The Hunted [Inactive]

Halo walked past Flare's room. "Sorry for eavesdropping, I can't really help me hearing..." She said placing her hands on her head like pointed ears. "But last I checked Lawrence and I were tied for second oldest. Anyway, here." She said tossing a wallet in the bed. "There's a couple hundred in there I think." She said before waking away
Jason got up off of the floor. " Hey Lawrence." He said waving as if he hasn't known he was there. " Hey, Flare. Can I show you something?" He asked. "In private."

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Flare looked at Jason and nodded "Sure..." she says, standing and streching out her limbs "Halo, Lawrence, you're in charge."
"All of it, now may I please talk to Flare?" He said pushing Lawrence towards the door.

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Halo laughed. "Sometimes I question your sanity Flare. Turning down money AND putting me in charge?" She said walking down to the basement.
Lawrence looked at Jason and Flare. "Alright. I'll be in my room if you need me." He walked into his room and he jumped onto his bed. Then he went back to his book.
Jason took of his shirt. Showing Flare the top of his chest. Where his necklace had been there were four needle like things sticking out of his chest. "Look"

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"It came out of the necklace the yesterday. It has been in my necklace all this time. You bought this the day before we got attacked." He said. " Its a tracker."

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Flare grabbed him "Follow me." she said, hurrying out the house and running far with him
Lawrence walked out of his room. "Well that sounds bad." He walked to the basement. He knocked on the door. He was ready to work with the forge again.
Flare lifted his shirt and she placed her hand on his chest, warming up the spot till it was numb "Do you want me to rip it out? It might hurt..."
"Oh god no." He said. " Lawrence. Maybe you could numb it and he could take it out. But it might be stuck to my sternum." He said looking at Flare gloomy. "Its worth a shot." Jason shrugged.

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"We have to go get Lawrence. We can do it in a park or something. Besides they might have our address already." Jason said grimacing. "Its vibrating, it is now or never.

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