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The Innocent (1x1) [Telios and Andalexanderwept]

She nods and comes over, placing her hand on his chest. It glowed and aching disappeared. "It will feel that way for a little while. But soon it will be gone." She said. "Are you hungry?" The woman helped him walk to the chair widdled by hand. "If so, what do you eat, little one."
She sat him down gently, rubbing a hand through his hair. A soft smile came to her lips and she nudged his forehead, before walking to the side and bringing over an old,clay pot. She poured some sweet smelling green liquid into her hands and brought it to his lips. "Drink."
Teryu looked up and nodded before taking the clay pot and drink the green liquid. He felt strangely refreshing after drinking it, getting used to live here.
She smiled, drinking her liquid in her hands. She rubbed his hand as he drank, a look of a mother resting in her eyes. "Come, we must prepare the saromony." She said, helping him stand. "It will bring passage into our family. What is your name again, love?"
She smiled sweetly. "What a pretty name. My name is Anla. If you wish, you can call me mom. I call all little ones my children." She walked him out to the others, most of the children alseep in bed already. The adults waved and called to him, smiling. They had paint in a deep red color, a bright yellow and some greens, along with a cooking furry beast which sat over the fire.
"Anla... Mom..." Teryu said Anla out loud but then he mumbled something, looking at the ground with one of his hand near his chest, seemingly sad about something...
She frowned gently, stopping half way to the fire. She pet back his hair, forcing his head up so he was looking into her eyes. "What is it, love?" She whispered gently. "You can tell me."
"My parents... They died in a war on another planet when I was 16..." Teryu said, trying to look away from Anla.
She looked sadened, eyes turning to a dull light green color. "Oh, love..." she whispered, pulling him close to her. She rubbed up his back, hands massaging his shoulders gently. "My child, I know I may not ever replace your mama and papa...but I will try my hardest." She whispered, pulling away and looking into his eyes. "We will take care of you and keep you safe..."
"Thanks... Mom." Teryu finally is cheered up, smiling gently at Anla. He was desperate to live and experience a family again but now, he can.
She smiled sweetly, taking his hand and walking him to the fire. She sat him down there, petting back his hair softly. The others hummed and talked, giggling.
"We will give you the blessed lamb and then paint you. But may I ask...what is that?" She asked softly, motioning to his crotch. "If this is not appropriate we do not have to descuss it." She quickly said, raising her hands softly.
She nodded softly and returned to cooking the meat. Her people did not have any sort of genitalia. They had sensative spots where one would touch only to have the other calm down or sleep. The spots would range from their underarms to their elbows. Most men did the submitting in the situations, and woman took the initiative. That is why she was so curious. She did not mean any harm by it.

Rpbby peeked from under his covers, yawning softly. "Mommy!" He whimpered softly, wanting his mothers attention. He could hear her, so he clung to his teddy and walked from the tent. He shyly watched the adults commune and whimpered, wishing they would notice him.
She shook her head. "We have no need for clothing..." sbe explained. "Its a privilege that we cannot have, since we are so short of animal pelts to cover us at night. All the pelts in our tent is all the pelts we have in the camp."
"Hm?" She looked at him. "We cannot. If we did we would be cold at night." Rbby whimpered and came closer, trying to get any attention from the camp. He rubbed his teary eyes. He supposed they didnt have room for him. He sulked back to his tent and curled up.
She chuckled. "Of course, I think the lamb is all done." She felt the group quiet and begin to hum spftly the same tune. She took hold of a peice and tore it from the beasts stomach. She whispered over it, and a spft red glow covered the meat. She placed it in his hands, pressing foreheads with him, and holding it up to his lips.
Teryu took a bite of the piece of meat which is seemingly given to him, wondering what will happen next.
The peice of meat swelling and seemed to touch each part of his body in some way. his skin began to turn colors, a light pink and then a deep cherry red which they were all colored like. his crotch he had no more, it folded in on itself and healed together, leaving nothing but his ability to poop and pee. his hair began to turn a brighter yellow, and curl up, spike out. his cheeks began to have small air pockets growing, and in those airpockets holes pierced through. his ears folded back until they were only slits, and the whites about his eyes turned a dark, charcole black. his eyes swirled the same color, a tint of green in them. she smiled and held his arms, knowing it would exhaust him.

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