The Hunted Part 3: A New Threat Lies [Inactive]

She nodded. "And you're name?" Ericka licked her ice cream, showing her what to do. She closed her eyes in delight, loving the taste of cream.
((No, just no... Please... Don't talk in french, it's awfull when you use it. And yeah, you're there))
Lawrence got back in the car. He handed him the slurpie. "Here you go." He started to drive home. "Hey Bryce. Wanna get some ice cream?"
(What do you mean its horrible. I spelled it right. I was born in the Netherlands and moved to France then to America. You butt.)
Bryce was grumpy. "I don't deserve ice cream." He said. "You being nice to me is way worse than.

Flare yelling at me. I can't take the guilt."
(( I am used to see you writing in english and then suddently you write in french, that's why I said that it was horrible))

Claire was surprised. "So that's ice cream..." she said.
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"Yup! Like it?" she bounced, excited. She took another bite of hers, eyes never leaving Claire.
"I know right? We're so trying out even more!" she laughed and held out her cone, seeing if she wanted to try Vanilla.
"Let's go and you can point me where you want to go," she got up, finishing her cone.
"Cars. We drive them to get around faster," she patted the hood, walking past one. "Wanna try?"
"Suit yourself. I'm in the mood for some." He stopped the car in the parking lot. 'I'll be back in a sec." He got out of the car. On the way he noticed two girls looking at on of the cars. "Good afternoon ladies." He walked in ordered his usual. A large peanut butter cone. He got his ice cream and walked out and he was back in the car. "Ready to roll Bryce?"
Lawrence started the car . He detected the attitude in his voice. "Sorry about the stop. Next stop home."Then he started to drive home.

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