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The Innocent (1x1) [Telios and Andalexanderwept]

There was utter silence as the man left, the cell doors closed and he was alone again. A faint whisper can suddenly, gentle and sweet. "Mark...hey, Mark, buddy." It was Robby, a look of worry on his face. He was trying his best to transport to him, but with the other's life signal so bleak and weak, it was difficult.
"R-Robby...?" Markus mumbled and started looking around, panicked and scared as his trembling continued.
"Shhh, shhh, woah hold still." he said, placing a hand against the others back softly. He could feel him trembling faintly, and his image kept forming and disappearing. "Its okay, I'm here...dont cry, okay?"
"Y-Yes..."Markus nodded and wiped his tears, sniffling as he stopped crying. He was still trembling, though as he was still scared.
"Are you feeling okay? What did h-" He was gone for a moment, then appeared. "Sorry, the connections bad. Dont worry, I'm coming to get you, okay, stay strong, Mark." He whispered, a soft and a tad hessadant kiss was placed on his forehead. 
hesitant* wow ahha))
Markus nodded and slowly backed away from the cell door, sitting down and hugged his knees, looking over them.
Robby disappeared, and didn't return for a long while. While he was gone, the man returned, smiling. "So, did you recover from my gift, boy?" He came in again with a knife and some wires in his hand.
"Well, it was worth a shot." He shrugged and knelt beside him again, dragging him roughly closer so he was half in his lap, half on the floor. "Now, this shall sting, but it will only last...a few days." he grinned and gripped the childs head again, cutting his neck softly up to his scalp.
Markus wanted to scream out in pain but the pain... It stopped him from talking as blood gushed out. His mind and eyesight started to go blurry and dizzy.
He inserted the wires and began to enclose the slits, running the wires under his skin to his head. "We shall see how youre little community work, wont we." He whispered in the boys ear, before laying him on the bed and softly pressing a wire against the back of his neck. It sent a volt of electricity up the boys spine and through his head.
He repeated the act until he found it good enough and rested his head on his hand, seating himself on a chair. "These wires are going to make it so I can learn much about you and you're kind." He sighed and smirked. "Rest, and when you wake up we shall proceed with the evaluation."
"N-No... S-Stop... Pl-Pease... I-I b-beg y-you..." Markus pleaded desperately, his mind was fading away...
Markus screamed out in pain and yelled like a madman and he WAS one now, his mind was slowly fading bit by bit. His skills, wording, memories... The parts of his brain were slowly paralyzed.
Markus panted and slowly fell unconscious on the chair. He ran on like instinct now that his mind is paralyzed. Shocked. Disabled.
Robby appeared for a brief moment, a look of terror in his huge green eyes. "MARKUS!!" he bellowed. "Markus, mom is dying!! Whats wrong with you wake up!!"
Markus groaned as he slowly woke up and looked around. He couldn't speak. He didn't know any word at that time and didn't understand what Robby said.
His form finally kept still and he transported there, able to walk hurriedly to Markus. "Mark...Mark, come on, say something." he said, anger in his voice, but slowly it died down when he saw the look the other gave him. "Mark? ...Do you know who I am?" he whispered.
His heart skipped a beat and he came closer, reaching and softly taking the other's hands, "Mark. Its me. Robby..." He pressed the boys hands to his chest. "Rob. Bee." He pressed them against his own chest. "Mark."

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