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Futuristic The Infinite War (Space Piracy)

Name: Arya Tenson
Age: 210
Species: Lunaworian
Appearance: 564545
Allegiance: Hired gun/ assassin
Ship: 564547
Other info:
Retractable sword: 564549
Throwing knives: 564550

Background/backstory: Not much to tell. Her mother died when she was born her father sold her to a league of space assassins. She learned she's good at killing so she made it her career and trained most of her life to be a weapon. Now she'll do most anything for the right price. She's mostly lost her moral compass.
He scrathed the back of his head. "Merde." He cursed. He called one of his contacts in the central part of the planet. "I need to get my hands on Lexeriann tech."

"Try finding a Lexrian and ask, or take a trip to Eltrix" his contact stated
"Try finding a Lexrian and ask, or take a trip to Eltrix" his contact stated
"You're supposed to find these people for me." Louis said hanging up. He walked over to his ship and turned it on. He went to the atmosphere and then prepared to jump to Eltrix.
"You're supposed to find these people for me." Louis said hanging up. He walked over to his ship and turned it on. He went to the atmosphere and then prepared to jump to Eltrix.

It was going to take 30 minutes to arrive, cuz he had to traverse a few quantum gates
It was going to take 30 minutes to arrive, cuz he had to traverse a few quantum gates
He travelled for thirty minutes. He didn't mind such a short trip. He had pioneered some parts of space. He's lived in his ship for more than a few months at a time.
He travelled for thirty minutes. He didn't mind such a short trip. He had pioneered some parts of space. He's lived in his ship for more than a few months at a time.

As soon as he arrived he could see a few Lexrian warships as well as some space stations, one station was directing him to land
Arya had just left the planet Kiano after collecting payment from her most recent client. She already had a new client who needed a business rival dealt with.

(Hope this is a decent way to jump in)
He did so landing where he was directed.

In the docking bay of a station he was greated by the 8 foot tall Lexrians, where one was wearing something resembling a lab coat "greetings human, welcome to Eltrix station" she smiled

(Btw she looks like Nexxy in my character sheet)
In the docking bay of a station he was greated by the 8 foot tall Lexrians, where one was wearing something resembling a lab coat "greetings human, welcome to Eltrix station" she smiled

(Btw she looks like Nexxy in my character sheet)
"Hello," He said with a bow. "I am Louis Peltier. Would you allow me the generous honor of knowing your name Madame?" Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
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