping through it.

@Apathetic Empathy

Hearing Reiko's recollection of his grandfather made Marguerite smile a little. "I remember this one time I had to perform a seance for one of my tests. I accidently summoned an angel," Marguerite giggled remembering the look on her masters' faxes and how the light was so brilliant that she could barely see for a week. "That one seemed pretty decent but they didn't like me waking them up for no reason. But angels still scare me a little."

@Genieva Von Bubbles




After stating towards the female pink-haired woman that there had been a garden at the inn, the expression change upon the woman's face had brightened only to cause the small fox-like boy to grow into his own joyful expression as well. Even if what she had told Yuuki had been still roaming through his head about Isaac, just the sight of how happy Adrasteia had been was enough to push aside those thoughts slightly so that Yuuki could once more smile happily. The small tails that had once been drooping behind him had now slowly but surely lifted themselves upwards as they swayed from one side to the next at a slow pace at first; nodding his own head at the question that she had about there being a garden, the small fox boy had simply hopped in place. "Mhm! There is one! Let's--" Right after Yuuki had been prepared to simply skip his way down the hall to head towards the garden at the back of the building itself; hearing as to how his female friend had wished to drag along the blonde haired male while she had promised that he wouldn't disturb her or the flowers, the once swaying tails of the boy had lowered slightly as he eyed the man with his own light pinkish hues carefully.

Just from the first impressions that the small boy had gotten from Isaac, Yuuki had already disliked the male deeply and the simple thought of having to be around him any further was just something the small fox boy could barely handle thinking of. If he could've decided, he probably would've just picked to enjoy his time alone with his friend as much as he could rather than be around Isaac whatsoever. Once the blonde male had approached the two of them only to state that he would indeed go see the flowers only as long as some little runt had been kept away, Yuuki had nearly let a low growl leave from his lips silently; rather than actually saying anything to possibly cause the tension to grow any more than it was needed around the trio; the small fox soon nodded his head joyfully towards Adrasteia as she had expected him to lead the way towards the garden.

Without so much as a paused moment, Yuuki had immediately began to skip forward while he had gripped a hold of the hand of the woman beside him to make sure he hadn't lost her to Isaac at any point. The least he could do for the time being was just enjoy his time with Adrastiea, even if someone he did not like was going to be around them at once as well. While the trio had wandered their way through the halls and soon enough approaching a single glass door that held the bright outside of the backyard garden, the small white haired boy simply pushed the door open to reveal the many different plants that had been scattered left to right; far up ahead had been many exotic flowers while down the middle had been a single dirt path that had been connected to each of the plants to make sure they kept plenty of nutrient for their roots.
"Here we are Miss Adrasteia!~ C'mon the flowers are right up ahead!~"


Alexander Taiga

As the female voice of the god-like being had responded to the light haired male only to state that she had indeed been the embodiment of the god-like being in the end; the male would simply nod to himself mentally to realize where this being was after-all. Although while he had awaited for a mere moment or so for the response, his thoughts couldn't still grasp the whole fact of why any god-like figure would be upon the mortal world like this. The thought of this was soon dealt with the instant the woman seemed to state that she had not been here long enough to determine such things of balance throughout the building or possibly even realm. With the fact of the words that came into his mental state of telepathy, it clearly almost cleared up the fact that this being was possibly not as powerful as that of the god-like figure that Alexander had followed in the end. To be unable to fully determine the balance throughout the entire inn with the whole fact that there was an innkeeper that had been an angel that which was fallen from Grace, surely this female was not of the same level of power of many of the other gods around Alex in general.

Once the female voice had even gone so far as to bring up the fact of the other mortals that dared tried to defy the power of god itself to become just as powerful as one. Alexander would remain silent before actually coming up to speak up once more.
'The mortals that dare try to use their dark arts shall find their attempts in vain...no mortal shall ever reach the power of the gods. Even if they were to do so, their pathetic lives will be destroyed the instant they even set eyes upon the power they will try to grasp.' As he had returned the thoughts towards the female voice in his own head and his dark hazel gaze remained on the direwolf before him. 'As for the balance of this place...if you are any god. Then you should have realized, the innkeeper of this place should not be here. His presence and life itself is a complete insult to angels and the souls that passed to Grace.'
Once again, that frown had appeared on Falin's face, only deepening with the angel's words. 'Angel or not you have some nerve to talk down to me like that.' She preferred to keep her power suppressed until it was needed. 'I take it you've never traveled between different worlds. Even with a god's presence the act is incredibly draining. To do so and then be forced into fight after fight...not even the likes of you would be able to sense the needed order and balance within the world.' Finally, she slightly loosened the seal on her power. Not nearly enough to case a stir within the dining room, but she knew the angel would be able to feel it.

'You are right to say that Yukito doesn't exactly fit in here... But I'm not sure I would consider one who works selflessly to care for those in need an insult to the world. As for Rehiem, it's true his quest for power will only destroy him in the end. But how many innocent lives will be taken by his dark arts first?'



Alexander Taiga

As the female god-like voice had continued to echo throughout the male arch-angel's head about how he had spoken towards her in the type of way any other god would've punished the male angel for speaking in such a way towards them. Alexander had stood his own ground against the voice, it wasn't like simple words with what she had said would affect him in anyway to change his current objective. As the voice ended up speaking of going between worlds, his thoughts had finally become clear as to who this female god-like being had been the entire time; the reason as to why Alex had never seemed to realize or even recognize this presence of this power was simply due to the fact that this woman had been a god of a completely different realm after-all. Rather than bringing it up of her being of a different realm since she practically had already stated herself that she pretty much moved from a different world to get here; the white haired male had soon moved his hazel gaze away from the wolf only to begin scanning the entire room for the possible location of the female being in the room. Earlier, while Alex had still been within his own room; he had been sure he already caught the exact presence of just who the woman was and what she had looked like even through the blurriness. Although, now being as close as he had been to the god-like figure; it seemed all the more difficult to fully pin-point just who out of all these guests was the being in the end.

Before he could even make a move forward to begin to search throughout the large dining hall for the exact person; the instant the rush of god-like power pressuring down upon the room had nearly caused the arch-angel to collapse to a single knee. Luckily though, since he had been trained already hard enough as an arch-angel; he was about to resist the power ever so slightly to continue standing to his own two feet and follow the energy source to find exactly who was letting out this amount of power at once. Right as he had continue to focus on finding the woman, the next words to come from the woman had been one of which caused Alexander to shake his head before returning his own response.
'My duties do not lie upon defending the mortals of this world..against those who are foolish enough to try to put their hands into the dark arts. I am God's sword and shield. My duties lie all upon the protection of Grace and the destruction of those who he deems worthy to be killed. Yukito; has proven to Grace itself that he is a traitor to both the mortal realm and Heaven. He must be punished and I have been ordered to exterminate him.'
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The Bosmer's frown remained as she mulled over the current situation. It was clear this angel was in fact in service to a god. One she was not familiar with. 'You'd be surprised how similar our Stories are. At the same time, they're quite different.' Finally her deep crimson hues opened and looked straight through the angel. 'As I've already said, I will not interfere in the affairs of another god. Not without any information first. However, the instant you start involving innocents in your battle...' Her voice shifted, blending with another's, 'I will end your story myself.'
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Alexander Taiga

As the female god-like figure had stated just how similar their goals had been currently while they had also differed at the sametime; Alexander had soon enough come to end up finding just where the unknown female figure had been this entire time. Although she had been at a large distance within the dining room from where he had been searching, the simple crimson gaze of her hues locking onto him had been enough for him to turn his dark hazel gaze over and stare back in return towards the woman as well in the end. Knowing even if she hadn't been a god of this exact realm currently, the whole fact that she was holding the power of a god within her was enough reason for the arch angel not to try and start any possible problems with her currently. Although from the words the female god-like figure had stated about not harming innocent lives in the process of his mission; he would absolutely remain silent knowing well enough that his current objective was to actually keep at the very least little to no other causalities besides his own target itself. His commands were to do so; so simply with the own command coming from another god-like being was nearly pointless reminder to the arch angel in the end.

After the conversation with the female and wolf creature had been dealt with, Alexander would've once more returned his attention in search for none other than Yukito once more. However, this time; once he had returned his hazel gaze to his surroundings; he had only ended up finding that the same position as to where the innkeeper had once stood had now been empty. He had moved, curious as to where his target had went off to, Alexander simply wasted none of his time to begin wandering throughout the room in search for his target at this point silently.

||Master Kirai, we must leave this area at once! I feel a terrifying aura near||

'So do I. Let's go and replenish my Mana, so we can fight whatever comes our way.'

" Sorry, but I got to get out of here. After battling that Demon - which got me here in the first place - I don't have much power. I can't even use magic properly yet. I'm not taking any chances" Reiko said, now promptly getting up to leave.

He was now quite skeptical about this inn and, more importantly, it's owner. The only reason a creature like that man would be there is to pass judgment... But, unless he hadn't looked hard enough, there were no other angels to be found...
With the conversation over, the direwolf faded from view. Falin let out a slow sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose. What a mess this was turning into... She nodded to Reiko and stood as well. "I have a lot I need to figure out it seems. I'm going to head to my room where it's a little more quiet. Both of you are welcome to join me if you still wish to talk." With that she turned and left, heading out into the lobby and down the hall towards her room.

Stepping inside, she left the door open a tad. An invitation for those who wanted to join her. The direwolf that had been guarding her room gave a slightly wag of his tail when she entered. Smiling, Falin tousled his fur before digging through on of the bags he carried. She withdrew a fine stone box and sat down by the window. The Bosmer knew her armor needed tended to. But that could wait a few more minutes. Right now she just wanted to relax and try to get a better sense of the world.

Reiko followed after, deciding against Mana Replenishment - since, although his aura would strengthen ten-fold, his physical strength was weakened for most of the day - and taking up her offer. He knocked lightly on the door. He noticed it was ajar, but still announced his presence with a knock, just to show respect for privacy.
Crimson eyes glanced at the door. "Come on in, Reiko." She called before turning her attention back to the smooth white box. Opening it revealed a carved bone pipe and a small pouch. Intricately carved from a thigh bone, this particular pipe had been in her family for a couple generations now. Or at least that's what she could recall from the very faint memories of her own family. It was one of the few items she had been able to recover from the ruins of her village. The others being her father's bow and a jade figurine that had been broken off of her mother's music box.

"Have a seat, relax a bit." Falin told the mage while carefully packing the pipe. Smoking tobacco or any kind of plant matter was forbidden by the Green Pact. The Bosmer had taken to collecting certain grubs, caterpillars, or other insects that fed from the more aromatic plants of the Green. Their smoke carried traces of the flavors from these plants. Most humans and other mer, however, found the practice distasteful. Just like all the other aspects of the Green Pact and Bosmeri life.

She lit the pipe, watching the fine ribbon of smoke curl as it rose in the air. Hopefully, Reiko didn't find the scent too offensive. It would certainly be unusual for him though. "You had said you were planning on regenerating your Mana." The Immortal looked back at him. "Is there some special practice involved or something?"


Reiko sat down on the side of the bed and watched Falin take the white pipe out of it's case. He let the smoke fill his nostrils and enter his mind. "Ah... Smoke is one way to replenish Mana, it being a side-product of Fire" he explained. He then replied to Falin's question, saying "If it's just a Passive replenishment, I can just take a stroll or take in anything that is created by nature. If it's a Powerful or even an Ultimate replenishment, I would have to draw an Arcane Circle, stand inside it and draw in energy. But, I can't move very well after".
Falin gave a small nod, careful not to blow a plume of smoke in the mage's face. "So it's somewhat like Magicka where I'm from then, I see." She leaned back in the chair, letting out a slow breath. After learning what she can from Reiko and Marguerite, the Bosmer would likely head outside into the forest. The ancient trees are willing to share their Stories. You just had to know how to listen to them.

The ghostly wolf had watched Reiko enter the room before laying alongside the table where Falin's armor lay. His master had invited the guest into her room. He had no reason to keep a very close eye on the mage. Though occasionally, his glowing blue eyes would cast a quick glance towards the young man before going back to looking around the room.

Marguerite quietly followed the two as they headed back into Falin's room. After finally reaching her room she sat down on the desk top in the bedroom. As Falin pulled out her pipe Marguerite felt a tiny nicotene hankering and figured that if Falin was smoking she wouldn't mind. Digging in her bag for her own small pipe she finally found it and dug around her pockets for a match. After two attempts of striking the match it finally lighted. She began inhaling the smoke and smiled. Reiko and Falin began to start talking about Mana. Marguerite didn't have much knowledge or experience with the method so she intently listened. "That sounds rather tiring. Thankfully my magic just takes a toll that I can sleep or eat off."

@KageYuuki @Retro109

(Excuse my lame post and late posting)
The Bosmer nodded. "I've never actually been adept in any kind of magic," she she watched the shapes made by the thin trails of smoke. "Not even the simplest of spell is at my disposal." Outside of the few abilities Y'ffre granted to her when she became an Immortal, the Bosmer was completely incapable of using magic. She even struggled to take advantage of scrolls or staves. This of course led to much ridicule from one of her fellow Immortals. Stupid bitch, He'd laugh, Can't even use a scroll!

Two of the three Immortals were masters of powerful magic. Both able to easily take out hordes of enemies with their spells. She was jealous, she hated her inability to even feel magicka. All Falin really seemed good for out of the three of them was just tracking or hunting. Some guardian of the world . . .

She gave a small shake of her head, turning her attention back to the smoke wafting from her pipe.

@Cold Coffee

"...I have noticed, most of the Ancients and Ultimates (Different types of immortal creatures) have little to no magic. They take most of their Mana from either their blade, jewel or staff. Soul spells are almost non-existent" Reiko continued, his eye moving over to a white wolf in the corner, but it didn't seem very hostile and was docile at the moment. "The only way you could use magic without accumulating Mana is via speech, or oral spells, like..."

Reiko closed his eyes and started murmuring very quickly:

||Fire in the trees, Flames on the mountain.

Time for thine Blaze to become an Inferno.


And a small blazing ember burst forth from his hand and circled the room, before burning out and becoming small embers. "My father has been teaching me that spell for a while, but it's quite weak at the moment. It's name is Ignite. It's used for starting fires, so it's not much use in combat" He explained.
The Bosmer gave a slow nod, watching the small embers fade out. "It may not be useful in combat, but it seems invaluable when you're trying to survive." She set the bone pipe down for a moment, crimson eyes glancing around the room. Her mind wandered slightly, not really focusing on one topic in particular.

"You're right, it is very useful. The only spell type I have trouble with is Steel. One of my cousins is a Chain Meister, meaning that he is very adept with summoning and controlling steel and - more importantly - chains. There's no oral spell for chains, since they use your heart as a tether. Although, it is really cool" Reiko continued.

||You gave up Mana Regeneration for this!? I must say, master Kirai, you need to start prioritising your time!||

An innocent, yet angry, female voice echoed from Reiko's direction, which he responded to with an eye roll. "That's Ignis Eikai, but she prefers just Eikai. She's my strongest Spirit - a Class 2 - but worries a lot and, when summoned, interferes. I know she's just worried about me though..." He explained. Eikai was correct in a way. Giving up regenerating his Mana for meeting with a friend was slightly foolish in the eyes of a Mage, but if he was to stay here for a while, he would have to make allies.
"That certainly does sound like an interesting ability, being able to control chains. I doubt it's an easy tasked." She had attempted to return to her pipe when she heard Eikai's outburst. The Bosmer couldn't help but chuckle. "Reiko did say he can regenerate Mana while in here, and that it won't leave him unable to move. Besides," she gently blew a plume of smoke into the air. If one were to look close enough, a faint image of everyone gathered in the room could be seen. "Making allies and gathering information is very useful in a strange world."

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Falinn gave a quiet chuckle as she watched the embarrassed mage. "What's the matter?" She turned back to studying the images in the smoke. So far, there really hadn't been anything of note that had appeared.

Nothing, it's just- Huh? What... Are there... Images in that smoke? I must be going insane..." Reiko said in disbelief. He had seen spectacular things: Angels' births (when souls are released from their Being, they become either Angels or Demons), Celestial Mana Regeneration (when Ultimates use power from stars to charge themselves and unlock mind-breaking abilities) and even a Soul War (when two souls - not yet converted - battle for days) but he was still amazed at small things like this.

||Master... I can't do this for long...||

Eikai whispered weakly, making Reiko shoot up, his eyes sparking yellow and burning red. "Oh god! Sorry, but I gotta go! I need to replenish my Mana quick, or Eikai won't be active for a long time..." He explained apologetically, walking out the door. He made his way down the corridor and towards the entrance. He needed to find a clearing, so he could summon a lightning bolt and conjure a fire without destroying the forest.

//As you can tell, the whole 'life after death' thing is quite intricate, so I just start explaining a lot of it! :/
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"Hm?" Her crimson gaze shifted back to the stunned youth, "you can see them? How interesting..." Before she had a chance to explain the way Bosmer were able to use this special smoke for divination, Reiko quickly apologized and left. Perhaps this smoke didn't do as much good as he thought? She couldn't say for sure. After all, the concept of Mana itself was currently still beyond her realm of understanding.

Leaning back, she thought on some of the information the mage had given her. When a person dies, their spirit and soul are separated . . . one is reborn as an angel or demon while the other becomes an element and awaits summoning... Could that possibly apply to our world too? The thought of possibly fighting along side of Dereth once more was tempting to say the least. If it even could be done, would she be able to do so? Would he even remember her if she could? Perhaps this was worth looking into more when Reiko returned.


After an hour or so of meditating outside in the forest, Reiko walked back to Falin's room. He opened the door and sat back down, looking a lot more relaxed than this morning.

"Ok, I'm back! I couldn't find any clearings, so I just meditated for a while. Sorry to keep you waiting. How does that smoke work? It's a type of foresight, right? I've seen Wind Oracles and Storm Sages use it every now and then" He asked, turning to Falin's direction.

||Come on, master! Just say you like her, it's killing me!||

Eikai nagged, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She had noticed Reiko's thoughts had been more clouded and drifted away, which meant he was thinking about something personal. Since he shared everything with his Spirits, it must have been to do with affection.

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