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The Innocent (1x1) [Telios and Andalexanderwept]

"They injected me with something... But I'm not sure..." Markus still feels the pain at his scars but the heat and aching is long gone. He walks over to Anla, falling into her arm as he tripped in exhaustion.
She holds him gently, before lifting him into her arms, holding him like a baby. She walked out of the room. She saw a woman running to her with weapons up. She growled, letting out a roar in defence. She shot a light from her eyes which in turn sent her pistols up in a blaze. The girls drops them, gasping. "W-what a-a-are you??" She asked.
"We are Roronians... I was Teryu Lokas but is reborn as Markus. We are peaceful but why are you waging war here?" Markus slowly stands up, looking at the woman.
She breaths, eyes huge. "We...we have to...it is our orders. They would not submit when we went to colonize here...this is the obly way!" His mother hissed at the remark. "We would not give up our land to people who have their own!" She growled.
She looked down at the boy, eyes saddened, horror in them. "...oh...oh my..." she whispered. She looked up at the woman, her face shifting to sternness. "Tell your earth captian...to return to me on the moutian in one hour...and an agreement may accure." She whispered. She turned and in an instant she was gone from the fortress.
"They did something to me... I'm not sure what it is but i think it's not good..." Markus said, panting heavier and heavier as they return to the colony.
She looked down at him in worry, hurrying him to the camp. The others gathered about them when they returned, and the healers set to works trying to find what had happened. They began chanting, placing different types of herbs on his lips and nose, rubbing them on his wrists and chest. The family watched in worry meanwhile.
His mother was in clear shock. The healers began working fearcly to restart the boys heart. Robby ran beside him and grabbed his hands, squeezing it as tears ran down his face. The men placed their hands on the childs chest and a shock shot through his chest.
Fortunately, Markus's heart restarted as he started to breathe again. He opened his eyes but everything is still blurry, too blurry for him to see.
His mother rushed to him and knelt down, petting back his hair and whispering praises to their god. She kissed his head and held him tight, Robby's father and him hurried to hold him as well.
Markus is exhausted after what just happened. His vision is still a little blurry and so is the sounds around him. He still can't hear well.
Markus slowly sits up as everything is clearing out for him. The drug's effect is slowly fading away.
She looked stressed, but still so sweet and gentle, kissing her sons cheek. She laid him on her pelts, petting his head and laying beside him. "Sleep, love."
Markus's heart is beating fast but at least it's still going, although it's hard for him to sleep like that. If there's a way for him to calm down...
Ever so softly, the woman leaned Markus against her boosem, her fingers running down his shoulder and under his arm. She lifted the limp up, petting and massaging small ridges in his underarm.
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Markus's heart slowed down as he calmed down with a sigh of relaxation and slowly fell asleep...
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Markus was fast asleep. He didn't feel anything but somehow, he feel strangely calm, sleeping soundly.
She slipped from his arms, covering him in a large blanket to keep him warm. She left the tent and held her head up high. "My people! A pact is to be made with these people. They shalll meet me on the mountian top, and a bargain will be struck." She announced.
A while after, looking like a couple of hours, Markus finally wakes up and looks around.

"My armor..." Markus mumbled, disappointed about how careless he was.

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