~The Lords of the Magistone~

If one of your characters dies, then you can make another character to replace them, yes, however there is going to be a period in the middle of this RP when no new characters will be able to be made due to the logistics of their situation, if that effects your plans at all.
Just depends when I'll be having one of my characters kick-the-butt, is all. Was this one of the two battles you mentioned to me before, or are they coming up?
SkyGinge said:
I'm gonna be afk for a few hours, my Mario Kart 8 had arrived! Sorry for any inconvience!
Really? After that, you're just gonna ... leave? You wound me, sir! ;)
okay... This is getting stupid..... I come home and fine 3-4 new pages, and the notifications bar never alerted me! I would have been responding from work. Lol

Anyay, I\'ll catch up when I get home. I have a dateish thing I think...
Ari full body (very!) rough sketch and face detail


And if she had a theme song, it would probably be "Burn Bright" by My Chemical Romance
In the morning, I'm gonna do a mini time skip to the new resting location, leave it a little while, then head off to the second and last plot-point place of this objective, which probably won't last as long as this one, then sleepy time can occur and things can go down!
Sounds good in that case night guys doubt I'll post again less something develops requiring till the open.
Sorry guys, I think I'll won't be on for a bit. It's the beginning of summer so my mom wants be to help out with my little sisters soccer games and stuff... should be less busy on week days so I'll try and log on before LOCKDOWN on those days!
Actually, I'm thinking because there's not much posting going, even if I do a detailed post we'll be left awkwardly in the middle of an event for the lock, and also I'm shattered once again and have not much creative juice in me today, leaving you guys to enjoy your Saturday evenings with a little break from the intensity of keeping up with this RP :') so you can feel free to have your characters talk amongst themselves if you want to write stuff, and there'll be no official lock tonight, but treat the rest of today like a break, and I'll hop straight in with the next plot point tomorrow.

Just as a warning to everyone I won't be on much at all tomorrow, or any Sunday. This is because I spend the whole day out of the house training with a stunt combat group and don't get home until 8pm (EST). I'll be able to check in from my phone occasionally but not really type any kind of post until I get to a computer. Sorry if this inconveniences anyone but I'll try not to keep anyone tied up before my last post of the night on Saturdays.
Welp, I'm glad we're all on the same page this fine Saturday afternoon. I planned to study for finals this weekend anyways.

Also I might be unavailable for most of next week because of final exams, but I'll try to be on as often as I can ^^
I'm sure Skyre will drag you round as need be in the RP :P But yeah my day was filled with lying on a park eating food and drinking with the family in sunshine.
Well, I guess that is good. I can write some flowery post about Rederik's trip to the camp and not miss anything juicy. Maybe one day everyone can catch Skyre and Desiree smooch and get to react to it! Some fireside shenanigans perhaps?
Geez, you guys are killing me. We have valuable RPing to do, and the lot of you would rather study for finals or do other meaningless things? Desiree is only now starting to rebound from a severe crisis and all you want to do is let things linger?


On a serious note, hey -- do what you gotta do. I'm sure we all have different responsibilities outside of RpN (I know that I do!) so things will be here whenever we all return and such. :)
lol ugh see I catch a cold and wake with a migraine only to find you guys worrying about RL! what the heck! lol ^_^

all funny aside just keep yourselves healthy meanwhile I have some reading to catch up on lol

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