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The Innocent (1x1) [Telios and Andalexanderwept]

He felt the cool touch on his shoulder and her opened his green eyes, staring into the eyes of his father. He had blond facial hair, bright green eyes like Robby, and long spiked hair that looked like flames. robby stared into his eyes for a long time, until he inched to touch him. He was real. He was standing there before him. "D..daddy~?"
Teryu was walking by Robby cell then he noticed someone like Robby is in the cell with him.

"Who are you and how did you get in?!" Teryu asked, placing his hands onto his pistols, ready to shoot of needed.
The man did not move from his position over Robby, hands wrapped about his sons head, his own naked body cradling his baby boy close. But when he saw the weapon, his eyes flashed red and burned. He shot out a light and in a second the gun was in flames. He returned to staring into his drooling son's face, a smile on his older face.
"H-Hey! Let Robby alone!" Teryu quickly pulls his hand away from the pistols as they caught on fire.
Robby only cooed and patted at his fathers chest, his eyes sparkling with wonder. The man hummed and ran a hand through his curly blond locks. "He is my son." He whispered, turning to the boy. "Why is he hurt."
"O-Oh... Sorry for the attitude there. Some scientists and researchers "examined" him, that's why he is hurt." Teryu calmed down and opened the bars before walking in.
The man watched him, not even moving to be angered with the boy. The being had old, wise eyes, caring and understanding. He watched as the bars opened and tilted his head. "My son was touched?" He whispered. He breathed through his nose, a dark deep growl. "He will be safe at my home...I have to bring him back..."
"It will not be easy... I'm with you but there will be a lot of other guards..." Teryu said quietly, looking around for others.
He lifted Robby from the blanket, craddling him close and walking over. The boy clung like his life depended on it, and nuzzled his cheek against his fathers. "Very well..."
"I will go and get my spare pistols. Try to stay here without being spotted." Teryu said before walking out and closes the bars before running to the lockers room where he stored his pistols.
The man blinked as he watched him run off, before looking down at his son. His hand softly rubbed away Robby's hair from his face and he quickly placed a kiss on the others cheek. "We will be home before you know it."
A while later, Teryu returned with his pistols in their holsters.

"Quick. I sabotaged their security system but we must go fast." Teryu said as he opened the iron bars.
"Come on. Follow me." Teryu signaled for Robby's dad to follow him, holding his two pistols in his hands as he walked down the dim-lit hallway.
The man did his best to walk down the mdtal corridor with his still cooing and wiggling son. he was silent most of the way, until he looked at Teryu. "Are you friends with my son?"
"I am. Although I'm a soldier, I preferred peace rather than unnecessary war." Teryu sighed, looking around the coridor to check if someone is there.
His father hummed as the boy spoke, looking ability all the while. "That is a sign of a fire deep within. You are going to be great when you grow old..." he whispered.
"A fire deep within?" Teryu asked. He understood part of what Robby's dad was saying but he is unsure.
Teryu was still confused but he decided to let it slide.

"...Gotcha." Teryu smiled as he approached a trapdoor and opens it. Luckily it's far away from any cells so it didn't attracted any prisoners.

"This way leads to the outside. Let's go." Teryu said as he climbed down the ladders.
The man followed without another sound, climbing into the depths of the prison. He could almost smell the smokey air of his old home.
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"And we are... Out." Teryu said as he approached moonlights at the exit of the tunnel. Outside, it's a forest full of strange plants.
The man broke into a smile and carried Robby through the passage out into the wilderness. He turned to the man, eyes half lid. "Do you want to meet my family?" He asked. Robby gurgled, completely transfixed on his father.
"Y-Yes..." Teryu answered as he takes his helmet off, unsure if he should agree to that offer.
He smiled softly and motioned for him to follow, walking his son back into the leaves which crowded the huge landscape. It took them a while of climbing and walking to get to his camp. Naked aliens of the same kind stared as they walked in. The difference from males and females was that the mans had lines through their legs, from their thighs to their knees. The females had breasts, but they had small indents on them like ridges. They stood to see the father holding the craddled child and broke into a cheer of joy. They rushed to greet them, and froze to see the human.

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