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The Innocent (1x1) [Telios and Andalexanderwept]

The jamboree went on for hours, music and laughing and singing. Robby cheered up quiet a bit, bouncing with his mother chuckling along with him. But sadly, the day slowly passed. Maple hurried and grabbed a pen in her skirt as the others got dressed, writing her number on Markus' arm. "Call me, okay?" She hummed.
Markus nodded with a smile as he put on his clothes.

"I'm ready, mom!" Markus called, waiting for his mother and brother.
She smiled and walked Robby back to him. He wasn't crying one bit, wiggling and giggling gently. She helped him get dressed and his father gathered his things, then they went with Markus home. Maple waved goodbye, heart hurting. She hoped she saw him again.
Once the four got home, Robby was too exhausted to move. He was lifted off the ground by his father, carried gently to the bedroom and laid down in his soft blankets. "Mommy..." he whined, but was kissed sweetly on the head and lulled back to sleep. His father sighed and left the room, going out to the other two. "So, your mother told me about your idea of fixing Robby?" He asked gently.
"Yeah, dad." Markus nodded before explaining with a smile: "The treatment will help Robby's autism to go away. Not completely but it would help him away from hurting himself."
He sat and listened, rubbing his chin. He chuckled and looked down and back up. "It sounds...too good to be true, but would it hurt him?" he asked. His wife shook his head softly. "No, dear, it shouldnt hurt him a bit!"
He sighed and leaned back, fiddling with his chin, before nodding. "I suppose we could let the doctors look him over and see what they can do...Those tantrums of his are getting a bit drastic..." he mumbled. His wife sighed. "He must be a bit stressed from all this at school. Though, Ive seen he's made a good friend." She said, referring to the girl who had been at the building with Robby. Robby spoke a bout her a lot, saying how pretty she was and how nice and sweet.
"I know... The time I first met him..." Markus sighed, a mixture of both angry and sad in his tone of voice.

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