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Fantasy The Inquisition

Alrighty sorry for my delay with my second character. The holidays kicked my ass to say the least. I'll get to work on her!
[QUOTE="Blue Candy]Oh no oh no oh noooooo
I started my Eldor CS but now it's gone

cries into the abyss

Happened to me as well. It seems there might be a bit of a delay in when I'll be able to post my sheet
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Deadman's Trance - An ability developed through the sacred ability granted to her by the Order of Eldor. With an array of steel needles (number depending on the urgency), Shaiera pierces the side of her own neck, or the grove above her collarbone. The body is sent into shock - mass producing adrenaline in what it believes is a near-death scenario, yet her regenerative abilities ensures that the damage of the thin needles is minimal. Whilst harboring risk, it allows Shaiera to become insanely focused and gather great strength that produces such mechanical stress it injures her body. Finally, it has a chance to dispel Illusions and Will-effects. Often used as a tactical last resort, as it comes with a great stamina cost - and at some point in her life, will cause Adrenaline Fatigue. [Acceptable?]
@CrazyEight You'll need to include those needles in your equipment.
The rp has officially started.

If you may or may not have noticed, I have included some characters in the Profiles, which do not have any cs sheet at all. These characters will have their cs sheet soon, but I will need some time to post them here.
Apologies for not posting just yet. I'm just feeling a bit stumped at the moment. I'll get something out when I'm free, no worries
There is still time to make some pre-RP-ish connections, even if of light significance. It may help buzz up some things to comment on and interact with.
Welllll @CrazyEight and @JDParadox Roran, Shaiera and Hadrian have a pretty good chance of knowing each other. Roran's a smith for the Order so there's that connection and her late hubby was a warrior so they could easily know each other through one of those avenues. There'a also her father.

And Elias is pretty easy.
Speaking of which, where did all the magi go? Didn't you guys have a problem with there being too many at some point?

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