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Fandom The Legend of the Avatar: The Avatar Games! -OPEN-

Retro Nova

I'm okay with being average <3
*This is an AU roleplay

The Legend of the Avatar

? ? ???


The Avatar. The master of all four elements and the most prestigious and sought after title in the world. Everyone child is told from a very young age that he or she can become the Avatar some day. But such an honor would not be bestowed upon just anyone. Only the best and most nobel of men and women are even considered for the honor. Every 50 years on the eve of the Avatar Festival letters would be sent out to every inch of each nation and if you received a letter you were eligible to participate is the Avatar Games.

Determining who got these letters was no easy feat. The current Avatar would send out "Observers", people who would go village to village, city to city watching the inhabitants and determine who among them were eligible to become the next Avatar. Once you received your invite, you had exactly one year to train for the upcoming event and to fully master all four elements included some of the lesser techniques like metal, sand, lava, blood and ice.


The current Avatar, Zunabi is 78 years old now. He has lived his life and his reign as Avatar is coming to an end. He became the Avatar 50 years ago and his served the world with great humbling respect and dignity. The leaders of the nations are as is:

Fire Lord: Izan Lee Phuong

Earth Queen: Demi Chi Cho

Earth King: Fang Chi Cho

Northern Water Tribe: Nagata Naho (Queen)

Southern Water Tribe: Bo Li Lian (King)

Southern Air Temple: Noni Phengu (Male)

Northern Air Temple: Nori Phengu (Male)

Western Air Temple: Nogi Phengu (Male)

Eastern Air Temple: Noli Phengu (Female)
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1- Please be able to post every day MULTIPLE TIMES if possible. There will be NO posting order.

2- Please communicate! I love hearing ideas, and I'm also happy to help solve any issues anyone may have with the role play. And please please PLEASE don't just disappear on us! if you want to quit, let me know so I can find someone to replace you!

3- Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and please use third person!

3- Romance is allowed, and is totally encouraged!

4- Canon characters will be controlled by me. ((But don't worry there aren't any!))

5- If you have any issues with anyone for any reason discuss and resolve it in the OOC!

6- (1) character per person!

7- Try not to be OP. Please.

8- Post Lengths are 2 paragraphs each consisting of no less than 6 sentences.
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Lulani Lee Phuong


Lulani stood on the edge of the dock looking out into the vastness of the sea. The boat was due to arrive thirty minutes ago and she has grown impatient. Two servants and a body guard surround her as they were told to accompany her on her travels as her father so ordered. Her guard's name was Corin, he was one of the best guards in the kingdom and he was also the youngest at 22. He was known around the palace as a jokester, always pulling pranks and being silly, but when it comes to his job he's all seriousness.
Lulani starts to pace back and forth on the dock. Her patience wearing thin. "Where is that stupid ship!" She screamed. "I swear the captain better be dead when he gets here because I'm gonna kill him." She growled. Steam literally starter billowing from her ears. "Woah chill Lani, I'm sure their just late because they got knock off course by a storm or something..." Corin suggested. The two servants moved back, knowing how dangerous Lulani got when she was upset. Suddenly there was a dark figure in the distance. The ship was here and Lulani calmed down. "About time..." She added.

It would be another 10 minutes before the ship reached them so Lulani went over to one of the local merchants and purchased Earth Kingdom attire for Corin and the servants. She already had her clothes since she had been to the Earth Capital many times with her father on diplomatic business, but they did not and she didn't want them to stand out once they arrived. Among the two servants was a girl names Vana, she was
Lulani's best friend. Vana's father served Lord Izan for many years until her death as an engineer and weapons developer. Vana is considered part of the family and it would be considered a great insult to have not invited her. "You got clothes right?" Lulani asked her. Vana kneeled down and dig into her bags. "Huh...no. But don't worry about, I'll get some when we get there." She reassured Lulani. The ship docked and the captain ran from the ship and fell to his knees in front them. "Uh.....uh....please forgive me your highness. I lost track of time and that's why we didn't get here on time.....uh...please forgive me." The poor man pleaded. Lulani looked at Corin and Vana the down at the man. "Don't ever let this happen again." She said stepping over him and boarding the boat. Corin and Vana followed while the servants and the ship's crew grabbed their bags.




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Uragi stood at the front of the boat, usually watching out over the sea but his head was now turned to assure Lulani and her posse boarded safely. Despite never meeting her, or rarely seeing her, he at least knew she existed because of her father speaking about her; despite talking about her, Uragi believed she was a non-bender as it was never mentioned, at least not in front of him.

After making sure they boarded fine, Uragi put his helmet on and turned around and walked toward the princess. It had only been two years since he joined the Fire Nation Army and he had been put in charge of standing on merchant and royal ships to defend from pirates and rebels with his Water Bending, which made him feel important, especially since not all of the soldiers and generals took him happily seeing him as a Water Bending enemy and a backstabber. He didn't mind the loneliness of the ocean either, unlike his Army brethren, thanks to being born to the Water Nation originally. This gave him to time to wander his thoughts and practice his bending.

Despite her not paying attention to him, his size was enough to get her to turn around to him, allowing him to bow in her presence.

"Welcome aboard."
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Jampa prepared for her trip to the avatar games, with the help of other nomands she placed what supplies she needed on Pema. Her entry to the games was met with mixed results by everyone in the temple. Some considered an air nomad attending the games as participation to gladiatorial type games against the air nomad ways. They had been pretty vocal of their dislike which included some of the elders who huffed and rolled there eyes as they passed her the last few day which was as angry as some of them could get. Though others like High Monk Dawa was very supportive despite Jampa getting the feeling he didn't really approve.

Dawa approached Jampa as the final preparation were remained and she was about to leave. One of the few people to come to bid her goodbye, one of which wasn't her own mother. "All ready to go than, Jampa." He said with his usual kind smile under that bushy grey goatee.

"Yes, Sifu. I wish more people will see me go." Jampa said a little disappointed.

"I understand this is a prestigious role you are going after, however this is not the reason to do it. The role of avatar is not something to be taken lightly and important to be done for the right reason." Dawa said his tone casual but looked at her with a critical eyes.

"Yeah of course... Maintaining balance, being the bridge between two world and alll that. I want to do good." She said trying to sound as convincing as possible as much for herself and as it was for Dawa.

"I hope so." He said touching her arm gently, if he believed her she couldn't tell. " I am sure you will make the air nomads proud. Now off you go, last thing i want is to keep you. Good luck!" He took a step back.

Jampa looked at Dawa for a moment unsure how to take the information given, before jumping with a spin bending the air around her to lift her up on to Pema. She didnt say another word just smiled and waved at Dawa before turning to Pema." Come one biuddy: Yip, Yip!"

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Lulani Lee Phuong


As the crew brought their bags onto the ship Lulani was escorted to her room. The room was exactly the same as it was five years ago. The royal ship, when not in use was hidden on the southern edge of the fire nation in a secret cave only a handful of people knew about. It was massive and easily held around 50 people. The crew and servants brought her things to her room, but one of them accidentally tripped and dropped Lulani's things. "Ah! You clumsy idiot, be careful.... Do you know how much this outfit cost?.......more than your life." She cruelly added picking up her things." Corin walked over to the servant and helped her to her feet. "You okay?" He asked. The girl started to blush and she quickly gathered herself. "Ye.....yes, I'm fine. Please forgive me your majesty." She said before exiting the room. Vana had made herself comfortable in the bed parallel to Lulani's. Corin looked around admiring the artwork and decor of the room. "Nice digs." He said "So where do I sleep?" He asked. Both Lulani and Vana looked at each other and started laughing. Corin looked confused. "What?" He asked. "Guards don't sleep stupid. You have to 'guard' us in our sleep too." Vana explained giggling to herself.

Lulani and Vana left the room. He followed the girls. As Lulani walked pasted a rather large and armored gentleman he spoke to her
"Welcome aboard...." He said bowing just a bit. Lulani simply acknowledged him with a glance and proceeded upstairs to a room that gave the person that sat in the single swiveled chair full view from the top of the ship. Corin stopped in front of him as the girls went on. "Hey, so ah....when do we get to sleep." He asked. Feeling as through Vana was just picking with him.




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Uragi looked at the young guard in front of him. "Must be a comfortable position" he thought. Just wander around with royalty and probably not have to do much in the way of protection. "Must be nice". But, they both had a job to do so Uragi just replied

"The competent have no time to sleep."

After seeing the young lad's face turn defeated, he shrugged him off and began his trip of walking around the perimeter of the deck and giving everything a quick glance over. He had guarded the wealthy and the important before, but this was his first time watching the ship for the heir to the throne. He had a signature walk when on duty: walking near the edge of the boat with one hand sort of extended near the ocean in case anything happened, always vigilant. Those that looked suspicious, he would use what little Blood Bending he knew to slightly throw them off; most assumed it was just the ship rocking back and forth, so those who panicked he kept an eye on.

Nothing seemed suspicious this time, which didn't bother Uragi a bit as it meant he could worry about the adventure ahead. Days before, he had received a letter to participate in the Avatar Games to crown the next Avatar, which he shrug off before realizing the respect and bending abilities one would have as the Avatar. All he could think about since then was the power he would have at his fingertips. That's what this particular boat ride was for, which left him confused at to why Princess Lulani was coming along.

As he finally reached the front of his boat where he was stationed, the boat seemed to make a movement as if it was going to depart the docks, a sign that he could remove his helmet for the time being and let the ocean wind blow against his scalp.​
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There he sat on the edge of the docks overseeing the ships that made port and leaving at the same time, how wondrous of an event this is that such a festive mood is seen on their faces. Is it really true the Avatar games is something that's so important that people would leave for days only to attend it? What if the Avatar is actually obsessed in controlling the world? What if it's better to hand the job to just one person? At least those are the things that Zhan thought, he only assume things and he just glanced at the invitation not putting much thought on it, he figured this'll be just like other challenges he received from schools thinking that their styles are the best. Facing opponents with prodigious skills isn't a new thing for the young gentleman, one could say that it's his daily job proving to people that he's the greatest and fooling those who wanted to be his students for money. A gig like an Avatar tournament would definitely give him the recognition he had desired and possibly put him at the peak of his career.

Raising from his seat he tucks both of his hands inside his pocket inhaling a deep breath.

Ah this will be the last.."

Fame and fortune are the things that resonate in his mind, the smell of salty waters, cabbages and the soil that rests near his feet took him back to his childhood a pleasant thought where he successfully manipulated the people and got what he want. The male saw one of the ships preparing to leave for the Avatar games, he's not rich enough to afford a transportation and this is the only way for him to reach the place, it's uncomfortable and he'd definitely prefer the Earth Kingdom's airship but what can he do? Keeping a steady and calm pace he maintained his plain expression and lowered his head, despite wanting to be famous he's quite skilled in hiding his presence. Of course he'd be talented in that, he's naturally a quiet man preferring to share his thoughts to those who really cared.

All aboard now! All aboard!"

Finally after those words were said Zhan knew that the ship is ready to set sail, crossing his arms in front of him he leaned against the wood on the ship, the water that freshly splashed his face earlier improved his concentration. A snicker appeared forming from his lips, thinking of the prospects and other possibilities he might achieve by doing this. Zhan's eyes are closed, but he's aware, his mind is actually racing always trying to consider a new tactic or strategy so that he could finish his next fight in a clean, quick, and flawless way.

Lulani Lee Phuong


Lulani went up to the second floor. As she entered the room she saw what she had been yearning for for years. There was a single throne with two smaller thrones on each side of it and in front of there was an enormous glass window so that the individuals sitting in them had a gorgeous view of the sea ahead of them. The throne in the middle was where her father would usually sit. But with his absence, she ceased her opportunity. She sat in the thrown and admired the view. Vana sat next to her, but seemed more interested in her nails than the view.

Suddenly, in the distance Lulani saw an Airbender. She was flying on her bison. "I want one of those..." Lulani said. Corin walked into the room and took his place on the other aide of Lulani. "Oh cool is that one of those Air Nomad Bison." He said excitedly. "Man, I wish we had those back home." He said disappointed. Suddenly the girl and the Bison fell from the sky. They were trapped in a net and were bring dragged down by a large black ship. Vana, Lulani, and Corin all jumped to attention. Corin ran over to the panic button and hit it. Alarms went off inside the entire ship. "Pirates!" The captain yelled over the P.A system.





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"What the..."

Uragi was slightly confused, as he could have sworn he had just seen an Air Bison right in front of his eyes.


Snapping his head forward to the ocean as his personal thoughts was filled with a blaring alarm, Uragi saw where the poor thing went. Realizing they might not have yet noticed the ship, he used his Water Bending to send forward a wave to shake the pirate ship, not enough to damage it but enough to throw the pirates off-guard and allow the Fire Nation's crew to get into a defensive formation. He wasn't sure of the value of much of anything, but he knew capturing pirates while defending the future Fire Lord must be worth something.

With the ship disturbed, he reached down to pick up his helmet and looked behind him to see where the crew was: scrambling about like chickens missing heads trying to find their posts. And this is supposed to be the Royal's Personal Navy. Shaking his head, he put his helmet on and once again sent a large wave towards the pirates, this time sending it onto the deck, knocking several down and a few off the ship itself. Noticing his ship's crew was finally nearly ready to do their thing, he took up a defensive formation and stirred the water in case he needed to throw up a shield or cause another disturbance.
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The journey began peaceful and steady, Pema began to glide through the air smoothly away from the temple to the great sea ahead. This was to be the biggest thing she would do in her life, meet her father and become the avatar with that make both proud. With that though her sifu's word came to mind and she wondered if that was what he meant. She was lost in thought about it for a moment before sighing and shaking her head. She was overthinking it, no matter the reason she wasn't going to back out now. She will go and she will kick as regardless.

It was a couple of hours when it seemed the two have entered waters between the fire and earth nations. Jampa was laying back on the bison harness taking a break from piloting for a tart break. She had really wished she had brought someone with along with the journey, it was lonely and quite to this point with the occasional calls from Pema, who bless her heart for trying just wasnt enough company. She sighed only a couple of hours in and she was already bored and homesick, she tried to meditate but her mind went back to her sifu's words.

Suddenly the quiquite of the flying was interupted by the sudden growl from Pema as a net as if from nowhere ingulfed her with Jampa inside. Jampa gasp."What the..."She managed to say before Pema suddenly dropped making Jampa grip hard on the harness. "No. No, no! Pema up! Yip Yip! " She ordered thinking quickily trying to make Pema push again the net before airbending paper thin crescent wind hoping to cut through the net."


The calm breezing wind that went through both his left and right ear certainly kept his mind cool and steady, every tactical moves that he's going to perform at the games later he had already thought, the moves what Waterbenders would do, what Airbenders would do and other elements he had considered. It might not be perfect and some might even considered it unnecessary to plot things this far ahead in time, but for Zhan it's all like playing a game the one with the best strategy is the one who will succeed. Feeling the movements of the ship and sometimes violent waters he really enjoyed them, however of course something else had to happen.


That word is unfamiliar to him, Zhan spent most of his time on land and in fact it's the first time he chose to use ships instead of train or air transportation. The fact that he's on board of a ship which mostly made of metal and there's only water around made him even more uncomfortable. Yes he does have Airbending in his repertoire but it's a secret that no one is supposed to know. The male tucks both of his hands inside his pocket, tilting his head to the aggressive ship, he sees one thing: a net ensnaring a bison. Thinking that the net is just made of simple ropes he decided to assist, it's not like he has a personal connection with bisons, it's just bad if the games is cancelled due to an animal killed on its journey, he might even lose his chance to get the glory and fame that he wants.

He's quite skilled in the evasive style of Airbenders knowing his place and where others are, so when the crew ran in chaotic manners, he knows how to evade and navigate his way through the crowd, he's making his way to a clearing on the ship, a spot close to the captain's cabin where he could be concealed when performing his Airbending. His evasive nature and the chaos that ensued should provide a way there. The spot helped him clear his sight, perhaps due to training with his father as well he can see the ropes from this distance. Once he's sure that his aim on the net is clear, Zhan prepared his stance and sent a horizontal sharp air slice that should be enough to sever ropes that ensnared the bison.

Lulani Lee Phuong



Lulani admittedly was more concerned foe herself and her own belongings more than the girl. She watched on as a swift and sharp breeze of air cuts them free. But the breeze seemed to knick the Bison causing it to plummet into the sea below. The pirates attempted to seize the Bison netting it and pulling it aboard the ship. Corin turned to face Lulani. "What do we do!?" He said panicked. "Nothing...." Lulani said is a good stern voice. "That is not our fight, and interference would only put us at risk." She explained. Corin became viably upset. "What do you mea nothing? Please forgive me, but we can just let that poor girl drown!" He said before exiting the room and making his way into the Captain's quarters. He closed the door behind him and locked it. Then air ended the captain and his assistant to the wall. He grabbed the steering wheel and went full steam ahead towards the girl and her bison.

Lulani noticed the ship lurching forward in the direction of the pirates. She jumped up. "What is the meaning of this!?" She shouted. Vana too stood, but was unsettlingly calm given the situation. Lulani ran to the window and watched as they battles towards the pirate. She then turned and ran for the captain's quarters. She banged on the door violently. "Turn the ship around this instant!" She screamed.





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"Whooa" muttered Uragi at the sudden lurch of the ship; despite practically being a tree trunk even this managed to make him almost fall over. After catching himself, he looked around the ship to notice quite a few Fire Benders had been shaken up. Trying to figure out what caused the movement, he checked if there was something in the ocean that caused the movement, or perhaps someone attempting to board, until his eyes wandered back to the front and saw they were headed towards the pirates. Looking back towards the captain's post, he also saw Fire Nation Soldiers scrambling about once more, none of them expecting for a royal ship to go after pirates, and even though he was in a defensive formation hoping the pirates would make a move towards them, neither was he.

"Lulani's orders?"

No way. She was the Fire King's daughter, and knowing how the Fire Nation royal and wealthy thought about things, they weren't going to go out of their way to help someone that wasn't Fire Nation.


Couldn't have been hijacked, they would have needed to go through the personal guards. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't sure about either option and being that his main objective was to protect the ship and those on it, he was obligated to investigate. Looking around and figuring the soldiers were well enough for defense on their own, he steadily made his way down the center of the ship to the captain's quarters. He knew that the positioning of the quarters meant he wouldn't have access to Water Bending, and it being close quarters meant he would be unable to successfully perform any Fire or Blood Bending. He would have to rely solely on his strength. He took a deep breath and rounded the corner to the quarter's doors, ready to take on whatever intru... Lulani?

"What's going on?"
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Jampa smiled seeing the net being cut from her breezes and prepared to have Pema fly off not seeing one of her breezes hit Pema. "Good Pema, now lets...." She went to say before Pema just dropped into the ocean taking her completely by surprise. The crash in the ocean made her lose her hold on the harness and she was knocked about going over the law wall of the harness over the side of the bison. She just barely managed to grab hold on something on the bison that prevented her from falling into the drink. She groaned her sides hurting as she took a chance to recover.

She didnt have a chance as she saw the pirate ship rapidly approaching, preparing robes and harpoons to fire on pema." Oh no you dont buddy." She called out pulling herself up putting most of her weight on her hands as the pirates fired their weapons. She kicked her legs in the direction of the nets and harpoons letting out gusts of wind from her feet to knock aside the projectiles. "Pema come on, catch a wake up please!! We really need to go!" She pleaded at Pema.



Zhan observed the bison in the distance realizing that the net has been cut, thinking that it's a success he lets his guard down. Zhan sometimes do this everytime an event is successful or is turning to his favor he relaxed his muscles and lets out a sigh of relief and it's a poor habit of him because what happened next took Zhan completely off guard, the pirates that are getting violent knocked his stances, Earthbenders are known to be strong and rigid when standing, but Zhan is different his feet are as light as a monk in the northern air temple. When the sudden movements shocked him Zhan is caught off balance, he's nearly thrown off the ship, but luck stopped it.

His mind snaps back to its original alertness, his brown pair of eyes scanned his surroundings, his ears caught the noises that surround him, there seems to be pirates on board of the ship. Of course that's what they're going to do next, but they didn't calculate the skills or the number of people on the ship, He's sure that the benders on board are trained and can fend off attackers at least until the pirates are tired or something, but what concerns Zhan is actually the bison and its owner close to it. It's moment like this where Zhan's weakness is shown, his frequent contemplation and planning made him forget where he's standing, the shaking of the ship from both pirates and the waters below made him lose his footing and without any warning Zhan plunges into the blue.

But Zhan isn't going down without a fight once he's plunging down, he quickly lifts his head thinking it's the perfect opportunity to assist the bison, with his free fall he can clearly see the targets in front of him. The male extends both his hands forward and quickly forms finger guns, from the tip of his fingers he'd manipulate the air surrounding them launching quick moving sharp air bullets which could potentially take down some pirates who tried to capture the bison, at least that's what he planned, though he still hasn't figured a way to escape the waters and to make matters worse he can't swim.

Lulani Lee Phuong



Lulani took a force stance and grabbed the metals door. Bending it into crumbling our of her way. But she was too late. The ship rammed into the side of the pirate ship, sensing every flying forward. Lulani smacked Corin as hard as she could. "You insolent fool!" She shouted. Suddenly glass shattered and men rushing into the ship. One man had a machete and was about the slice Lulani, but Vana came up from behind her and punched the pirate in his face. She pulled out her shock gloves and went to town. Corin saw the young Airbender and went to her aid. "Corin!" Lulani screamed running after him. He jumped into the water grabbed her. The bison was already on the pirates ship and they had no intentions of giving her up. Lulani ran to them lowering a rope. Corin carried the girl up the rope and put her down. "You alright...?" He asked.

Suddenly a swarm of pirates appeared, some benders, some weapons expert. They all attacked at once. But they were ready.





Uragi grabbed two of the closest attackers, one in each hand, and threw them overboard before having a second pair jump on his back. As he struggled to get them off, he peered across the ship, noticing Lulani and co with their hands full of at least a dozen pirates.

"Don't forget the job."

Ignoring the monkeys on his back, he reached over the side of the boat and pulled at the water, attempting to sling it at some of the pirates, but instead felt stinging in his arm as a blade sliced at it. Trying to ignore the pain, he used his uninjured left arm to reach over and grab one of the shoulder pals and channeled as much energy as he could into making fire. It was successful as he was now one person lighter, but the one left wasn't making his life any easier and he attempted to wrap his arms about Uragi's neck.


Uragi looked near the edge of the boat. He could jump over and take the pirate with him, and thus be fighting on a more comfortable battlefield. But then he remembered his own words: "Don't forget the job.". Looking over at Lulani and Vana, and then to where Corin and the Airbender were, and then once more overboard, he knew his option. He couldn't risk everything he had fought for at this point.


With the sound of a roar that could be heard from all over both ships, Uragi took off running as fast as he could muster toward the group, extending his arms as far as he could, grabbing portion of the pirates in a bear hug, and then promptly jumping overboard as to give the girls and Corin an advantage..



Things moved quickly after she tried blowing away the pirates and before she knew it she was in the arms of a guy. She instinctively went to struggle but soon saw the man wasnt dressed like the other pirates. They landed on one of the ships with a slight thud, she breathed out a sigh of relief on being on solidish ground. She didnt reply at the man who rescued her, her mind going to pema and was concerned for her safety. All she saw was the pirates approaching her and she frowned.

"Ok boys, one rule you guys really need to follow. You never touch another airbender's bison." She said and with a quick movement she did a hand stand and span, splitting her legs and letting out various gust of winds in 180 degree arcs around her. As most of the pirates are pushed back she went back on to her two legs and went to a battle ready stance. A fire bender came after her blasting fire at her, she dodged them with short moments of her legs like a dancer before firing a blast of air with punch in the air.



Zhan's attention is completely focused on the pirates' ship in front of him, there really is no consideration of how to get out of the cold waters beneath him. Out of nowhere the male crashes making a huge splash as he took a dive below, the low temperature shockingly stings every receptors on his skin, his tactical mind goes to a scramble mix of chaos. The male rarely touch water and he only showered twice in a week clearly a sudden impact with this heavy amount of water isn't something that he's fond of. A few seconds after entering the waters Zhan quickly reaches out for the surface popping his head gasping in a heavy breath of air, his movements aren't graceful, he's clearly not a swimmer nor he is a Waterbender. Of course it's a moment of panic, but nevertheless Zhan tried to apply forced logic and strategy in his next moves, the male calms himself and sucks the air around him, when his lungs are full he'd release it in one loud scream.


Ashamed? Zhan couldn't care less about that word, maybe he's about fame, glory and winning against all people, but how can he obtain all the spoils if he died in the process? He'd definitely prefer being saved by someone than dying right there without even having a shot in the Avatar games, Zhan's mind quickly jumps around from one idea to the other, he didn't just wait for others to save him, he scanned his surroundings and realized a large amount of people are being pushed overboard to join him in his cold bath. Falsely thinking that a lot of them are friendlies and not pirates Zhan navigates his way through the waves by manipulating the air around him , he had seen people swimming so he only mimics them while expelling air in directions that'll help him reach his intended target, if it's indeed successful he'll cling to the largest among the group, who else would you cling to? It's the easiest one. The one he intended is a man dressed in fire nation army uniform, He'll shout at him if he can grab the person.

Get me out of here!"

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As Uragi comes up-right in the water, he hopes he did enough to allow Lulani and her group fend for themselves easier. He sees a few pirates to the side, still armed to the teeth and looking for a fight, but before he can muster a defense he feels something cling to his back.

"Not another o..."


Uragi looked over his shoulder, noticing it wasn't a pirate, but a poor Earthbender who couldn't swim.

"This isn't part of my job." he muttered, before looking back at the pirates closing in and then the top of the Fire Nation ship. "What would be the odds I grabbed all the non-Benders?" he wondered, knowing it was probably pretty slim. Still, he knew that he wasn't going to accomplish much fighting with a living backpack gripping for dear life. Using his Water Bending, he forced an average sized wave towards the pirates, hoping it was enough to slow them down while he escaped.

"Hold on, kid." was the last thing he communicated before channeling the water below him into a foot rocket launching the pair up the side of the boat. He grew a smirk as he realized the Earthbender was likely confused at a Fire Soldier bending water. The moment was then ruined by a rope grabbing his foot and pulling him down. Luckily, the collision from the two boats caused some panels to loosen, given him some leverage to grab on to and try to fight back. Nothing. Realizing he was in a bad situation, he grabbed the rope with his free hand and attempted to burn it. Still, nothing. He was a novice at Fire Bending, and not being able to position his feet and being worried about slipping and falling meant he couldn't channel any fire, meaning he wasn't going to be safe much longer.



@Wild Imagination


The digits on his hands show a visible amount of exertion, there's no way he'd let go his human floating device if his fingers slipped he'd be as confused as before unsure where to go and definitely an easy target for the pirates, lucky Zhan's hands are trained to hold sand back in his place, they are strong and firm, what he lacks in his stances he made up in the techniques and fingers. Violently swung back and forth due to the sea's violent waves he caught much water in his mouth, ear and nose, his common sense isn't the sharpest, Zhan's mind would overthink about an issue that he forgot to take the current and present situation into account. He uses his Airbending instinct as well here trying his best flowing and evading with the pirates' movement, some of their fists, claws or swords slightly graze his clothing. It was one of the worst positions that he ever had, fortunately the man he clung onto moved away from the crowd and he saw that a few minutes later through magic or luck he suddenly stood on the edge of the ship, coughing up the waters he lied down trying to catch his breath.

That... water.. too much water..."

He can't do nothing after all that in that moment, the first thing that he do is just blurt out random letters and words. The male's skin was pale if one looked closely as if he met a ghost or something, however Zhan isn't the type to just rest and be done with it, he quickly rises up from his downed position and readjust his sight and mind, one thing that he quickly does after being rescued is to check on the rescuer even though it's risky and he could possibly plunge back into the depths Zhan wouldn't miss an opportunity to gain such a useful ally, he lowers his head trying to evade any strikes coming from the battle behind him and took a closer look at the fire nation soldier.

The ropes right?"

At this moment he's just assuming, but considering the male is free before the ropes are in he thought that those are the problem, moving into a crouching low Airbending stance he narrows his eyes making sure that they are on the intended spot, it could be fatal if a severing move suddenly hits vital points on one's body and Zhan definitely wouldn't want that, he takes in a small amount of air and released it together with a diagonal swing of his arm sending a slicing wave of air towards the ropes.


Lulani Lee Phuong


Lulani blazed her way through the crowd of pirates with Corin, Vana, and the Airbender by her side. They managed to get through to the bison who was distressed and weak, Lulani wanted nothing to do with the girl and her e, but they were already in the middle of it, so why not. Once they got to the bison they noticed that the net was made of steel, Lulani grabbed the chains and broke them with ease. "Grab it and let's go....." She said sternly to the girl, making her way back to her ship. The captain had managed to back the ship away from the pirate's ship and was a few feet away. She exerted fire from her heels and jumped into the ships deck. Corin stayed back to help the girl with the bison while Vana fought off the remaining pirates with her shock gloves. She was really enjoying herself and got lost in her furious assault.

Lulani ran to the captain. "Get us out of here...!" She demanded. "What about the rest of the crew?" He said concerned. "Forget em' we can hire more. Now go!" She said coldly. The captain reluctantly did as he was told and went full speed ahead away from the pirates ship. Vana saw this and got a few more punches in before leaping over to the ship.





@Brighteous Fury

@Play On Words
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Uragi sat against the railing of the ship, ripped his helmet off in frustration, sort of tossing it aside. The last time he felt this much frustration before, during, or after a battle was years ago against his father, though for different reasons. He lifted up his left arm to review his battle scars. They didn't look bad, but they certainly hurt. He placed his other hand on the arm and sat in contemplation for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh.

"Should have learned how to do Healing." he mumbled. Ignoring his wounds for now, he glanced around the slowly moving ship, the only people on board were Lulani, Vana, Corin, the Earthbender, the Airbender, the captain, and a handful of Fire Soldiers.

Rising to his feet, Uragi attempted to figure out what to do now. Ultimately, his mind came across his primary mission and relocated Lulani in his sight before stepping towards her direction.

"Everyone okay, your highness?"



The fighting of the pirates seemed to get easier as more people appeared from a nearby ship and assisted. All seen to have the garb of the fire nation and nobles once at that, she had heard a lot of bad things about fire nation nobility and loyalty but she knew not to pre just. This was especially when they were helping her towards he friend Pema. When they reached her, Jampa rushed to Pema and gave her large head a hug. " I am here now, buddy, we can go." She said before using airbending to cut any bounds on Pema and climbed on before shouting to the guy that was left. "Anyone need a ride?" She called out the others though most went to the second ship.

She waited for a decision to be made sending out to lines of strong wind at the remaining pirates sending a couple over boards. Once her allies were safe, she patted Pema's head." I know it is tought buddy but yip yip." Pema let out a long tired groan but slowly lifted up to her feet though not without a wobble. She let out another sheepish groan and a swang up and down her tail and lifted slightly before dropping, sending the ship rocking violently. "Sheesh... Girl.. You really need to lose some weight. Come on girl please try again... Yip Yip." She attempted again and the process began again she lifted of this time living the ship but still fell on the ocean. Still it was better than nothing as Pema floated effortlessly." Well not quite but good girl..."


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