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Tags Zahzi Zahzi
In the chaos following the Great Turtling, Courtney was able to slink away, her mech crawling along reasonably well. Perhaps embarrassment was the key to her getting her shit together and improving her scores. Ultimately, she didn’t complete the movement evaluation within the time limit, but she did complete it – even if she did move like a rusted, haunted, animatronic.

Following that then, was the third evaluation – a test of incredible violence. She could almost cry tears of joy, or perhaps boundless patriotism. Truly, was there anything more American than filling the moon’s atmosphere with the acrid odor of hot metal and burning powder?

Pillbug crab-walked up to the firing range and sat down gently as Courtney could manage, which is to say her ETA stomped the ground a few times to flatten the soil, and then plopped down like an elderly obese lapdog settling in to watch some Price is Right with its mother before going to bed at 9pm.

“You have the most seniority out of all of us, Krieger,” she said politely. Her cannon was spinning slowly, preparing to come up to speed. A pair of hatches opened, with a rocket in each one. “Anything you’re celebrating today? A birthday? Independence from Britain? An ex get arrested? Sorry, I’ve only got red, white, and blue explosives, but you can pick the first color!”
pyvdcbpnqby.pngMoraes U. Coaling - ARES Program Day 1 - Evaluation 3, Moonbase Arclight

As the Evaluation 2 concluded, Moraes took a moment to reflect on his performance and the seamless transition of control from physical to neural as directed by the Shell Neuropathic Uplink. The gravity of the tasks at hand was not lost on him; every maneuver and decision now directly influenced by his thoughts added a layer of responsibility and connection to his ETA that was both exhilarating and daunting.

As Moraes prepared for Evaluation 3, he took a moment to center himself in the cockpit of his ETA. The directive for the evaluation reminded him of the very first time he held a firearm—how the metal felt heavy in his young hands and bore an even heavier responsibility. That formative experience marked the beginning of his journey with various firearms, shaping his respect for each weapon's unique capabilities and constraints.

Engaging the Shell Neuropathic Uplink control mode, Moraes felt the familiar sensation of syncing deeper with his ETA’s systems. This merging of mind and machine had become more comfortable with each exercise, and he directed his ETA toward the Firing Range with a clear intent to master the ranged weapons systems.

Arriving at the zero line of the Firing Range, Moraes selected his first target—a metal silhouette placed strategically 200 meters away. This distance brought back vivid memories of his early training days, learning to adjust for windage, mastering the rifle's recoil, and the disciplined breathing required to steady each shot. Aligning the ETA's sights, he recalled the meticulous drills, syncing his mental commands with the mechanical actions of the machine.

The sharp report of the rifle echoed across the simulated lunar landscape as the bullet struck the target. The clang of metal was a gratifying confirmation of his hit. The feedback from the ETA was immediate, translating his intentions into action with precision that mirrored his own physical experiences on the firing range.

With growing confidence, Moraes switched through the ETA’s weapons systems, each change bringing back different aspects of his extensive firearms training. He handled a high-caliber rifle with the familiarity of an old friend, appreciating its robust feedback and the distinct kickback that had once tested his endurance.

For subsequent shots, Moraes chose targets at varying distances and complexities, challenging himself to recall and apply specific training scenarios he had encountered over the years. Each weapon system required slight mental adjustments to manage its unique operational quirks, blending his past experiences with the current capabilities of the advanced war machine.

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