The Hunted [Inactive]

Alice reached out her hand but Caleb was already gone. Somehow Alice felt a sad empty feeling when he left, like abandonment. This feeling was quickly preoccupied by the ladies pushing Alice into the dressing room.

They measured Alice which she had no idea what they were doing. Within a little more than half an hour, Alice looked a little cutie, nothing like she did before. Her hair was washed with a mint smelling shampoo, they even curled her hair and did her make up which was just red lipgloss and lashes. She wore a red strapless highlow dress and red flats with bows at the ends.

The ladies than gave Alice what seemed like 20 bags of clothing.

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Caleb went thru the pet store looking at the cats, In till he found a little white Persian Kitten, he bought the cat cat and looked for some toys for Moca and the Persian. 
Caleb came back to the store Alice was at holding a box which contained the new cat, He looked at Alice"You Don't look like a mess anymore I don't know how they did it but it must have took some magic to do so"He then handed the Employee the cash.
(Yay more cats)

The ladies kept asking question which Alice didn't know the answer to half of them was.

"So was that your boyfriend?"

One lady asks with her chin on her hands with a grin

"Boy.. Friend?"

Alice asked with a dumbfound face and tilted head

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(You keep on talking with those lady's and do sometin interesting i want to watch) 
"Its a secret Alice you don't get to see it yet in till we get home, ok"He looked at Alice, then grabbing her hand, he took most of the bags in his left hand and began walking down the mall with Alice.
Before Caleb arrived the lady explained what a boyfriend was. Alice instantly rejected but the lady gave her a look.

"Oh really? You seem to like that boy very much. Do you honey?"

The lady said with a smirk

"Yes. I like Caleb very much" responded innocently, not knowing what she meant by 'like'

"If you like him, hug the boy, see his reaction. If it's positive kiss him on the cheek or maybe on the lips at the end of the day. Boy love that when a girl kisses them. You should be old enough to already know that honey." The lady said with a big grin on her face.

"Oh okay! I want to make Caleb happy" Alice said with a big smile on her face. 
Alice followed behind Caleb, remembering her conversation with the lady.

"Can we get home quick? I don't like the people staring.."

Alice said looking around, people again stared at both of them. But this time without nasty looks. It still felt weird to be stared at
"I'm okay walking" Alice said tilting her head a little bit with a small smile. Alice than surprised hugged Caleb, he was taller than Alice so she could hear his heartbeat. Caleb is very warm so Alice held on a little longer

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Alice didn't want to say the women told her too so she didn't reply, only nuzzled her head into his chest some more. "You're big. Very big and warm" Alice said letting go with a smile on her face. She let out a big yawn which she covered with her fingers. She rubbed her eyes a bit, after all of today she was tired.

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Aren't boy supposed to like that? Alice thought about what the women said. Maybe the lady lied. Alice was a sorts of confused now but now she mostly just tired.

Caleb than asked a question in which Alice thought was funny. She let out a small laugh and smile. She shook her head no since she didn't want Caleb to be annoyed by her.

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"Mmhmm. She said boys liked that and that boys get happy when girls hugged than and also if you kiss them" Alice said innocently. She doesn't know what the lady meant by 'happy'

"And your always nice to me so I wanted to make you happy!" Alice said with a smile

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Caleb Chuckled a little bit, He stared at her in amusement"Are you kidding me,you really are an innocent,yes it would make a guy happy if they were dating or if they liked the person, but kissing that just makes me in general uncomfortable"
"So it's bad?" Alice asked, her facial expression now worried. "Sorry if I did something, I didn't know.." Alice looked down at her shoes now, she felt ashamed and tricked by the lady.

'Caleb doesn't like me anymore' That was the first thought that Alice had

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"Its not bad,it's fine I don't mind you hugging me but no kissing all right" As he said this they entered the yard to the house" I got you present you seem to like cats so here you are" He handed Alice the box with the cat and smiled
'Yay! He doesn't hate me.. But what so bad about kissing?' Was something Alice thought before Caleb gave her the box with the kitten inside. She opened the box carefully not to hurt the kitty. Once it was open, Alice placed the box on the floor and held the Kitty "Kitty!" Alice said cheerfully as she laughed.

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Alice held the kitten in her hands, making sure he's comfortable.

"I forgot to ask.. Am I living here from now on?" Alice said hesitantly

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(Alice doesn't know she has powers, or of they even exist)

"Where else would I go? Would everyone who lived her mind me if I did live here?" Alice asked with a worried smile

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"I Think they would be fine with it, but don't freak out when I show you this"His arm would turn into a hand cannon."Everyone in this house have ability's but they have different powers like one of my friends is a shape shiftier, stuff like that."His hand reverted back to normal.
Alice's eyes widen, shocked, but than she smiled a small smile.

"Although it will definitely take a lot of time to get used to.. I think I would like to live here" Alice's cheerful smile returned on her face.

(Got to go! I'll be back in like 7 hours for only a little bit than I'll return after school which is 8 hours so yah. Byee! Thanks for RPing with me :D )

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