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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Rusar sat before the fire in awe for several minutes just taking the sight in before slowly coming back to her sense. The amount of magic was still overwhelming but not in an oppressive manner, but more as a sensory overload. She was used to feeling slight traces of magic when other used it. The academy was damn near soaked in it. Each type had their own special sense to it, it was slight and indescribably but made sense, to her at least. but this magic was different. Teachers called it residual magic, faint traces left behind by magicians that faded over time. The mystic fire however had a completely different sense to it even for fire magic. Strangely enough if felt more… natural? As if this creation belonged here and to disturb it would be breaking some kind of natural law. It made everything else almost seem artificial.

She sat taking everything in trying to understand the mystery before her. There wasn’t much around aside from the fire and swirls of char marks along the cavern walls. She looked down over the edge cautiously seeing nothing but intense light and pulled back. She looked down at the touched she had all but forgotten and blinked a few times noticing the ball of fire had dwindled to a small flames the smoke wafting towards the center of the room as if the head and fire was drawn to its kind. Interesting, to say the least.

Trying to figure out such questions took her back to her days of schooling where the concept of magic was very raw and new to her. The professors lectured for hours about theories and concepts making it feel almost like a science. A small smirk curved her lips at the thought of those same teachers coming across such a grand discovery. They would rack their brains for hours trying to figure out how such an anomaly could exist without something to control or maintain it.

An alarming though came to mind as she remembered those days and realized how other fire magicians would probably never get to see this. A chilling sense of loss ran through her cutting through the walls and layers she put up to detach herself from the tragedy that had befallen their country. Curious bright magicians that would have loved to bask in the glow of such a legend possibly giving birth to some sort of new magic where ways of old could be used with current methods.

Rusar took several deep breaths trying to come to reason. Surly she wasn’t the only fire magician left. Then again even if she was not everything had been lost the group of survivors huddled around a campfire was proof of that. The appearance of two other survivors also proved that there were others out there scattered and lost as they were. She opened her eyes to look up at the fire watching it swirl and move on its own. Experimentation wasn’t something she’d done often but she was there for a reason. It couldn’t have been a coincidence they found a mountain who knows how many other had ventured upon before and be the one to find the fire.

She sat up straight looking around the cavern for clues on where to start spying only the strange char marks along the walls. Faint dark figures could be made out within the char that flicking flames making them seem like they also had life. Moving as the flame did. Her gaze traveled back to the flames as she watched the swirls of odd colors. Whether thought exhaustion or imaginations she could see some kind of figure with in the fire moving and dancing with the flickering flames.

She thought back to the legend and what was known about ancient magic remembering that they had a more spiritual belief than a controlled scientific one. An offering? Prayer? It seemed rather strange but it was worth a shot. She glanced down at the torch thinking to the way its fire had been drawn away and got an idea.

She claps her hands together creating a small ball of fire to hover inches from her hands and watched in fascination as the flames tilted and swayed as if some sort of invisible wind was pulling the flames towards the larger one. With it the pulling sensation once more. “Well… that kind of explains things…” She muttered before gnawing on her bottom lip in thought. There really was no telling what such a small offering could do to a large flame but it was pulling from her already. “This is… a really stupid idea but...” She sighed closing her eyes, the cynical side of her didn’t think this would work and she felt very silly for talking to something that couldn’t really hear her.

“Help me to try and understand” She prayed quietly letting the last of the fire fade off. Rusar sat still for a few moments before peeking one eye open seeing no immediate changes. She let her hands fall to her lap and shook her head. “Okay… that didn’t…” She trailed off noticing the spiraling of the flames increase to a slight degree, the strange figure changing its tempo as other joined it. There was a loud crackle and pop as the flames grew bright. A burst of heat was expelled from the top pushing a wave of heat around the cavern and down the corridors which spread from the large cavern. It was very similar to the one felt when she first coming across the cavern only a good bit stronger.

Rusar jumped slightly by the loud crack edging back against the wall before being hit with the wave which pushed back into the wall behind her once more. As the tingling warmth of energy pasted her she felt energized for a moment then a sharp sense of nausea hit with the same tug of war feeling felt before only more intense this time around. Rusar just leaned back against the wall dumb struck but also exhausted. In the back of her mind the huntress knew other would worry if she wasn’t back at camp by morning but the worry fade along with the waking world as she fell asleep.
Skyre sat by the fire, gazing up distantly at the stars above, their distant fiery glow a worthy replacement for the fireplace at which he normally stared and gathered his thoughts. This was his time of mourning, his time of letting his worries and regrets wash over him. For those cautious survivors were right in what they had told him long ago: you cannot simply forget the past. And Skyre didn't: he embraced it, emersed himself in it, and in doing so allowed himself to remain calm and collected throughout the day time. It was like a ritual of respect, a personal tradition that only he upheld.

The realm beyond the sky. Nobody could fathom just how intricate it was, or indeed what it was at all. Could each star hold life similar to them? Millions of miles away, were there people like them, holding out in similar hope? Mysteries, curious questions, far beyond knowledge and far beyond reach.

But in the picture book simplicity of the night sky, Skyre found himself entangled in the complexity of their lives. A black canvas dotted with only a few sparkling stars seemed infintitely more peacful than a dynamic kingdom drenched in blood and dust. We are those stars, now, Skyre thought, And only we can shine out against this darkness.

He felt Desiree slump down ever so slightly against him, the reassuring wamrth bringing him back down to reality. Her soft cheek lay resting against his, a couple of stray strands of golden hair dangling defiantly over her face, as if to vainly try and cover up her beauty. He grinned and blushed, and with a careful movement, brushed the hair out of her face, a face that he found himself lost in for a long moment. Then finally, he gently placed her down and removed himself. He needed to sleep too, for tomorrow was to be an important day.

Leaning back, Skyre sat beside her, like an angel protecting a princess. Fairly close to her, but not close enough to touch or suggest anything inappropriate, he scanned around the camp with a protective gaze. For in her halcyonic slumber, it was easy to let his mind slip, but focussed, he had trained himself to act respecfully. After all, although she hadn't told him all the specifics, Desiree had given off clear indications that she did not want anything more than friendship. He daren't not bypass those boundaries.

So when he lay down beside her, it was more like a father watching over a child than of two lovers tied by the same bed. And despite all of their many problems, with Desiree in mind it didn't take long before he was drifting off.


Skyre was awoken with a start as something pushed away from him. At once, his drowsy mind presumed he was under attack, and he scrambled around like a fish out of water trying to retrieve the sword that was on the belt he currently wasn't wearing. Wide eyed and messy haired, he looked a lot like he'd just seen a ghost. He span around, heart pumping, as if to ward away his attackers, but when he realised that they were lacking in existance, he reclined slightly, an awkward smile finding its place on his face.

It was early morning, and the sun was just beginning to rise. On the far side of the mountain, they were exempt from the dim morning light, but in the distant horizon a warm orange glow coated the land between each magnificant mount. Thankfully, Desiree's precious voice calmed him down slightly, in both its tone and explanation.

"Ah, it's alright," he yawned, stretching both arms as his small mouth opened impossibly wide. In his drowsiness, he lacked the awareness to pick up on the signs of her insecurity. He grinend slightly, turning to her. "Actually, if anything, you've done me a favour. In my tiredness I forgot to find a way to wake myself up on time, but you've done that job for me." With what sounded like a creak from his legs, he staggered to his feet and unleashed another stretch to the skies.

"Suppose I'd better set breakfast up," he mumbled with a chuckle, and stalked his way over to their supplies.




The sound of crackling and roaring flames was heard as the world blurred into a mixture of strange colors. It was a world that was familiar but strange at the same time. No longer sheltered in a cave a forest of cool greens and purples surrounded her. She stood before a world a blaze in phantom flames consuming all from the ground to the sky. Streaks of colors swirled past brushing along the other colors twisting and swirling freely and without hindrance as streams of silver and blue flowed through the landscape. Even she was a flame in a strange aura a smoky gray and hints of crimson.

The strange tranquil land was a moment before several auras started to swirl and feed into one another. Ghostly figures faded in and out feeding the collection before it burst into an intense white flame streaked with more swirls like a mixed pallet. The flame reached high into the sky before splitting and curling off into the air feeding into the surrounding environment. The ghostly aura of the land around grew brighter and more intense as they flicker and trickled into the enormous flame. Bits of her own aura flecked off joining the world around her.

She raised her hand a spark of fire igniting in her palm. The flames matched her own in that it was also gray with a core of flickering crimson red the smaller fire ball started to scatter out sparks in a more active way to try and blend with the world around her. Some of the surrounding auras repaid the favor offering partials of their own to feed the gray fire. Though as the fire was fed it grew and became darker taking on its own life. An inky blackness swirled and writhed feeding off the colors around it stealing their glow. She inched backwards unable to stop the mass as it turned on her turning everything to black.

Rusar woke with a gasp as her eyes snapped open. She immediately regretted it as her eyes were assaulted by the light of the intense living flame. Shielding her eyes she rolled onto her other before trying to collect her scatter senses. “I fell asleep…” She muttered realizing she was still laying on the ground still. She pushed herself slowly to stand using the wall as a brace to get her bearings. She looked to the fire once more images from her dream flickering before her coloring the cavern for a split second. She felt on some level an understanding that her groggy mind couldn’t piece together. She tried to think back on the dream but the more she tried to recall the further away it fled. Hopefully it would come on its own.

She smiled slightly feeling probably more energized than she had in a long time, but also slightly different. Though, the strange feeling could be attributed by passing out in front of some unknown fire. Her eyes widen slightly as she realized some time had passed since Rusar parted from the group and there was no telling what time it was inside of the sealed off cavern. The huntress glanced over to the fire a warm smile still curving her lips before she made her way out of the cave. She might not have gotten her answers but was at least one step closer than before, in time hopefully she would be able to understand.
The day had been as exhausting as any thus far, as was evident by the rate of people dropping off to sleep. Ari entirely expected Ethan to shut his eyes first and she was not disappointed. That light-vision-display...whatever it was had clearly taken a lot out of him. Or maybe she only felt that way because light magic took a lot out of her. Regardless, he was in need of the rest just as much as anyone else who shortly followed him into a dream state was. Including Ari. She gave a stifled yawn, wandering over to where Ethan lay with his head on his hat.

The daylight had disappeared without a trace, as had the wakefulness of anyone still at the camp. Ari noticed that they were still missing a few from their company. Surely they would turn up by morning, though, so there was nothing to worry about. Besides, there was something she wanted to test.

A page in the journal that Ethan had lent her a long while ago (or so it felt) had discussed the use of light magic in repairing others' magical exhaustion. Herself, Ari wasn't too magically worn out. She couldn't say the same about her truthfulness, but it wouldn't hurt to at least try it before hitting the sack.

Ari hovered her right hand over Ethan's head. She always felt more confident about light generated from her right hand. After a few seconds of careful concentration, a soft candle-like glow illuminated the space between her hand and Ethan's head. Ari semi-consciously checked to see if anyone (namely Cyril) was watching. For whatever reason, she felt the need to hide her novice light magic from his royal pain-in-the-butt. It didn't even matter that she could learn from him. She didn't want to. Ari would much rather learn the little tips and tricks from Ethan's journal. Like the neat spell she was trying to work then.

The little glow grew steadily brighter, working its healing magic. Then, as suddenly as a candle being blown out, the light disappeared. Ari removed her hand with a puzzled look. She hadn't intended to do that. The magic wasn't even quite finished. She checked over her shoulder just in case Cyril had interfered, but nobody was awake to notice her.

I'm probably just not advanced enough for magic like that, Ari explained to herself. Shifting a bit closer to the fire, she prepared to sleep as well. Her eyelids began to obscure the view of stars above as Ari let the incident fall from her mind. Still, she couldn't help but feel some magical interference had kept her from working any magic. It had felt like some other light presence in the moment that Ari's magic faded. One that was already intent on protecting Ethan.
Warren watched the entirety of the events silently, being of no experience with healing matters. He was also tired from their journeys and wanted to rest, something the entire group agreed on and went to sleep.

When Warren awoke, once again from a dream about steak, he looked around.

"Where's Rusar the lass? Hmph."

Pushing his hunger aside, he stretched his body and went in the direction Rusar went as she explored. He was beginning to be concerned at her lack of presence.

Warren pushed aside foliage as he travelled and through the ancient village with little to no direction. There was a prevailing heat he could feel though, like a fire in the far distance. It seemed the most logical route to go, so he trudged on.

"Ruuuuusaaaarrrr...where areeee youuuuu...?" He said as he walked, making it almost look like a game of hide and seek.

The heat was more overwhelming the further he went, it beginning to invade his nostrils and his pores. He had a neutral opinion on fire, neither loving or hating it, even if his home village was burned down.

While going he noticed a cave he began travelling through which seemed the right way. Part way through going through the cave he met Rusar, who walked in the opposite direction. He smiled upon seeing her, confirming she wasn't being spitroasted by evil creatures or fallen down a ditch.

"There ya are lass! Was wonderin' where ye went, since ye weren't at camp with us."


Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
With a jerk Ethan's eyes opened quickly as his heart raced. He did not jump up fearing the injury to his shoulder would force him to black out once more. Soon however he realized he was no longer in the strange forest or that his body was injured. Rising up slowly he regained his composure still rubbing his shoulder as if to remind him it was okay. How long since he had a dream that didn't seem to warp, but to see such a vivid flow was off setting. As the small embers crackled Ethan took a deep breath filling his lungs with the cool morning air.

Looking around he noted that Skyre and Desiree seem to already be already awake while the others where scattered amongst the make shift campsite. Rusar though was still no present and a part of him worried she had found something dangerous with that cave...or it had found her. Either way he was a little glad to see that Warren was in the distance walking towards the northern part of the town. If anything was amiss at the very least she was in good hands.

Now fully awake Ethan stretched his body surprised to find he didn't seem to be as drained as he had thought to have been. In fact it seemed his energy was returning much quicker then his episode at the town or with Helia's fight. Rubbing his head a bit he put it to getting stronger or perhaps becoming use to the fatigue. Was then he noticed that Ari was near the fire she seemed to be resting peacefully though she was close to the now dieing embers. Harper looked to be tucked as well near a rock though from her posture it was easy to tell she looked to be a tosser in her sleep. Reaching for his cloak he had unraveled and covered Ari as he positioned his hat near Harper for support.

"Hmph!" he heard a faint whisper as suddenly without warning the wisp had materialized beside his shoulder. Walking quietly away from the two girls sleeping he looked to the orb with intent eyes "What now?" his thoughts quite as if thinking loudly would have caused them to wake up. The orb pulsed rapidly then stopped "Nothing...just don't worry about it." her voice seemed defensive as Ethan scratched his head in confusion. Though he had many questions he felt it was best not to try and pry it from Aurora for now seeking something else to distract him.

Seeing Skyre heading to the supplies it looked to be a perfect distraction as his stomach rumbled as if on que. With a small smile Ethan shook his head the walked towards the ginger haired boy. "Fellow morning...by chance do you need some assistance?" as his pace came to match Skyre once he had caught up beside him. While awaiting for an answer there was one worry that concerned him though more for the fact of a reminder of Helia's disappearance...where was Cyril? Had the prince arrived late at night or showed signs of venturing back to the camp Ethan wouldn't have such a nagging issue to deal with, but regardless if he was a royal pain he was a member of this group now.
---The Night Before---

Pythe for the most part stayed out of the groups conversations she tried her best not to seem threatening but at the same time she was curious about the others and their motivation to team up like they did. The group looked to be in a fight and she could make out the words 'strangers' which seemed directed to her. Before Pythe could eaves drop further she was shocked to see a bright light emit from one of the men. The air around him seemed solace and his eyes glowed brightly. She clenched her hammer watching intently on the light but soon the man collapsed showing signs of immediate fatigue. Whatever they saw though seemed to quell the fighting though the archer Rusar marched off into the town.

"A light mage perhaps?" her thoughts echoed once more trying to figure the group out still with the night now blanking the sky with its jewels of stars her eyes where heavy and thinking was never her strongest forte. Feeling safe for now she felt an unusual comfort and sleep seem to creep fast and fall deep for the water mage.

---Dream State---

The woman found herself back in the academy with her classmates. The smell of fresh paper and the sounds of chatter filled the room. Two of the boys where talking with Pythe of simple matters of lunch and a possible hike in the hills. She enjoyed hanging with the men finding it natural versus the preppy girls of the class. Many where fishermen aiming to follow their father's while the woman seemed withdrawn from the craft taking it only cause they where forced to do so. Was then one of the ladies came to Pythe and with a smug face reminded her of the stature of the class hierarchy and where the low miner's daughter stood. She ended her rant with the usual insult "Besides its not like you can keep both eyes forward 'Dirt'." which Pythe kept quite clinging hard upon her penned feather.

She could never figure out why they had been such a pain to her yet the bullying was always there. Perhaps it was due to her tall frame, the control she had with water, or like the children from home the patch that laid upon her face. The day had ended and the professors and students had all turned in to their dorms. Waving good bye to the few friends she had Pythe fell back to her room. As the latch fell the room echoed the silence and darkness of the night. Lighting a few candles she watched the shadows dance from the evening air. Putting nothing but a long shirt on she walked to the mirror. Looking away for a moment her face fell to the bowl of water. With a rag she lightly cleaned her cheeks and forehead her eye always wandering at the whole of her image in the reflection.

A deep breath as she removed the patch. The light leather cover fell to the dresser below as she kept her vision away from the mirror. The cool damp rag swayed upon her eyes as she slowly cleared the days sweat from them both. Letting the rag rest she looked to the patch now loose and spread on the oak finish. Her breath was deep as she slowly looked back to the reflection her emerald eye gazed upon the other which showed no sign of life. The clouded streams that floated seemed to hide its natural green luster. She felt heavy in the chest as the insults of her past flooded as if the patch was holding them back. The water in the bowl vibrated rapidly reacting to her emotion till finally she pushed away from the mirror. The water rushing up and then overflowing from the dresser.

The patch floated across the floor before she finally recovered it. Drying the leather cloth she quickly tied it back upon her. As soon as she felt its tight squeeze the whispers stopped and a calmness bathed her. Her shirt now soaked as well as the floor and dresser she quickly mopped up and changed. Leaving only a single candle lit she rushed to her bed praying for the day the world would change...unaware her wish would come true but not in the sense she had hoped.

---Following Morning---

Pythe awoke with a light teary eye brought on by the morning light and depressing dream. She watched as the red headed Skyre and the man who generated the light before walk pass her to their supplies. Rising up she dusted her clothes when a loud growl escaped her stomach. Her cheeks a bit flushed she looked around to see if anyone had caught it. When the coast was clear she shrugged it off and looked to the camp. It seemed many where waking but the two she had encountered before where now missing. Rusar and the muscular Warren had seemed to wander off but to where she could not guess. Not wanting to burden the group of their rations like last night she felt it best to try and seek game to help out. She wasn't the best at hunting but the very least she could gather water for their skin pouches.

Lifting her hammer upon her shoulder she wandered a little outside the village in search of a good source.

"Oh come on darling I doubt they'll miss it?" her voice was soft yet teasing as she whispered it softly upon the man's ear. His flushed look and quivering shoulders was enough to signal she had snagged his interest. "...but...what about the professor?...she'll not be to happy about it if she finds out?" the young man stuttered trying to regain his composure. "...well I guess if your not up for it I could always find someone else to try..." as she turned away slowly letting her body do the rest of the conversation. No sooner then she broke her gaze did he speak out "Wait!" at which she smiled almost wickedly before turning with a face of innocence "...yes?". The young man walked up closer eager to please her "I....I'll do it!"

Harper hugged him energetically her chest pushed up against his as she pecked his cheek "Oh thank you! your a real life saver!" as she rushed away skipping merrily down the halls. She had conned the poor boy to do her project and with that easy passing grade out of the way she had a whole week to enjoy. Sneaking into one of the girls rooms she grabbed a few sweets from their supposed hideaways tossing a few into her mouth. A glistened smile grew from ear to ear with the tart flavors dancing in her mouth. Finally as she reached her dorms she felt a nap would be the next best thing to end her day. Sadly though that was ruined when she heard her named called out "Harper Fansworth!" her smile falling quicker then a man's coin purse at a pub. Heavily her head turned slowly as a wrinkled prune of a woman marched directly to her. The old woman's beady eyes stared at Harper as her dry mouth bellowed "Whats this about Mr. Thorton doing your project? Don't think you can fool me missy! You think you can just waltz around, flutter your eyes and entrance your way to an easy A then you have got another thing coming!" the woman's voice rasp and smelled of something foul leaving Harper in disgust.

Trying hard not to pass up her lunch Harper tried to play innocent "Why Professor I dont know whatever you mean, Bobby was just going to partner with me and we would work it together." her voice soft as she fiddled with her long hair. The old woman squinted her eyes "Don't you try those tricks on me why in my day I had men tempted to please me." the thought making Harper's eyes widen as the image of this old hag enthralling young men as a form of torture. Still she tried her best and played it off but the old professor continued to nag till finally releasing Harper to her dorm. As the door shut Harper's face turned sour as she dove into her pillows. "Dam that untestable old witch not only do I have to do a project but an essay on ethics...psh" as she screamed into the plush feathered pillow. Her tantrum over she looked to her closet the thought passing by her as a welcomed distraction.

Opening the doors wide she gander at her collection, every color imaginable seemed stacked in the closet as she tried each one looking for something that pleased her for the evening. Finally a sky blue dress with white sash had caught her eye and she immediately changed. The tight form fit and the flow of the dress danced with her legs giving her dark skin a regal appearance. Letting her hair flow she checked her face applying some makeup before darting back out. The night was young and it was only when the city slept that the real fun began. With a light laugh she darted out of the building towards the local gathering. The cool night air kissing her along the way.


Harper awoke feeling stiff as her body ached. The cold morning air chilled her as she looked around at her surroundings. Took her awhile to remember where she was and what had happen. Looking around she found a small short haired girl curled up in a cloak while near Harper was a pinned pointy hat folded for a makeshift pillow. Unrolling the hat she smiled a bit at the jest wishing she was back in her comfortable bed. Still being alive had its perks too now. The blonde woman she hugged before seemed to be awake as the men looked to be wandering away for unknown matters. Feeling like she owed them a little she felt it best to try and be friendly. Walking up slowly she sat with her legs angled from her. Looking to the blonde she smiled "um...I am sorry for my display yesterday...but I wanted to thank you again for your help." Harper played with her hair noting the dirt and twigs that had came tangled upon it. Oh what she could wish for to have a chance to bathe and clean up, still a woman had to do what she could. Her eyes fell to the blonde once more feeling comfortable in her company.
"If you wouldn't mind, that'd be lovely thanks!" Skyre turned to smile at him, still blinking fervently in an attempt to wake up. Reaching their packs, he retrieved the final remains of the previous days game and gathered up the cooking materials he could carry. It wasn't something he was actively involved with, especially since Cyril insisted on cooking...

Cyril, of course! Stupid, stupid Skyre! In the excitement of the previous night, he had completely forgotten about the Prince. Placing the plates down with a little extra haste, he scanned the camp for any sign of him. But, alas, nothing: he was still out there, somewhere. Skyre couldn't help but wonder if something bad had happened to him. To wander off, completely overwhelmed with hatred at the state of the world, and then get yourself killed... if that had been the case, Skyre would certainly never live off the guilt.

Still, there was no point in thinking things through too much, and the mostly likely thing was that he was still hanging about nearby, having had a peaceful night alone to gather his thoughts and calm down. He couldn't help but sympathise with him, in spite of all the difficulties he had given them, but worrying wasn't going to bring him back.

Alongside that, it seemed like Rusar was still gone, amongst others who had probably headed off to either wash or collect firewood. This was more worrying, as it was much more likely she had befallen some dreadful fate amid those giant flames Ethan had shown then. On a more practical level, everybody separating off was likely to delay them further from crossing the desert. This was annoying, but right now there was far more important things at stake.

"Rusar hasn't returned," Skyre pointed out to Ethan, a little worried, "We should probably try to look for her. I don't want to imagine what's happened." He shuddered: maybe letting her go off alone wasn't such an alright idea.

Rusar had been wandering the cave for a short while moving away from the warmth of the fire but not exactly sure where she was going at the same time. She hadn't payed much attention to where she had been the night before distracted way too much by what she had been feeling. She felt the same now as she did before just to a lesser extent. It didn't help her trek that her mind kept wandering back to the flame and bits of her dream. She looked up as she heard shuffling echo from further down the pass and tensed. The tunnels could lead anywhere in the whole mountain so there was no telling if someone had been living in them while the group made their way along the exterior trails. She slowed her pace focusing her mind in one the dark cave before her until a familiar hulking mass moved into her line of sight.

The huntress sighed in relief seeing her friend and smiled slightly. "Sorry, I found what Ethan had shown everyone the night before and passed out trying to figure out how it works." She apologized hopping the other hadn't gotten too worried in her absence.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Deisree_new.jpg.1373bbe87ea188a18543bb2382a4598e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Deisree_new.jpg.1373bbe87ea188a18543bb2382a4598e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Desiree blushed slightly once the fog in her mind cleared a bit and she realized how closely Skyre had slept to her. She did trust him to not take any advantages and for the most part Desiree felt that he respected her and her terms of friendship. Still, it didn't help the oppressive feeling of the dream of her and Deckard that now pressed heavily on her. Desiree's shoulders visibly slumped at the unseen weight upon them at the suddenly fresh memories.

It wasn't all bad, she tried to convince herself just as she had during the time she had spent in Deckard's bed. The physical needs were ... sometimes met, and when they were the climax of them was mind shattering; however, with Deckard that was all it was and ever was going to be. There was never any love between them as they each used the other for their own purposes.

Thus far, Skyre had never pressed any advantage on her. Desiree knew his feelings for her and firmly believed them to be true – their kiss proved as much. True, that Skyre had his own needs, but for now Desiree had to keep a safe, secure distance as she wasn't yet ready to offer her heart to anyone.

Love has to start somewhere, the voice inside prompted and Desiree scowled at it. If you can't find it within yourself to let go of your past, it continued, then how will you ever survive going forward to your future and your destiny?

This was not the morning conversation that Desiree would have chosen to have, but now that the incessant inner ... whatever it was now started it, she was going to have to deal with it. Whoever said that I needed to know love for my destiny? she argued in return. What advantage could that possibly give me in light of everything arrayed against me and this small cadre of refugees?

Let me ask you this, the voice replied, how much love do you think the Shadow King possesses?

What? Desiree said to the inner voice, surprised by the turn of the conversation. What does he have to do with this argument?

Everything, the voice replied and then suddenly was silent. Desiree knew that internal feeling when the voice had decided that it had made its point and that there would be no further debate.

Desiree groaned aloud, clearly frustrated at the conversation and its abrupt, cryptic ending. She stood and raked her fingers through her blonde hair as she scanned east toward the inevitable sunrise. She sighed.

Another day. Another day, and we're not dead, yet. She thought. What she had told Skyre last night was true: she was tired of running. It would be so easy, so temptingly easy, to wave goodbye to the group, return to the hot springs and await her inevitable death. At least she could die happy there.

Desiree's glance turned and fell on Skyre where he busied himself with preparing the morning meal for the group. She watched as his resolution filled him with purpose and his responsibility to the group enabled him to continue his march forward. Skyre's life had meaning, or so it appeared to Desiree, even if that meaning were simply keeping this small band of people together and alive.

You're wrong, the inner voice whispered. It's not all for them; it's for you.

Her attention was interrupted by Harper as the woman approached and apologized. Desiree shook out of her internal strife and grinned at Harper. "Oh, it's ok," Desiree said with sincerity in her bright, blue eyes. "But I can't take all of the credit. Skyre was just as instrumental in finding you; I just followed him."


[Edited to reply to Harper as I missed that earlier. Sorry!]



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Ari's dream was bleak.

She sat simply on the steps of her old ramshackle home. Before the Fall and university days and even Ari's living memory of magic, there was this place. There always was this run-down simple house her family had, one of few things they owned that had never fallen apart (though it threatened to on many an occasion). Even through economic hardship and vicious winters and death, the house remained theirs. It was no source of pride to own a house in this part of Aliak, but it was better than nothing.

Better than nothing, 13-year-old Ari reminded herself, sitting in the doorway. She rested her head on the doorframe. Her mother would normally scold her for letting the heat escape their house on this unusually chill late spring day. But this day was remarkable for more reasons than the weather in that it was certainly no day for any Wren family member to nag another.

Her father, red-eyed, came out and sat next to her as if he wanted to say something. Ari almost wished he would and so distract him from the hollow feeling in her chest. But, as he had for the now waxing hours she'd been sitting there, he left without a word and did not return for the remainder of that day.

The daylight was fading now; the air grew more chill. Ari's mother laid a blanket over her child's shoulders before she too retreated without a word.

Aurelia could not bring herself to move from that spot even as the light waned to darkness that became light again. The sun rose, just like any other day. Its heat felt unfamiliar on her face. It was too warm. Unwelcome.

Her eyelids dragged downward nontheless. Ari was exhausted despite the persistence of the morning sun. She was going to sleep now...

And as one pair of grey eyes gently closed, another blinked open into the same sunlight of a different morning nine years later.

Adult Ari felt...well, she couldn't quite put a name to how she felt. Was it the same hollowness that had plagued her in the dream? Yet she didn't much remember what had occurred leading up to that memory. Something sad, or shocking at the very least. Perhaps that was what she felt now. Or perhaps it was simply confusion from the forgotten memory.

If there was one feeling Ari could pinpoint it was heat. She sat up. The fire (or rather the dying coals thereof) gleamed very near her resting spot. She must have shifted in her sleep to be so close to the embers now; their heat had been enough to pervade her dream in the guise of sunlit warmth.

Ari scooted away from the coals, shedding her blanket as she did so. No, she noticed, it was not a blanket. She ran a hand over the surface of Ethan's cloak. He must have lent it to her sometime after he woke up. It was a kind thought, if a bit unnecessary. Much too warm for a blanket this morning. Ari stood, lifting the makeshift blanket up with her.

She handed the cloak to Ethan with a simple "Thanks". And she meant it with all the sincerity that Ethan's gesture must have had.

Ethan rummaged through the supplies as he listened to Skyre. His morning seemed distracted as if a goal was being delayed. Still the ginger headed man continued to push through aiming for everyone's stomach. Was then that Skyre pointed out of Rusar's missing appearance. Surprised Ethan was thinking of mentioning the prince as well but figured one distraction was enough for him to deal with this morning. Removing an old tin cup Ethan simply nodded to the inquiry and worry of Skyre. "Worry not...Warren left moments ago in search of her. I doubt we'll need to worry..." trying his best to comfort the insecurity though even Ethan was worried of what the fire mage had discovered.

The fact she did not run from such a sight meant either a strong curiosity or something that pulled her interest. After all from what Skyre had mentioned this was a village of fire mages centuries ago. Who knows what happened here or gave birth to such a thing below. The alchemist turned his head a moment to the north hoping for now that they both would return quickly. "...Besides I am sure once we get breakfast started Warren will drag her here in a hurry...he seemed keen on something to eat least this time I had my hat." as he chuckled lightly.

Walking back to the camp fire Ari had greeted him with his cloak giving him a kind thanks in return. Bowing his head a bit he had trouble to try and answer her back "...it was only a gesture to thank you...Ari...I still owe you for the help you provided me when we faced Helia." his heart was a bit fast though he could not at the time know why. He felt he owed the woman for protecting him in his weakened state and more so for guiding him till his vision returned at the cave days before. His thoughts always seemed distracted when she was around him and no sooner did he get lost in the idea that his wisp floated between the two and hummed highly. Snapping out of the moment Ethan smiled as he waved the orb to the side "So then shall we prepare for a meal I am sure Skyre while not as talented as Cyril will do us a great service in his cooking?" he tried to brush off the feeling for now as the wisp floated close to him in a high hum.

Removing the dented cup Ethan poured some water realizing it was the last from his skin pouch. The thought that the group would need to resupply before the desert rose but with so much to do it was just going to have to be put on the list. "I doubt its to your fancy but if you like I'll have some tea ready shortly." as he dusted his cloak and rolled it up binding it in simple string.
Pythe had ventured down the mountain village a bit into the grey forest that rimmed the slopes. She could feel the underground water but unlike before she was hoping to find a more easier location to withdraw. The village roofs where still visible as she walked the dried sticks and pine leaves. Her hands where hovering over the ground as she breathed slowly. The trickling beats where quite at first, then it became a cool vein, finally she stopped at a group of saplings. There she felt the rush of its presence, looking to the village it was at least a few minutes back. With only her skin pouch she wouldn't be able to bring back much. Still if the group was going to accept her even a little she would need to show her willingness to work with them.

Looking at the small saplings Pythe brushed their gentle branched "I am sorry..." as she quickly lifted her hammer and slammed it hard upon the ground where they grew. A loud metallic ring spread through the forest causing birds to flee their nests. Her face was beaded with sweat but she was relentless. Finally with one last swing a sudden crack and gush ran up the ground. She had broke through to the source, the water rising and pouring down the mountain slope. With the water now flowing the hard part was to begin as she tied her hammer upon her side. Cupping her hand into the water she felt its cooling trails glide through her fingers. Sipping some she breathed a sigh of pleasure from its pure flavor.

Filling her pouch first she looked back to the village then closed her eyes. She silenced the world around her focusing only on the rushing small stream that bleed from below. Soon the water stopped flowing downwards enveloping near her palm as a pool. Then with her other hand she waved it gently as it started to swirl and turn. The water was dancing to her movements following her hands like a child to its mother. Soon she rose and the water followed encircling itself into a sphere. Opening her eyes the gleaming life giving liquid was now floating in front of her like an orb. She continued to let it grow till she could bare no more weight. Cutting the stream the large orb stayed above as the water from the mountain continued to flow naturally once more. Her breathing was heavy but she started to walk back to the village each step causing a slow ripple in the sphere.

A phew drops trickled down her hands and to the ground but for the most part it stayed flowing in her hands. She could feel her arms getting heavy and as the camp site came near she smiled calling out to whoever was near. "Um...I brought drinking water! Though?" her voice stopped as she had to refocus on the orb as a small bit broke from its form splashing into the ground. "...by chance quickly!?" she said a bit laughing yet struggling to hold it as her hands started to stiff up.
Harper looked to where Desiree seemed to gaze on and with a wicked smile she crossed her legs indian style upon a rock looking at the ginger headed boy. "So he's also the one to have saved me as well eh?" as she held her hand up to shield the morning light "He's kinda handsome for a kid." letting out a small giggle as she tried not to look at Desiree. Harper turned to her hair still flung with dirt and sticks and her clothes stained from the trek. How she wished for the joys of the capital or the comforts of her parents carriage. Still the bitter memories needed to be repressed and so while straightening her hair she simply searched for entertainment.

"I'll have to thank him properly when I get the chance." as she tied her ebony hair into a tail once more. Jumping up from her sitting position she started to look over where she was. The run down buildings was not a pleasant sight still from the signs of the camp members there seemed to be someplace with water. Lightly spinning on her foot she looked to the pointed hat man and the short stop next to him. So many individuals in every shape and size. Still from the guess of things it seemed most where survivors like her each to their own. Looking back to Desiree she walked over and turned her head upside down breaking the eye contact of her ginger interest. "So then savior and awe struck madam by chance do you know where a lady can enjoy a bath?" her hair fell below hitting the ground and curling near Desiree's feet.

Course the thought of a bath was half broken from a small growl in her stomach. Her cheeks blushed as she returned to a standing position "Well excuse me..." she giggled again "...seems my mind wants one but my body another." as she looked to the men preparing the food. She wasn't much into repaying those who helped her but she felt if she was to earn their trust she might as well fondle the idea. Tilting her head a little and smiling with a wave "Lets rain check on that bath...I'll be right back thanks darling!" as she winked towards Desiree. Skipping lightly to the forest she stopped just at the edge. The tree's where old and seemed deeply rooted. Shaking her head she tried to look for more greener locations. Harper was about to turn to a more northern route when the sound of something slamming alerted her.

Cautious she hugged each tree following the source when finally she saw the woman who was wielding the hammer. Her fashion wasn't the best and she seemed more like a man then a woman in her armor but these where not the times for fashion she supposed. What was odd was the way she slammed the ground as if the earth was her enemy. A bit confused and worried of a possible psycho Harper turned away sneaking back from where she came. As she was slowly returning she saw what she was looking for. A small patch of bushes growing with light flowers. Resting on her knees she smiled as her hands touched the petals.

No sooner did she do then the bushes started to move and the petals started to flap and turn. Soon the flowers fell and small baubles grew greenish at first then white, growing till finally they had turned to a rich purple. Eventually the whole bush had filled itself with wild berries and Harper slightly drained smiled at her work. "I think this will do..." her giggle as if she had achieved her first step. Removing her sash she started to pile them up till she could carry no more. Tying the little treats she walked back to the village when sure enough a voice had broke out from the tom boyish woman a moment ago. Her hands where trembling and seemed to be focused on something. Running quickly to see what was so dire Harper was surprised to see a large orb of water between her hands. A loud laugh from Harper as she wiped a tear from her eye turning to the woman who looked unable to move.

"I thought water mages where more suited for fishing then doing tricks...what where you thinking pushing yourself this hard?" as she noted the eye patch. The woman didn't appear special and from all her appearance she was defiantly not a classy lass. Still it was an opportunity to earn some points with this group. "I'll see if I can fetch something try not to get soaked deary." as she rushed back to fetch the others.
Skyre continued to gaze off across the town, half-willing the vagrant pair back to their company. As Ethan offered up a little reassurance, the boy sighed and returned to setting the food over the fire. "Warren's a capable man to search, I've no doubt," he called over his shoulder, "but he can't magic a corpse back to life. I can't help but worry that she tried to control that fire we saw and couldn't." He shuddered a little, realising in all of his worries and tiredness he'd somehow forgotten that they still needed fresh firewood. After all, the charred heap of mutlited wooden shards wouldn't be any use at all. Silly Skyre! Tiredness was no excuse for a lack of common sense.

Curling his lips indignantly at his own stupidity, he stared aimlessly out at the bleak foliage, gathering his mind in internal rebuke. Then he began to smile, and turned back to Ethan. "Sorry, a bit morbid for the first conversation of the day," he grinned meekly, but then tailed off, noticing that Ethan had been approached by Ari and thus hadn't followed him to the fire. Shrugging, he set off to collect some firewood.

As before, the sunlight was yet to truly hit them from behind the mountains shelter, though in the distance Skyre could see it was bright and golden. Raising his eyes to the skies, he noted the thick layer of fluffy clouds, now clad in an evervescant orange glow. A single, dark bird soared over the horizon, chasing the light ahead. Smiling, he watched its journey until he lost it behind a thick, greyish cloud.

When he returned, arms brimming with various logs probably far too heavy for him, camp has largely scattered. Shrugging them off onto the fireplace, he agitatedly attempted to spark the limbs of wood into flame, with typically little success. He wasn't usually superstitious, but he had began to wonder if the darkness brought him bad luck. Now more than ever he wished Rusar was back, and with her in mind, progress was sluggish and wistful.
Warren saw Rusar and listened to her speak about...passing out?

"Passing out? Errrrr....okay. Well, as long as you're fine, I'm good!"

He turned round so that they walked back to camp. The whole route was eerily quiet, but there was little he could do to alleviate the unnerving ambiance.

He decided to strike up some conversation as they walked. They could reach camp any moment now, but it seemed a sensible idea nonetheless.

"Sooooo what even happened there? I mean, passing out in front a flame is a bit wacked if ya ask me! Did it burn you and that made ye fell asleep?"


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Rusar nodded slightly "Yeah, I'm fine." She reassured following Warren out of the cave. Her mind was starting to drift back to the night before she was spoken to again. She took a moment to try and find the words to really convey what happened. She knew Warren didn't have a whole lot of understanding of how magic worked aside from his own, much different than trying to explain it to Ethan or Sky. "I'm not really sure to be honest..." she spoke up after a few seconds. "The fire is real... just very strange to see some kind of myth that was just a fable to teach a moral. The magic is also unreal... very powerful and self sustaining. Not to mention kind of overwhelming... I have no idea how the fire mages of this village did it but they made a real wonder." She smiled warmly . "I'm glad I was able to see it though. Understand a little more than before." She shrugged.

A gust of cool fresh air brushed passed the two as they neared the exit of the cave. The sun was already bright casing its warm rays on the rest of the village. Rusar spotted the smoke of the fire already rising into the sky which meant other were awake and probably worried. Not really wanting to cause much more of a delay she made her way back to the camp with Warren the smell of breakfast becoming stronger as they approached.
Pythe struggled with the orb form of water till finally the young madem who was near the fire had found her way near her. A bit calm she stood still focusing on keeping the water still and from spilling. "Oh well thank..." but before she could finish woman seemed entertained with her struggle. Poking at Pythe with fun she continued to look at the water before finally stating she would retrieve help. Still she wasn't about to wait on her and continued her trek back to the camp.

Finally reaching the camp she looked at the long haired woman a bit flustered at her lack of support. With some pots and water skins scattered she started to let the water flow down like small snakes into the holders. Finally the last drops fell in as she sat down exhausted. A bit winded she looked to the group as people started to gather once more. The smell of food was very enticing especially when Pythe spent most her travels surviving on nuts and dried fruits.
Harper had skipped back to the group about to inform the others of the water mage's needs when she was surprised to see that she had somehow made it back. From her glares though she wasn't pleased with Harper, but when goals are met with little effort what does it matter right? With a laugh she slapped her shoulder softly "Well goes to show what determination can do!" as she removed a cloth from her side letting it unravel near the fire "...and with water and meat what better then a treat of wild berries as well!" as the berries piled in the center of the cloth.

Harper figured at the very least she earned some points with this group to earn some trust. After all if she was going to survive now without working to hard she would need to make a few friend with this group. Giggling a little at her own plan she simply walked back to her spot sitting and awaiting the others that started to group around the fire. Her eyes caught the glimpse of a red head and a muscular man who reminded her more of a bear then human. Course the thought of him being more simple minded meant a much more easier time to for her. Waving to him and his company she kept up being friendly with the new found group.
Whumph! As if by magic, the fickle fire burst forth into flames, with such vigour that Skyre had to stumble back to avoid singing himself. Soon he was absently preparing his food, mind still on those missing few. Harper and Pythe soon returned with water, which he gratefully accepted, but it wasn't until the meal was fully prepared that Rusar and Warren arrived back.

He felt a flush of relief wash over him, and dashed from the fire towards her. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you well," he sighed with a small smile, running a hand through the spikes and curls of his fiery hair, "Cyril hasn't returned. We'll need to send out a search party before we go. I don't want to leave him behind, especially as he's spent the entire evening alone in the wilderness." Shaking his head as if to shake of the morbid thoughts, he suddenly remembered he'd left dinner cooking. With a panicked yelp, he dashed back to the fireplace and begin to rapidly divvy out the supplies. Thankfully it wasn't too charred, though it would certainly seem plain in comparison to Cyril's preparation.

With the foodstuffs now prepared, Skyre sat himself down a little away from the food, eating slowly as ever as he used the entrancing dance of the flames to focus his mind. Were they really ready to take on the desert? What if they encountered a sandstorm? And what about Cyril? Technically they could spend another day in the abandoned village. After all, although he was still convinced they were being tracked, the others were less certain. Decisions, decisions. And his to stand by.

Unable to keep himself from his curiousity, he returned to the company and sat down beside Rusar. "What was it like then," he asked, "the giant fire, I mean."

"Sorry for worrying you all." Rusar apologized as her and warren finally reached the camp. She tilted her head slightly as Sky informed that Cyril was still missing feeling a bit bad for not stopping the prince. Then again that could have started a whole 'nother fight. she shook her head slightly. "Probably a good idea." She muttered in response to the notion of a search party. She sighed softly sitting next to the camp fire as Skyre flailed and went back to finishing with the food. Being back at camp brought back all the issues that were facing the now larger group. Aside from one of their members now missing they still needed to gather food and water before venturing out into the desert. There was no point in rushing ahead only to die in the wasteland from lack of preparation.

Rusar looked up as Skyre sat beside her and asked about the fire. A small smile found her lips once more "It was unreal to say the least." She replied. "Whoever these people were at one point knew a great deal about magic, but not in quite the same sense we know. It was very powerful but felt different... more natural... if that makes any sense."

It didn't really make sense, at least to Skyre. After all, all magic was founded on science, and it was in that understanding that he had such confidence in his abilities. But it did get him thinking; what if there was some greater reasoning to magic than it just being there? What if there was an alternate way to use magic? The thought excited him, and made him want to go to the cave himself. But there wasn't enough time, and he would have to settle on Rusar's account. "Well, I'm just glad you came back unharmed," he smiled, making it fully clear what he was thinking through his gaze, "and also glad you found an answer grater than just 'hot', and 'fiery'." He retrieved the crumpled manuscripts from his pocket and flashed them to her. "I spent a little time deciphering this yesterday. It appears to be a diary of sorts. I haven't gotten too far, but from what I can read it seems like you were right in your assumption that fire mages built this place. Must feel a little like a spiritual homecoming for you, then." He smiled to himself, and then excused himself and returned to where he was sat before.

As he struggled through the meal, he scanned around camp. With the extra time they were going to have to spend searching for Cyril, it was unlikely that they would be able to traverse the desert in a single day. No, they needed to spend more time in prepation; although he hated to go back on his word, he knew it was much more sensible to spend a day resting and gathering supplies than to rush to a vain sandy demise. They could even get an early night and wake up early to make their short journey more viable. This is the right decision, he told himself, and you'd be stupid not to stand by it.

When everybody was finished, he announced things as such. "First and foremost, we need to find Cyril. So that's what we're going to do first. When all this has been sorted out, we're going to head off into the forests and search thoroughly for him. I'm sorry to prolong things, but communal safety must be the group's priority. We'll head off shortly."


Half an hour later, Skyre was stepping cautiously through the mounds of earthy twigs and fossilised leaves, grey and charred by the mountain's heat. Everybody else was searching around similarly, though they were spread out well enough to cover the entire section. They really had no idea where to find him; after all, he'd barely said anything other than pompous retorts beforehand, which gave little idea to where he would head. Skyre just hoped it wouldn't take too long to find him. He'd left in a bad state, and had now missed two meals. They had to find him quickly.

Then suddenly an ear-splitting gutteral roar echoed around the forest, sending tingles up the redhead's spine. It was a completely alien sound, but it was definitely dangerous. A wild animal, probably. ROAR! Another one! And again. A pack of them, perhaps? Or something more, a fresh breed of shadow beasts unleashed on them as some kind of crude game? Skyre drew his sword, trying to sense for any unusual movements in the wind. But the close proximity of the tall, thin trees meant it was hard to manouver, and he could barely feel anything at all.

More roars, and Skyre yelled out; "On your guard, everyone!" Then from the dim shadows of the dawn trees, a hulking creatyre leapt towards him, sharp teeth bared. In an instant, he thrust both hands forwards and cushioned the creature in front of him, the huge furry mass wriggling and gnashing a mere meter from his face. Then it was flung back against a tree with a painful snap, and the bear fell to the dry earth with a cacophany of woddy cracks. Bear, that was the name; he could recollect seeing it drawn in a book back in the university. From all the roars, it seemed unlikely that this was a normal pack of bears, but in that case, what was really going on?

As the bear clambered back to its paws, Skyre just hoped the others were getting on fine.

It hadn't been long before Skyre had made today's goals public to the group. Of course the first priority was to find their missing team member and if anything thorn in Ethan's side. Though reluctant he was worried a little for the prince as the man was gone for much longer then he had assumed would be for his tantrums. Following the group they headed towards the dark gray parts of the forest in search.

Time passed and slowly the group spread out among the thick brushes and hard rock. The heat of the mountain and the rising sun wasn't helping as Ethan stopped a moment to drink from the skin pouch. Removing his hat he wiped his brow while gazing at the surroundings . "Cyril!" he yelled out mimicking the others who echo-ed in their search. Though they where spread to cover ground they where still within ear shot so not to lose anyone else. "Something just doesn't sit right with this..." his voice whispered lightly while in thought of the situation. "Perhaps your right..." a sudden break from Ethan's silence as Aurora's voice broke from the wisp near his shoulder. It had been awhile since she last communicated with him fearing he lost her during the show they performed the night before.

Summoning two other wisps he sent them out spreading their vision on either side in search as he continued his pace down between the tough barked trees. "Aurora are you okay?" his thoughts echoed as the wisp near his shoulder pulsed in response "...yes with such a drain on us both it took awhile before I could talk with you again..." her voice went silent as he felt a since of sorrow and joy "...and I am glad we could once more." she spoke back in a quite tone. Ethan was curious to her concern but one of his wisps in the front started to pulse rapidly as the sound of crushed branches fell to the silent forest. His gaze fell to a yell from Skyre as loud roars rumbled in the thick trees. The sound of fighting could be heard coming from all directions and Ethan's heart started to race in fear the army had found them. "Soldiers? Shadow Wolves?" he tried to figure out the enemy but soon that answer would come baring down upon him as one of the trees fell towards the alchemist.

"ETHAN MOVE!" Aurora screamed as he felt a pulse from the wisp and his body pushed to the side. The wisp had faded with the release as one of the others rushed back to his shoulder the tree barely missing the young man. "Thank you..." he huffed as he got up quickly removing his dagger and watching the area around him. Recalling his other wisp back he could hear the sound of heavy patting deep in the shadows. Ethan held to his dagger tightly and was preparing to conjure his channel "Don't...we need to conserve ourselves..." she whispered to him. Two pair of golden eyes reflected from the darkness of the trees as their gaze fell to the alchemist. The sound of claws chipping away the bark of the trees as they came crawling slowly into the light. Their teeth grinned as a deep grumble escaped their open gape. Their brown thick fur arched up as the two stood upon their hind legs towering above the young man. Ethan's breathing was quick and it took all he had to slow it down trying his best to realize that he now was in the company of two great bears. Their towering presence fell down to the ground causing it to shake as they dug into the earth with their claws.

Ethan watched carefully realizing his dagger would be useless in their thick skin and overpowering strength. Still their actions didn't mimic natural bears of the wild. Something was off but he could not pin it, back in his teacher's forest black bears where common but never in packs nor seeking confrontation less threatened. Was it possible they had accidentally stumbled into a mating area or a cub den near by. A lingering though that Cyril had been caught up in this as well dug into his chest. A little worried he wasn't about to distract himself with his current danger. Ethan looked to his pouch and though it was not a lot an idea did form as he tried to slowly reach for the latch of his satchel. The bears' eyes watched and no sooner did his fingers touch the bag did they let out a vicious roar. Like thunder it announced their intent as they charged forward. Quickly he turned and ran as his hand searched into his bag trying desperately to find the vial.

He could hear their driving force break and shatter the trees as he quickly turned to face them. "Aurora quickly check on the others..." as the wisp flew fast to the east towards the group. Ethan pulled out a small green vial hiding it as the two beasts came baring down. At the last second he tossed the vial into the air sending his last wisp to explode near it. The resulting blast caused the vial to shatter as a greenish hue of vapor spread with the pulse. The mist had reached the beasts' eyes and mouth causing them to stop and scratch wildly. One of the beasts had become so affected they where rubbing their head into the ground screaming. Quickly Ethan didn't give them a chance to recover as he made his way west towards Skyre. The poison wasn't enough to kill the beasts but the burning reaction would prove to hinder them greatly at the very least enough for him to find help. Dashing quickly as he pushed through the brush scrapes from the dry branches lashing upon his arm and face, his wisp rushing to the other direction in search of the others.

Hoping for the best Ethan wasn't about to lose his companions after they had gone through so much.
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Rusar noticed Skyre just as confused and bewildered as she had been upon reaching the flame and wished she could put the experienced into better words. Speaking and socializing was never her strong points but she could managed. Perhaps if they had more time later they could talk more about it. Her interest was peeked at the sight of the journal though perhaps more clues could be found from here. "Spiritual home coming?" She repeated softly as Sky was off like a whirlwind to take care of everything. She smirked slightly and just shook her head giving the notion some thought. She wasn't sure if this was so much a spiritual mater. The ancients people might have seen magic as a gift from gods or whatever. But she was much too grounded in reality to think of things in such a way. Everything had reason, purpose, a way to reason things out. Right now the only thing she could tell was that the magic she felt was different and drew from something other than a magician to be used. Something to figure out another time.


The huntress sighed heavily as she searched for any trace of the missing prince. She had been able to follow it for a short while before there terrain made it difficult to tell which way he went. It struck her as odd though, she was skilled at tracking but couldn't find his anywhere. The fact that a whole night had passed with god only knows how many other animals trampled around since then. Rusar didn't bother calling out for him as the other did, instead relying on senses and skill to try and find any trace of Cyril. She was starting to wonder what could have happened to him when she heard a booming noise come from the forest.She gasped softly and she drew her bow and crouched low. The sound was beastly and and horrid but familiar, nothing she had heard recently so not a shadow creature. Her eyes widen in realization as her mind clicked as to what the sound was. "Oh.. shit..." She muttered looking around spotting no one but two oversize silhouettes "Bears... wonderful..." She growled under breath.

Rusar was not a fan of the beast, gentle as they may be at times fighting them was always difficult. She scanned around before spotting a thick sturdy try and bolting for it as the bears let out another fearsome roar. She managed to make it up a good distance before the rabid bears could get close to her. With her vantage point she could see the field better and try to pick off the enemy's from her perch. Rusar drew her bow once more and took aim at one of the bears charging her way. She felt a familiar tingling sensation as she focused her magic onto the bow and just took a deep breath keeping her calm. Arrow charge and ready she let it fly the projectile hitting home against the bears head exploding on contact into a fairly large fireball. The huntress smirked slightly as she quickly drew another arrow taking aim as the second bear and shot again striking it in the chest as is stood up to roar and another explosion went off.

Her arrows were no where near the strength or sharpness needed to pierce the hide of the bear but a well place explosion would work just as well. If the impact didn't kill them the fire would. She looked out to the rest of the field trying to spot the others. There was another explosion and she looked over in time to see Ethans hat bobbing through the brush. She looked back to the source of the explosion seeing two more bears writhing on the ground. She let two more arrows fly both charged with her magic.

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