The Hunted Part 3: A New Threat Lies [Inactive]

"Well all righty then...Lets go!!!" he screamed as he shut Alice's door.

He got in on the other side. He pressed a button on the stereo and the stereo played some music.

"What do you wanna do now?"Lance asked
"Go home, I have a bad feeling like something happened while we were gone" she said looking at Lance with worried eyes

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"Um allright...."He seamed disappointed....Because he was.

Lance began to drive off to the house slowly not wanting to hurt Alice, if they did a little jump by accident.
Lawrence thought about Lance and Alice. He pulled out his phone and he called Alice's phone. "Come on. Pick up." He thought to himself.
Thomas giggled, next thing you know all the electronics in the house shut off, phones,tvs,robots,etc.

Each of them sending an electric bolt out, the phone Lawrence touched shocked him.
Claire was still all alone in the church. She walked to the church library, because there was a library in this churh, and take a book to read. She got back to her flowers and layed to the ground. She openned the book and started reading.
Once Alice got the phone call she looked down and she saw it read, 'Lawrence' She went to pick it up but it shocked her which she tried to put it up to her face. She dropped the phone, grabbing on to her hand.

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Lawrence felt a shock. He dropped his phone. He rubbed his cheek. He picked his phone up and he looked at it curiously. "The hell?" He said to himself.
Lawrence could see electricity crawling around the phone. 
Thomas laughed again walking to the house,to see what kind of confusion he caused.

He looked through the window and laughed at the surprised Lawrence. 
Alice picked up her dropped phone from under the seat. She clicked answer and put it up to her face, a little worried for that shock again.


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(Void that)

Thomas noticed no one was in the house so he decided to grab a rock and throw it at the window,it shattered.

He climbed threw the broken window received a few cuts. He then walked over to the couch, turning the tv on with the remote, then turning on Spongebob.
Claire was reading her book at the curch where she was all alone and started humming, looking up at the sky sometimes. "I know that you are there, somewhere little brother," she said, smiling.
Alice finally heard a voice from the other side of the phone.

"Lawrence! What's wrong? Why are you calling me? Is something wrong? I feel like something is wrong" she said hastily with a worried tone

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" Who's that?" Bryce asked Lawrence. He was fidgiting around. His foot was swollen by now so he had one of his dress shoes off with the sock tucked neatly in it.
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Thomas spun his finger around in circles. Electricity would fly from all the houses into the sky.

The electricity would fall back, and headed towards the woods. 
Thomas jumped off the couch and walked to the fridge, grabbing some food to snack on over at the couch.
Lawrence looked at Bryce. "It's Alice." He talked to his phone. "No nothing is wrong. Just wanted to check on your guys date."
Halo, who had been in the basement, heard noises coming from the living room. She transformed into a saber-toothed tiger and cautiously walked up the stairs to see who was there. "Having a good time?" She growled noticing Thomas.
"No, we're going home because I have a really bad feeling. Are you guys home?" Alice asked as she looked ahead, they were almost home.

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Thomas noticed the big cat, and giggled. Drawing electricity from the fridge, it hardened into an electric spear.

"You could say that cat, i was just watching spongebob and helping myself to the fridge" The electricity was flying by him as a weapon to shield him . 
"So if you excuse me ill be leaving"He tried to walk past the cat the Spear guarding him.
"I will see." Jason lifted Lawrence's phone from his hand and made the object come to him. He did this until he saw the advertisement for the new season for The Walking Dead. This distraction made him lose focus and the phone fell into a cup of orange juice nearby. Jason heard a splash and turned around to see the phone longways in his cup. "Idiot." Bryce said as he shook his head. Jason grabbed Bryce's leg jerked it around. Bryce

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