The Hunted [Inactive]

"He is your boyfriend." Jason fell to his knees. "Hurry." He said through clenched teeth. He dialed Lawrence's number then t

ossed her his phone and started to clutch the earth beneath him.

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Lawrence heard his phone going off in his room. He ran back to his room. He looked at his phone. It was Jasons number. He answered. "Hey Jason. What's up?"
Flare instantly spoke "Lawrence! its me, i need you to run into the woods, theres a clearing. Theres a tracker on Jason, we need to get it out!"
Lawrence's heart skipped a beat when he heard the news. "Alright I'm on my way now." He hang up the phone. And started to run. Before he got out he yelled. "Halo! Your in charge! I'll be back!" He started to run through the forest. He yelled. "Jason! Flare! Where are you guys!?"
Flare sent a flame towards the direction they came from, hoping lawrence would find them
Lawrence saw the fire ball. He started to run faster. He finally found the opening. "Guys! I'm here!" He finally stopped and started to relax. "So. What's the problem?"
He walked over to Jason. He looked at the tracker. "It's all right bud. Just don't move." He started to move the tracker. "Oh boy. This thing is on his sternum. This is gonna bleed a lot." He looked at Flare. "Get ready to cover the wound." He looked back at Jason. "Hey this gonna hurt like a bitch." Then he started to control the tracker. Making sure that the tracker let's go of the sternum. Then he started the pull the tracker again. Then he finally pulled out the tracker. "I got it. Sternum free of course."
Jason screamed. The blood pouring out of his chest. He looked up at the two people he considered his parents. The earth seemed to be at a slight tilt. His vision became cloudy. Jason threw his head back then passed out.

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Lawrence made it back to the house. He opened the door. He looked at Flare. "Do you know which room is Jason's?"

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