The Lounge. (OOCness) [Uncivilized Providence]


One Thousand Club
As everyone sits in the lounge on the Uncivilized Providence some truly random conversations spring up.

Here be OOC stuff.

Welcome to Uncivilized Providence.

Character sheet stuff goes in The Crew. General chatness goes here. Posted underneath'll be the various IC Tracks for each Disc that I will be playing for you. Hope the tunes're good. ^_^
"that's what she said"...wait does that even work in this context?

Thanks for having me on, first week actually getting to play exalted so I'm hoping everyone will help me along, and give good advice unlike when I first played DnD "yeah sure a level 4 rogue can take that dragon, he's a blue dragon, they are just bigger kobolds". Hilarity did ensue though. So I'll probably get my character sheet up now and hope to make some friends and have some fun here :D .
Hello, I'm glad for the opportunity to join this game. I do hope we'll all have fun and I'll post my character sheet shortly.

Hopefully I'll fit right in. <3
I'm pretty much finished with my character sheet. Mind you, preparing the suggested backgrounds forced me to forgo my usual Essence 3 route.

I'll finish off Shrike in the next couple of hours (Exalted chargen being such a goddamn chore).

My girlfriend is staying with me for a week, so my posting may be a tad sporadic.
Cough cough throat-clear.

Yeah, Alchemicals are particularly difficult to work with. Modular magic is helpful, but also complicated.
I've actually been finding Alchemicals the easiest and most fun to build, with Infernals a close second.

Sidereals still give me a stonking headache.

Could just be that I like them so much thematically I never need to think hard about exactly what Charms I want.
Alchemicals I can see, but if you find Infernals easy and fun to build, you sir, are an alien. Or a robot. Or a robot alien.
Let's see... We have a hunter of all things not native to Creation and a Fae-Born.

... This will be interesting.
I pers'nally look forward to seeing The Shrike and Darwinia arguing about socialism.
Not eeeeveryone. Okay, maybe the Alchemical and the Fae Hunter but not eeeeeveryone.

There's a mechanic who'll appreciate her, right?
Perhaps, we've yet to see if they can stand each other. ^_^

But odds are good, yes. <3

Well, I think you're refering to me at least. :P

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