XZ Crazy
The Chosen One
Chazel waited in the room with Emma. He had no idea what was gong on or what was going to happen. An impossible challenge? he thought, impossibilities are just like illusions, but we make them. And as for dying for no reason, I've been living for no reason the past quarter of my life. This is just about to get interesting. Chazel looks around the room and finds a pitcher of water on a nightstand. With his bow, he makes a tiny hole in the bottom and gives it to Emma. "Find a place to hide and don't come out until this cup is empty. Okay?" he says on his knee before jumping out the window after the girl. After he saw Yukito on a furry creature's back, he ran to the group and pulled out his fiddle. With a stream of notes, he cast a spell on all who heard the music, increasing their willpower, strength, and stamina.