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The Innocent (1x1) [Telios and Andalexanderwept]

She nodded softly, petting back his spiked hair. "Finished. We can give you a new name too...would you like that, love?" She whispered sweetly, leaning him on her soft body.
"M-Markus... S-Sounds good....." Teryu or Markus answered Anla quietly just before passing out and falls onto the ground.
She grabbed him and craddled him on her lap,humming softly. "He is my baby." She told them. "And shall be treated as such." With those words, she watched Markus slowly seep into a sleep. Robby sniffled, his father entered the tent, frowning. "Robby my boy whats wrong?" He asked, hurrying over and petting his curls. The boy rubbed his nose and sat up, hugging his father tightly. "Y-you and mama like Teryu better..." he hiccuped.
The father had staid with Robby, holding the naked boy close against him. He woke when he heard Markus and smiled sweetly. "Come here, son." He whispered, motioning for him.
"This might take a while to get used to..." Markus scratched his head as he stands up, walking over to his "father".
He patted the pelt beside robby and reached for him, a gentle smile the entire time. He felt Robby shift and yawned, nuzzle against him more. "Come, lay down."
"Y-Yes... ...Will this be permanent...Dad?" Teryu asked as he sits down onto the pelt, looking at his new dad.
He nods softly, pulling him close and hugging him about Robby. Robby just drooled and slept peacfully. "You do not wish for it to stay?" He asked gently.
"You want to be like this but--... Never mind it. I would like to stay like this." Markus thought over what his dad said and smiled gently.
He pet his hair and leaned his head down, nudging foreheads. This nudging was basically a kiss for the aliens, their foreheads concidered their sheilds of the mind. Since that was so special, a kiss was like a special meaningful bridge that they both would cross into a relationship, wether that being romantic or family.
Markus laid down onto the pelt, looking up until the drowsiness took over him. He slowly but surely falls asleep...
The man holds them both close, before the mother returned, crawling against Markus, her arms wrapped about him and Robby. She nudged his forehead ssoftly and sighed, wraping her body about his. They slept until the morning returned and Robby yawned softly.
Markus wakes up to the heat the aching in his heart not so long after Robby did.

"How long will this last...?" Markus thought to himself, scratching his head as he sits up.
Robby yawned and moved over, clinging to Markus as he sits up. He whines and whimpers, rubbing his face into the others neck, hugging him tight. The heat of both their chests glow and then slowly disappears.
"U-Ungh... Still need time to get used to it..." Markus frowned as the heat appeared again. It's still quite hot as Markus is still new to it. He stands up and stretches, looking around.
Robby was silent, staring down at his feet. He was almost five years older and acted seven years younger. He sniffled, before sitting down and curling up with his father.

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