The Hunted [Inactive]

Raven was sitting on the couch, watching the television quietly, then noticed Caleb walk in the door with a half-asleep Alice hanging off his shoulder. He slid over so that Caleb could lay her sleeping form on the couch. He wasn't surprised at the variety of people that came and went in this house anymore, it just had to be a normal thing. "So, two more new family members?" he asked Caleb.
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Raven, content with watching the television, let the thoughts of the day wash over him. And what a day it had been, where he had found many new friends, and still more seemed to join them constantly. "What is this place?" he thought, "It feels so foreign, so far away, and yet.. so much like a home." He looked at the sleeping Alice on the couch next to him, curled into a ball and fast asleep. The last thoughts to wander through his mind before dozing off into sleep were, "This is really a place where you can belong."
Lawrence walked into the room. he controlled one of his marbles to make a table. He placed the food on the table. he looked at Flare. "Diner is served."
Lawrence looked at Flare. He took a sip of his root beer. He looked at Flares bottle. He controlled the cap off. He looked back Flare. "There you go. I don't know if you like root beer or not. If you want me to get something else just say so."
Lawrence thought about the irony of her request. He got up from the bed and walked towards the door. He tried his best Schwarzenegger impression. "I'll be back. With water." Then he walked to the kitchen and got her glass of water. He walked back to her room with no problems. "Here ya go." Lawrence handed her the cup.
Flare couldnt help but laugh alittle as she waited for lawrence. Once he was back, she took the water "Thanks." she put it on the small table and she stood, kissing him softly
Halo walked into the house holding Kodlak. "This place is getting a little crowded aint in?" She growled with a bad mood. "Not to mention the GIANT DAMN HOLE THROUGH THE HOUSE!" She yelled loudly.

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