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Fantasy The Legend of the Snakicade

Where should the protagonists go first?

  • Oppressive Woods

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Arctic Trench

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Horizontal Staircase
There have been many odd legends in Tragiasa, but none as odd as the Snakicade. You might be asking yourself, "What is the Snakicade?" Well, I have story to tell you! The Snakicade is said to not only be one of the most impenetrable forts in the world, but it has one of the most unique way of protecting itself. What is the its way of protection? Well, the walls are covered in snakes. Not only are the walls covered in snakes, but it also has humanoid snakes guarding the place. Why and how was it built? Well... Nobody knows. Some say it was to contain something, others say to fight something off, others say it was to protect something. Either way, people have tried to find it for centuries, but it has not been found... That is, until now. An earthquake, the most massive to hit this world breaking any and all seismic records, has somehow pushed the Snakicade up to a level where it would be accessible without snakes all over it. Many armies have tried to use force to get the snakes off of the fort. Let me ask you something, how big do you think a fort would have to be for an earthquake that broke all records for A PLANET to push it up? How many snakes would be needed to cover that entire fortress? Whatever amount of snakes it is, it was enough to wipe out an entire army of over 100,000 humans.

They say that the secret is not in one place, but all over the planet of Tragiasa. They say one is in the center of the hellish Oppressive Woods, a place so deadly and dark that if you die there (Which you will) you will be buried under the darkness, which covers the entire forest in a lack of light so thick, you would swear you cut it with a knife if you could find it. Another place suspect of holding a secret to entering the Snakicade is the Arctic Trench, a place so cold your body would most likely freeze entirely solid before you die. Another suspect is the floating tower of Tragiasa, nobody knows how or why it was built, and they never will without a way to get up there (Planes don't exist in this world.)Another suspect is a mysterious kingdom under the ocean that seems to be filled with a large air bubble. Another suspect is hell, which some people believe holds the gate to the Snakicade, but others believe Satan has a part of the secret. Many critics of these theories say that people are just naming dangerous places and saying the keys are there.

This is where you come in, you are a person of any race (Not snake person) that has gotten into adventuring somehow. You are part of an adventure regiment to explore and try to find the parts of the secret to entering the Snakicade. Good luck!
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Lilly woke up at her house, about a mile away from the military base. She yawned, stretched, and looked out her window. 'Today's the big day, ain't it?' She thought as she got out of bed and got her armor out of her closet. 'Today we start the journey to search for the secret to entering the Snakicade. What idiot of a president do we have for him to order THE ARMY to go into a forest with little to no probability of finding something... IF we get to the center in one piece.' She thought, putting on her armor and adjusting her hat just the way she likes it. She exited her room in an apartment complex and started to walk to the bus stop. She didn't have a car, so she rode the bus to the base.
Hitani had been awake all night and the eye bags under his face had to show for it. Of course, he had to make sure that all the patients were getting checked, all the accounts were in order, and his assistants were ready for their first day of the army. Making them carry the supplies, he walked causally out the door and sat in the passenger seat. He was the type of man that liked watching from the sidelines. Allowing others to lead while he focused on his own business. Skeletons of all different types appeared in his vision all around him and he couldn't help to excitedly pick out the ones he remembered from the training from the last meet up. When the henchman stopped the car, Hitani used his telekinesis to open the door and walked out with a confident grin in his face. Oh, this was going to be interesting.
Lilly had gotten halfway to the bus stop, when she saw a car get stopped by a shady looking guy. 'I wonder what's going to happen?' She thought, preparing to jump in in case of conflict.
(Oh, I meant that he had ridden all the way to base before the henchman stopped driving the car.)

Hitani caught a glimpse of a girl looking at him. Instinctively, he checked her out and saw an unusual amount of strength in her fists. Well, well, ain't that something useful. He gave the girl a smile, but decided against approaching her until they had reached the base.

Lilly waited and didn't see anything happen, so she resumed walking to the bus stop and rode a bus to the base. Getting out, she gave the guy at the gate her ID. "This is the big day, isn't it Log?" The gate man asked. "Being called Log ain't what I want to be called the last time I see you." She replied, the gate man laughing. "Go on ahead, Lilly!" He said, opening the gate so Lilly could get through.
(No problem! I didn't make that clear.)

Checking everyone he walked past, Hitani didn't take any notice of the gate man. The assistant at his side pulled up three IDs. Once they were approved, Hitani strode forth turning his head to speak, "Have a good day, sir!" He tried to seem friendly. He couldn't get close to anyone if he made everyone disturbed. When he walked past the girl that he had seen before, he spoke up, "Well, a young girl like you joining the army, hmm? Something tells me you're looking for some adventure and combat."
"I joined the army two years ago, you yourself seem a little young for a... Medic?" She said, taking her best guess on what the person is by his appearance. "What rank?" She asked.
The man adjusted his glasses as he she spoke. He seemed impressed. "Wow, you were very young when you joined, but I'm sure that will help in the long run." He chuckled when she called him young, "True, True, but you probably would agree. Experience and ability before age." He wasn't quite sure what she was asking by rank. Boy, he should have paid more attention to those forms and lectures. He replied the best he could, "Medic, correct. Assistant to the head medic. So, what about you?"
"I'm a private first class, front line soldier. If I remember correctly." She said, extending her arm for a hand shake. "I'm Lilly, and you are?"
Front line? How unfortunate. She had the greatest risk of being killed, but this also meant she had proven to be a substantial fighter. He made a mental note about that. When she extended her hand, he gave it a firm shake. "Nice to meet you, Lilly. Such a delicate name for a fierce warrior. My name is Hitani. Doesn't really mean anything except that my parents were strange." His assistants tapped their feet behind him. The medical equipment they carried were growing heavier by the minute.
"Your uh... Friends are carrying some heavy stuff, I think you should get a move on." Lilly said. "I'll see you later Hitani." She started walking to the mess hall for breakfast.
Hitani chuckled, "Don't worry about them. They're hopefully getting a little bit stronger by carrying the luggage." The assistants seemed very grateful at Lilly for mentioning them. Not wanting to lose track of her yet, he followed her. "Oh, breakfast? Good. I'm starved." The assistants behind him moved forward to the medic's office to unpack.
"I can't remember what they have for breakfast today." She said, Entering the mess hall. She got her food, some bacon and pancakes, with milk and some breakfast sausage. Sitting down at her usual table near the people in her squad. "How you doing Lilly?" One asked. "Good." She replied.
Hitani was in actuality just checking people out. In his plate was just a huge pile of bacon and a one small pancake. Upon sitting down he checked for what abilities the squad had and weaknesses. Unfortunately, he couldn't mess with these people quickly. He would have to wait in the battlefield to get his hands on one of them. Then they could be reported missing during battle. "So," he cleared his throat before continuing, "Why have you all volunteered for defeating this legend. You all know that is spells certain death, right?"
"Well, if I die on the quest that makes me a hero, but I die. If I do miraculously survive and find out the secret, I'm an even bigger hero and I would definitely be promoted. So either way there's a good side to both results." She said, taking a large bite out of the breakfast sausage.
Hitani looked at her curiously. "Promoted to just die for another battle. Do you have nothing else to live for? Why are you so willing to die?" he asked. Well, at least this made the story he had thought up before much more believable.
"Well, I know I won't be able to do much else other than help defend the country with the army, so it's the best I can do to leave a mark on the world." She said, finishing the breakfast sausage and moving on to the bacon. "You on the other hand can save lives with medicine and stuff."
The female's light coloured eyelashes fluttered as she handed her I.D to the guard. The card said that her name was Melissa Addams, and she did not look like a Melissa, in her opinion at least. Her body language and expression remained calm and laid back as he handed back the stolen I.D and gave her the go ahead to enter the facility. Her blonde hair was in a neat ponytail, tied by a small elastic, her hood was pulled back and if no one knew the wiser, she almost looked as if she belonged. Aisha looked around, acting a little lost. She was playing the role of a cadet, recruited for the monstrous task of figuring out Snakicade, she couldn't act like she knew the place like the back of her hand - even though she did. Movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention, she glanced over her shoulder at the figure before turning and strolling closer to them. She stopped a respectful distance away, "Where's the mess hall?" she asked casually, watching them hesitate, trying to decide whether she was an actual member of the militia or just an extraordinary middle school student. They gave her vague directions. She paused, as if to digest the information and then thanked the woman and headed off towards the dining hall. As she entered, she was hit with a wall of chatter, and the scent of breakfast foods. Aisha grabbed a plate and filled it with pancakes and fruit, topping it off with a glass of orange juice. She stood out of the way, eyes scanning the crowded room for a place to sit.
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(I didn't mean to make you guys wait! Thanks for waiting though. I'm in finals, so I'm probably not gonna be as active. So, I won't mind if you all continue.)

Hitani raised his eyebrows a little and put on a small smirk. "Defending your country? Well, what if we could increase your strengths and decrease your weaknesses. I may know medicine, but I do have some other abilities up my sleeve," he suggested with a grin. His family has many secrets and he intended to keep that legacy. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of another young girl in the crowd. Strange. He hadn't detected any powers, but her flexibility and muscles suggested a quite capable fighter. Deciding to observe more, he needed her closer. With a friendly smile, he held up his hand. "We have a spot over here! Join us if you please," he called out then turned to Lily. "Oh, if you're squad doesn't mind extra company, I assume."
A hand rising above the sea of bodies cluttered around tables summoned her closer, she slid around the stragglers who were still standing and found herself a seat at the table without missing a beat. She sat with about five inches between her and the other female, personal space always being a big thing to her. She placed her plate on the table, and speared a strawberry with her fork. "Good morning" she greeted politely. She had seated herself at the back of the bench so her feet would hang above the ground. Aisha popped the fruit in her mouth and paused before continuing, "I'm Melissa".
Hitani had already pushed his empty plate aside a while ago, so he just stayed quiet as the girl approached. When she introduced herself, he had no reason to doubt her, so he believed her. "A pleasure, Melissa. My name is Hitani," he returned the greeting then glanced to the side. Always keeping his eyes on any other potential patients. When he found no one, he turned back to Aisha. "So, you seem more comfortable then the average soldier. What is your rank?" he asked having noticed her swinging feet.

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