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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Warren was far too consumed in consuming [food] to have any concern over the conversation about the everlasting fire. Even after having eaten though, he still felt hungry and hoped some food came for them soon, one way or another.

For now though he settled with what there was and laid back, relaxing in the time he had before they were summoned to search for that annoying brat. Why did they even have to look for him? He was probably somewhere arguing superiority at an owl or the like.

Warren got up and stretched, visibly grunting while doing so. He hoped this would bring food in some way at the last.


Lo and behold, food came. As someone who was often with nature, be it living with nature or punching it, this was nothing new to him. Well, aside from the fact they were imbued with shadow. This seemed to not have too adverse an affect though, unlike the warriors. Warren grinned as all he saw was something to fill his stomach.

"Come here ya furry brute!"

His left arm covered in rock with an open hand and he jumped forward, his immense weight coming crashing down to earth. Also crashing down was a bears head as the rock arm slammed from the top of its skull and down to the floor, crack heard as the rock on his arm split and bones shattered. The bear was too surprised by the hulking figure jumping on him to react.

Warren then lifted the bears head with one hand and drove a rock fist into its jaw with the other. The bear tried to bite what was stopping him, but it just made it all the worse for them.

The lump of rock didn't stop from being bitten and kept travelling. It snapped the jaw away from their head and hit the throat, which crumpled from the force.

Another bear came out and jumped on him, which Warren blocked with the now free rock arm. He grunted as he took the weight from the bear, then sent a leg forward to their midsection, which had the bear tumbling backwards. He then stomped on the bears arm as it came up for a swipe, which still managed to graze his left leg. Warren sucked up to it though and dug his heel into the arm, the elbow snapping. With the same foot he then crushed the bears head, killing it outright as its most vital part, aside from the heart, was ground into mush with a sickening crunch.

This was a battle of brutes and Warren was a more powerful brute.

This was Warrens terrain and no one was going to stop him. It looked quite terrifying as he crushed the bears with his might, little technique involved. This was however also how he trained in fighting, through years of actual experience as the scars had shown.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Wind. Soft cool wind. There was nothing better. Especially when all you hear is people yacking there brains off. Nothing could beat it. It was like comparing riding a dragon, to a potato. There was no contest at all. She smiled, letting the soft breeze run though her hair. But then she remembered. People where supposed to be arguing right? Her eyes flung open, darting around the room. She was suddenly very far from relaxed, looking around frantically.

And then something worse came. Out of no where, she heard the cry of an animal. She stopped dead in her tracks, looking strait where the noise had come. She heard it again, causing her to dart forward towards it. That was no ordinary cry. It sounded savage, and like it came from something huge. And whatever it was, they would need her help.

Pounding, her feet raced across the ground, thudding with a great force. She didn't even care if she got her sleeves dirty, she could fix them later. All that mattered now was everyone else. The intuition of the family warrior, always put family above yourself. And that is what she was about to do. If she didn't make it in time to save everyone, she would never be able to live it down. Because no matter how she denied it,

This was her new family.

And she wasn't about to let them die.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Deisree_new.jpg.06388d0bf857b2b3050473757382a37f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Deisree_new.jpg.06388d0bf857b2b3050473757382a37f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Just off to her right, Desiree heard the roar and Skyre's warning. She turned in his direction and her attention was drawn by a bear-like creature that charged him. An acrid taste was in the air around her as Skyre's magic shielded him from the attack. With the immediate threat to him contained, Desiree whirled around to take stock of the rest of the group who were facing off against similar adversaries.

Ethan's wisp raced into their midst as the cacophony of noise in and around their area of the woods grew. Desiree's eyes narrowed and she stalked in the direction from which the magical ball of light had come. From her left, another creature reared and charged toward her. With a smirk of disdain, Desiree connected to her element and smote the beast with a crushing burst of wind. The impact sprawled the bear-thing and it tumbled a few yards sideways from its course; then, with some degree of semi-intelligence, it regarded the wind sorceress as she continued toward Ethan's direction. Her glare cut the distance as she dared the creature to charge her again. The creature decided to pursue less intimidating game and it sulked away.

Satisfied with the result, Desiree forced her way to where she expected to find Ethan. She used small, almost insignificant currents of air to push the branches and brambles from her path so that she might walk unimpeded.




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The bear paced slowly towards him, the redhead backed up against the narrow tree-trunk, both hands tightly gripping the handle of his beautiful winged sword. Long ago it had been shiny and clear, but now it was dulled, a light film of blood still residing in certain spots despite his best efforts to clean it. Now it would be dirtied further, although given everything else, this was hardly Skyre's most prominant worry. What was: the safety of the group.

The bear leaped up once more, the dumb brute having not learnt its lesson from before, and once again, Skyre created a cushion of air in front of him, holding the bear once more mere inchs from his face. However, this time, as he released the brute, he thrust his sword upwards into the creature's chest. The three sharp prongs of the unusual blade easily penetrated the creature's hyde, and with one final moaning roar, it collapsed, the force of its weight also forcing the sword and the person holding it down to earth in a cacophany of miniature cracks and snaps. Wrenching the blade free, Skyre was rewarded with a spurt of sickly blood.

Stepping away from the courpse, Skyre caught his breath against the tree. Around him, there were a load of similarly pained roars, a chorus of falling bears. Skyre almost felt sorry for the creatures. Still, it at least seemed like nobody was doing particularly badly, much to his relief.

"Try to lead them out of the trees!" he called. For the landscape was their worst foe at that precise moment; the scattered trees, the peculiar shadows they cast, and how it all muddled the battlefield. Though they wouldn't be able to hear the bear's from the cracking of twigs, they'd be able to see them coming and work together to cover each-others backs. Skyre still wasn't too sure what was going on, but beginning the dash to the hotsprings clearing, he hoped the others would follow his call.
From her vantage point Rusar was able to spy any bears that might try to rush the other group members. Trained eyes scanned through the trees with her bow ready to fly. She heard rustling and grunts, the clumsy sounds of the overgrown beasts who made their way through the brush with no care for stealth or surprise. That was really one of the few things that were working in their favor, bares lacked the forethought of trying to sneak up on its pray making them easy to find and defend against. Rusar fired another arrow striking her far off target with another large explosion of fire. She heard the call from Sky to fall back to the hot spring but didn't move from her perch right away, deciding to provide cover fire and give the other more time to fall back. She glanced at her quiver and cursed under her breath seeing she only had a hand full of arrows left. She would be able to hold them off for much longer even then she would have to resort to more direct ways to fight back.
Ethan had came across Desiree who had pushed the brambles of branches and leaves to make a clearing. His wisp was going back and worth keeping count of everyone. Unsure of their condition he couldn't do much in this closed environment a small worry rose when he thought of Ari though she had the power to certainly slaughter the beasts if she had pushed herself like before would she succumb to exhaustion. His wisp returned with a quick glow and a thought rushed his mind "Back to the spring your fearless red head has demanded as for the beasts we have a little imp watching our backs." as his eyes fell to Rusar in the trees focusing her arrows like a rain of fire. With a calm and focused look to hide his worry he turned back to Desiree "Will need to turn back and follow Skyre to the waters." as his wisp flew high and burst bright to signal the others.

Bowing his head in thanks to Rusar and Desiree the alchemist rushed towards the springs his feet light as he hoped for the others to follow quickly. His wisp returned to his shoulder as his breath was heavy from the quickened pace his legs has gone. "They are in trouble Aurora is there nothing we can do?" his thoughts where shaky feeling the inner despair he had before at the uselessness his abilities had towards combat. The wisps pulses mimicked his own breath flying quickly with its master as a voice rung in his head "We must conserve ourselves something does not feel right...something is lingering and watching..." her voice was serious and seemed as if she felt a presence beyond the forest but Ethan could only hear the crushing of trees and sounds of the bears' roars. The sound of Rusar's arrows from behind caused him to stop a moment and feel his shoulder reminded of the dream before. "Keep moving Ethan!" Aurora spoke once more as the spring came into view.

Looking behind to see if Desiree had followed and if the others where filtering in he continued to look through the dark shadows of the forest for what she had warned him about. Still he could since nothing and with the growing rate of the battle what was it Aurora was feeling. His wisp hovered close as he felt its pulses brush his skin with the heat of the air. Whatever was going on Ethan could do nothing but watch.
Harper was searching with the group for their other member. She stuck close to the water mage unsure of what the individual looked like. Still not wanting to be alone at the camp she felt it was best to stick with the group for now. The heat of the forest was intense with the air almost overflowing with pine. With each foot they went in the further the group split apart calling out for the young man. Whoever he was she felt he was an idiot and a fool to have caused such a fuss for them though in reality she felt it more a issue for her. She didn't feel the need to find someone she didn't know let alone got out into the wilderness and dirty herself further. Still with a bit of a sigh it was better to try and stay on the group's good side after all she felt their act of saving her from near death warrant a little help.

She smiled a bit feeling proud of her generosity to help as if she was a noble herself. A few hours passed and while the yells continued there was no return for their efforts. Harper was feeling sweat fall from her causing her to feel desperate to just quit this search and all acts of helping. She was near the point of turning back when suddenly a loud crash and several roars broke from the silence of the forest. Her eyes widened as no sooner did she blink did a nine foot bear had come baring down towards her. She felt an overwhelming fear and tried frantically to use her magic to defend herself. Her hands twirled and flicked as roots rose from the ground attempting to slow and entangle the beast. Still try as she might she could not concentrate and the root broke like twigs upon the charging beast. Its eyes focused upon her with blood rage as she screamed.
Pythe was happy to help the group when the ginger kid spoke out about their missing member. Being a part of people again seemed to fill her heart with joy even if they where strangers. So long she has traveled alone and since the incident of the spring the group seemed to welcome her with less confrontation. Still the memory of the former noble and the image of his garbs dressed in crimson brought a chill to her wondering if it was such a good idea to find such a person. Let alone how he had come to join such a group. Still she felt obligated to help as she had caused his crazed act and disappearance.

The group spent most the day traveling through the forest. The sunlight was beating down upon them and with each passing minute and hour the group spread further calling out. Pythe did not speak hoping she would not find him for fear of another outburst or traumatic tantrum. Turning her head behind her she noted how the long haired woman seemed to follow her. Perhaps it was because they where new to the group that it seemed proper to keep them together. The woman seemed distant about the issue and for a bit Pythe could understand helping complete strangers wasn't easy let alone trusting. For now she followed the que of the group and kept her eyes upon the tree lines.

Was then a sudden break of trees and brushes that Pythe was surprised to see a pack of bears charging from all directions. The group looked to have walked straight into an ambush or entered the beast's territory. Either way it was no time to search for the noble now, with no water in sight she picked up her hammer and prepared to fight. One of the beasts came from the side aiming towards the long haired maiden. Her face seemed flushed in fear as she tried to desperately to contain the beast. It was the first time Pythe saw nature magic but from the sheer weight and speed of the bear it didn't seem to help against the creature. As the bear came closer Pythe ran to intersect jumping upon a rock and above the dark skinned woman. With all her might she swung her hammer hard upon its head.

A loud and great wave came from the impact as dust and leaves rose from where the three faced. The woman who followed Pythe let out a scream but as the dust cleared the bear laid motionless as Pythe removed her hammer. A trail of red velvet blood flood off the silver hammer the beast's skull crushed with no sign of returning to this world of the living. Pythe took a moment to say a prayer for the beast but with the sound of others fighting and a bright signal coming from the direction of the spring she felt it best not to linger. Turning to the woman she presented her hand "Are you okay? We have to get to the others quickly!" as she grasped her and rushed towards where she saw the light.
Harper closed her eyes fearing it was the end. A sudden rush of wind knocked her to her bum as her throat coughed from the dust. Clearing her eyes the sun gleamed through and to her surprise she was still alive. Her heart was racing and she felt a sudden rush as her gaze fell to the sight of the water mage. The woman took out the beast with a single blow and the rays of the sun seemed to make her look like a knight. Harper's face flushed red from the display of heroism and for a moment she seemed to had forgotten where and what she was doing. She was lost in a day dream of shock and awe. That moment did not last as she felt her hand pulled and the where now rushing towards the sound of more fighting.

At first Harper didn't want to follow feeling the need to run away instead but with a firm grip from the water mage Harper felt safe and though confused she couldn't help but want to continue with her company. As they ran Harper was able to see the muscle man tackling the bears like a wild beast, fire flying in the sky, wind blowing from every direction, and even bursts of light. The world of this silent forest was turned around in less the a few seconds and all she could do was continue to run hoping the woman ahead knew where she was going. Her feet aching she tried her best to focus on the path ahead using her magic to clear the bushes and branches.
As they both continued to run Pythe saw the plants move away from them clearing them a path to where she was rushing. Unsure she glanced towards the woman she was pulling. Her eyes looked red from tears and she seemed overly emotional but through all that she was trying her best to speed up their race. Hoping the rest of the group would be okay Pythe continued her track towards the light signal. It didn't take lone but soon she felt the warmth and smell of something familiar.

As the broke to the clearing her eyes where surprised to find they had ran towards the pools once more. A smile rose from Pythe as she let go of the woman's hand and tried to catch her breath. The tall brimmed hat man known as Ethan was watching keeping his focus to the group and forest behind them. His orb stuck close and it didn't take long to realize it was his light that gave the signal. Turning to the woman she bowed a bit embarrassed "Apologies I hope I didn't not hurt your hand but I had to think of the fly." her eye fell to the forest as she backed towards the pool and her element. Though they where now in the open the sound of the bears roars reminded Pythe they where not safe.
Harper held tight to the water mage's hand as they reached the clearing. Her eyes widen at the sight of the pools. Even though they where near death and in the midst of battle the only thought Harper could think was "BATH!" though that day dreaming broke when the mage turned and apologies barely in breath. Harper was also breathing quickly and simply smiled and laughed her cheeks blushing a bit from the thought of before. Turning around she hid her blushed face "Not...not a problem." trying her best to get her emotions in check. In less the a few moments she had went full circle of emotions and it left her drained.

With the sight of the medic Ethan and his little ball of light she decided it was best to try and form up some will of courage. The sound of the bears from behind left a chill but with all her will Harper stood tall and prepared to fight. She wasn't about to let some one eyed mage get the better of her not now.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Deisree_new.jpg.f82e637b7393fdd51a3bc196ebd57da3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32288" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Deisree_new.jpg.f82e637b7393fdd51a3bc196ebd57da3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Desiree followed Ethan's gaze to where the huntress was plying her craft with great advantage. The ease with which Rusar downed the beasts caused Desiree to pause – why retreat when they surely had sufficient ability to simply eradicate these bear-things? Still, Skyre was their leader and perhaps he had encountered something during his melee that warranted the order. She followed along with Ethan and continued to press the underbrush from their path with gentle wafts of air. Their passage was hurried as the alchemist had some urgency to his steps.

She was filled with her element and brimmed with confidence. At the moment, Desiree almost felt as if she could take on the Shadow King right now, but the more wise part of her mind helped to suppress the more primal forces within. As Desiree continued on in Ethan's wake, her thoughts turned to sudden sense of her talent's surge. Why now? she thought. She had often of late been infused with elation and joy when she connected and worked with her element, but this sensation or emotion was new.

They arrived promptly at the hot springs and Desiree continued to ponder this new-found feeling. It was as if something had triggered this response – something basic – and she turned to see if anyone else in the group showed the same ... passion ... for their element as she was now feeling?

Desiree tasted the air around them and her talent-sense was overwhelmed with a cornucopia of flavors, so much so that she momentarily reeled under the sudden onslaught. She briefly clutched to Ethan's arm to steady herself. "Sorry," she managed as she shook the magical dissonance from her mind.

Yes, the inner voice agreed. Something is definitely off. Desiree knew that her ability to control her talent had recently become easier, but in retrospect the manner in which she effortlessly brushed one of the beasts aside should have at least affected her, even to the smallest degree.

"There's something in the air," Desiree said aloud. "Something that is affecting our most basic, primal sense and I think that might be what has set these bears off. Be cautious of using your talents, now."



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It wasn't long before the entire ensemble had congregated at the hot-springs. Most to Skyre's repeated relief, nobody looked at all injured, although a few of them were splattered in blood. Before the fall, this would have had Skyre gagging. But this was survival; there was no time for such petty cleanliness.

"Could it be that you can taste magic of sorts?" Skyre offered up politely to Desiree, noting the talent she had enjoyed so much. It was also the theory Skyre had envisioned to explain the whole thing. Everything conflicted with what he knew of bears, even though that information was admitted few and far between. They would have to have some kind of strong influence to unite them all like this. Something like magic.

"It's good to see everybody fine," he chimed, looking about them as they encountered a brief moment of uninterrupted peace. "These aren't too hard to fight off, are they? So why not use now as the perfect opportunity to test out the magical teamwork we were discussing the other day?"

"Aw, that's cute," came a new, feisty voice. From the treelike emerged a small hoard of bears, in triangle formation, perhaps about sixteen in number. At the four front sat a particularly large bear, and riding atop it, a woman. She had an air of authority around her, but also an air of repulsion, not at all helped by her almost hideous appearance. Her angular, almost skeletal face, was so heavily made up that her face barely seemed to be made of skin and flesh; instead, smooth but anaemic wood, with two scorched char marks around her narrow, sneering eyes. It was almost impossible to age her; she could have been anywhere from twenties to forties.

"I was a little bored, so I decided to come and deal with you guys," she said plaintively, as though she were the classroom cool-kid reluctantly approaching a rival clan. There was a sort of resentful sass to her every move as she spoke, strangely youthful and arrogant. "I must say, I'm quite impressed. Not that that will last, mind. You'll be dead before you have the chance for a follow up."

"You've already met my useless excuses for fellow council members. Yada-yada-yada, I'm Vernain. You've already figured out, although it hardly takes a professor to work it out, dearies, that I am a nature magician. And me and my pretties are here to hunt. Tough luck, children. Today's the day you die." With that, she let out a small shriek, and the line of bears reared and charged.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Deisree_new.jpg.480bce8edc403718e734985cbc0c2643.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32477" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Deisree_new.jpg.480bce8edc403718e734985cbc0c2643.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Desiree's bright blue eyes narrowed as her focus zeroed in on the waif that straddled the center-most bear creature. The taste of this woman's magic cloyed about Desiree as the currents of steam-heated water from the springs cycled the cooler, external air toward her. Unlike the earth mages she had encountered, with their corpse-decaying flavor, their new adversary spewed an odor of rotten fish.

"You have no idea," Desiree spoke lowly in answer to Skyre's query on tasting magic. Her gaze never wavered from the assembled ursine group. A quick calculation brought their number to a few over a dozen and she thought that she recognized the one she had intimidated earlier as she sought Ethan in the forest.

"I'll leave her to whomever you feel is best to deal with her," she said to Skyre, and then added with a sly grin, "however, it might be best not to kill her if we can avoid it."

As the charge commenced, Desiree called out, "I've got our left flank!" and she immediately raised a wall of air to meet the attackers from that side. Four of the beasts slammed head-long into the invisible barrier and fell back, stunned from the impact. Incensed at the arrogance of Vernain's words, Desiree did not allow these four any opportunity to recover from their plight. Without motion, razor-sharp blades of air rained down on the dazed bears with malice and abandon.

Desiree's thin-pressed lips slightly curled at the corner as her blue eyes blazed with an internal fire. The smirk was one of mild exhilaration at the scene while the bears scrambled and tried in vain to escape the merciless torrent of scything air. There would be no quarter; Desiree would personally see to it.



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Once the group had retreated to the hot spring she followed just behind happy that everyone made it more or less in one piece. Unfortunately she used the last of her arrows fending off the bears. Any kind of pinpoint accuracy attacks would have to wait until she could make more. The appearance of the strange wild woman and her heard of bears was slightly startling but put the pieces together as to why the massive creatures would be attacking in such numbers. The huntress didn't bother waiting for the woman to finish her little speech as she started gathering up her magic when the bears started to rush a ball of intense fire ignited in her hands and she unleashed it as a stream of blue-ish flames searing flesh from bone. She focused the attack at the upper body and head area killing the creature with out much remorse. The ball of fire didn't whither or die as she spread the flames from a single stream to a fan engulfing three more of the bears. The fire magician made sure to keep her alias in mind as well as the very flammable forestry that surrounded them and tried to keep her fire contained to just her targets.

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