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The Innocent (1x1) [Telios and Andalexanderwept]

Robby was protectively about him, his face nuzzled into the others neck. There was talking outside, the sounds of many, many more people. Much more then their clan. Robby yawned and woke slowly, rolling over and curling up.
Markus was a little curious about the noise outside so he quietly stood up, walking over to the entrance and peeked outside.
The president was the most to do the talking, laughing as children would cling to him or sit on his lap. Robby yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Mmmmarkus?" He mumbled drowsily. "Was happenning?"
"My old species: The humans is finally making peace with us. I hope this will go well..." Markus said, sitting at the entrance of the tent.
"Well... You can be a little too childish at times but no. I don't hate you." Markus looked at Robby and smiled, hair ruffling him.
He giggled softly at the rubs, nuzzling the touch. "Mmsorry...don mean to be...mommy said I got a bad problem with my head so I act silly..." he whispered.
Markus stopped as he slowly returns his atienttion back to the conversation between Roronians and Humans.
Markus just be silent and watched the conversation, hoping for it will go well since his and Robby's parents are in the group in it.
The boy listened and the two parents spoke for the group to be quiet. They stood, as did the president and shook hands. They had already gone over ideas for both nations to live there, and now it was official.
"So how is it, Mom, Dad?" Markus asked Anla and Daniel after the group has scattered as he walks over to them, hugging them.
She smiled and held him, as did the father. Robby hurried over and hugged him too. "They agreed to letting us live free, and living among us as well." She said. "They will be coming here soon."
"Coming here...? Living among us...?" Markus asked Anla confusedly. It's a little strange for him about humans living with him now that he is a Roronian.
"I hope this planet won't be like Earth..." Markus mumbled, looking away from Anla and Daniel, looking quite sad, actually.
"A war broke out because of terrorists and the planet was devastated. The reason... Technology and industry." Markus said, turned away from Anla. His eyes are full of tears now but he doesn't want to cry.
She recoiled her hands slightly, then gripped his arm and pulled him close to her. "Honey, as long as we stay strong we wont let that happen." She whispered.
"I...I hope so..." Markus tried to keep the tears in but he couldn't and one drop rolled down his face, making a faint sizzling sound as it's burning hot.

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