The Hunted [Inactive]

Lawrence pulled out a bottle and he tossed it. "Here you go." He then pulled out a root beer. He sat down across from Jason. He opened it then he toke a sip. "What a day."
"Yea," Jason paused." Did you really wanna know why I wanted you guys to marry." He asked

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Halo ran into the basement and ran back out with supplies. She then began to mend the door. "I thought someone mighta died or something..." She muttered. "That's why I panicked."
Lawrence walked around the kitchen looking for food. He found a pizza. He got the oven ready and he put it in the oven. "So what is it?"
Halo smiled sadly, eyes focused on the door. "He's always getting into trouble, huh?" Soon she had almost the whole door done. "Ain't as pretty as before, but if ya want I could paint some designs on it." She added
Halo looked up at Flare. "Ya sure you don't want me to paint some wicked cool firey pictures on the door? I hugeass I could do flowers or something but firey skulls and dragons are way cooler." She said rather excitedly, quickly trying to lighten the mood from earlier events.
"Alrigh' alrigh'." Halo said a little disappointed. "We'll if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go back to my for- Room! I'm gonna go back to my room." She said silently cursing herself and walking away.
Halo laughed nervously and went downstairs with a quick "almost blew it!" To Lawrence before entering the basement and closing the door.
Lawrence thought to himself. "Oh boy." He took the pizza out of the oven. He smelled the fresh pizza. He thought to himself. "Ah perfect." He put the pizza on the counter and let it cool down.
Halo then turned around and walked out of the basement. "Actually, I'm gonna go practice transforming. Haven't really done that in a while and seeing as there's a forest right here I shouldn't be spotted easily." She said. "Also I don't have to worry about hurting anyone if I lose control." She added.
"Yeah, thanks!" Halo said grabbing a slice and heading out the door. "Tell Flare I'm going, will ya? If you need me I've got my phone." She said before walking out the door.
(Holy cheese and potatoes, that took forever to catch up on 0.0 I read all 95 pages, start to finish, wow... Anyway, I'm assuming that the "approved" on the character sheet page included me too, so I'm gonna jump in now :) )

Raben stood underneath the trees of the forest, watching the house from the cover of the branches. He had seen the flare of fire shoot across the fields a little while ago, and normally he would shy away from any fire, but this was different. This fire was directed, it meant civilization. It meant there was someone there. He watched as the door to the house slid open and a girl walked out, though his lantern started to shift colours and pulse slightly. She had an interesting soul. Or souls. He was not sure how it worked, but the lantern was reacting the way it normally did to a crowd. Something was different about this girl. about these people. He debated whether to show himself yet or not. He could not ask his crow, who had nestled into the straw in his chest to hide from the daylight. She tended to prefer the night, but she would never tell him why. So Raben waited alone.
Lawrence walked outside to enjoy the evening air. He then noticed a figure out in the distance. He waved to figure. "Hello out there!"
Raven looked again to see another person step out of the house, a boy this time. He had apparently noticed him standing there, as he had called out and gestured to him. Still unsure of what to do, Raven shouldered his "cross" again, the beams he had been hung up on out in the field in the first place, and made his way towards the house, going over in his mind what he would say, or how he would react if they were hostile. He finally reached 100 feet from the house. "H-hello..." He stammered in a voice that crackled more from his straw body than his gourd head.
Halo had been practicing transforming into her demon form when she heard someone walking through the woods. Not recognizing the scent she turned into a black panther and climbed to the trees trying to get a better look while staying hidden. Finally she was just above the new figure, and she sat in the tree waiting to see their actions.
Lawrence noticed that the figure was walking over. He thought to himself. "I hope he's friendly." He called out to the figure. "What's your name?"
He stammered, "My name is...Raven." His thin stick legs seemed to shake the slightest bit.

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