The Hunted [Inactive]

Alice's stomach growled loudly and she instantly looked down. "My body is weird. It makes whale noises" she says still looking down at her stomach

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"Well im done asking you questions, would you like some candy I bought it at the store for everybody else who lives here, i really don't like sweets.?"He held out some candy for Alice to take. 
"Alice those whale noises indicate that your hungry, take this " he held out the candy again.
Alice took the candy and touched his hand and her hand felt his warmth. It felt nice so Alice just left her hand on his hand. Her hand was bleeding quiet a bit so her blood was going on his hand but it felt nice for her since she liked the warmth. "Red" she said when she say the blood

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(Oops I'm a bad reader hehe)

"It's warm" she says and picks up the candy and pops it into her mouth, not knowing she had to take the wrapper off the candy. "I can see why you don't like candy" she says taking the candy out of her mouth. She put the candy in her jacket pocket. She pointed into the house. "It's warm in there too" she said pointing and staring at Caleb

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"Your supposed to unwrap the candy first, and yes it is warm in there" He grabbed a new piece of candy but first unwrapping it, he placed it in the girls hand"Try it now"
Alice put the candy in her mouth. "I like candy" she said with almost a smile but not really. "Can we go inside? I like the warm" She said chewing on the candy

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Alice followed behind Caleb. She liked his warmth, it was a nice feeling. Alice's clothes dripped while she was walking in but she didn't mind it, although it was making a mess. More whale noises erupted from Alice's stomach. "Shhh" she told her stomach thinking it would be quiet if she told it to.

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"Alice can you go sit over there"He pointed to a couch"I'm going to go make you some food" He let go of Alice's hand a walked into the kitchen and prepared a grilled cheese for Alice and him.
Alice walked over to the coach and there was a ball of fur already on it so Alice sat on the floor in front of it. It was small and curled into a ball so she poked it out of curiosity. The ball of fur unraveled and it has eyes and ears that stuck out of it head and also a tail(Moca). The animal creature looked at Alice and she stared back.

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Caleb walked from the kitchen, to Alice witch he noticed was Poking his cat he put the Grilled cheeses on the coffee table and began to spoke in a sweet tone..."Alice you can pet Moca, But stop poking Her please."
"Ohh. Okay" she said with complete interest. Alice started to pet the cat named Moca and in which purred in exchange. Alice giggled again now a small smile had grown itself on her face.

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Alice than processed to pick up the cat and placed her on her lap. The cat instantly jumped up from her lap since Alice's clothes were still wet and cold. "Aww kitty.." She said with a sad tone

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Caleb finally noticed Alice was soaking wet." We need to get you some new clothes come on" He grabbed Alice's hand and dragged her to a mall.
(*opens portal to mall* haha)

Alice looked around frantically. Everyone was staring at her, well of corse, her hair is nasty and her clothes were dripping. They all gave her dirty looks as Caleb held her hand bringing her to different stores to try on different clothes

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Alice looked around and shrugged. Alice than ran over to a rack and brought it back. It was obviously too big for her size but she didn't have an experience with shopping before.

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He just laughed and stared at the girl, he then called over one of the employees and said"My Friend here needs help picking out some clothes, she has amnesia and cant remember anything useful" 
(I Don't know anything about clothes so you can control the employee)
The women smiled at Caleb and looked at Alice, studying her. "hmm. She needs some work. Would you also like us to fix her hair for her?" She says with a pleasant smile

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"Sure, Ill be right back Alice Stay with the nice lady, i'm going to go get some thing"With that the boy ran out of the store to the pet store and was there for awhile till Alice was done.

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