The Hunted [Inactive]

" A. You have taken care of a child for 3 years. B. You aren't ready for death either but that could be any minute. " he stared into her eyes.

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Lawrence looked at both of them. "For as nice as that sounds. I don't think now is a really good time to get married."
Neo aimed his sattelite at the house the tracker was at last. "Wow what extraordinary folks. To bad I have to break them." He picked up his phone. "Go fetch my jet Benson. And make sure the platoons make it to the house.

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Lawrence looked out of the window. "Well either way we need to be extra careful around here. Now Jason what's with this?" He showed him the object that he puked up earlier.
Lawrence looked at it further. "Well I don't know what it is. But I do know what it's made out of. It's tin." He started to move it around in the air.
Lawrence kept looking at the item. "Well anyway I say it's time for some food." He got up he walked to the door. He looked back. "You guys want anything?"
Halo had fallen asleep right after Lawrence had left. When she woke up all she could smell was blood. She panicked and burst through the sliding door to the room the three were in. (Shigure would be horrified) "What happened!?" She said between heavy breaths.
Flare got up and walked over "Fix my door and i'll tell you." she said, standing there
Lawrence stop and he let him down in one of the seats. He looked at Jason. "So what's with and wanting us to get married all of the sudden? I mean just yesterday it seem like us dating was a bad thing.
Lawrence walked towards the fridge. "Alrighty then I won't ask again." He looked in the fridge. "Do you want anything Jason?"

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