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The Innocent (1x1) [Telios and Andalexanderwept]

He nodded softly, before snuggling closer to his mama and cooing gently.he was held in their arms for a long while, until others awoke and his mother sighed, smiling down at her son. She pet back his curls, pecking his cheek. "Morning, Robby." She whispered.
Markus was already near the pisons secret tunnel entrance after traced his and his dad's path yesterday. He was looking around, checking if there's something going on and there is. The other soldiers were looking for him and one noticed him in his black suit. Luckily the suit covered his whole body so they didn't know he was changed.
"Teryu!" One called, hurrying over with eyes wide. She grabbed his arm. "Are you hurt?? Where were you?? We were looking everywhere! Someone said the creatures kidnaped you!"
"I'm not hurt. Luckily, I escaped from them." Markus answered calmly, trying not to be discovered.
She sighed. "Thank god." With those words, she began heading to the large fortress. She looked back, a bit worried. "Arent you coming?" She asked as the others left them alone. She wasnt exactly a friend, more so an aquantance. She did have a small...interest in him.
Before Narkus can answer, he passed out and collapsed onto the ground. Somehow his helmet fell off, showing his true face now as a Roronian.
The girl was frozen in place, eyes wide in shock and horror. She backed away, when she saw what he was she immediatly pulled out her pistol and pointed it in a shaky hands at him. Sne quickly spoke into her com. "W-we have an alien here..." she breathed. Soon they had Markus in staralizing cuffs and were dragging him to a cell. ((Want to be his dad while I be his mom? :)
Soon Markus's armor is taken away from him before he is thrown into a cell. A while after, he wakes up with his hands cuffed behind him.

(I'll try.)
The girl stared down at him, biting her lip in desgust, before turning away. His mother jerked up, a pain aching in her chest. She took a deep gasp and grit her teeth. "Daniel!" She called to her husband, breath staggering. "H-he's in trouble!" She whispered.
"His armor is nowhere to be found... I might know where he is... The prison." Daniel answered, looking out of the entrance of the tent.
She looked out to the woods in horror and worry. "I will get him." She breathed. "You stay with Robby." She stood, grabbing her staff with a long sharp sword like edging and kissed the top. Within a second, she was sprinting towards the huge fortress, on all fours like a lion. No one took her babies.
"...H-Help..." Markus moaned. He doesn't like to be imprisoned and especially now: the researchers and doctors are coming to his cell. This prison seems like not a prison at all, but more like... An alien examining facility.
The doctors lifted him from the ground and dragged him down the coradore, through white shiney halls and into a bright labratory. They dragged him onto an examining table and strapped him down, talking and ignoring his pleads.
"L-Let me go... I... I am Teryu Lokas....." Markus pleaded, exhausted because of the heat and the ache. They are more like curses more than blessings, draining his stamina.
They gripped his thigh and pressed a needle to it, filling him with toxins and "medicine" like they had Robby. They burned worse then the chest pains.
"G-Gungh..." Markus is clearly experiencing the effects now. His body is heating up as his chest ached more and more. They just keep increasing until !arkus couldn't handle it and passed out.
Markus was unconscious for a couple of hours until he woke up in his cells, having burning scars on his body.
A scream was heard down the halls, and slowly, a woman appeared before him, eyes soft and gentle. It was his mother, and the aching almost immediatly disappeared. "I am here child." She whispered.
"M-Mom..." Markus said as he quickly stands up and staggers over to Anla but the bars are still shut.

"The button on the left..." Markus said as he points to the left wall, standing next to the bars.

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