The Hunted [Inactive]

"Well im sorry for being a jerk a while back"He stared at halo and then looked at the ground his finger turning into a laser gun he fired it at the ground and wrote the number 8"You can punch me that much times..."
Halo raised her fist before putting her hands in her lap. "The stronger person knows revenge does nothing but make things worse for everyone." She muttered. (Gtg)
Raven woke up some short time later. Apparently, he had explored the other rooms, but hadn't found anyone, so he went back to his own room and slept. He was crouched in a corner of his room, his lantern sitting nearby, winking lights at him. He felt that he could get used to this life, and maybe a walk might be nice. he went down the stairs, past the kitchen, on his way out the door.
Raven turned to see Lawrence shout after him. "I'm just going for a walk in the garden, I think it will be relaxing for a little bit."
Halo eventually got up and went back to the house. "I guess I can take a nap and then work in the forge for a little while... Maybe take Kodlak for a run in the forest..." She continued to mutter to herself as she walked through the door to the house.
He turns to walk out of the door, but completely misses seeing Halo walking in. Raven walked directly into her, then tumbled backwards and fell on his backside on the floor. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there. I was just on my way out for a walk when..." He stands up, slowly, brushing himself off with broom-like sleeves. "Are you ok?" he asked.
Halo staggered a little and looked at Raven. "Im fine, sorry I spaced out. You alright?" She said looking at Raven.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine," he said, an almost cheerful grin stretched his vegetable face, "so, what were you doing out there?"
Halo grinned at the question. "Practicing!" She said proudly. "I found out I can transform into this wicked powerful form, but it takes a lot of energy, so I gotta get used to it." She added, eyes shining with excitement.
Raven looked at her, interested to see what she meant, "can I come train with you? It sounds like a lot of fun, and maybe I can help somehow" he smiled again at her
Halo shifted her weight back and forth on each leg, thinking. "Yeah I could go a few more rounds! Lemme get Kodlak and a quick drink first!" She said turning towards the basement and running in.
Raven peered down the basement stairs. But, not wanting to be nosy, he didn't follow her down, just waiting at the top of the stairs. He wondered if it was odd for the others in this house to think of him as a person or a scarecrow.
Lawrence looked at the last slice of pizza. "Maybe Flare would want some." He grabbed the last two slices. Then went to the fridge to get another bottle of root beer. He started to walk to Flares room. He knocked in her door with his foot. "Hey Flare you there?"
Halo grabbed Kodlak and walked up the stairs. "Oh that's Raven, I'm about to go train with him. Wanna come?" She replied to Theo
Raven watched the newcomer run past him down into Halo's room. "I guess he lives here as well," he thought to himself. "I wonder whether he is going to come train with us as well."
Halo walked out of the basement. "Raven, this is Theo. He's been a friend of mine for years. He's gonna come train with us." She said happily, her wolf pup at her heels.
"I'll be in the forest!" Halo said before jogging off with a whistle to tell the wolf pup to follow. "Hurry! I don't like waiting!" she shouted over her shoulder.
Even though Lawrence didn't want to. He started to knock on the door with his head. Between knocks he tried to speak. "Flare... You there... Honey I got food for you.." He kept knocking for a few seconds then he stopped knocking hoping she would respond.

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